A Chaotic World

Chapter 162: Who Are You Saying is One of You?

Chapter 162: Who Are You Saying is One of You?

Everything happened far too quickly for the human soldiers to react.

Before they knew it, a masked demon had penetrated through their defensive line, proceeding to inflict grievous injuries to two of the four District Heads who were stationed behind them.

But now, they finally came to their senses.

"Squad E, guard the District Heads and take down the masked enemy!" one of the officers commanded in a hurry. He was trying his best not to lose his cool in this absurd situation.

The back lines of the human soldiers quickly broke off from the defensive line, roaring at the top of their voice as they charged towards Lu Tianzi.

As their comrades in front fought valiantly, they had been forced to watch from the back, waiting patiently for their turn.

In such a high tension environment, the wait was starting to get on their nerves.

But now, it was finally time for them to act!

Dozens of soldiers headed straight for Lu Tianzi with their weapons brandished, their killing intent surging into the air.

Lu Tianzi, however, completely ignored the approaching soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared before Gong Tiesha.

Sword light flashed.

Lu Tianzi's attack came so quickly that Gong Tiesha could not even move to resist, freely allowing the sword in his opponent's hands to stab straight into his chest.

The Sword of Ivory Rock exited Gong Tiesha's body the same way it entered, drawing a stream of blood along with it.


Gong Tiesha spat out a mouthful of blood as his eyes glazed over. He quickly lost strength in his legs, causing his body to fall limply to the ground.

Just like that, Gong Tiesha became the first of the four District Heads to depart from this world, joining his son in the afterlife.

At this moment, Wen Ping finally snapped out of his daze.

His entire body was covered in cold beads of sweat as he looked down at his two hands in disbelief, as though still trying to make sense of what happened earlier.

Just a moment ago, Wen Ping was still facing the ghastly apparition in a world of darkness.

It was a ferocious devil, emitting endless nether energy that seemed to have originated from the depths of hell. It was as though it commanded the power of death itself.

Just by facing that ghastly apparition, Wen Ping had to endure a terrifying degree of pressure on his psyche!

Even though it was finally over, the experience had utterly drained him of his mental strength.

Now that Wen Ping's consciousness had returned to the real world, he finally realised that it was all an illusion. Yet this illusion felt so real, as though he had truly just survived a close encounter with death.

Having been through such a harrowing experience, the current Wen Ping found it difficult to even remain on his trembling feet.

"Be careful, he is behind you!" Rui Xucheng shouted in disbelief.

He had finally managed to suppress the pain from his injury. Seeing that Wen Ping was completely unaware of the approaching Lu Tianzi, Rui Xucheng immediately tried to warn him.

But with Wen Ping in such a pitiful state, how would he ever be able to defend himself from Lu Tianzi?


Right as Wen Ping turned around to face him, Lu Tianzi's sword pierced straight into his chest. Just like what he did with Gong Tiesha, he had directly stabbed through Wen Ping's heart, claiming his life in a single strike!

"Damn it, protect District Head Rui!"

Seeing that it was no longer possible to save the rest of the District Heads, the approaching soldiers quickly rushed to stand between Lu Tianzi and Rui Xucheng.

Of the four District Heads, Cui Yuanping was currently lying motionlessly on the ground, his life or death uncertain.

Both Wen Ping and Gong Tiesha had a sword pierced straight through their hearts. The chances of them surviving were slim to say the least.

The only one who still seemed to be capable of moving was Rui Xucheng. Therefore, the soldiers naturally prioritised guarding him from the masked demon.

Even if there was only one person left to protect, they would still do their best to fulfil their roles!

As for City Lord Hu, they were not nearly hopeful enough that they would be able to interfere in the fight among Origin Core realm martial artists.

It was likely that even if all of them threw their bodies at the demon leaders without regard for their own lives, all that they would achieve was to slightly irritate the demon leaders.

"You demon!" Rui Xucheng struggled to his feet under the protection of the line of human soldiers. "Or should I say you traitor of humanity, Lu Tianzi!"

Traitor of humanity, Lu Tianzi!

