A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 55: Is he a man or a ghost!

Chapter 55: Is he a man or a ghost!

Then there was complete darkness, but Wuji Gu could hear Yu Jin's voice ringing in his ears.

"You've seen that ridiculous man, right? Obviously can not do anything, but keep imitating others, and think that this can replace me ...... but it is ridiculous, from the beginning, I simply do not put him in the eyes, will come in this place, but also just I am interested."

Wuji Gu also feels quite reasonable, after all, An Wei seems to be the kind of stupid and poisonous people, even if they want to harm people will probably get themselves killed.

"Unlike An Wei's forgeries, my paintings have been bringing misfortune to those around me since before."

"The corpse of Xiao Liu and her male partner is your handiwork, right?" Wuji Gu looked grave.

After all, this happened as soon as they came in, and he had examined it carefully, the corpse was as realistic as if it had traveled from the future. As An Wei said, he was just painting and then killing, naturally he could not do such a degree, then only Yu Jin can do it.

"That's right." Yu Jin's softly laughing voice sounded, "But those, only my unfinished works. So, even if there is an invisible force guiding them to the end of the painting, there is someone who can save them. That person is you."

"Of course, it is also because these unfinished works have shortcomings and can be found weaknesses by others. But these people, they are only worthy of such scraps."

Wuji Gu couldn't help but say, "If you wanted to kill me, you could have done it now, what else do you need to explain to me?"

"When did I ever say I wanted to kill you?" Yu Jin added, "I just want you to be the most perfect piece of work in my hands."

Wuji Gu feels that these two sentences are no different.

"Just kill you, it's really too wasteful." The other side said carelessly, "I am now painting a picture of you ...... of course, you do not know what I am painting, the only thing I can tell you is that when I finish painting, your end is certain death."

Wuji Gu vaguely realizes what the other side is going to do.

"Come find me and change all that before it's all over. If you can do that, I'm looking forward to it."


When Wuji Gu opened his eyes again, he saw darkness and the faint sound of snoring from other people sleeping around him.

"This is?"

Wuji Gu got up carefully from the bed and realized that he was in some kind of a hospital room.

This place must also be among a certain painting, and he has to find a way to leave, to find Yu Jin's real hiding place ...... This is barely a test given to him by the other side.

But no matter what, the surroundings are also too fine and real, almost like in reality. Only when looking through the window, the pitch blackness of the outside world reminds others that this is not reality.

The three people sitting on the three beds next to him looked like the three people on the profile of Yu Jin's three roommates who died violently that Wuji Gu had read, but they were now abnormal at first glance ...... not in a mental way. The three people are all covered in blood, their faces are white, and some of their bodies have started to rot, so they are dead.

But the situation still looks better than what the nurse said about jumping to his death.

Wuji Gu stood up and went up to try to ask these people something - only he could be so calm to ask these people questions - to find out how to get out of here.

But the three men were indifferent to Wuji Gu's questions, and would only sit in a daze until Wuji Gu mentioned Yu Jin, and only then did fear faintly appear in their eyes.

It seems that it is very difficult to ask anything from these people. Wuji Gu immediately stood up and walked towards the outside of the ward, but behind him came the voice of a shivering male, "No, you can't go out! That, that thing will appear ......"

"What?" Wuji Gu's hand was already on the doorknob.

Soon he knew what the male mouth was talking about. The moment his hand touched the doorknob, two huge bloodshot eyes appeared abruptly in the window next to him, looking straight at him.

At the same time the door and the wall also issued a violent trembling sound, as if the next moment will directly collapse. Scared the three people behind the body constantly shaking.

If it is the previous Wuji Gu, may also therefore be frightened, but after experiencing the world of the evil god, he has been quite calm.

Wuji Gu also carefully observe the eyes, see really can not get any information from it, and turn the door handle, shaking became more intense, but the door really can not be pushed, as if it was locked.

When Wuji Gu released his hand, the two eyes disappeared and everything in the outside world returned to peace.

"So that's how it is. It seems there is only room for this one ward in this portrait." Wuji Gu thought, "I have to find a key to get out from here. If I go out rashly, I guess I will be killed directly by the monsters in the outside world."

But didn't he have the key that the nurse gave him?

