A Chaotic World

Chapter 138: What is the Meaning of This?

Chapter 138: What is the Meaning of This?

Upon realising that it was pertaining to their rank, every participant hurriedly checked the number that had appeared on their palms.

All of them were still most curious about themselves.

Only after they had confirmed their own ranks did they start to look around at others.

Earlier, upon being eliminated from the battle royal, the participants had felt like their senses had been completely cut off from the outside world.

Even though some time had obviously passed in between, all of them felt as though they had woken up in their actual bodies immediately after they had been eliminated.

As for what happened in the time between their elimination and the end of the battle royal, none of them had a clue.

Thus among them, Lu Tianzi and Fourth Prince Mosha were the only ones who knew their end results.

"One hundred and seventy four" Nanlan Qianxue sighed in disappointment when she saw the number shown on her palm.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Your rank should already be considered among the top of those at the Primary Essence Condensation realm," Nanhuang Jiansheng laughed. "On the other hand, I only managed to obtain a rank of one hundred and thirty two despite being at the Peak Essence Condensation realm."

"I know that as well, but I still can't help but feel slightly disappointed," Nanlan Qianxue sighed helplessly.

"I am ranked over two hundred" the other participant from Bluenight Palace forced out an awkward smile.

Despite possessing a higher cultivation level than Nanlan Qianxue, he had obtained a much lower rank in comparison!

If Nanlan Qianxue was feeling disappointed with her rank, then how exactly should he feel?

Should he kill himself in grieve?!

Upon hearing his words, Nanlan Qianxue felt a little embarrassed about her careless words.

"W-What about you, Inscription Master Nanlu Tianzi?" Nanlan Qianxue hurriedly tried to divert the topic.

"Eh? Me?" Lu Tianzi was stumped for a moment.

If he told them that he was ranked number one again this time, would they be scared out of their wits?

Right at this moment, the voice of the Scarlet Moon Overlord reverberated across the Battle Arena once more.

"Now that the ranks are revealed, it is time to have the top ten rankers up on the main platform. Let us all have a good look at these promising youngsters who have managed to rise above the rest!" the Scarlet Moon Overlord exclaimed with a big smile.

"The top ten!" Nanlan Qianxue's attention was immediately attracted towards the platform.

"Apart from the Four Stars, I wonder who will be included," Nanhuang Jiansheng thought out loud as well.

"I will be right back," Lu Tianzi whispered to Nanlan Qianxue.

"Hmm? Where are you going?" Nanlan Qianxue asked thoughtlessly.

But instead of getting a reply, Nanlan Qianxue only saw the person who had been standing beside her suddenly leap up into the air.

Her eyes widened in shock as she followed Lu Tianzi's figure with her gaze, all the way until he landed right onto the floor of the main platform!


Nanlu Tianzi just went onto the main platform?

Did that mean

"Nanlu Tianzi managed to squeeze into the top ten?!" the person from Bluenight Palace was the first to express his shock.

"What a surprise! I wonder what kind of fortune he experienced during the battle royal to be able to do so!" Nanhuang Jiansheng was amazed as well. "Could it be that Beimu Fei helped him out?"

After all, it seemed that Nanlu Tianzi was learning from Beimu Fei's master right now.

"That should be the case" Nanlan Qianxue nodded blankly.

Even though she was confident in Lu Tianzi's ability, him getting into the top ten was still far beyond her expectations!

One had to remember that Nanhuang Jiansheng who had defeated him in a single blow was still ranked over a hundred. It simply did not make sense for Lu Tianzi to be able to come this far by relying solely on his own ability.

In fact, Lu Tianzi truly did receive some form of help from Beimu Fei. However, this help was not to entering the top ten, but to be the very top of them all!

At the moment, the attention of every spectator present was on the ten participants standing on the main platform, all of them trying to ingrain the looks of these ten youngsters into their memories.

All ten of them stood proudly on the main platform, basking in the absolute attention of the countless number of influential people who had come from all over the kingdom.

This, right now, was their moment of glory!

But why did it feel like something was amiss?

The participants below the main platform started to notice that there was something strange about this scene.

No matter how they looked at it, there just seemed to be something that was not right about the people standing atop of the main platform.

And then somebody finally realise what the problem was one of the Four Stars was missing from the platform!

Below the platform, Beihua Wanlei was clenching his fists so tightly that his nails were literally cutting into his flesh.

Despite being one of the Four Stars, he had actually been knocked out of the top ten spots!

What kind of nonsense was this?

"What are you looking at?!" he snapped in rage upon realising that the people around him had their eyes on him.

Everyone immediately turned away, not daring to offend this temperamental genius.

Beihua Wanlei gritted his teeth in frustration as he looked towards the people on the main platform with hatred.

If he was allowed to face any of those idiots apart from the Four Stars, he was certain that he would be able to absolutely destroy them in a one on one fight!

Yet he here was, shamefully denied the glory that he deserved!

He definitely had to find out just who was that Intermediate Essence Condensation realm martial artist who dared to backstab him!

Then his gaze landed upon one person.

Isn't that the one who was standing with Nanlan Qianxue earlier? The one whom Beimu Fei said is Formation Master Beimu's new student?

He actually managed to get into the top ten as well?

In fact, Beihua Wanlei was not the only one who was showing interest in Lu Tianzi right now.

Among the spectators, everyone's eyes were locked onto Lu Tianzi at the moment.

Earlier, everyone saw that the one who won the entire battle royal was a martial artist at the Intermediate Essence Condensation realm.