Everyone froze up momentarily when those words echoed through the main square of the Officials District.

Even the three Origin Core realm demons who were about to succeed in subduing Hu Yuanbo could not help but hesitate for a moment.

They might have been focused on taking down the opponent before them, but that did not mean they were oblivious to what was going on around them.

When they noticed Nanlu Tianzi taking care of the four Essence Condensation realm martial artists like it was nothing, they did not think much of it.

After all, how could mere human trash ever stand up to the top ranker of the Scarlet Moon Heroes Meet?

It was only natural that they would be annihilated in the hands of Nanlu Tianzi!

However, one of those pieces of trash actually called out Nanlu Tianzi for being a traitor?

How did this situation come to be?

If not because Rui Xucheng had directly called out Nanlu Tianzi's name, or at least a similar name without the word 'nan' in front, they would have disregarded it altogether.

But now, they noticed that even Nanlu Tianzi had stopped in his tracks.

Could it be that there was more to it than they thought?

Did Nanlu Tianzi have some sort of unknown relationship with this human settlement?

This brief hesitation could have been the chance that Hu Yuanbo had been desperately searching for, yet he ultimately failed to take advantage of it.

That was because he, like everyone else, had been shocked by Rui Xucheng's exclamation!

That masked demon was actually Lu Tianzi?

After taking a quick look, Hu Yuanbo finally understood how Rui Xucheng came to his conclusion.

"Why have you stopped moving?" Rui Xucheng sneered, though his face was still pale from the pain that he was going through right now. "I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? Even if we ignore your combat style of dual wielding sword and sabre, the Sword of Ivory Rock in your hands is the best proof! Since you have already betrayed us, why don't you stop hiding behind that mask of yours and show your cowardly face to the people of humanity?"

Lu Tianzi stood still, staring straight past the line of soldiers and matching the gaze of Rui Xucheng.

"Traitor of humanity?" Lu Tianzi laughed. "So what if I am, and so what if I am not? What has that got to do with a bunch of people who are about to die?"

He did not bother hiding his words with by means of voice conveyance, choosing to speak out loud instead.

"What?" Rui Xucheng frowned. "What arrogance! Do you really think that the demons will treat you well after taking you in? You are nothing but a tool for them! Once you have served your purpose, you will just end up being killed without even realising it!"

"Are you trying to convince me to fight for you now?" Lu Tianzi shook his head in disappointment. "Rui Xucheng, do you still not understand the situation you are currently in?"

"Tch! We should have killed you directly back then!" Rui Xucheng gritted his teeth in frustration. He was indeed trying to sway Lu Tianzi if at all possible. With the fighting capability that Lu Tianzi had exhibited, pulling him over to their side would result in a huge boost to their overall strength level.

However, he had not held much hope from the start. After all, the history between them was quite the colourful one.

The moment Lu Tianzi showed the slightest bit of disdain for his offer, Rui Xucheng immediately gave up on that thought.

"What is going on?" General Nanbai Zhaoyu finally asked.

His words woke the heavily injured Hu Yuanbo from his daze. Hu Yuanbo immediately seized the opportunity to distance himself from his three opponents, breaking out of their encirclement.

But despite his hurry, it was as though the three Origin Core realm demons did not even care, staying motionless as they directed their attention towards Rui Xucheng and Lu Tianzi.

"Nanlu Tianzi, do you know this human?" Elder Diansheng added.

In their eyes, the current Hu Yuanbo had already been heavily injured by them. The moment they resumed their offence, it would probably not take them too long in order to subdue the human leader.

Even if Hu Yuanbo chose to escape, there were other Origin Core realm demons waiting for him no matter which direction he fled in.

Such being the case, they had the leeway to allow him some freedom while they pursued the doubts before them.

Hu Yuanbo was not an idiot.

Even though he was long out of tricks, Hu Yuanbo had still been desperately trying to find a way out of this situation. But seeing that the Origin Core realm demons did not even place him in their eyes, Hu Yuanbo could not help but think of the worst scenario.

It was then that he finally realised just how dire the situation truly was!