Wuji Gu thought and took out the key given by the nurse from his waist, and in the midst of the three people's astonished eyes, probably because of this time, Wuji Gu actually tried the door once and it was opened.

The other three: "......"

Wuji Gu : "......"

But in the next instant, the outside world did not change, and there was even black fog about to invade into the room.

"Just using the key to get this door open won't work? It looks like something else is needed to get me out of this copy."

Wuji Gu slammed the door shut and turned his head, looking closely at the ward, first ignoring the other three and searching the house in general.

Obviously he didn't find anything too important, whether it's a drawer or a cupboard there are only some essential things. As for the diary such props are not found at all, after all, Yu Jin also does not seem to be the kind of person who can write a diary.

Want to let the black shadow ghost out to help can not, in this portrait of the world, he is like the props on his body is sealed in general ...... although he is also not too many props is.

Wuji Gu's eyes fell on the few very numb ghosts, finally had to go over, mainly because he really did not want to do anything violent ah.

"Do you know how to get out of this ward?"

The three eyes were very indifferent, "Don't think about it, it's impossible to leave here."

"Are you willing to stay in this place forever?" Wuji Gu patiently said, and also reached out to pat one person on the shoulder, the other party after feeling the force coming from the shoulder, the eyes changed abruptly, instantly not cold.

"When, of course not ......" the man could not help but speak: "But as soon as you try to take a step outside, monsters will appear outside! Might as well stay here forever!"

"Don't give up hope so soon." Wuji Gu's eyes were gentle to the extreme, as if they were each other's relatives, "Think about it, what is in this ward that might be locked first?"

"Or, Yu Jin , did he ever do anything here that made you guys feel out of place? Or maybe he has something valuable?"

The other three ghosts look at Wuji Gu with subtlety, after all, everything Yu Jin does is wrong, right? This place is a mental hospital.

At this moment a ghost suddenly said: "I remember, his most valuable things are also those paintings, maybe it has something to do with those paintings, but there is nothing left in this room."

"I don't know about that." Wuji Gu said this and went straight under the bed and soon found what he was looking for.

On the wooden board at the bottom of the bed, he was drawing simple graffiti in charcoal, this time with two huge eyes, and two hands floating around, the drawing was still very cute, but of course those who have really seen the face of this monster will not have such an idea.

Next to it is written 'They are the most loyal and responsible watchers and will never let anything escape from under their noses.'

In fact, Wuji Gu feels that Yu Jin's life in the mental hospital is quite interesting, otherwise why does he still often engage in such creative work.

At this point, his hand resting on the bottom of the bed felt something, groped over and looked, and it was a charcoal pencil.

This charcoal pencil looks extremely simple, but can make people feel the extremely strong Yin energy attached to it, should be able to be used for other purposes props.

Wuji Gu put the charcoal away, crawled out from under the bed, and looked at the other three beds, and there was nothing on those beds.

The other three ghosts were standing around numbly, basically only when the monster appeared they would have that strong mood swing.

"What the hell should I do?" Wuji Gu couldn't help but sit up in bed and think, the situation at hand made him think completely unclear.

But at that moment, Wuji Gu's mind suddenly recalled the image he had just seen when he entered that room, and the flashback clip he saw when he entered the portrait, and his face finally changed.

He stood up abruptly and went directly to the window against the terrified eyes of the three ghosts.

The pair of creepy huge eyes immediately emerged, making people scared.

"In fact, there is nothing else to find in here." Wuji Gu muttered, reaching out to the glass is a vicious smash.

With the sound of crisp glass breaking, several pieces of broken glass steeply stuck into the huge eyes.

Anyway, didn't they say they wouldn't let anyone escape from under their noses? Then fix the eyes and the problem will be solved naturally.

Blood burst open at the same time, the entire ward rumbled, as if there was a giant outside, with that huge hand to crush the place directly.

But with the collapse of the ward, also revealed a white outside the black fog to.

The three ghosts were already scared to death, but Wuji Gu couldn't care less about them and pushed open the door of the ward and told them to follow him.

The room was finally completely torn apart when the huge eye closed due to severe pain. Taking advantage of the eye's inability to see, Wuji Gu steeply ran from the darkness towards the only white here, agilely avoiding several attacks from large hands grabbing haphazardly.

But the ghost behind him was not so lucky. A hand was about to squeeze the ghost of a patient, when Wuji Gu saw it and rushed forward to hit the hand.

