A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 102: "Was she pulled in by that painting?"

Chapter 102: "Was she pulled in by that painting?"

Wuji Gu noticed that, when he used the ghost mastering technique in this copy, he was far more efficient than other copies ...... and even summoned the ghost of the female player in a matter of moments.

The reason for this was clear to Wuji Gu, who immediately felt the pressure, but that was only for a moment. Soon Wuji Gu began to ask the ghost in front of him, "What happened before? Where did your teammates go?"

The ghost of the female player is a very ordinary ghost, seemingly because she was not strong willed in life, after death does not have too much consciousness, a summoned out some fear away from the female ghost, and then only because of the contract relationship hard to come over, stretch out a finger in Wuji Gu's forehead point.

In this instant, Wuji Gu's consciousness sank into a memory that did not belong to him.

The image that appeared in front of him was horrifying to the extreme, in a dark room, the only source of light was the phone next to him, the first-person view could see himself falling to the floor, the horrific-looking female ghost was at a close distance, and even almost came into close facial contact.

The average person would be scared to death to see such a picture, but Wuji Gu does not see any problem, he has seen too much of this scene.

Wuji Gu looked around and immediately saw that there was indeed a woman standing not far away, holding a cell phone in her hand, and turned around as if she could not bear to look at this image.

And he immediately noticed that the other hand was holding the painting tools that had been scattered to the ground earlier.

"It seems that there should be some kind of conflict between them before to make the situation like this." Wuji Gu pondered, "The female ghost did not make a move on Jie Yan, but instead chose another female player, probably because of the painting tools in her hands ...... Then if that's the case, how did Jie Yan inexplicably disappear in this house."

The truth of the matter should be hidden in this memory.

Wuji Gu looked over there with more attention, but the room was too dim, plus the memories of the owners were in a near-death state, and the whole picture of the memories blurred up.

He could only see that under the glow of the phone, the border of a painting on the wall was reflected, and Jie Yan, after noticing the painting, slowly walked towards the direction of the painting as if he was attracted.

At this time, the master of memories fell into a momentary darkness before his eyes, and when he opened it again, Jie Yan figure had disappeared, and only the painting tools were scattered to the spot.

That's where the memories end.

Wuji Gu purified the female player's soul so that the other party could rest in peace. He himself is looking at the location of the wall with a grave expression, at this time there is nothing over there, there is no trace of the existence of the painting at all.

"She did disappear after seeing the painting. And Ghost Mastery didn't manage to summon her ghost, so her soul isn't here." Wuji Gu pondered, "She was pulled in by that painting?"

He went to the wall and surveyed it, but no matter what the wall was empty, making it impossible to feel the presence of the painting or how exactly it could be triggered out.

Only when you look closely to the extreme can you find one or two scratched marks on the wall, as if someone had struggled hard in this place.

After realizing this, a sense of crisis arose in Wuji Gu's heart, and he even had the feeling of being stared at by others.

He subconsciously took a few steps back and frowned at the wall that returned to normal in front of him.

"She also said before, let me never look at the eyes of the portrait, but herself is so disappeared, is that those portraits with the property of confusion?"

"But these portraits are most likely related to Yu Jin, and it would be a loss if that Yu Jin gets me before I can find out the truth about this copy."

Wuji Gu to this time there is nothing else to do, immediately search around the house up, want to save people can only unravel the truth of this abandoned villa.

There were quite a few things in this utility room, many of which looked like the leftovers of people who had lived here before, and some might even be the beloved things of the painters who had lived in this villa, but it was as if they were in fear of something, and they couldn't even take their things away, so they left the place in a hurry.

"What are you looking for?" The female ghost over there couldn't help but speak up, "Seeing as you helped me, I can help you look at it too ...... I suspect what you're looking for might be this."

The female ghost floated to a certain corner of the utility room, where the box contained several books, the top one is actually a diary.

"Thank you very much!" Wuji Gu said gratefully at once. It's different to have the help of ghosts who are familiar with this place, they can find the key things casually and save an unknown amount of time.

Of course, in general this female ghost are the kind of random to get people dead terrible existence ...... not to mention what to help people find the diary, other players may also be under her persecution hard in the house looking for the props, life safety are not guaranteed.

