A Divine Farmer

Chapter 218

Chapter 218 - I Don't dare to Fight Back Even If I Were to Slap Him to Death

“What kind of car is this?” Mr. Bao couldn't help but inquire.

To emerge from an accident with such minimal damage was a testament to the car's quality. But to describe this particular vehicle as simply ‘good quality' would be an understatement—it was extraordinary. One couldn't help but wonder how such an exceptional car could exist!

“Are we leaving or not? If we don't get moving, it'll be too late,” Zhang Xiaolong stated, though he had no intention of revealing that he had personally modified the car.

This was a modification like no other, unique in the world with no equal.

Without further hesitation, Chu Wenwen and her companion quickly leapt onto the roadside lion.

“Where are you headed?” Zhang Xiaolong asked, despite having been told by Yang Jingjing earlier.

“We're going to Donghua Mall,” Mr. Bao replied, no longer concerned with the car's peculiarities. “The one nearest to Soaring Dragon Company.”

“Alright, everyone, buckle up!” Zhang Xiaolong said, and with everyone settled, he floored the accelerator.

?Chu Wenwen and the others had been pressed for time and initially wanted to urge the driver to go faster. But now, both she and Mr. Bao opted for silence. Even if they had something to say, it would probably be to plead for a slower pace…

Seriously, did this car have wings? It was terrifying!

Before they could fully recover from their shock, the car came to a halt, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Riding in this car made all previous hardships seem like fond memories—at least then, they were still alive. Unlike the harrowing experience of feeling like they could vanish at any moment while in the vehicle…

“Alright, you two, we're here. This is the underground parking lot of Donghua Mall. Take the elevator up, and you'll arrive at your destination,” Zhang Xiaolong informed them.

“Oh, oh…” Chu Wenwen quickly exited the car, her legs wobbly, nearly causing her to stumble.

“It looks like some people are late,” a clear, teasing laugh echoed nearby. A chic woman in a white dress and high heels approached them. “But don't worry too much about it. After all, even if you had arrived on time, it wouldn't have made a difference for you.”

“Cheng Yanyan, why are you always out to get me?” Chu Wenwen's previously calm face was suddenly suffused with anger upon seeing the newcomer.

The middle-aged woman trailing the stylish lady stepped forward promptly. “Chu Wenwen, watch your words. Otherwise, we might sue you for defamation. It's your own fault for being late and missing the investor's performance. You have no one to blame but yourself!”

“If it weren't for you intentionally giving me the wrong time and arranging for someone to cause trouble on my way here, how could we have been late?” Chu Wenwen bit her red lips, clearly aware that it was too late for excuses.

Cheng Yanyan's presence indicated that the performance elsewhere had concluded, and the outcome was now irreversible.

“Mrs. Yang, don't bother arguing with her,” Cheng Yanyan said with a dismissive glance, speaking in a nonchalant tone, “Some people are just too foolish and insist on blaming others. We don't have time to entertain such senseless losers.”

“A person who resorts to vile tactics may succeed temporarily, but they won't be fortunate forever,” Zhang Xiaolong interjected, his voice quiet yet audible to all. “If you still take pride in such actions, your luck is bound to run out soon. It's always better to conduct oneself with integrity.”

“And who might you be? Do you even know who I am? Pfft, you don't recognize me, you're just a country bumpkin,” Cheng Yanyan sneered at Zhang Xiaolong, then turned her scornful gaze back to Chu Wenwen. “I see you've learned to be cunning, finding a man to exploit. Had you wised up sooner, you wouldn't be in this predicament. And if you're going to find a man, at least find a respectable one. This bumpkin is nothing more than a nouveau riche with some spare cash. Aside from tiring you out in bed, he's utterly useless. You really have poor taste.”

“You…” Chu Wenwen's eyes welled up with tears. “Don't assume everyone is as despicable as you…”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yang's gaze turned icy. She advanced and raised her hand to strike. “You dirty little—Mrs. Yang will show you how to—”

Her words were cut short when she found her wrist suddenly seized, immobilized by an unseen force.

“You're not in a position to be hitting anyone here,” Zhang Xiaolong stated calmly.

“And who are you to judge? You clearly haven't done your homework. I have a reputation in the entertainment industry and I'm acquainted with plenty of wealthy friends,” Mrs. Yang declared defiantly. “Cross me and not only will this little tramp struggle to find work in the industry, but your family's business will suffer too. Don't believe me? Just try.”

“Really?” Zhang Xiaolong chuckled. Cheng Yanyan was already quite presumptuous, but this old lady took it to another level. “I'm not in business; I'm a farmer. What can you possibly do to me?”

Cheng Yanyan and Mrs. Yang were momentarily taken aback, then erupted into laughter.

“Chu Wenwen, you're truly contemptible. I assumed you'd snagged some wealthy upstart, but to think you're with a mere farmer who digs in the dirt for a living—it's hilarious!” Cheng Yanyan clutched her stomach, nearly doubled over with laughter.

Mrs. Yang looked at her with scorn. “I found you such a solid supporter, and you turned him down. If you had chosen a decent man, I might have respected you. But to think you'd stoop to letting some filthy farmer touch you—I must have been blind to even consider mentoring you!”

“Ugh!” Chu Wenwen couldn't contain her rage any longer. “Your idea of mentoring is pushing me to sleep with those repulsive men? Maybe you should take your own advice. I'd rather leave this circle than degrade myself like you!”

“To think you've grown so audacious and sharp-tongued after all these years. Do you believe you have a strong backer? A filthy farmer—I could slap him to death today, and he wouldn't dare fight back!” Mrs. Yang sneered, raising her hand to strike Zhang Xiaolong once more.

But she overestimated herself. Before her hand could connect, Zhang Xiaolong swiftly grabbed her by the collar and sent her flying in an arc.


Mrs. Yang collided with a car, the very one they had intended to drive away.

It was unclear whether the impact was genuinely severe or if Zhang Xiaolong had skillfully applied his strength. Regardless, the car window shattered, scattering glass everywhere. Mrs. Yang screamed as if she were in agony, although she hadn't actually been hurt.

“Help! I've been assaulted!” Cheng Yanyan hadn't anticipated that Zhang Xiaolong would truly resort to violence. She immediately began to yell for help.

Security guards were on duty in the underground parking lot, and two of them quickly responded to the commotion.

“It was him! He attacked me and even damaged our car!” Cheng Yanyan accused, pointing at Zhang Xiaolong. “Detain him! I'm going to call the authorities right away!”

Initially, the security guards were inclined to assist Cheng Yanyan, the up-and-coming star performing at the company. However, upon recognizing the man she was accusing, they realized their assistance was unnecessary.

While others might not be familiar with Zhang Xiaolong, the staff of the East Light Group certainly were. He was often seen in the company of Lee Donghua, and even the least perceptive among them could tell that his status was significant.

“Mr. Zhang, please excuse us. We'll be on our way,” the security guards said, nodding respectfully before turning to leave.

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