Although he couldn't make much of an impact on the giant hand, he was able to just happen to just miss the ghost.

After this, the eyeball monster became more and more violent, two hands towards the place where there is movement to scratch wildly, the fury is almost overwhelming.

But it is after all the best time to attack, Wuji Gu has come to the place where the white light.


It was only when he was spat out of the painting and fell to the ground that Wuji Gu finally felt a sense of escape.

He looked around, it was the same ward where he had seen Yu Jin, nothing had changed, except that the person was no longer there.

The canvas on the floor was broken in part, and what was painted on it was a ward in a pitch-black world that had been broken beyond repair. The other two parts are other similar wards, and the people who appear painted inside are clearly Hong and Xiao Liu.

Three ghosts also steeply emerged from the canvas, all of them with very bewildered faces, and were purged by Wuji Gu with a smooth hand.

"Don't meet this kind of thing in your next life."

Wuji Gu turned his head to look around again and found not only canvases on the floor, but also frames on the walls.

You can say that here is a very complete picture.

"I have to get to Yu Jin quickly now to get there, but Hong and the others ......"

Wuji Gu is not likely to leave people here unattended either.

He was staring at the canvas pondering whether he should go in when both parts of the canvas were torn open at the same time.

Panting Hong, and the monster Huang Da followed by Xiao Liu steeply appeared in the room, a good look to escape from life.

They briefly explain the situation, Hong, of course, is their own a few brushes to get out of this. Xiao Liu happened to meet the monster Huang Da, also considered to be saved by it.

"I didn't expect Yu Jin to be the Liege boss."

"Hey, how do we find him and how exactly can we deal with him. Wait, why is the main quest of the copy not even completed now? Is there something else we don't know?"

Seeing that the two are okay, Wuji Gu is also relieved and looks grave, "I have something to say to you now, and that is the truth about this copy."

Wuji Gu while touching the head of the monster next to him, his eyes vaguely reveal a few moments of intolerance, the next moment to take out a match from his arms, directly to the canvas on the ground ignited.

The other two looked at him nervously.

"You guys go to other places and light up all the places you can." Wuji Gu looked over, "I think you should have similar props even if you don't have anything for that."

After all, ignition is an extremely important thing, plus similar props and not much more expensive, most players basically have on hand.

"What, what's going on?" Xiao Liu looked over worriedly, "Is it okay for us to do this? Will those ghosts let us go?"

"This kind of haunted place can't easily burn up without resolving the grievances, right?" Hong was obviously very experienced, but he took a deep look at Wuji Gu , "The truth you say is related to this, right?"

"That's right. In fact, the place we are in now is in the painting." Wuji Gu said indifferently, "From the beginning, what we came in is in this painted world! It's not the real world."

It was because of the experience of the last Mirror World that Wuji Gu was able to think of it so quickly this time.

When he looked out from the window earlier, he noticed something was wrong. Although the outside world of other worlds used to be foggy, but here gave him a stronger sense of cut-off.

And the corpses of Sayuri and her companions will appear directly, also because this place is originally among the portraits, to cause such an effect, right? As for those monsters that seem to be completely unbound in this world with impunity even more so. If it were in reality, they could not appear at will like this.

But the main thing is that he was pulled into other portraits when he found that even in portraits can be so real, before finally determined.

I think the blood on the wall is not because of how many people have died here, but the blood that splashed onto the portrait when Yu Jin died! The resentment attached to the portrait even pulled in the souls of all the people around it, causing the current result.

Of course, it is also because Yu Jin's portrait was already abnormal.

[Achievement of the main task: Finding the truth inside the sickbay]

[Trigger new main quest: Leave the portrait].

The other two couldn't be bothered to listen to Wuji Gu's explanation, anyway, what else could they do now but listen to him.

The three set fires all around and simply have no quality at all.

And this is indeed different from the usual buildings, a little bit on the fire, even all the monsters did not appear, the ghosts are completely disappeared, as if afraid of the flame. But they will not be burnt to death by the flames anyway, I guess they can be liberated after the portrait is burnt.

"If we had done this as soon as we came in, would the others not have died." Xiao Liu couldn't help but lament when she saw the sight.

"It's useless to think so much about it now." Hong sighed.

