A Degenerate's Tale

Chapter 222 Child Of Prophecy

On the same night, a secret meeting was taking place.

In a particular garden within the Royal Palace.

Two dragons stood menacingly. Their slitted eyes were focused on the individual before them.

The target of their attention was a demon maid with red hair. Her eyes were bicoloured, and she had a gorgeous doll-like face.

"It's been many years, Lilith." One of the dragons spoke.

"Certainly, elders. I did not expect to see you in a place like this."

"Report us on your mission."

"There is nothing to report."

"What? How could there be nothing to report? You've gotten quite close to the Child of Prophecy. You must know something."

"We've smelled Shadow Magic on him, so he's clearly awakening."

"Elders, I don't wish for my Master to awaken. He deserves to enjoy the life he has right now."

"Lilith... you can't change the future. The prophecy is set in stone."

"No. My eyes see differently."

"Sannon's eyes. The same eyes that saw the Child of Prophecy. What does it see?"

"It sees a bright future, elders. A bright future of peace and co-existence. One where I happily smile with Master, and we grow old together."

"Delusional! She's delusional!"

"I believe it. That's why... you two must leave. Please don't interrupt this life of ours."

"You've changed Lilith. You've gone mad." The dragons turned away. Their wings spread apart, preparing for flight. "Remember my words, Lilith. There will be a day when the Child of Prophecy awakens. Once that happens, you will be back by our side... where you belong."


The two dragons left, leaving Lily alone in the garden.

From the shadows, the figure of Ari stepped out.

"Lily." She called out.

"Madam..?" Lily went pale when she met Ari's gaze.

"Tell me everything. Don't leave a single detail out."


After the ceremony, Earl returned home as usual.

The scent of home, the cheerful smiles of Lily and Aria, and most importantly, the gentle face of Ari.

"I'm home."

""Welcome home!""

After greeting everyone, Earl left for his room.

"Puah!" A sigh of exhaustion left his lips when he fell onto the bed.

After he made his oath to Saryll, they fucked like rabbits until morning. Then, immediately after Saryll left, Alea woke up, and they fucked some more.

"I'm so tired..."

"If you're tired, would you like to come on my lap?" Ari whispered into his ears. She had entered the room without him knowing.

"Yes, please." Earl rolled his head onto Ari's lap without complaint. "Mom."


"I swore my loyalty to Teacher last night."

"I know."

"Were you watching?"

"Yes, I saw you calling her mommy~" Ari chuckled.

"How embarrassing..!" Earl began to blush. "It was during the heat of the moment, alright?"

"Sure~ Sure~."

"No..! I can really explain!"

"What do you have to say for yourself? My little Earl~" Ari mimicked the tone Saryll used to call him last night.

"She resembles you, so I couldn't help it."

"Did I just get compared to another woman? You're walking on thin ice, my little Earl."

"Anyways! How could you spy on your son having sex?"

"Humph. It seemed like a crucial period of your life, so I had to see for myself!"

Earl quickly understood her intentions. "That's what makes you so cute."

"I-I'm immune to those words." Ari blushed a little.

"Were you worried about me? Thank you for always watching over me." He said sincerely.

Ari felt like a gust of wind swept through her emotions. She was momentarily dazed.

"I'll always keep you safe, Earl." By the time Ari answered, Earl was already sound asleep on her lap.


Alea POV

Earl had just left, but I could still feel his warmth inside me.

Yesterday felt like a dream. A very long, pleasant dream.

Of course, I knew that Earl was going to be mine. I knew it the moment I asked him to marry me.

But having the matter become official is a whole different matter.

He's mine now, for real.

He's mine.

He's mine.

He's mine.

He's mine.

He's mine.


Only mine.


He's Alea's.

Alea's Earl. My Earl.


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