A Divine Farmer

Chapter 240

Chapter 240 - Abuse Single Dogs!

Watching Chu Peng walk away, Zhou Li breathed a sigh of relief. She had been genuinely concerned that he might start a scene right there.

Yet, when she thought about it, a commotion could have served as a peculiar form of advertising for Essence Dragon Company. Nowadays, some people intentionally create a unique reputation for themselves to spread their fame more rapidly.

Conversely, such a scandal would not favor All Light Company. If Chu Peng's dalliances with numerous female secretaries were to come to light, it would be a severe blow to All Light's reputation.

“He talks as if he's really fond of you,” Yang Jingjing remarked with a hint of surprise. “Had I not seen his true colors that day, I might have actually believed him.”

“I have no idea what he's plotting, but we need to be wary of him. I'm not going to fall for his tricks so easily. Does he think everyone is as naive as a three-year-old?” Zhou Li said, her frustration evident.

If flattery could easily sway her, she wouldn't be in her current predicament. Countless girls had fallen prey to his sweet nothings, but Zhou Li was no longer susceptible to such tactics.

The trade show began shortly thereafter, and thankfully, Chu Peng hadn't approached Zhou Li since their last encounter. She and Yang Jingjing sat quietly, keeping an eye on their industry peers and noting if anyone showed interest in them.

Two hours in, they had attracted a fair amount of attention, mostly from men who seemed more interested in the spectacle than business.

Other booths also featured attractive women, but Essence Dragon's stand was unique with two stunning beauties who captivated onlookers with their mere presence, justifying why the managers had decided to make a personal appearance.

However, the initial buzz was short-lived. Aside from an older gentleman who covertly offered his business card, seeking a more “extensive” and “in-depth” interaction, there were hardly any serious inquiries.

After all, the primary focus of the event was business, with greater emphasis on products that promised profitability and already boasted a degree of renown.

Regarding the beauties, a quick glance was all that was necessary. Besides, their computer hard drives were brimming with such images—they could browse all day and never see them all. And if they ever craved more, they could visit certain shops where not only could they look, but they could also touch…

In essence, when it came to conducting serious business, admiring the beauties was merely an incidental pleasure.

“Jingjing, are we just going to sit here doing nothing?” Zhou Li was growing impatient.

“Actually, I'll have someone bring over a few bottles of Elegant Dragon Drinks. That way, we won't get thirsty while we chat,” Yang Jingjing promptly replied, pulling out her phone to call Zhang Xiaolong.

Zhou Li rolled her eyes. Was it really necessary for the big boss to deliver drinks personally? Clearly, she was looking for an excuse to have Zhang Xiaolong keep her company.

During her time at the company, Zhou Li had noticed something about Yang Jingjing's feelings for Zhang Xiaolong—they were certainly more complex than those between a boss and a subordinate or merely friends.

While their relationship was innocent, Zhou Li was convinced that Yang Jingjing harbored special feelings for him.

What puzzled her was that Chen Yaru, who was reputed to be Zhang Xiaolong's official wife, seemed fully aware and not only did she not oppose it, but it also appeared that the two women often conspired together.

Zhou Li was left wondering, just who was Yang Jingjing's secret admirer?

After a few days, however, she came to terms with it. Both Chen Yaru and Yang Jingjing were kind individuals, and she decided it wasn't her place to pry into their personal lives. After all, she had no intention of marrying Zhang Xiaolong, so it was none of her concern.

With that thought, Zhang Xiaolong's image came to mind once more. In comparison to Chu Peng, Zhang Xiaolong was more attractive and exuded an air of mystery. This enigmatic quality didn't fade even with daily interaction; on the contrary, it seemed to deepen the more you learned about him.

Moreover, the remarkable creations that came from his hands made him an irresistible figure to many women. If only he weren't married…

Zhou Li quickly chastised herself for her wandering thoughts. What was she even considering? Even if Zhang Xiaolong were single, Yang Jingjing would undoubtedly be the first to step in. It certainly wouldn't be her turn.

“Excuse me, what kind of cosmetics is this?”

Yang Jingjing had just hung up the phone when she heard someone inquiring at the exhibition stand. Looking up, she saw a woman in her late twenties.

“This is Essence Dragon Company's latest product. It's infused with numerous natural essences and has a profound impact on improving skin,” Zhou Li quickly stood up to explain. “You have a good complexion and it's quite fair, but it appears a bit dry. Using this cream, you'll see a significant improvement in just ten minutes.”

“Really? Is it as miraculous as you claim?” the woman asked skeptically.

“Whether you're here to purchase for business or personal use, I'm confident you won't be disappointed,” Zhou Li said, handing her a small sample bottle. “Please try this sample. I believe the results will speak for themselves, and you'll surely return for more.”

“Well, if it's as good as you say, I'll definitely place a large order in the future.” The woman took the sample and left.

Zhou Li breathed a sigh of relief. “At last, someone showed interest.”

“Don't worry. Remember what Xiaolong said? Sometimes the best strategy is no strategy at all,” Yang Jingjing reassured her with a smile. “She took the sample. Do you really think she won't try it? Regardless of her intentions, once she experiences the product, she won't be able to resist coming back.”

As they spoke, Zhang Xiaolong arrived at the exhibition hall, carrying several bottles of Elegant Dragon Drinks, which he handed to them.

“Hard work deserves recognition, ladies!”

“Serving the boss is our pleasure!” Zhou Li joked, comfortable with their rapport.

Zhang Xiaolong quipped back, “If you two weren't the most beautiful women in the company, I might have had you replaced.”

“Don't think flattery will get you off the hook. You're treating us to a lavish dinner tonight,” Yang Jingjing retorted with a playful glare.

“Hehe, I thought it was something serious. It's just a meal, right?” Zhang Xiaolong boasted with a grand air, “Having the pleasure of two such beautiful ladies' company, I wouldn't hesitate to treat you to a feast, not just for one meal, but for every meal if that's what you wanted.”

“For a lifetime, too?” Yang Jingjing challenged.

“Cough, cough… Let's change the subject!” Zhang Xiaolong quickly backpedaled.

Zhou Li couldn't help but laugh. This was nothing new to her. “Look, you two bosses, openly flirting in front of me is going to dampen my work spirit. Keep it up, and I'll be demanding a pay raise. You're torturing the single folks here!”

Before Yang Jingjing had a chance to reply, a commotion erupted outside. Someone burst in, pointed at their booth, and yelled, “It's them, they're the ones who ruined my face!”

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