A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 51: Was that picture there before?

Chapter 51: Was that picture there before?

Under Wuji Gu's warm and concerned gaze, these patients became more and more stressed.

After a few moments, the ghosts of the surrounding patients actually turned around and left at a fast pace. The patient who was holding his shoulder, it was as if he had met some natural enemy and broke free, and quickly followed his companion, as if he was afraid to stay and meet something miserable.

Several people in the ward look different, thinking that this Shi Sun still have a few brushes, the kitchen knife is not estimated to be ordinary props, these ghosts are therefore scared back.

As for Wuji Gu's previous lines to the patients, they have been forcibly ignored because they are too abnormal, thinking that they might be lines that must be said when some prop is used.

Wuji Gu, still holding the kitchen knife in his hand, looked at the disappearing figures of the patients with gratified eyes. He felt that the patients were so active that they went back to their wards without his help, so this must have been a harmonious mental hospital.

If anyone else knew what Wuji Gu was thinking, they would probably have spewed out that things hadn't been normal at all in this mental institution since they entered.

As the patients disappeared, several badges fell to the floor, which were originally hung on these patients, indicating which ward they were staying in.

At this point, the sound of the monster crawling up the stairs has also been close at hand, they can almost faintly hear the monster's ragged panting.

"Oh no, the monster is coming!"

"Brother Sun, hurry up!"

Several other people couldn't be bothered to watch the fun and went into the ward, looking for a place to hide.

Wuji Gu although do not know what the use of these badges, but certainly can be useful, he quickly picked up a few badges on the ground, then quickly rushed into the door, and backhandedly closed the door.

The scene inside the ward was instantly reflected in his eyes.

The ward was confusingly set up with four beds and various things spilled all over the place, as if someone had once had some kind of argument in here.

The wall facing the corridor has almost a whole wall of windows, which must be convenient for the outside doctors to observe the condition of the patients inside.

Such a ward to hide people will be a bit of a problem, after all, from the outside you can clearly see inside. The good thing is that there are a lot of miscellaneous items inside the ward and a cupboard where people can hide. The sheets of the bed are also long enough to cover the person under the bed, and others have been looking for places to hide.

Yu Jin, who was hiding under one of the beds, waved to Wuji Gu with a nervous face, "Come here!"

In such an emergency situation, Wuji Gu also time to hesitate what, darted over and also got under the bed.

The ward fell into a dead silence, no one dared to make a sound at this time, waiting for the monster to leave the place.

After all, that monster can even make the ghosts in this hospital are showing fear, certainly not what is good to deal with the existence of ...... If they are really found, they are a group of people do not die on a few certainly difficult to leave.

Wuji Gu and Yu Jin This bed has been blocked tightly, completely unable to see outside, but it does not make people feel safe, but also because of the lack of knowledge of the outside, people can not help but produce all kinds of bad imagination.

Next to Yu Jin already dare not breathe, trembling pinch Wuji Gu's sleeve.

Wuji Gu, on the other hand, looked around calmly, his eyes shifted to the bottom of the bed in front of him and froze at that moment.

Before in the outside when it was completely invisible, under the bed, actually vaguely see what graffiti, because the light is too dim to see clearly, he simply took out the phone with the light of the screen illuminated the wooden board in front of him.

Yu Jin had taken a sigh of relief at this, but when his eyes fell on the graffiti above Wuji Gu, he gave a look of disbelief.

"What is this?"

Several scribbles under the bed, he was a monster image roughly outlined with charcoal, you can see that the person who drew it is very casual, but just from this simple line, you can see and the outside world that monster exactly the same.

At the bottom is a signature like a signature, but it is not at all clear what the word is, more like some kind of symbol than a signature actually.

There were also a few random words written on the board next to it.

''This is a monster, it absolutely cannot be caught. Otherwise something terrible will definitely happen.''

The following is also accompanied by a sketch of a monster tearing people apart, obviously simple, but it makes people's scalps tingle.

'But what if I get caught? It doesn't matter, the monster is afraid of-'

This paragraph was lost before it was written, and it happened to be stuck in such a critical place that it brought up people's hearts.

Wuji Gu stared at the paintings with great concentration, and Yu Jin next to him couldn't help but say, "Brother Sun, do you see anything else? Can you guess the weakness of this monster?"

"I was thinking, this person is really good at drawing." Wuji Gu's tone carried a compliment, "Look at the lines, how smooth they are, there is actually such talent in this mental institution."

Yu Jin : "......"

Yu Jin changed the subject, "Brother Sun, who do you think drew this on it? Why would he know about this monster?"

