A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 76: I didnt expect Sidun Ao to be so thoughtful

Chapter 76: I didnt expect Sidun Ao to be so thoughtful

When the crowd left the copy, there were still palpitations.

After all, how could they have thought they would see a sight like that.

They, in fact, saw a fierce player and a roughly equivalent copy of the boss existence for another player to fight and jealousy or something.

Although they behave very subtle, that is, the words with a little word, and then a little more hint just ...... in short, all people feel the smell of that smoke.

In addition to Wuji Gu.

That's right, Wuji Gu, the person in question, was oblivious to this!

Finally Shen Shan looked at Wuji Gu without the intention of staying and screwing him, and did not force him, but just looked at him with a thoughtful look, saying that they would surely meet again.

Players do not want to know what Shen Shan said in the end, they also do not want to know so much, after all, are able to leave the time, know so much who knows whether they can still leave alive ah!

What happened after that was very simple. The fog around this village dispersed, there is a path to the outside world, other players afraid of accidents, are busy to leave, of course, before leaving, they are also to Wuji Gu expressed their gratitude ...... after all, and such a powerful big brother to play a good relationship, may also be able to continue to hold each other in the future The thighs.

As for Wuji Gu, he didn't leave so soon, he helped to purify many ghosts in the village and did a lot of good deeds before he was ready to leave.

Yunxiu Qi had been following along, and when it was time to go, he took a deep breath before saying, "When we go outside, can we still be in touch?"

"Of course you can." Wuji Gu also smiled and spoke, "You can also get a copy of me together if you want."

Yunxiu Qi was so happy that he felt Wuji Gu treated him differently from the others! The others have no such promise to go down the copy together. He left the copy of Shen Shan behind for a while.

Because of Wuji Gu's popularity, many villagers came to see him off when he left, and gave him many special products.

But Wuji Gu did not complete the side quest, so he walked into the darkness the moment the system's voice sounded.

[To begin the mission failure penalty, the player will randomly spend one minute with a ghost from a past copy. This ghost may be a creepy evil spirit or just a mindless low-level ghost, it all depends on the player's luck].

Wuji Gu : "......" is worthy of the game? Even this kind of thing is to look at the face. He really can't imagine how unlucky people survive in these copy worlds.

The system's voice ended, Wuji Gu opened his eyes, but found himself sitting on a small boat.

It seems to be late at night here, and the white fog around makes one's vision only see a blurred view of the surrounding area.

This seems to be above some lake, perhaps because of the night, the temperature is extremely low, even Wuji Gu also shivered slightly.

"Where is this place?" Wuji Gu remembered very clearly that he had not been in a copy similar to this one, and the feeling this place gave him was simply extremely dangerous, causing his mind to tingle constantly.

The system said it was sending him to meet with a certain ghost, that is to say, even if the location of that ghost has changed is the same ...... so he came to other places?

The ghost, which one could it be?

Wuji Gu at this time felt the pocket watch in his arms suddenly heat up, he took it out, only to see a faint golden light on it, as if in response to what each other.

The next moment, a hand gently rested on Wuji Gu's shoulder.

Wuji Gu turned his head and was greeted by a handsome young man with blond hair, who was paddling carelessly with an oar in his other hand. Sidun Ao noticed Wuji Gu's gaze and gave him a smile, "I didn't expect to see you again."

The one in front of you is Sidun Ao, Wuji Gu's employer, who saved Wuji Gu's life in the end, so that Wuji Gu was not forced to stay in the copy by the evil god. The first thing you need to do is to get a copy of the watch and use it.

It can be said that the ghost in front of you and Wuji Gu that already has too much of an origin.

" Sidun Ao ." Wuji Gu was a little taken aback, then sat upright again, "Yeah, what a coincidence ...... here, where is it?"

Sidun Ao look with a few complex, he made a hand than in the lips to make a hush gesture, said, "You better not know, here ...... is too dangerous."

Wuji Gu noticed that Sidun Ao was looking at the water around him with a bit of fear, as if he was afraid of disturbing some monster that was sleeping in the water.

At the same time, Wuji Gu heart also gave birth to a strong desire, so he extremely want to see what exists in the water very much.

This unusual longing was not something he had in himself, but rather the effect this place had on him.

Wuji Gu knows that if you don't die, you won't die, so he held down the desire and just sat quietly.

In the ordinary copy he may still go to investigate, but now, he is just in this place as if visiting relatives for only a minute, or do not do something superfluous.

What's more, Wuji Gu knows very well that the evil god and Sidun Ao is a copy of this place is already self-evidently terrible. Even if it's not a high-level copy, it's certainly a medium-level copy that is extremely difficult.