After all, if you don't know the truth, who dares to be so casual ah, if therefore instead of incurring the scourge of death, or instead of making the evil spirits become more powerful is not impossible.

A group of people rushed down the stairs, everything around them because of the flames had begun to distort up, their noses smelled the kind of smell of burning paper, and the surroundings flew to become like the burning part of the paper.

As for the monster that had been staying by Wuji Gu's side, it also disappeared after a few low wails and its body turned into ashes.

Wuji Gu could not help but feel some sadness in his heart and collected some ashes and put them in the system space.

Wait until you leave this world, and then find a place to bury the ashes properly.

When everything was completely burned up, the world also completely collapsed, Wuji Gu noticed that the two people around them were dissipated into light, so they must have been transported away.

[Trigger hidden plot: The truth behind the portrait].

Along with the system's words, Wuji Gu's eyes just lit up.

He stepped on the ground with one foot, and suddenly felt a breeze blowing in front of him.

This appears to be an ordinary room. Behind Wuji Gu is a painting that has been completely burnt, the fragments having been swept away by the wind.

This is not the dark and cold asylum, and you can even see the outside world from here.

And the room is nicely decorated, not like some abandoned residence.

It is surprising that this place is still in the villa area, there are still signs of people living around, obviously not knowing how far away from that mental hospital.

Wuji Gu were stunned, who in the end moved the painting to this place, could it be that someone else bought it afterwards?

But would anyone really want to collect such an unlucky painting with blood on it? And Yu Jin can't just leave this painting in a place where people come and go. Even if someone really buys it, I'm afraid it will turn the place into a haunted house.

Unless, of course, this is a place where he has complete control.

Wuji Gu suddenly remembered that Yu Jin had said before that he was painting a painting related to him and asked him to go and find the other party quickly, otherwise ......

It is obviously a clear day, Wuji Gu but out of thin air dripping cold sweat, he even began to doubt Yu Jin in the end is a human being or a ghost ...... after all, in the world of painting know those messages, it is entirely possible that the other side faked out.

The Dean and the others may not have seen the real Yu Jin long before they killed him. With his ability, even if he is still alive and not dead, he can become the villainous boss of a copy.

Obviously the main task is completed, but Wuji Gu side of things are not resolved, if not quickly, there is a high risk of dying in this copy.

Wuji Gu steepled out of the room and looked around to find a long corridor with a carpeted floor and several paintings hanging on the wall in front of him.

Each of these paintings has one thing in common, they are not finished. And the content on them is mostly uncomfortable to look at, much scarier than the ones painted by An Wei in the world of paintings.

No wonder Yu Jin mocked An Wei before, saying that no matter what he did, he could never surpass himself ...... After all, An Wei is really just a poor, hateful and incompetent imitator.

"Sure enough, this is Yu Jin's place. There's no mistake."

Wuji Gu muttered, following his instincts and running fast towards the front, even if he didn't know whether the other party was a human or a ghost, he must stop the other party before he finished that painting!

Although he didn't even know what Yu Jin was drawing, it was most likely a matter of life and death for him.

Now that I think about it, even if the portrait was burned, it was just one of many portraits, and as long as Yu Jin is still around, he can continue to paint countless more!

They just entered the world of one of the portraits, and may still be considered lucky, which is only in line with the level of intermediate copies.

But Wuji Gu, the person named by the villain, can't escape as easily as the others.

If it was in the past, Wuji Gu might not have cared whether he would really die in the copy, but he is now a person with responsibilities, and if he dies without helping people to solve things, it would be too unreliable. It's really disturbing to Wuji Gu's conscience.

Not to mention, his previous one wasn't even released!


At the same time.

In another part of this world, no one dares to go near the villa in the middle of nowhere.

The original calm villa suddenly darkened completely, and countless ghosts emerged from the darkness, but they were all shivering, as if they were afraid of something.

Then, a voice with a few laughs sounded.

"It's him. He's come back into the world."

Hidden in the shadows, a ghost dressed in a maid's costume had a worried look on her face.

"But I can't go to him just yet ......"

With that voice, all the ghosts are trembling, even if the other side did not do anything, they will be from the instinctive fear.

That voice was followed by some displeasure, sounding just a little creepy, making the other ghosts wish they could just disappear.

"But it's not just any trash that can take a shot at my people."

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