A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 140: "Push open the door in front of you."

Chapter 140: "Push open the door in front of you."

It was completely dark. The entire building was plunged into darkness.

Wuji Gu and Lao Tan were walking in the dark corridor with their oil lamps, the place was so quiet that only their light footsteps sounded.

"Keep your voice down, the sound will attract other ghosts." Lao Tan cautioned Wuji Gu, "You must not do anything to the ghosts when they appear later either."

"Hm." Wuji Gu nodded, eyes looking around, found that this road and yesterday he passed through completely different, must be old Tan can be so accurate in this maze-like place to find that portrait, must be all made what mark.

But even if the two did not make a sound, a large number of ghosts appeared silently around them, surrounding them in the middle.

The blackness of the ghosts is simply suffocating, being countless eyes staring, Lao Tan forehead cold sweat are going to flow down, even if it is the second time to come here, he still can not get used to such a large number of ghosts, if he does not have the oil lamp in his hands so that the ghosts do not dare to approach, the end can be imagined.

Wuji Gu was amazed, yesterday he did not seem to encounter so many ghosts, he was generating an impulse to purify the ghosts of good deeds.

But thinking of the players standing around him, he couldn't go against his own cold-hearted man persona and could only forcefully resist the urge to do so.

So Wuji Gu looked at these ghosts with a bit of pity, the ghosts hiding in Wuji Gu's body that are pinching a cold sweat for these ghosts, feeling that they barely escaped from Wuji Gu's hands.

When passing a corner, the ghosts suddenly spread out around them, and Tan's body immediately stiffened, as if foreseeing something horrible would happen, stopping Wuji Gu, and the two of them hid behind a cupboard on the side.

"This is?" Wuji Gu some doubts, look at the old Tan this like a big enemy look, in that portrait around there are actually so scary ghosts? Originally not nervous he was infected by the old Tan a little nervous.

"Keep your voice down." Old Tan's face is ugly, "the female ghosts that will appear later can be difficult to deal with, they are too tricky, although they seem to be just ordinary low-level ghosts, but they will attract more ghosts, even powerful powerful ghosts. The good thing is that they are not sensitive to light, and do not dare to approach the oil lamp, as long as we do not actively approach ......"

Of course, most of what Lao Tan said to Wuji Gu is true, but a small part of it is fatal enough to be wrong, if you take the oil lamp too close to the ghost of the maid, the other party will be stimulated to scream, will instantly attract a considerable number of ghosts.

So that even if Wuji Gu luckily did not die when dealing with the painted female ghost, wait out such a small mistake is also enough to be fatal. Lao Tan is deeply convinced that he really has the means.

"Oh?" Wuji Gu looked up and immediately saw a familiar presence - the ghost of the maid in this building.

This is not the same type of female ghost that he kindly sent to purify yesterday!

Wuji Gu couldn't bear to speak to Lao Tan who looked very worried about this matter and decided to kindly bury it in his heart.

Soon, the ghosts of the maids all departed down another corridor, and the two continued on.

"Will there be living people in this place?" Wuji Gu couldn't help but ask this question.

"How is it possible." Lao Tan spoke without thinking, "Even if there are seemingly living people, they must be ghosts pretending to be ghosts. In the end, in this distorted space, if someone can still survive, it must have been more frightening than a ghost."

As they spoke they had arrived at the familiar corner, and the ghosts around them seemed to sense something scary and scattered.

From their point of view, it was an empty corridor, with only a portrait hanging on the wall. The portrait has changed from what Wuji Gu saw yesterday, some blood emerged on it, as if the person in the portrait had flowed out, it looked extremely gruesome.

"The token is hidden in the portrait." Lao Tan said to Wuji Gu, "Don't worry, I will lure the female ghost out later, then you just need to run towards the side, the female ghost will not do anything to you because of the oil lamp you are holding."

He will look the most dangerous attracting female ghosts to themselves, and Wuji Gu to go is to escape, which no matter what the newcomer will have a sense of relief.

When Wuji Gu was not paying attention, Lao Tan had already put a piece of paper-like object quietly in his pocket. It was something found in this building, and although Lao Tan didn't know exactly what it was, this piece of paper would undoubtedly attract all kinds of ghosts ......

"Good." Wuji Gu also did not feel any problem, "but is it better if I go to lure the female ghost out." Anyway, he is also a fanatic believer of the evil god in the setting, and it is quite reliable to do such a thing for the sake of the token.

After all, his pocket watch has finished cooling after a day, this old Tan does not know the horror of the female ghosts may go up and die a violent death.

But Lao Tan's heart was a sudden, thought Wuji Gu is found what, quickly said: "No need! Just let me do such a dangerous thing! After all, you're only here to help me."

