A Destained Young Master Villain

Chapter 90 Mock Battle [Part 1]

After nine minutes passed, Zen completed the test and submitted it.

The professor who was in front of the room glanced at Zen; he was baffled by how he had completed it in such a short time. 

"Hmm... That's interesting. I guess we'll find out later whether he even took the written test seriously or if he is just fooling around," he said under his breath.

"Times up! You all stop with the test." The professor shouted, and all the holographic screens that were on the table dimmed and all simultaneously got retracted back into the coin-size computer.

All the young people that were in the room then looked at him, waiting for the next instructions. 

Seeing that he got their attention, the professor explained, "The next agenda for you all would be the physical skill testing. You all would be in groups, and then each group would be having a mock battle with a professor."

"Each of you is free to choose the people you want to join with. We will not interfere with your choices. Although you will all be fighting in groups, your individual skills will be the ones being evaluated by the three elders. How you will act or work with your group will just be an addition to your skill evaluation."

"This written test is for your field of studies, and the skill evaluations will determine which class rank you would be put in."

With that, the professor gestured to them to follow him to the arena where the mock battle would take place.

They all got up from their seats and started following him.

Zen walked with Anastasia and J-Lo and while they were walking, Anastasia looked at Zen strangely before saying, "Zenryx, how was the test? I saw you answer them swiftly. You must have done quite well."

That's what she said, but in her mind it was completely different. 'Yeah, right... He will probably get an egg score.'

"So-so, it was really easy if I'm being honest."

On the other hand, J-lo, who heard him say it was easy, thought, feeling downhearted, 'Easy? I had to rack my brains around just to answer a single question.'

Anastasia and Zen continued to converse in a friendly manner while they headed towards the arena. Their conversation might seem friendly, but inwardly, Zen and she were scheming about how they could use each other for their plans.

Back at the auction in the Mevouires territory, Anastasia had long been planning how she could use Zen for her plan when she met him for the first time.

Anastasia had quite a big ambition, which was that she wanted to rule the whole Pontiac Planet in the future. How would she be able to do that? (Stay tuned.)

They finally arrived at the arena, the same as last time, where they were all separated by what they practiced: Swordmans on one side, Mages on the opposite side, and finally the Magic Swordsman in between them.

The Magic Swordsmans only had about fifty people, which is a small number compared to the two sides, which had thousands of people.

While they were all neatly gathered, all eyes were fixated on Zen as they discussed his sudden appearance at the academy. Perfectly normal because Zen right now is probably the most popular person on the entire continent. How could he not be the topic of discussion with all the surprises he kept bringing to the Astre continent?

In all likelihood, the discussion about Zen will just die down, as they will get used to him being in the academy amongst them in the future.

Crystal and Edward, who were both in the arena, also saw him.

Edward gritted his teeth in anger, remembering what happened back then as he looked at him. He also saw Zen wearing the artifact that his Velart family owned. 'That artifact belongs to us, you thief; I'll make sure to get it back!' he said in his mind.

Crystal, on the other hand, had the urged to go talk to him, but now was not the right time, and she had already informed Fiona about the situation, so she simply just had to wait until then.

The entire arena quieted down as twenty professors appeared and all stood on the stage. Among them was Hawkin, "We will give you all fifteen minutes to form your groups; each group should only have a maximum of ten members."

"Decide a figurehead and have him/her list all the members on the Tritonic device you were all handed beforehand. Send all the group information to us, and who goes first, second, or last for the mock battle will be decided randomly."

After Hawkin finished speaking, all of them got to work trying to find a group they could join.

Eliza, Edward, and Crystal stayed together and formed a group with the other seven people they found who needed three more members.

While Zen stayed with Anastasia and J-Loz, there was also Anastasia's cousin from the Mevouires family who joined their group, named Elmkelm, and two young men and a girl from the Duragny family named Mathias, Roland, and Noeme. The other two members were from a branch of the Raverdieu family, and finally, the last member was Xue.

It's perfectly normal for the ones from the Duragny family to stick with Zen because of the close relationship between the Raverdieu family and the Duragny family.

Elkelm, who had just joined the group, approached Zen, stopping just right in front of him, and proceeded to greet him: "Greeting, Zenryx Raverdieu, I am Elmkelm Mevouires, It's my pleasure to finally be able to meet you!" He then raised his hand intending to shake Zen's hand.

Seeing this, Zen simply nodded and did not shake his hand. Elmkelm laughed awkwardly as he scratched his head while he put his hand down before finally returning to Anastasia's side. 

"What's with him?" Elmkelm asked Anastasia, only to be met with silence. 'What the f*ck? Why am I getting ignored?' He questioned himself, trying to figure out why.

Finally, as the mock battle was about to start, all the professors jumped down from the high stage and scattered, positioning themselves in certain areas. They have all gotten the lists of the groups that they are in charge of.

The three elders, Navarre, Folmon, and Silvanna, have also arrived and stood on top of the stage.

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