"I don't know." Wuji Gu was thoughtful, "But in any case, the monster in the outside world must be related to the painter of the graffiti."

After all, such a monster is certainly not a ghost turned into a ghost, but more likely a product of resentment. And the person who personally drew the graffiti is undoubtedly the most likely one.

Wuji Gu will see the picture are remembered in the mind, this time his ears have been heard next to the sound of the monster gasping and crawling, immediately put the phone away, everything back to darkness, the two men's hearing at this time have become sharper.

The vibrating sound of the monster crawling came from the floor of the corridor and then stopped in front of the window of the ward.

People are holding their breath, just hope that the monster can quickly leave, especially the two people hiding under the bed on the wall, they can simply feel clearly that the monster is just a wall away from them, scared to death, afraid that the monster detects a trace of half a difference.

But at that moment, one person suddenly covered his mouth with death.

The man next to him looked at him in consternation, but it was too late, and even though the man tried with great difficulty to control it, he still made the sound of a sneeze.

This instant everyone's heart snapped up.

Almost instantly, the sound of breaking glass and a man's scream rang out simultaneously.

"Shit!" The others have cursed too late, steeped out of their hiding places, fearing that they will die for no apparent reason before they can see what the hell is going on.

The crowd suddenly saw the monster in the hands of the male companion of Liu Xiao, his face look terrified to the extreme, looking to the crowd: "Please, help me ah, I do not want to die -"

Liu Xiao beside him looked at his companion in panic and hastily took out the same prop, "Use this!"

But she had just tossed it to the man when the prop was crushed by the monster's outstretched claws.

Liu Xiao and her companions can persist until now are mostly by luck, they can only get the guaranteed points, let alone buy any reliable props, at this time even resist this monster minutes of time can not do.

A look of despair has appeared in the eyes of the two men.

The others all had ugly faces. Even Hong gritted his teeth, to save people from such a monster was obviously a very difficult thing for him. There is this effort to do such a hopeless thing, it is better for everyone to take this opportunity to escape.

"Don't move yet, you guys." Wuji Gu suddenly said.

The others were too late to refute anything, when they saw Wuji Gu actually lifted that bed up and slammed it towards the monster's body, even avoiding the man who was caught with precision.

In the eyes of all the dumbfounded, accompanied by a loud bang, the monster was so hard smashed, claws abruptly released, originally caught the man fell to the ground, with a shocked face, staggered and fled to a place a little distance from the monster.

Liu Xiao's eyes were red and he flew forward to hold the other's hand. The man's face showed a guilty look, apparently because he was ashamed of his previous behavior of alienating the other.

Everyone else was silent.

What did they just see? It felt as if they had instantly crossed over from some psychic movie to an action movie! How could that skinny and weak-looking person be so strong?

Especially after doing this, Wuji Gu didn't even breathe, as if it was a natural thing for him to do.

Then the bed shook again, apparently the monster below to overturn the bed on the body, the crowd once again held their breath.

At this point, Wuji Gu rushed forward and, amidst the shocked eyes of the crowd once again, held the bed in a death grip.

The original monster that was still struggling, a time actually can not move, can only continue to hiss, the body hit the ground with a loud clanging sound.

Others: "......"

"Brother Sun, are you okay?" Only Yu Jin would care about Wuji Gu, who was almost as scary as a monster, at such a time.

"Okay, I think it's just a little bit forced, this monster is not too weak." Wuji Gu said, at this point he only had sweat running down his forehead.

Others: "......" what is a little forced ah! This is so damn powerful a monster down there! I can't believe you're just a little bit reluctant.

They are beginning to feel grateful that they did not directly humiliate Wuji Gu before, otherwise they would have been crippled if they had started to fight!

But even if Wuji Gu's force can be suppressed, the bed will not last long, and cracks are already faintly appearing.

"What are you hesitating for? Let's go while we can!" Wuji Gu reminded, looking to the others.

The others came back to their senses, all from the door to escape efficiency is too slow, Hong made a split-second decision, directly from the broken window flipped out, slightly apologetic look at Wuji Gu a look, "You also be careful!" Said turned and ran away.

He admires Wuji Gu's actions, but after all, in the copy, it is most important to save his own life. If the other side really sacrificed in this copy, he will definitely proclaim what happened here when he gets out! Let everyone remember this good man named Shi Sun.

Several other people already had a little more respect for Wuji Gu after seeing this amazing operation in his heart, but it was impossible to make them stay. They also immediately followed Hong's lead.

Yu Jin, of course, stayed behind, and Liu Xiao and her companion, after a glance at each other, also stayed here.

