A Degenerate's Tale

Chapter 35 Shadow Influence

"So what's the surprise?" Earl asked his mother for the reason behind this vacation again as Dai came across the horizon.

"Why so impatient? Tonight, you'll see." Ari answered vaguely. She licked her lips she looked at Earl's curious expression. She has waited so long for this...

Outside of the entrance of Dai, there was a long line of carriages. Most of the carriages were of the common type, being made of dark brown wood but there would be more luxurious ones like the one they were in here and there along the line.

Dai was situated by the sea. Earl could smell the salt in the air when he peeked his head out the window. He felt like it's been forever since he has gone to the beach. Even during back in this previous life, because of his old age, he was often alone at home.

Thinking about it, it's truly worked out well that his wives passed away before him. If they were still alive, he would still be thinking of them, however wrinkled they may be. He loved them but his heart did not feel empty. Because this emptiness has already been filled by Ari's love.

He continued to observe the distant city. A short wall surrounded the city. While he described it as short, it was actually in comparison to other cities. The city wall of Dai was probably half the size of Kopla's. Earl assumed it was because they were situated by the ocean, that they did not have to worry much about land monsters.

Further off into the distance, he could make out faint silhouettes of sailboats docking the harbour. This was the reason why Dai was so important as a hub.

A lingering gaze landed on Earl. He turned around to see Sheryl staring at him. When she noticed his gaze, she hurriedly looked away but her pink tail wagged excitedly like a dog's. He scratched his head in confusion. He knew he was a cute child, but the emotions behind her gaze were not such.

Earl had no clue that Sheryl was peeking last night when he was having his daily fun with his mother.

Outside, Sheryl's mind seemed to enter a perpetual state of perversion. What she saw night was playing loops in her head. It felt like there was a pulling force from the carriage that urged her to look behind.

What were those two doing inside now? She wondered. What if they were doing that... again.

As her thoughts became more muddled, she quickly tried to regain clarity by slapping her cheeks.


"Eh? Leader is crazy again?"


"Sorry. I didn't say anything, leader."

For no real reason, Sheryl began to justify what she saw last night. They're nobles, they're all weird like that.

A voice inside her head then answered. Well, aren't you a noble too!

My family isn't like that!

Are you perhaps jealous? The voice in her head asked again.

Why would I be?

You're approaching your 30s and you're still a virgin. Are you jealous that a boy less than half your age is already experiencing something you have yet to experience?

No! That's not true! I've never been interested in things of that... nature.

Is that true? Maybe you're lying to yourself... You did masturbate to them.


You think you've never gotten your spring of youth because those beastmen didn't find your attractive right? Your hair colour is unusual, you're too small, your chest is small, you're too strong... In reality, you've always been seeking that spring. Isn't that why you've never stopped adventuring? Maybe to find the knight in shining armour of your dreams?

No! No! No!

Before Sheryl knew it, her thoughts became twisted beyond her comprehension.


Paula's voice awakened her from her thoughts. Her beautiful elven face was there when she looked up.


"We're already in front of the line, leader. Hurry and procure the documents so the guards don't bother us." Paula pointed to the front of the line.

There was only one carriage remaining in front of them. Sheryl cleared her thoughts and took out the documents.

"Are you okay Sheryl? You've been out of it since yesterday." Paula asked worriedly, calling her by her real this time.

"Yes... Yes, I'm alright now. I must've worried you, haven't I?"

"You sure did! Remember. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm right here."

"Thank you, Paula. I really appreciate it."

Sheryl's thoughts seemed to have cleared after they entered the city, like a dark cloud dispersing to show a clear sky.

Little did she know, inside the carriage. A small shadow snaked itself into the carriage and returned to Earl's shadow.

Ari watched with a playful look in her eyes. Did her son think he could hide his actions from her?

"I didn't know that Shadow Magic could influence the soul." She said to Earl who was looking out the window and waited for his reaction.

"Eh? You saw?" Earl tilted his head back in a panicked fashion, like a child who had just been caught doing something bad.

"A hundred years too early to be hiding secrets from your mother." She scooted over and hugged Earl from behind. She could feel his uneasiness when their body came in contact. Did he think I wouldn't like what he was doing? "It was an excellent show of your magic. I'm proud of you."

"You don't think it's wrong?" Earl said again with some uneasiness in his eyes. This boy was too pure. Ari felt her heart beat faster.

"You're my child. You can do whatever you want." Ari said lovingly and stuffed his head into her chest. "Although, I do like it when it's done in a classy way."

Earl stuffed his face further into her chest and laughed cutely. "Hehe."

Ari smiled and thought of the quote "Like parent like child."

Last night, she let Sheryl see them on purpose to see her reaction. Today, her son guided her thoughts. They were quite a deadly combo.

Inside Ari's embrace, Earl let out a big smile. He's never thought Shadow Magic could be used this way when inserted into someone else's shadow.

The best way to describe it would be inserting a set of hands into someone's thoughts. When one made a decision, one's thoughts would bring up the different options to choose.

With Shadow Magic, he could "push" an option to be considered more by the target. In no way, was it powerful enough to directly change one's decision. It was only able to influence what the target has thought of. Which meant... Sheryl was secretly a really lewd girl! And to think she saw what they were up to last night... The thoughts of it gave Earl a hard-on.

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