Just as everyone had their attention fixed upon Lu Tianzi, eagerly awaiting his answer, Hu Yuanbo suddenly burst into a crazed laughter!


This hearty laughter sounded especially tragic in the ears of others. Everyone turned their attention away from Lu Tianzi and towards the Lord of Ivory Rock City.

After a while, Hu Yuanbo finally stopped laughing. He then spoke with a thunderous voice that reverberated throughout the main square.

"What did they call you? Nanlu Tianzi? I can't believe you even decided to take on the demons' signature in your name! Do you think that simply by doing so, they will choose to accept you? Dream on! Humans and demons will always be eternal enemies. No matter how you change your name, you can never hide the fact that you are human like the rest of us! Even if we are destined to die today, it will be your turn to follow soon enough!"

Not intending to wait for Lu Tianzi's reply, Hu Yuanbo immediately turned towards the three Origin Core realm demons as he continued. "You asked if Lu Tianzi knows us? Of course he does! Because he is one of us to begin with! I don't know how he managed to convince you to accept him into your ranks, but to think that the Shadowfront Fortress would accept our human sacrifice as one of your kind, how pathetic! Then again, I should have known from the start that you demons would resort to such all sorts of means in order to attain victory!"

In his current state of despair, Hu Yuanbo had ended up saying a lot more than he had intended to.

Upon the completion of his words, silence fell upon the main square of the Officials District. At this moment, the fighting ceased completely as waves of shock surged through the hearts of everyone present.

The human soldiers of Ivory Rock City stopped.

What did City Lord Hu just say?

What human sacrifice? Who?

The traitorous Holy Guardian, Lu Tianzi?

They could not help but think back to that fateful day months ago, when Lu Tianzi stood before everyone and called City Lord Hu out for plotting against Holy Guardians.

At that point in time, none of them had believed Lu Tianzi's words. What about now?

The demon soldiers of Shadowfront Fortress stopped.

They were talking about the renowned Nanlu Tianzi, the only Essence Condensation realm martial artist allowed into the war room when he first arrived at Shadowfront Fortress along with the reinforcements!

He was actually a sacrifice from Ivory Rock City?

Did that mean he was actually a human? How was that possible?

But if that was not the case, then how would anyone be able to explain what was happening right now?

The reinforcement group from Bluenight City stopped as well.

Shadowfront Fortress had been receiving human sacrifices from this human settlement?

That was not what they were told at all!

On top of that, it seemed like Nanlu Tianzi actually knew the people from this human settlement?

Was that why he decided to don that concealing mask?

Just what was going on right now?

Everyone was struck by confusion after Hu Yuanbo's sudden declaration.

However, what was undeniable was that the humans definitely knew of Nanlu Tianzi, or at least his name. And Nanlu Tianzi's reaction seemed to suggest that he knew them as well.

In that case, were things truly as the human leader mentioned?

Nanlu Tianzi was actually a human?

As though to answer everyone's doubts, Lu Tianzi decisively took off the concealing mask, revealing his face for all to see.

"It is indeed me," Lu Tianzi let out a faint grin, seemingly unfazed by all the attention that was directed towards him right now.

The reveal of his familiar face brought mixed feelings to every single person present, especially in the hearts of the human populace.

And with what he said, the demons could finally confirm that Nanlu Tianzi truly knew the humans beforehand.

"As for me being one of you" Lu Tianzi spoke in a mocking tone.

At this moment, Lu Tianzi drove the Slaughter Essence within his inner world.

Materialised Slaughter Essence surged forth from his inner world, enveloping the Torrential Sabre as he suddenly slashed out, aiming at the ground directly in front of him.


A cloud of dust exploded into the air as this slash instantly created a line that cut deep into the ground before him.

But the point of his actions was neither to create the cloud of dust, nor to slice the ground apart.

Instead, it was to fully demonstrate the fact that he was a true martial artist of the Slaughter Essence system!

As the dust cleared, Lu Tianzi's confident voice sounded out in everyone's ears, loud and clear.

"How about repeating what you said earlier? Just who are you saying is one of you?"

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