A Chaotic World

Chapter 133: Bloodline of a Primal Beast

Chapter 133: Bloodline of a Primal Beast

"Lingxin," Sect Master Leiba spoke into his communication ring.

"Sect Master," the reply from the other end came almost instantly.

"Go look into which influence that sword and sabre dual wielder belongs to. I want to know every single detail you can find about that participant, and you'd better make sure that I get the information before I no longer need it!" Sect Master Leiba's voice was slightly quivering despite how he was trying to suppress his rage.

"Understood, Sect Master."

Sect Master Leiba took deep breaths as he put down his hand.

To think that Beihua Wanlei, the top genius of his sect, had been eliminated prematurely, and by a mere nobody at that.

Simply unacceptable!

"Don't worry, Sect Master Leiba," City Lord Nanlan assured him from the side. "His opponent obviously only got lucky there. We all understand that if Beihua Wanlei has been at his peak condition, there is no way that he would have lost!"

"Wanlei has really embarrassed himself in front of City Lord Nanlan," Sect Master Leiba let out a dry laugh. "I hope City Lord Nanlan wouldn't pay it much mind."

"It happens to everyone, so Sect Master Leiba does not have to be too concerned," City Lord Nanlan shook his head. "Anyway, since Sect Master Leiba is interested, I will ask my friends as well to see if there is anyone who knows the identity of that participant. If I find out who it is, I will definitely inform Sect Master Leiba."

"I appreciate City Lord Nanlan's help then."

General Xionghao could not help but have mixed feelings when he heard the conversation between them.

Didn't the kid come from City Lord Nanlan's Bluenight City?

Could it be that City Lord Nanlan is not only ignorant of the kid's talent, but even of his fighting style as well?

What does City Lord Nanlan even know about him?

Or could it be that City Lord Nanlan knew all along, but has just been acting as a total hypocrite since the start?

Damn, I really need to watch out for this City Lord Nanlan in the future!


Back on the platform, the fight between Beimu Fei and the swordsman from the Flaming Shadow Sect had resumed after a short pause.

While everyone was still shocked at how Beihua Wanlei had been eliminated, the swordsman had shot a fireball towards a formation flag on the ground, triggering Beimu Fei into action once again.

Even though Beimu Fei's fighting prowess as one of the Four Stars was well known by all, this swordsman was no pushover either.

With his sword in hand, the swordsman was able to put up a brilliant defence, parrying Beimu Fei's sword blow again and again.

But things changed when Lu Tianzi stepped forward to join the fray.

Seeing that Lu Tianzi was fast approaching, the swordsman was not nearly stupid enough to stay tangled with Beimu Fei.

From their earlier interaction, it was clear enough that these two participants had already teamed up.

Dealing with Beimu Fei alone was already troublesome enough. If another opponent was added into the mix, the swordsman would definitely fail to keep up!

The swordsman immediately retreated, creating a safe distance between him and his opponent.

"Not going to stop me anymore?" Beimu Fei mocked before pulling out another formation flag from her spatial ring.

She even waved it lightly in front of her to taunt the swordsman, before finally planting it down firmly on the platform.

"You must be kidding. There is no way that I will be able to do so now," the swordsman calmly answered. "However, at least I have tried to do so, unlike some people who talk big but are only capable of watching when it came down to it!"

Beiqian Ming felt as though a vein popped in his forehead.

That swordsman might not have mentioned any names, but it was obvious to all that he was referring to him and Fourth Prince Mosha!

Now that things had progressed to such a state, if he still continued to stand by and watch, then things would really get out of hand, especially if Beimu Fei successfully placed down her formation.

With that, he turned towards Fourth Prince Mosha. "Isn't it about time that we made our moves?"

"Indeed, it seems like this has dragged on long enough," Fourth Prince Mosha answered before stretching his neck a little. "Perhaps it is about time to get rid of the unnecessary characters."

Hearing those worse, everyone on the platform tensed up.

The question was who exactly did he mean by unnecessary characters?

Fourth Prince Mosha did not keep everyone guessing for long. He immediately drew his twin sabres, charging straight towards the participant who was nearest to him!

"Shit!" his target immediately drew back, but how could he outrun Fourth Prince Mosha?

Fourth Prince Mosha slashed down and completely blew away his opponent's defence, before quickly finishing it off with his other sabre.

It was over before anyone even knew what happened.

In two quick strikes, Fourth Prince Mosha had eliminated a participant, not even giving him the chance to perform any form of retaliation!

"How weak!" Fourth Prince Mosha sighed before turning his attention to the rest.

At this moment, he raised his sabre and pointed to the remaining participants.

"You, you, you, you" he pointed his sabre at ten different participants. "all ten of you, come at me together! Let's not waste everyone's time!"

The ten participants who had been pointed out by Fourth Prince Mosha took a quick glance at each other.

At this point, other than Lu Tianzi, the only ones remaining in the battle royal were all at the Peak Essence Condensation realm.

Wanting to challenge ten of them at once, wasn't Fourth Prince Mosha acting a little too full of himself?

Even if he was one of the Four Stars, surely they stood a chance of defeating him if they just worked together well enough!

They gave each other an understanding nod.

Since the other party had already pointed them out, it would be quite embarrassing to cower away before the eyes of the countless spectators.

On top of that, if they truly managed to take out Fourth Prince Mosha here, their names would surely resound across the kingdom for the years to come!