Wuji Gu looked at them with some surprise, "Why aren't you guys leaving yet." After all, he could understand the current situation, and he wouldn't have had a problem if all these people had run away.

"I want to be with Brother Sun. From the beginning Brother Sun has been helping me." Yu Jin hurriedly said, "Now if something goes wrong, I can still help."

"Yes, that's what we thought. I can't thank you enough for what happened before! We both simply can't repay you." Liu Xiao also nodded hastily. Her and her companion's hearts were so full of gratitude to Wuji Gu at this moment that they could never leave him behind.

Wuji Gu nodded and looked at them with pleased eyes, "Then you guys go down to the stairway on the first floor first and wait for me, there should still be something down there that I can investigate, I'll be over there in a minute."

Another thing is that Wuji Gu feels that the third floor is really dangerous and it is too reckless to go up there without getting enough information, not to mention that two of them have already appeared like an omen like corpses.

The other three nodded at once, their hearts now Wuji Gu's image has been incomparably taller up, no matter what they said they will immediately implement.

The other people have arrived at a safe location, Wuji Gu thought he should also find a way to leave, when his eyes looked at the ward, but suddenly froze, in the walls of the ward, there is a painting hanging.

Because the environment was very dim, even Wuji Gu could only see the bottom half of the portrait clearly, which seemed to be a portrait of a young man, and could see that the bottom half of the face was extremely handsome.

"Was there that painting there before?" And in any case, it was too strange to hang such a portrait in the ward.

Before Wuji Gu could see more clearly, the bed had cracked open, and the monster below stared viciously at Wuji Gu and rushed toward him, making a move to bite his neck.

The three people waiting by the stairway saw this scene and their hearts were in their throats in shock.

In the nick of time, Wuji Gu abruptly opened his pocket watch, and everything around him seemed to freeze in this instant, and a golden figure appeared in front of Wuji Gu.

I don't know if it's Wuji Gu's illusion, but I always feel that every time I use the pocket watch, the figure is more solid than before, does it mean that such props also grow slowly?

The golden shadow made the monster's movements stall. Wuji Gu wanted to leave, but a bold idea suddenly came to his mind and his pace stopped.

The three people waiting to see this scene, anxious are eager to rush over, why in this critical time not escape ah! Even if there are enough props, you can't squander them like this!

But in this instant, their expressions all froze, almost dumbfounded at the sight before them.

Wuji Gu took out the blood-stained rope from his arms, and while the pocket watch prop was still functioning, he moved nimbly to wrap the neck of the monster in front of him.

The time for the prop to play soon ended, and before the golden figure disappeared, his eyes swept tenderly over the person in front of him and just turned into countless points of light.

The moment the monster regained its mobility, it was shocked to find that it had lost most of its original strength, hissing and trying to bite Wuji Gu, but could only make a faint sound like a small cat or dog.

"It's true, the rope can be used on the monster as well." Wuji Gu nodded and reached out to pull the rope again, then reached out and touched the top of the restless monster's head.

The monster in Wuji Gu's force actually can not even move a little, after all, his strength is weakened by the rope too much ...... its original pair of eyes only killing intent, at this time to look at Wuji Gu are with a sense of shock.

"Good boy, now you have to listen to me well, got it?"

Obviously a very gentle voice, but the monster for no reason to produce some fear, plus the other end of the rope is still held in the hands of Wuji Gu, it can only bow to this human at this time.

Seeing that Wuji Gu had actually tamed the monster, the three people over there were already stunned.

"I heard you guys say that Hong is very powerful, can he also do something like that?" Yu Jin murmured and spoke.

"No." The other two couldn't believe what they fucking saw, Liu Xiao opened his mouth in bewilderment, "Hong is definitely unable to do this, this, this ......"

The average player encounters such a monster to run for their lives are too late! How can they still make such a tumultuous operation, not to mention that they also do not have that ability to do so.

Liu Xiao and his companions suddenly felt that their choice to stay and follow Wuji Gu was really wise, the man in front of them was definitely more powerful than Hong! Those who followed Hong and ran away would definitely regret it.

Although they had never heard of Shi Sun's name before, maybe it was a fake name? Even the two had begun to fantasize that maybe Wuji Gu was some high-level player who had something to deal with and came to this copy and happened to save their lives.

A few people saw Wuji Gu return to the ward, they hesitated a little, but followed. After all, there is no safer place in this copy than Wuji Gu's side!

Wuji Gu led the monster into the room. Monster at this time as ordinary pets in general, holding on the ground casually play up next to the miscellaneous, although it before that casually can smash the ground out of a depression of strength is definitely not an ordinary pet can do.