The owner of this diary is not known, but from the handwriting it appears to be a male.

"It's kind of an honor for me to come to this studio today and actually learn to paint with [crossed out] teacher."

Wuji Gu looked at the blacked-out teacher's name and immediately asked the two ghosts behind him, "By the way, do you remember the owner of this drawing room?"

Both ghosts blushed for a moment, as if recalling something extremely painful, and then both shook their heads, indicating that they did not have even a single memory left.

"It seems that the owner of this villa is really problematic, and from the tone of the diary, the owner of the villa must still be a well-known painter, but his identity is not mentioned in those news at all either ......"

Wuji Gu continues to look at the diary in his hands.

"It's amazing, painting here is almost like being possessed, I can clearly realize that inspirations that I never had before are arising in my mind, and I can feel my level improving with every stroke!"

"After just two or three days of coming to this studio, my strength has already far surpassed what I had before, and I don't even know why I painted like that before. If this kind of state can continue, I can definitely become more famous than even [crossed out] teacher."

Wuji Gu can see that the owner of the diary in the first two days of coming to this drawing room are still in the joy of the rapid increase in strength, but this emotion did not last long, he has found a difference.

"It's so strange, obviously my strength is still improving, but why I don't have that mental clarity that I had before, my mind is always foggy, and I feel sleepy every time I pick up a pen, is it because I'm sick? But the teacher said he was going to help me sign up for that competition, so I must not go to rest at such a critical time."

"No, it's not right at all! I'm cursed, for sure, there's something wrong with this studio! How could I have painted these paintings, I don't even have the slightest impression! It's as if someone possessed me ......"

Wuji Gu remembers that at the beginning of the diary, the subject felt as if he was possessed, but at that time he was so immersed in joy that he didn't realize the weirdness of the incident.

"I found a time to leave the place, but as soon as I went out, that feeling of inspiration filling my mind disappeared, and instead it was an empty ...... not only that, but even the feeling of the old days could not be found."

"It's okay, just one last time, just one last painting, and I'll move out of here completely."

The diary ends abruptly here, and I don't know if the man doesn't want to write anymore, or if he has run out of ways to write.

Wuji Gu shook his head when he saw this and probably knew what kind of tragedy would happen to the owner of the diary afterwards.

"It seems that while using those painting tools in this copy can improve their strength, they can also make them lose themselves and even be replaced by ghosts."

"And because of the relationship of not being able to surrender the near success, even if they had struggled, they still ended up in the tragedy. Even in this process, the people behind the curtain are allowed to act as they please, as if they are very confident that these people will not escape."

Of course, in reference to those painters who died violently in the outside world, it is highly likely that there is little use for them after leaving.

"But none of these things mention the bizarre portraits in any way." Wuji Gu pondered, "Does it mean that these clues can only be found in the house owner himself?"

Wuji Gu's search in this room also ended here, and he put away all the painting tools, and both ghosts possessed his body.

He is not the least bit worried about what is possessed by ghosts, not to mention that the two ghosts look quite qualified ...... If that irreparable situation really happens, Wuji Gu will choose to summon a severe ghost to fight poison with poison.

For Wuji Gu, this copy of the most frightening or he had previously encountered the two Liege bosses ......

Wuji Gu emerged from the room and was immediately confronted by the sneaky-looking middle-aged man and his followers.

Seeing Wuji Gu come out of the room as if nothing had happened, the middle-aged man looked as if he had seen a ghost.

From the information he learned, the ghost in this room is nearly crazy state, go into this miscellaneous room is very difficult to come out alive. Not to mention that there is that portrait in this room ......

The player is a famous player, so he has some tricks up his sleeve. The middle-aged man guessed that Wuji Gu had let the female ghost go temporarily because he had gotten the painting tools.

But so what, the middle-aged man quickly adjusted his mind, he just move a hand ...... to the time this person will naturally roll over.

"Big Brother Sun, how's the harvest?" At the back, Mao Hong's little brother saw Wuji Gu and immediately spoke excitedly, "Our boss also got a lot of good stuff in the room above-"

"What are you talking about?" The middle-aged man at this point could not wait to kill his little brother, immediately to Wuji Gu smiled sarcastically and said, "He has little insight, it's just some ordinary painting tools, surely Sun got something much better than us."

