A Divine Farmer

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 - A Bet of Ten Minutes!

“Let me go, you jerk! You're definitely in cahoots with them…” The woman frantically tried to claw at Zhang Xiaolong's face, but his arms were significantly longer, making her attempts futile and somewhat comical.

The reporter grew discontented. “Regardless, you should release the woman. As a man, it's wrong to bully someone weaker than yourself…”

“Should I let her go so she can bully someone even weaker?” Zhang Xiaolong shot the reporter a look of contempt. “Where were you when she was trying to ruin another woman's face? Now you show up, playing the hero. What took you so long?”

“But that's because…” The reporter started to say something but was quickly silenced by a shout.

“Do you or do you not want to see the truth? Is delaying everyone here amusing to you?” Zhang Xiaolong challenged.

“Fine, if you can't prove anything soon, I'll make sure you get your close-up too!” the reporter retorted, seething.

Zhang Xiaolong paid him no mind, instead focusing on the woman who continued to struggle, and swiftly took the trial-size bottle from her grasp.

The crowd was instantly abuzz with the woman screaming, “Catch him! He's trying to destroy the evidence!”

The reporters couldn't let that happen and some started to surge forward.

“Back off!” Zhang Xiaolong bellowed, his voice imbued with an authoritative power.

Once, even a pack of wolves was cowed by such a command, and now the ordinary people present were so startled that they nearly lost their balance.

Thankfully, the moment was brief. Zhang Xiaolong then turned his attention back to the trial-size bottle.

Holding up the small bottle, he announced, “As you can see, this is the trial-size bottle that this woman had in her possession. I'm going to open it right here and ask that you take plenty of photos.”

He unscrewed the cap and showed the contents to those nearby as cameras clicked incessantly, capturing the moment.

Zhang Xiaolong took a whiff of the bottle and said with a grin, “Do you know why I said her mistake was so glaring? Because she never actually used this trial-size bottle. It's missing some of its contents, likely discarded. The injury on her face is from a chili burn, not what she claimed. I'm not sure of the reason, but perhaps she could enlighten us further.”

“Is this the truth you're telling us?” the reporter scoffed. “You're just talking nonsense.”

“You're not wrong to think that at the moment, but what I'm about to prove will speak for itself,” Zhang Xiaolong replied, turning to the woman. “You claimed that using the cosmetics from this bottle is what burned your face, correct?”

“Absolutely. I applied it once, and this is what happened to my face. What other explanation could there be?” the woman bellowed.

Despite her efforts, she was unable to move and eventually resigned herself to stillness.

To onlookers, she appeared to have settled down, unaware that she was completely immobilized.

Zhang Xiaolong lifted the bottle for everyone to see. “This makeup bottle also contains chili water. If tested, it's bound to raise concerns…”

“Are you suggesting someone sabotaged this unethical company? That someone would disfigure their own face to frame a company? Your theory is preposterous,” the reporter ridiculed.

The crowd murmured among themselves, clearly skeptical that anyone would risk disfigurement to frame a company—the cost seemed far too steep.

“I understand your doubts. Since I've mentioned there's an issue with the makeup, whether it's the Makeup Company, this lady, or an external party to blame is unclear,” Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile. “So naturally, everyone assumes the company is at fault, which is understandable. But as I mentioned earlier, this lady's major oversight is that she has never actually used Essence Dragon Makeup. This product has a distinct, yet subtle fragrance, which is completely absent from her—she only smells of chili water…”

“That scent could have been masked by some substandard substance. You keep harping on about the chili concoction to distract us. How do we know if it's really that, or if the makeup originally had a fragrance at all? That's just your word against the tangible injuries on the consumer's face, which you seem to be avoiding,” the reporter challenged, seizing the weak point in the argument.

Zhang Xiaolong nodded. “The presence of the fragrance in the makeup can be corroborated by the multitude of products on display here. But let's set that aside for now and address why I insist she never used Essence Dragon Makeup. Had she done so, she wouldn't have suffered these injuries from the chili concoction. Don't believe me? I'll show you.”

“What are you doing?” the woman yelled. To onlookers, despite her loud protests, she put up no resistance.

Zhang Xiaolong signaled to Yang Jingjing, who promptly stepped forward, selected a bit of product from the bottle, and gently applied it to the woman's face.

“She's already in such a condition, and you still won't let her be? Where's your humanity?” a reporter angrily chastised.

“Let me explain,” Zhang Xiaolong said, ignoring the outburst and addressing the crowd. “Essence Dragon Makeup is harmless to the skin. In fact, it's quite beneficial for repairing damaged skin. I've mentioned that this bottle has been tampered with. Nonetheless, even this compromised Essence Dragon Makeup won't hurt the skin due to its potent restorative properties. It can fully negate the effects of the chili solution. If you're skeptical, just wait ten minutes and see the results.”

“And if her face doesn't improve in ten minutes?” the reporter pressed.

“What do you suggest we do?” Zhang Xiaolong inquired.

With a sneer, the reporter replied, “If there's no improvement, it'll prove you're in league with the Makeup Company. We'll expose all of you, and you'll face legal consequences. We'll follow this case to the very end to ensure justice is served.”

“As I've said, this makeup has been tampered with. If the truth were otherwise, her condition would only deteriorate upon application. If her injuries don't worsen but lighten instead, that alone will confirm everything,” Zhang Xiaolong scrutinized the reporter. “Currently, there's no Divine Medicine that can heal burns like hers in just ten minutes. Don't you think your accusations are a bit excessive?”

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