The first thing Wuji Gu wanted to find was the portrait he had just inadvertently seen, but when he came in the wall was empty and there was nothing there.

"It seems this is not the kind of information the copy can show me right now." Wuji Gu poked around the walls for half a day and didn't find anything, so he had to give up on that and was able to continue to check up in the ward to see what clues he hadn't found.

Wuji Gu turned his head and saw Yu Jin and Liu Xiao standing in the doorway with trepidation, not daring to enter because the monster was there.

"It's okay, you guys come in, it won't do anything to you." Wuji Gu patted the monster's head, it immediately nestled honestly, and an expression of being touched comfortably surfaced on its face.

Several other people looked at this sight and felt as if they were dreaming, this monster is now in the hands of Wuji Gu is as good as a kitten! There is no trace of the fearful aura that was just there.

Wuji Gu immediately asked the others to come along and look for them, and a group of people immediately rummaged around the house.

Or Yu Jin found something strange under another bed and rushed to greet Wuji Gu to see.

A few people will lift the bed, he saw that the bed also has charcoal graffiti under the bed.

The main entrance of this hospital building is drawn on it, and there are seven people's backs. Although the drawing is very simple, but no matter from the clothes or appearance, you can see that it is them these people.

What makes people feel very uncomfortable is that all of them have a weird surrounding black fog, almost as if there are ghosts haunting them.

"What, what's going on? How did we get up here?"

"Was this painting painted just as we arrived? That ghost was hiding under the bed before?"

Liu Xiao and his companions already looked ugly to the extreme, the more they thought about it, the more they were afraid that they had actually stayed in the same place with a ghost.

"Don't be so afraid, at least now we're not in much danger." Wuji Gu stood up and spoke, "I just don't know what these paintings will actually do ...... Let's go somewhere else and see if there are any more paintings like this."

After that several people went to see several other wards and found that the rooms could not be opened, and after Wuji Gu used violent means to forcefully break open, nothing was found inside.

"I guess we won't find anything here. Let's go to the office below and find out exactly what kind of patients live in that room, and one of them must be the one who drew those paintings." Wuji Gu quickly made up his mind, "The main line must be related to him."

Eight/nine out of ten, that person is the villain boss of this copy.

The others nodded in quick succession and the group just walked towards the stairway.

"Wait." Wuji Gu looked around and suddenly spoke, "Is there something missing here."

"What?" Several other people followed Wuji Gu's line of sight and suddenly noticed that the body that originally rolled down the stairs had disappeared.

As someone who had just seen his own body, the man in the group blushed, "What's going on?"

"If there is no mistake." Wuji Gu looked at the monster held in his hand, "I just checked the corpse and a large number of torn marks surfaced on it ...... most likely it was bitten by the monster. But now, things may have changed, so the corpse has also disappeared."

Of course, if the team did not Wuji Gu rushed to the heroic rescue, the man is now estimated to be the appearance of the corpse indeed.

Several other people were stunned, and then their spirits were lifted, especially Liu Xiao, who had seen his corpse from the beginning, and was already so excited that he was about to weep. Now that they know that the omen of such a corpse is able to disappear, it means that they can still live as long as they find a way!

The group went downstairs in an uplifting manner, and the first floor was the same as it was when they came before, without any changes.

Wuji Gu took a picture of the map on the wall this time and his eyes fell on the corridor, "According to the map, the office and the archives are over there."

The operation went surprisingly well, and probably because the monster behind Wuji Gu scared off a lot of ghosts that might have appeared, the group soon reached the office.

The office was a lot neater than the chaos in other places, but there was too much information lying around, and they were completely confused about the way this hospital was categorized.

Wuji Gu was thinking about summoning a ghost that was already in the hospital to ask when, along with a cold feeling, Liu Xiao's scream suddenly sounded.

"There's a ghost!!!"

People turned their heads to look, they saw a female ghost in a nurse's uniform appeared on the ceiling at some point, she was laughing, blood kept flowing downward from her eyes downward downward, making the picture very frightening.

"You've come at a very good time." Wuji Gu's voice rang out, the tone was as if he had found a long-lost relative, with a touch of emotion, "Originally we were still troubled, you actually appeared right away."

Female Ghost: "......"

What's going on? She's not here for charity, okay! This living person is too arrogant, she definitely needs to give this guy a piece of her mind.

The female ghost suddenly came off the ceiling and landed on the floor with a numbing sound of blood splattering away, a pair of dark eyes looked eerily at the crowd, but stopped abruptly when it landed on the monster behind Wuji Gu.

Female Ghost: "????"

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