Wuji Gu how do not feel that they are able to be called by the other side of the age of Sun, sighed, will be two female players a death and disappeared in this house, immediately let those two people away from the miscellaneous room more far away.

"Speaking of which, where did everyone else go, I was delayed in the basement earlier and came out and couldn't see a soul." Wuji Gu inquired curiously.

"I do not know where the others have gone to explore, at first we wanted to go to the third floor to see, but they did not succeed, to the third floor of the debris even if removed, behind there is a dark fog, no one can go up ......" middle-aged man said: "It's as if the conditions for entering the third floor have not been met. After that, it was scattered."

"So that's it." Wuji Gu nodded, "Let's just wait for them to come back down here."

"You don't go exploring anymore?" The middle-aged man was a little surprised, in his opinion these powerful players are hoofing around exploring only.

Wuji Gu said, "I think we should refresh ourselves for the painting afterwards, and wait to see the results of the others' exploration."

"So it is." The middle-aged man made a look of understanding on his face, but in his heart he snickered, saying that what to nurture, but not after seeing the miserable state of those two female players goose?

The middle-aged man had not seen Wuji Gu's video, but had only heard about Wuji Gu from others.

Of course the other things Wuji Gu did in that copy were also very tawdry, but compared to the last one being looked at by Shen Shan, the previous one was instantly left behind by everyone, and the word got out that the player named Sun Shi actually had an affair with Shen Shan.

The middle-aged man at this time Wuji Gu immediately despised up, think he is just a little more fame, in fact before can be famous are coincidental ...... world where there are so many faggot Ligurian, but also happen to be able to look at this man. It can be said that after changing a copy, Wuji Gu that is absolutely no advantage.

However, the middle-aged man has long known the situation in this house, understand that there is nothing to explore now, and immediately took his followers also sat down in the hall.

Wuji Gu sat in his chair, observing his surroundings, and said absently to the middle-aged man, "Speaking of which, have you learned anything about this copy?"

The middle-aged man's heart shrank, this Sun time how to suddenly ask him this, is it found something? But he was never likely to reveal, of course, if you say you found nothing, it is too false, occasionally reveal a little irrelevant real information to others is nothing.

The middle-aged man immediately spoke, "Indeed, we found something, in the room above, we found words about a man written on the wall, telling those who saw it to get out of here, this drawing room is not normal at all."

"Indeed, that's what the diary I saw said." Wuji Gu mused, "Since it is alluded to in so many places, so it seems that if we stay in this copy for more than a certain amount of time, even if we personally still maintain our sanity ...... something will happen because of the curse."

The middle-aged man instantly said, "That makes sense. The curse of this copy is the key that we need to solve now."

Of course he said this is purely perfunctory, as far as he was informed that the curse seems to be simply false.

Wuji Gu looked at the middle-aged man a few more times, before he entered this copy he knew that someone had bought fake information sold by senior players, originally he was thinking whether it was Qingman Rong, but now it seems that this middle-aged man is also very suspicious.

The other side seems normal when discussing, but there is always a sense of ease between words, as if they already know everything.

That's why Wuji Gu isn't exploring right now, but rather staying and talking to each other.

At this time, cold laughter came steeply from behind, Qingman Rong some time has appeared behind the two, he sat down directly, raised his eyebrows and said: "Waste and waste is quite good communication."

"What are you saying?!" Mao Hong immediately looked over in excitement.

"I didn't name names, are you so excited to come out and admit it yourself?" Qingman Rong said coldly.

Because of his strong presence, Mao Hong had to sit back and did not have the courage to continue talking.

The middle-aged man looked at him with a cold look already, but after all, he didn't dare to fight hard with such a powerful person, he just had to make an appearance of not caring.

Wuji Gu instead greeted the other party with a common greeting, "How is the situation up there?"

Qingman Rong grunted, "It's not your turn to pry into my affairs ...... However, I advise you, when using those painting tools, you'd better restrain yourself a little. Otherwise, it may attract the attention of people from the other world."

His words sounded confusing to those who didn't know, but the attitude of the two who knew about the world in the painting was different.

