A Divine Farmer

Chapter 227

Chapter 227 - I Can't Let the Woman Turn over

Chu Peng chuckled. It appeared that Zhou Li wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet. But it had been quite some time since he'd encountered a woman who sparked his interest. Toying with her could be an amusing diversion.

Unlike other womanizers, Chu Peng preferred to hunt within the company. Rather than wasting time and energy chasing women outside, he found it more efficient to capitalize on the high-quality options close at hand. He had a particular fondness for women who were compliant.

Thanks to his position, the women he set his sights on tended to be very accommodating. He wasn't bad-looking, nor was he the type to squander his father's money. A few sweet nothings and the promise of a brighter future were usually enough to turn even the initially resistant women into his ‘secretaries'—a role well-known in the company for its high turnover.

Zhou Li, however, was an anomaly. Perhaps her long-standing compliance had piqued his interest in experiencing the defiance of a strong-willed woman.

But as far as Chu Peng was concerned, the outcome was inevitable. Any woman he desired would end up in his bed, with no chance of turning the tables in any other arena.

With a casual wave, he summoned someone and gave a quick order. Before long, a larger sign was erected: “Super low price, only fifty each.”

Zhou Li's sportswear was of excellent quality, and selling at sixty yuan a piece was barely breaking even. Chu Peng, however, wasn't about to let her recover her costs. His aggressive tactics were crude but undeniably effective.

People quickly took notice, and after a shout, they all flocked over. Amidst the bustling crowd, Chu Peng's gaze returned to Zhou Li.

“Do you really intend to drive me into a corner, Chu Peng?” Zhou Li called out from across the street, her voice tinged with desperation. “I've lost everything. Are you satisfied only when I'm completely ruined?”

“Darling, how could you think I'd be so heartless?” Chu Peng strolled over, reaching to caress her face, but she evaded his touch. “I'm just showing you the best option available. Why persist with this tiresome little business? With a simple gesture, I can give you whatever you desire.”

“Are you suggesting I should be grateful?” Zhou Li retorted angrily. “My store was thriving until you came along. How did it end up like this, if not for you?”

“This is merely a minor tactic. If you can't handle even this, how can I trust you to manage on your own out there?” Chu Peng said with a laugh. “So, better to stay by my side. Here, you won't have to worry about such things.”

“Do you think you're clever? This is only because your father is wealthy. Without his money, do you honestly believe you could outdo me?” Zhou Li scoffed.

Chu Peng just shrugged nonchalantly. “Say what you will, but I am rich. With such an advantageous position, why wouldn't I make the most of it? Don't get your hopes up about making a profit again. Of course, if you were with me, you could open any kind of shop you'd like. How about it? Will you consider the offer?”

Zhou Li spat discreetly and chose not to respond. Instead, she swiftly altered the sign in front of her shop, reducing the price to 40 yuan per piece.

Chu Peng was unfazed by this rivalry. He promptly instructed his staff to lower their price to 30 yuan.

He never intended to profit from his store. Even if it meant incurring losses, what did it matter to him? His ultimate aim was to outlast Zhou Li.

Chu Peng disliked the idea of coercing a woman into bed. That would only yield a lifeless human doll, along with numerous complications.

He much preferred to have a woman willingly come to him. Compliance was the key to unlocking greater pleasures, even if it required some unconventional methods.

“I know what you're thinking; you just want me to lose more money,” Chu Peng said, lifting his eyelids slightly. “But you should realize that I couldn't care less about such a trivial amount. The real question is, how long can you last?”

Watching Zhou Li return to her store with resentment, Chu Peng strolled back to his own.

At that moment, someone hurried to update him, “Boss, those people bought a lot of clothes. We're incurring significant losses if this goes on. Should we continue?”

“Keep going. It's not your money that's being lost. Keep selling. I want that woman across the street to not sell a single piece of clothing. Got it?” Chu Peng cut off the report mid-sentence.

“I understand, boss.” He was about to add something more, but one glance at Chu Peng's face and he promptly fell silent.

For a frenzied hour, customer after customer swept through Chu Peng's store, leaving it nearly empty. The shop assistant exhaled a sigh of relief, the last item sold. It seemed they had successfully completed the boss's assignment.

Upon returning to the store, Chu Peng paused, sensing something amiss. He quickly stepped outside to investigate. The street was just starting to fill with people, and Zhou Li's sign had been updated—the lowest price was now 80 yuan.

Passersby, drawn to the new deals, began to shop. Some were previous customers of Zhou Li, and the sight of such low prices prompted them to start picking out clothes immediately.

Meanwhile, Chu Peng's shop, despite still advertising clothes for 40 yuan, was nearly bare. It was clear to anyone passing by that the store had been cleared out, leaving no reason for them to linger.

Watching customers flock to Zhou Li's shop, Chu Peng cursed under his breath, “Where's the merchandise? The stock I told you to prepare?”

“We had a rush of sales, it's all… all sold out!” the shop assistant replied, sounding aggrieved.

“Then get more stock, sell it, no matter how low we have to go. We must undercut that woman and ensure she doesn't sell a single piece!” Chu Peng seethed with frustration.

Yet, he knew it was no longer feasible to reach that goal. Zhou Li had already sold a significant amount of clothing. Worse, he was aware that many items she sold had originally come from his inventory.

Zhou Li had outmaneuvered him with ample assistance. Still, he was undeterred. If he could restock, he could continue to pressure her into not selling anything. That part was simple.

If Zhou Li couldn't move her stock, she wouldn't make any profit and would be stuck with unsold inventory. Despite the value of the clothes, they couldn't be converted into immediate cash. Chu Peng's objective was still within reach.

However, restocking was easier said than done. Moreover, the trend Zhou Li had set was catching on. Observing the bustling activity in her shop and the quality of the merchandise, more and more customers joined the frenzy to purchase.

In no time at all, a large portion of the merchandise in the store had been snapped up, and people kept beckoning their friends to join in.

It was hardly surprising. Clothes that normally sold for several hundred yuan were now available for less than a hundred. And not just any clothes—these were the latest styles. With prices this low, it would be tough to find such a deal again, so naturally, everyone wanted to buy several pieces.

The buying frenzy was in full swing. Across the street, Chu Peng, after repeatedly slamming his hand on the table, had finally managed to restock his supply.

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