Now, other than Lu Tianzi whose cultivation level was concealed, everyone else was at the Peak Essence Condensation realm.

By means of simple elimination, this meant that he must have been the last one standing!

But just who was this unfamiliar kid who managed to prevail against the strongest of opponents?

The spectators could not help but wonder.

Of course, there were also those who recognised him.

Formation Master Beimu had a gentle smile on her face, but she chose not to speak out at this time. Even if she did not state it personally, people will eventually learn about his status as her student.

She would just patiently wait till then.

But apart from that, Formation Master Beimu could not help but feel amazed at just how talented Lu Tianzi was.

He was not only an inscription master, but also a newly qualified formation master. Now, he was even the absolute winner of the entire Scarlet Moon Heroes Meet!

Surely the heavens had closed one eye when creating an existence like him!

Even with her gentle disposition, Formation Master Beimu could not help but feel excited for him. Just what kind of future was awaiting this youngster?

Seated further away from the Scarlet Moon Overlord, City Lord Nanlan was astonished as well.

The top ranker of the Scarlet Moon Heroes Meet was actually Nanlu Tianzi from his Bluenight City?

What an absolutely pleasant surprise!

City Lord Nanlan definitely knew that Nanlu Tianzi was talented. But never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined that Nanlu Tianzi would be able to clinch the first place among geniuses who came from all over the kingdom, prevailing even over the Four Stars of Scarlet Moon City!

With this, there was no doubt that his Bluenight City would receive a lot more attention from the Scarlet Moon Overlord in the future, and his words would also bear a lot more weight in court discussions from now on.

It was just too bad that he had never seen Nanlu Tianzi go all out in a fight prior to this.

If he had realised that it was Nanlu Tianzi while the battle royal was still ongoing, then he would definitely have enjoyed a lot more while watching!

"And now, the ranks!" the Scarlet Moon Overlord remarked.

With his words, the numbers that had been in the palm of the top ten rankers flew up into the air, hovering above them. This allowed everyone to see just who held which rank.

The participants themselves were completely caught by surprise by the huge reveal!

Beiqian Ming Ranked Fourth.

Beimu Fei Ranked Third.

Fourth Prince Mosha Ranked Second.

And just who the hell was that guy who was ranked first?!

He actually managed to defeat Fourth Prince Mosha?

The participants were dumbfounded to see that the invincible Fourth Prince Mosha in their minds had been relegated to second place!

"Nanlu Tianzi is ranked first?" Nanlan Qianxue could not help but exclaim out in shock, but in her voice was a sense of awe and admiration.

"J-Just how is this possible?" even the usually Nanhuang Jiansheng was caught completely off guard.

Could it be that back then when Lu Tianzi lost to him in Bluenight City, Lu Tianzi had been holding back his strength?

Even Beimu Fei looked at Lu Tianzi in surprise.

To think that after she had been eliminated, he was still able to emerge victorious over Fourth Prince Mosha.

How fortunate!

"What the ten of you achieved here is a glorious deed! State clearly just who you are, so that everyone present will be able to hear your name!" the Scarlet Moon Overlord urged.

"Dongshen Pingtu from the Cratered Earth Sect, Ambersky City!" the first person answered proudly. "Ranked Tenth!"

"Beiyun Qing from the Scarlet Moon Palace, Scarlet Moon City. Ranked Ninth!"

"Beiyun Zhong from the Scarlet Moon Palace, Scarlet Moon City. Ranked Eighth!"

"Beidi Heiyan from the Flaming Shadow Sect, Scarlet Moon City. Ranked Seventh!"

"Beiqian Ming from the Flying Dragon Hall, Scarlet Moon City. Ranked Fourth!"

"Beimu Fei from the Beimu Clan, Scarlet Moon City. Ranked Third!"

"Beiyue Mosha from the Scarlet Moon Palace, Scarlet Moon City. Ranked Second!" Fourth Prince Mosha called out

"Nanlu Tianzi from the Nine Suns Sect, Bluenight City!" Lu Tianzi announced to the entire arena. "Ranked First!"

Cheers erupted once again.

This time it was not directed towards any one individual, but towards all ten of them who were standing atop the platform right now, congratulating them for their achievement of prevailing in such a chaotic battle that involved hundreds of participants fighting all at once.

The Scarlet Moon Overlord nodded in satisfaction as he looked at these ten youngsters.

They might still be weak at the moment, but they still had a long road ahead of them.

Even with his strength, it was impossible for him to handle everything by himself.

In the future, these youngsters standing before him were destined to grow into pillars of support, people whom he would be able to rely on, aiding him in making the Scarlet Moon Kingdom flourish even more than it already had.

And among these ten, there were some who even stood head and shoulders above the rest in terms of sheer talent!

But while the Scarlet Moon Overlord was lost in contemplation, another individual was about to explode from rage.

"City Lord Nanlan," Sect Master Leiba's tone was extremely cold.

"What is the matter, Sect Master Leiba?" City Lord Nanlan excitedly turned towards him, thinking that the latter wanted to congratulate his Bluenight City for producing the victor of the Scarlet Moon Heroes Meet.

However, City Lord Nanlan immediately noticed that something seemed to be wrong with the latter's expression

Not that his realisation would help in any way.

"That youngster who is ranked first is actually from your Bluenight City?" Sect Master Leiba cast a cold glance at City Lord Nanlan. "Did you not assure me earlier that you will inform me when you find out the identity of that participant who took out Wanlei? Now tell me, just what is the meaning of this?"

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