"A part of my soul suppressed the mark on you so that he didn't detect your presence." Sidun Ao said, "Although I can't suppress it for long, I can still last until you leave."

Although he did not say who that person is, but the two are already unspoken.

"Thanks a lot." Wuji Gu said, adding, "Thank you for what happened before, too."

"It's me who should be thanked." Sidun Ao said, "If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid all of us on that ship would be living a life worse than death, after all, reincarnating on that ship over and over again is really daunting."

"So how do you feel now." After all, Wuji Gu look around the environment how to look how bad feeling, in the hands of the evil god such villain boss to survive that day must be very difficult, "I can now friend to help you purify."

Sidun Ao's expression, which was still faintly melancholic and melancholic, suddenly stiffened.

He hurriedly spoke, "No, I still have things to finish."

"Then you can talk to me when you change your mind." Wuji Gu also feels very attentive.

Sidun Ao could not help but tingle in his heart, and said again in a hurry, "Although I do not want you to come. But the mark on you will bring you here ...... sooner or later, and at that time, if I can fulfill my wish, I will be willing to leave this world."

"Your wish?"

"That's something you can't know right now." Sidun Ao said softly, "However, you must keep my pocket watch, until later ...... can certainly come in handy."

Wuji Gu was about to say that the pocket watch seemed to be somewhat broken before, and then he saw that the pocket watch had been completely repaired by the faint light just emitted, and even exuded a more advanced aura than before.

I didn't expect Sidun Ao to be so kind as to help repair and upgrade the pocket watch.

"Well, it's almost time." Sidun Ao looked at Wuji Gu with a complicated expression, "Goodbye."

As his words fell, Wuji Gu's body slowly became transparent and dissipated into the space as a dot of light.

When Wuji Gu left, this place returned to the dead silence of the past, even the sound of the wind does not exist, except for the slowly moving canoe, everything here, including time, seems to be frozen in place.

Sidun Ao did not look at the water, after all, even in this copy are no longer considered ordinary ghosts, he saw that terrible scene, will certainly be affected.

Wuji Gu did the right thing by not looking more than once before, otherwise, he would probably have never returned by now.

Sidun Ao continues to paddle the canoe, ready to meet the upcoming guests.

Of course, how long they can survive in this place ...... that is not something he can know.


After Wuji Gu got out of the copy, he received another series of settlement messages.

This time this copy of his degree of completion is quite high, and gained the help of so many villagers, but also cracked the copy of the truth, purified a lot of ghosts, and got Shen Shan's goodwill, of course, get a lot of points.

Then Wuji Gu went into the system space to add a wave of friends, he has never been a high-caliber person, anyway, others applied he added.

Of course, in the eyes of other players, Wuji Gu is still very mysterious, although it seems to be very enthusiastic, but always feel that he is very far away from them, with a few indescribable sense of alienation. But to say Wuji Gu indifferent, that is impossible, he is a really good person ah!

In any case, because of the complicated relationship, these players are afraid to say anything to Wuji Gu, only to Shi Sun as their friends list of gods, occasionally admire some is almost.

Wuji Gu decided to take Shi Sun as his pseudonym from now on, and directly changed his name in the system space to this one, which is also considered to be a continuation of each other's lives to some extent ......

[Players can choose to reveal their identity to players in the same copy. They will only remember the player's name and looks in the replica.] At this time the system suddenly reminded.

Wuji Gu said, "What is the benefit of doing this?"

Now think about it before you often see some well-known players, it seems to be very famous ...... these people are probably not using their real names and real looks, so maybe it is more useful than disguising their identity.

Of course, what exactly are the abilities and props in your own hands, it is still not good to expose such things out.

[This can accumulate the player's fame value, after the fame value is high will have some special benefits and features open.] The system said, [such as in the mall to buy things at a discount, as well as in the auction of props to obtain priority, as well as the ability to snatch some limited props, the creation of the organization can accommodate more players ......]

Wuji Gu heard here are heartened, "So it is, then I will disclose it."

No wonder those people are willing to take the risk to expose themselves, after all, this fame value is high after the treatment is simply similar to the rush of members.

Although it is true that membership in this system is not a matter of charging money, but of going on to earn some kind of fame value. In some ways this is really quite like a game.

[In order to accumulate fame value faster, there are also players who will choose to make the video recordings of themselves while they are in the copy public. The system will help edit it and can remove the parts that the player himself does not want to expose.] The system spoke again.