"What do you know?" Wuji Gu couldn't help but look over, "What is the existence that is not of this world?"

"Think for yourself." Qingman Rong said, and turned in the direction of the basement, he was not prepared to wait for the others, and had to solve the main task of the day by himself first.

Soon the last couple of players in this copy of the couple also face down ugly, they met with danger, but at least still left alive, is that the two seem to have some conflicts between them, looks like the attitude towards each other are very cold.

After all, it is in such a copy, in the affliction of true love at the same time, it is also likely to leave the other side because of the relationship between life and death, then the relationship is certainly over.

The group just hurried to the basement. Everyone didn't say what had happened to them, but it was clear that probably every player now had a ghost possessing them ......

There are even two on Wuji Gu.

"According to eight players, there is still a ghost somewhere, I wonder if it will have an impact."

After the crowd took a deep breath, they picked up the painting tools they got and painted up. And obviously many of them have only a brush, but the painting seems to be using a full set of tools to paint the same, and even a painting or the kind of painting no matter how you look on the painting for ten days and a half months.

But what is even more frightening is that each of these players is blue and white, their eyes are dark and frightening, and that movement is completely different from the somewhat rusty yesterday, a look that is obviously possessed. I don't know how they all deal with the ghosts.

Even the content of their paintings, one looks nothing wrong, a closer look but let people's hearts chill.

This scene would have been very much in line with the psychic copy, making people creepy.

Wuji Gu noticed that the only special thing inside is Qingman Rong, his painting posture and others can simply be said to be leisurely, not at all possessed by ghosts ...... rather like they are there to draw casually.

Of course, unless this Qingman Rong in reality is what the famous painter, otherwise he really do not borrow the help of ghosts, but their own painting, the end is certainly a certain death.

Even if it is a famous painter, the painting may not be appreciated by the ghosts ...... Obviously people who are about to become advanced players like this will not make such mistakes, so Qingman Rong must have used some method to control the ghosts.

"Now I have to come and paint, too."

The question before Wuji Gu was an extravagant one: which tool should he choose to paint with?

If it weren't for the fact that it's in a basement like this, the two ghosts in Wuji Gu's body would probably have fought, they were both so proud of themselves that they couldn't accept that others hadn't chosen them.

Feeling the agitation of the two ghosts in his body, although the metaphor is not correct, Wuji Gu also really feel like a harem fire.

"What is this going to do ah, I do not want to destroy the harmony of their relationship yet. Well at least these two ghosts are living under one roof for so long ......"

When Wuji Gu was in a dilemma, he suddenly found something glowing in his arms and immediately took out the charcoal pencil.

This is a prop he once brought out of the world of paintings and found on the bed of the suspected Yu Jin's room in the mental hospital. Because he thought it might be useful, Wuji Gu kept it with him after entering this world.

In theory, Wuji Gu should not use this charcoal pencil, which is more closely related to Yu Jin, because it might attract the other party's attention. However, he had a strong intuition to use this charcoal pen at this time, and if he didn't use it at this time, he would definitely regret it later.

"Then it's time to use this!"

Wuji Gu has always been such a person who listens to his instincts, and directly took out the charcoal pen, which can only feel a trace of residual soul, which does not pose much threat to the user.

Wuji Gu body two ghosts dark argument also ended, they are frozen for a time, can not understand why things have become so.

Soon Wuji Gu was painting on the canvas in front of him.

When he held this charcoal brush, his feeling was completely different from his usual one. Suddenly, he felt that his whole person had changed, and when the charcoal brush landed on the canvas, he could simply wield beautiful lines easily.

Even at this moment, he was suddenly full of certainty inside, very sure that he could reach the goal of the system's main task, and not only that, he could even paint a painting that far exceeded the price set by the system to come.



At this time, completely unnoticed by anyone at the entrance of the villa, that hung at the entrance of the huge portrait of the missing face position suddenly emerged more traces to ......

Originally, with just a little more time, it would have been able to fill in the entire portrait.

But now the stimulation of something has made the painting change even faster, as if it is afraid that if it delays any longer something irreversible will happen.

To look from the outside world, this villa outside surrounded by the mists more dense, as if to conceal their existence under the eyes of what exists.

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