Wuji Gu heart a burst of moving, did not expect to have been the evil god of fanatics, this old Tan is actually still so kind, simply out of the mud, then more can not let him have something, "No, I must be on!"

"Why are you so thoughtless." Old Tan is anxious, this thing must not be lost, ah, the token but the first to contact the female ghosts have the most priority, if you let Wuji Gu first, the token may also fall into the hands of who, "I will not happen, if you are in danger how can I be a man later."

Between the two men arguing, a figure steeply appeared from the other side, and it was another player.

The other side, after seeing the portrait, immediately ran over in a hurry. Lao Tan heart a shock, where can still care Wuji Gu , also rushed over.

Wuji Gu saw the player's face in shock, the other party's appearance is really a bit familiar, is that he had seen in the photo album, should not have appeared in the house full of panic Wang family.

Two players have gone straight ahead of the portrait, the blood on the portrait became more and more vivid, and the eyes of the master painted on it seemed to be gazing at them coldly, and the black fog on the portrait deepened.

But if you look closely you can see that the portrait of the man seems to be holding something shiny in his arms, and that is exactly the token that most people in this copy are looking for.

The two men fought in front of the portrait, the other man will old Tan with props to restrain, then excited to look at the portrait, probably thinking of the token, his eyes with a fervent devotion, bite through his hand on the portrait painted up, the hand is a skilled to the extreme magic array.

In this way he temporarily concluded a contract with the ghost in the portrait, and the other party will never make a move on him unless he has something extremely important to do.

Of course such an operation can only be done in the world where the evil god is, otherwise they are invincible to these evil god fanatics.

Old Tan saw the duck in his mouth was going to fly, but he couldn't even burst into curses, but looked at the portrait with frightened eyes. After all, to obtain the token in the portrait, it is necessary to have a sacrifice ...... and now this sacrifice, obviously, is him.

The next instant, the woman's figure slowly emerged in the portrait, and more and more clear, her face grim gaze at the two people in front of her, as if looking at what dead people in general. But because of the magic formation, but pressed yet to make a move.

"This is the offering to Lord God." The player spoke in a respectful tone.

The female ghost slowly emerged from the portrait, you can see that her body is crooked, it seems to be divided and then put together, there is also a continuous flow of blood down.

At this point, Wuji Gu steeply rushed over, he certainly could not see such a genocide in front of his eyes, not to mention that Lao Tan is still such a rare good and kind person.

Lao Tan are tiger shake, did not expect this Sun when actually good people to such an extent.

Of course Wuji Gu did not intend to dislike the two people in front of him, but grabbed Lao Tan and was ready to bolt. The sturdy old Tan was easily carried by Wuji Gu when he was directly shocked, what is this power in the end, this person is not a strength ability ah! He suddenly began to be glad that he hadn't torn his face off with Wuji Gu before, otherwise he might have fainted if the other party had punched him.

The player, of course, could not see the two of them running straight away, and immediately said to the female ghost: "Kill them!"

Lao Tan in such a critical time, or want to sell teammates, after all, even if Wuji Gu saved him, but also his own life is the most important, seeing the female ghost is coming, he did not take out the note in Wuji Gu's pocket.

Seeing that the female ghost has already lunged towards themselves, Wuji Gu paused to put Lao Tan down, have made ready to take out the pocket watch, turned around to face the female ghost when -

In the crowd's stunned eyes, the female ghost respectfully half-kneeled down to Wuji Gu and spoke in an extremely hoarse voice.

"You're finally here."

Wuji Gu : "???"

The other two, "????"

This picture is too mysterious, the two have been silly, the mind can not actually think for a while in the end why it will become so, which is beyond the scope of their knowledge can understand.

The back of Wuji Gu's hand was instantly a hot, to almost a feeling of being on fire, that feeling of being sized up by some kind of sight appeared once again in his body. This time the feeling of unease has reached a new level.

"What the hell is this ......"

Wuji Gu face has been cold sweat stained, no matter what, this is undoubtedly the evil god to make the ghost, if he continues to stay that the end must be very miserable.

The female ghost looked at Wuji Gu's look actually vaguely with some fear, but with a kind of unquestionable, in short, very contradictory, "Lord God has been waiting for you for a long time, please follow me."

Wuji Gu will go with her to have a ghost, he pulled his legs up and ran, the female ghost behind him but did not intend to let him go like this, and flew after him.

And at this point, the other ghosts around also seemed to be attracted around, Wuji Gu even if the purification are no time, had to find a variety of remote detours, lest these ghosts entangled.

In the very next moment, Wuji Gu crossed the corner, the usual strong premonition intense to the extreme, even in his mind resounded a voice.

The voice sounded familiar to Wuji Gu, but he couldn't remember who it was, only that it was someone very important.

"Push open the door in front of you."

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