Wuji Gu nodded, feeling that the service provided by the system was still quite thoughtful.

He opened the system space to see other people's videos, also found that other players' videos are only the first ten minutes are free to watch, want to see the later will have to pay, according to the difficulty of the copy and this player in the copy to obtain the achievement of the high level to determine the required points.

However, the system space's square occasionally plays videos of those popular players in the outside world, and then there are usually quite a few players running to watch.

Wuji Gu : "......" I have to say that the system is still quite profitable.

These videos will also draw a percentage to the player, although not much, but the cumulative total is also a lot of points.

Of course, it is only the videos of those famous people that people will buy, as for the ordinary people, no one will ask for them, unless they are really valuable for reference. This also makes people want to earn fame more, after all, points are much more important to players than money, this is something that can buy life-saving props!

However, mid-level players are not able to see videos of high-level players, and it can be said that these two levels of players are distinct and rarely encounter each other. Although senior players are able to contact players of other levels ...... but it is as if mid-level players are generally not interested in low-level players, who would want to communicate with those whose strength is far below their own.

The first time I saw him, I was able to get to him.

"And I don't know what their purpose is ......"

After all, advanced players are a field they don't understand, and Wuji Gu stopped thinking about it.

After thinking about it, Wuji Gu took out the video of himself in this copy and looked at it, feeling that there was nothing wrong with it, and finally asked the system to cut out the part of his purification and transferred it to the system space.

Rightfully so, this mediocre-looking video can't attract a bit of ripples, not to mention the uploader is also called what Shi Sun , such a nobody's video who will go to see ...... and the sale price is also up to 100 points, which is a huge amount of money for many players who almost died from the beginning to the end of the good to pass.

Even if at first glance the player's face seems high, who cares how good the face looks in the world of replicas.

Wuji Gu didn't think to promote it either, he was too busy going back to reality to read the script of his new movie, that's the real thing.

So after adding a friend and finally sending a message to Yunxiu Qi, I found that the other party was offline.

Yunxiu Qi : "......"

On the other hand, a few of the others who came out of the copy couldn't help but talk about it on the forum.

And there is a player inside or in the forum often water people, directly posted a powerful title < shock, the copy of the male Shen Shan actually interested in a male player to get laid, which is in the end the moral degradation or human distortion! >.

Such a frightening title, of course, there are many people clicked in to see, they are not convinced in their hearts.

"The owner you are not watching some movie and come to the forum to post it! I've brushed so many copies, I've never seen any ghosts that would be interested in players, it's the interest of getting the players killed is more like it!"

"I have watched so many videos of well-known players, even the most powerful are just using the rules that originally existed in the copy to brush the goodwill of the ghosts, so that those ghosts will not hurt him again."

"What the owner said is not without possibility, after all, certain ghosts are voluptuous ghosts ...... will have that aspect of the demand, of course the players that are looked at that are dead a through."

"What is this Shen Shan copy of?"

The owner, of course, was very reluctant to tell the shocking encounter he had in this copy in the midst of the crowd's questions.

Of course, because Wuji Gu basically spent the whole time with Yunxiu Qi, the whole person in the eyes of others are full of mystery ...... so the owner from a spectator's point of view, write out also very people can not believe.

As for the final episode of what is the Shura drama, it was met with merciless snickers from the crowd of onlookers.

"I think the owner simply go to write novels, this imagination is too rich."

"I thought it was true when I said it."

The owner was immediately angry to release the video, but also revealed that in fact the side of the repair field is that Yunxiu Qi, but others are more despised, thinking that this person is trying to cheat others to buy this video.

Yunxiu Qi although the reputation is quite bad, but obviously is also an extremely famous person, who does not know what he is a group destroyer, this did not get killed teammates on the good, but also what obsessed with a male teammate! What a joke, this is not the kind of Yunxiu Qi as the prototype of the Mary Sue homo.

...... What's more, the selling price of this video is just a cheap 10 points, which completely shows that this video has no value at all, without any particularly powerful scenes.

It's not like this hasn't happened before, the crowd felt that they saw the true nature of this building and left after some ridicule at that moment.


Wuji Gu didn't have a good time reading the script even after he came out of the system space.

He found himself seemingly inadvertently involved in the Cheng family's illegitimate child problem, and things have to be said about Jia Cheng's father's violent death after his kept outside mistress came to his door with the child.

Of course Wuji Gu himself does not want to get involved in other people's family affairs, but apparently Jia Cheng's mother, Mrs. Tang, thinks he is the kind of person who can do anything ......