With that, they immediately made up their minds.

It might be their first time working together, but their teamwork was almost flawless as they quickly fanned out to surround Fourth Prince Mosha.

"It is good that you have the courage to face me!" Fourth Prince Mosha nodded in satisfaction. "As your reward, let me show you my true strength!"

Fourth Prince Mosha drove the Slaughter Essence in his inner world, drawing out the strength within his body. The Slaughter Essence materialised, shrouding his entire body in a red film of energy.

But apart from that, there was something else that was awakening from within him.

A sense of danger swept across the entire platform, causing all ten of his opponents to feel their lips drying up in nervousness.

This feeling was just like they were weak prey that had obliviously wandered into the territory of an apex predator.

As this sense of danger slowly grew, just standing there was starting to become more and more difficult. They had to steel their resolves just so that they would not instinctively retreat out of fear!

Though Lu Tianzi was not one of the ten who were currently facing Fourth Prince Mosha, he could similarly feel an ominous sense of danger from Fourth Prince Mosha.

So this is how it feels to face the strongest of the Four Stars?

How exhilarating!

As though understanding Lu Tianzi's thoughts at the moment, Beimu Fei conveyed her voice over to him. "Fourth Prince Mosha is a little different from everyone else. What you are feeling right now is due to him activating the bloodline of a primal beast."

"Bloodline of a primal beast?" Lu Tianzi asked.

"Since you are not from the capital, it is no wonder that you are unaware. His Majesty had previously absorbed the blood essence of a primal beast, the Emerald Sabretooth. This beastial bloodline now runs in his blood, giving him an overall upgrade in terms of strength. As his descendant, Fourth Prince Mosha naturally inherited the same bloodline. Although its purity is much lower in comparison to His Majesty, it is still able to give him an absolute edge when activated!"

"Absorb the blood essence of a beast? Such a thing is possible as well?" Lu Tianzi was shocked.

"Apparently it is all about compatibility and whether the original body is strong enough to withstand the integration of the new bloodline. Mostly luck they say. If things went wrong, the individual might be heavily injured or even die in the process." Beimu Fei shrugged. "Fourth Prince Mosha basically got the easy way out by directly inheriting it from his father."

Lu Tianzi fell into deep contemplation.

The process might sound different from how he had gained the capabilities of demons, but the end result was similar.

Both ways seemed to provide a huge spike in strength to the individual by introducing a secondary power system.

On top of that, beasts were generally mightier than people who were at the same cultivation realm. By absorbing the blood essence of beasts, one would be able to gain the traits of the beast, giving them an unmatched advantage against their peers!

If that was the case, would it be possible for him to absorb the blood essence of a beast as well?

Lu Tianzi decided that when he had the chance, he would definitely have to look into this matter!

At this point, if not for the black shade hiding away his true form, everyone would be able to see that Fourth Prince Mosha was starting to show some physical changes as well.

His tanned skin was starting to give off a slight emerald colour, and the fur on his body was growing thicker. Even his fingernails grew longer into pointed edges, and his canine into fangs.

The danger aura that he was emanating had also become much stronger in comparison to before.

He scanned his eyes across his ten opponents before shouting out in excitement.

"Here I come!"

Fourth Prince Mosha exploded with a speed far beyond what these ten opponents were capable of. Despite being surrounded at first, he had appeared before one of his opponents before any one of them was able to even react!

"Wha-?" his poor target barely managed to bring up his guard, only to have it completed demolished by the powerful Fourth Prince.

The poor target did not even have the time to finish speaking a single word before he was eliminated, dissipating into beams of light!

"Get him together!" the remaining nine knew better than to stay passive.

If they did not actively go on the offence, they would only end up being picked off one by one, completely at the mercy of Fourth Prince Mosha!

But while he was the centre of attention at this moment, Fourth Prince Mosha was not the only one making his move.

At this moment, Beiqian Ming had arrived before the swordsman from Flaming Shadow Sect.

"You sure talk a lot for a small fry. But are you still able to fight?" Beiqian Ming asked.

"Aren't those words more suited for you instead?" the swordsman retorted.

"You don't have to worry about that. I can assure you that I am more than capable of walking the talk," Beiqian Ming answered. "How about it? Would you be able to delay Beimu Fei a little longer?"

"I am not exactly a fan of fights that are obviously disadvantageous to me," the swordsman replied.

"What if we work together?" Beiqian Ming suggested. "While you delay Beimu Fei, I will go get rid of that Intermediate Essence Condensation realm helper of hers. After that, we can finish off Beimu Fei together."

And then it will be your turn.

Of course, Beiqian Ming knew better than to say that last line.

"If it is just Beimu Fei, it shouldn't be too difficult for me to delay for a while," the swordsman nodded.

This seemed to be the most feasible plan for now.

Even though everyone was shocked when Lu Tianzi managed to eliminate Beihua Wanlei, it was only in consideration of his current cultivation level.

No one believed that Lu Tianzi would be able to take down Beihua Wanlei had the latter been facing him seriously from the start.

For Lu Tianzi to win in a frontal battle, it would probably only be possible after some time, when his talent had been allowed to fully blossom!

And that was the exact reason why Beiqian Ming had volunteered to be the one to take out Lu Tianzi.

He wanted to take the easy job of finishing off the weakest participant on the map. This way, he would be able to conserve as much of his strength as possible!

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