So the moment Wuji Gu came downstairs he was pulled over, and Mrs. Tang was still crying beside her, asking Wuji Gu to figure out if the child was the Cheng family's seed or not.

Wuji Gu : "......" How does he count such things! This should not go to the hospital!

"Even if I don't get a dime, I can't let that pair of bitches take the property!" Mrs. Tang put vicious words while crying and pressing the shoulder of her son next to her, "My poor child, ah, never enjoyed a few days of fatherly love since childhood ...... and now there is a wild seed coming from nowhere to share the inheritance, simply bullying our orphans and widows."

Jia Cheng could only comfort her mother, and finally sighed, "That child, if it really is, there is nothing that can be done ...... big brother will not let our family bloodline fall outside."

"That child definitely has nothing to do with our Cheng family, it's that woman who found it from somewhere!" Mrs. Tang gritted her teeth fiercely.

"But the dna proofs are out ......" Jia Cheng also has mixed feelings.

"No, they moved." Mrs. Tang said, "I sent someone to investigate it out, the woman had obviously aborted the baby when she was first pregnant, even the hospital witnesses! Now where did she get the baby?"

"Mom, is your investigation reliable?" As soon as Jia Cheng asked this question, she saw Mrs. Tang's slightly vain expression.

They where still can not know, estimated that the woman initially miscarried things also have Mrs. Tang in which moved it, so she is so sure that the child is never pro-life, but who knows dna test but proved that the child is definitely Cheng family.

"There must be some means used here that ordinary people can't find out." Mrs. Tang looked at Wuji Gu with a look of help, "Master Gu, only you have a solution! I will definitely satisfy you as much as possible."

Wuji Gu originally did not want to manage, but he suddenly, intuitively felt a few wrong, and then considering that it is also related to the Cheng family matters, immediately nodded, said he was willing to look at the situation.

Jia Cheng looked at Wuji Gu's eyes were full of guilt, feeling that they really gave Master Gu trouble, he felt that this matter must be only his mother made a fuss, the child can still be a ghost?

"That's wonderful." Mrs. Tang breathed a sigh of relief and added, "But that woman is also cautious and only said that she would not bring the child out until we were willing to let her child in ...... might only be able to look at it afterwards at the funeral."

Wuji Gu answered, seeing that the matter should be almost finished, he was about to open the script, the phone rang again, the caller is Yangshuo Xia.



In the city's most luxurious high-rise revolving restaurant.

Wuji Gu is sitting in the box looking at Yangshuo Xia who has a very respectful attitude across from him, and they have all kinds of fine food in front of them, all of which are exactly Wuji Gu's taste, so it seems that the other party has carefully investigated.

Wuji Gu originally did not want to come, but just could not resist the temptation of food, plus the other side seems to really have something important to say.

If the two people alone in the box eating scene was what people photographed, issued to estimate another powerful news. Of course now that is nothing that anyone dares to offend against.

Yangshuo Xia was originally Jia Cheng's nemesis, along with Wuji Gu also very disagreeable, who knew that after the ghost was saved by Wuji Gu, and then saw Wuji Gu's various amazing operations, and from then on to Wuji Gu very admired.

The two men were first polite, a polite process in which Yangshuo Xia complimented Wuji Gu on all fronts, and Wuji Gu nodded as well as mumbled a few times and kept eating the food in front of him.

Then Yangshuo Xia finally couldn't resist cutting to the chase.

"Master Gu!" Yangshuo Xia's voice still sounded a bit excited, "I have something to trouble you with! This matter is definitely something only you can do."

Wuji Gu thought it was hard not to have something to collaborate on in terms of movies, and suddenly his spirits lifted, "Why, what's up?"

"The thing is this, our family is actually just a branch of the Xia family, in all aspects is far less than the original family." Yangshuo Xia spoke up, "But the old man of this family is now in poor health, and no offspring, it seems to be trying to pick someone else in the family as the successor ......" said here he was very excited, and took another sip of tea. "So I think we must seize this opportunity."

Wuji Gu's attitude suddenly turned much colder, "...... I think you're not looking for the wrong person."

The other side thought he was going to discuss things with him about the entertainment industry, after the release of that previous movie, Wuji Gu can now be said to be a small fire again, has gotten rid of the previous net popularity reputation.

"No, Master Gu." Yangshuo Xia looked fixedly at Wuji Gu and said, "This matter is certainly only you can do ...... because, the old man he claims he is haunted by evil spirits, and only the person who solves this matter will be able to get his approval."

Wuji Gu : "?"

Wait, isn't he actually an actor, so why is everyone coming to him to solve these problems! It's simply all business unskilled stuff!

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