A Divine Farmer

Chapter 279

Chapter 279 - This Is All a Misunderstanding!

Good products are supposed to sell themselves, and while Zhou Li knew this to be true, she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to do something more. Otherwise, she felt as if she were just freeloading.

Zhang Xiaolong might not voice his concerns, but he knew that occupying his position without delivering results would make him unworthy of his title and salary.

As the company's vice president, Zhou Li took it upon herself to personally follow up with all the previously interested customers, calling each one individually.

Yet, those customers who had initially shown keen interest began to waver. They had been impressed by the product's effects, but now they were reluctant to commit.

The product was excellent, and the samples they received were top-notch, arguably the best cosmetics they had encountered. However, the current tepid market response and the company's apparent lack of momentum made them question its capabilities.

Moreover, the pricing was steep. Two thousand for a set of cosmetics with just two bottles seemed excessive, regardless of the product's quality. The brand's reputation simply didn't justify the cost.

Zhou Li knew that aggressive marketing might sway some customers, but who would pay such a high price for an unknown brand without any buzz?

After two days of effort, Zhou Li's phone book was littered with red crosses. Despite her repeated explanations that the lack of advertising was due to special circumstances, the clients remained skeptical, implying that the company simply lacked funds.

Some even brazenly suggested buying the cosmetics formula, promising a handsome sum in return.

Zhou Li could only offer a wry smile in response to these propositions, politely ending the calls. The formula wasn't hers to sell, and even if it were, she wouldn't foolishly hand it over.

Besides, even if she did sell it, could they really replicate the product? Sourcing the raw materials alone would be an insurmountable challenge.

With a heavy sigh, Zhou Li admitted to herself that she had failed. She had been passionate about her career and had secured an exceptional product, yet she couldn't make a single sale. It was a sobering moment that led her to question her own abilities.

At that moment, a phone call came through, sparking a flurry of activity. After a quick exchange, she grabbed her bag and rushed out the door.


“Where did Manager Zhou go?” Yang Jingjing had wanted to discuss something with Zhou Li, but upon realizing she wasn't at the office, she inquired about her whereabouts.

She learned that Zhou Li had left the office half an hour earlier without mentioning her destination.

Yang Jingjing wasn't overly concerned since it wasn't an urgent matter. She figured they could talk when Zhou Li returned.

However, another half hour passed without Zhou Li's return, and Yang Jingjing's intuition told her something was amiss. As she was about to call her, her phone rang—it was the missing Zhou Li.

“Ms. Zhou, where are you?” Yang Jingjing's worry deepened with the background noise she heard.

“Jingjing, I'm in a KTV bathroom… I feel… really bad,” Zhou Li's voice was faint, yet she struggled to stay lucid. “Come quickly… No, don't come. Get Zhang Xiaolong or…”

“Which KTV are you at?” Yang Jingjing pressed, her anxiety mounting.

“It's… I think… Dynasty…” Zhou Li's thoughts seemed sluggish.

Suddenly, there was a knocking sound from Zhou Li's end, and someone called out, “Vice President Zhou, we've got another big client for you. Please, come out and meet them.”

Yang Jingjing didn't dare to hang up and quickly dialed Zhang Xiaolong on the landline.

Meanwhile, Zhang Xiaolong and Chen Yaru were preoccupied with matters concerning Xiaoxiao Long. With the village concert and tourism development keeping them apart, they were finally spending some quality time together, catching up on lost time.

Interrupted by Yang Jingjing's call, Zhang Xiaolong reluctantly answered.

“Xiaolong, get to Dynasty KTV fast. Ms. Zhou might be in serious trouble,” Yang Jingjing blurted out.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaolong leapt out of bed and made a beeline for the door.

“What's the matter?” Chen Yaru quickly realized there must be an emergency and rose to her feet to follow.

“Zhou Li is in trouble. Don't worry about it; I'll handle it myself.” Zhang Xiaolong reassured her before swiftly departing.

It was nighttime, and Zhang Xiaolong was unconcerned about drawing attention to himself. He accelerated to his maximum speed, moving through the streets like a swift breeze. Even if someone did notice, they'd likely dismiss it as nothing more than a chill in the air.

In no time, he arrived at the entrance of the Royal KTV. However, he didn't enter, sensing that the person he was looking for was no longer there.

As the Vice General Manager of Essence Dragon, Zhou Li exclusively used Essence Dragon Makeup. The distinctive scent of the products was easily recognizable to the average person, let alone to Zhang Xiaolong.

He quickly discerned that Zhou Li had been there but had since left. Time was of the essence; sometimes, even a second's delay could lead to irreversible consequences.

Following the trail of fragrance to a nearby hotel, his urgency grew.


There was no time for knocking. Zhang Xiaolong forcefully struck the door, shattering the lock as if it were nothing.

Inside, he found a man in pajamas attempting to climb onto the bed where Zhou Li lay, inebriated to the point of insensibility.

“It's you?” The man turned, showing a flash of surprise, but quickly composed himself, straightened his clothes, and sat back down. “I believe Mr. Zhang has misunderstood. I was merely checking to ensure she was unharmed; I had no intention of doing anything else.”

“So, you know who I am?” Zhang Xiaolong's concern eased somewhat upon seeing that Zhou Li's clothes were still in order.

“Indeed, I had the fortune of witnessing Mr. Zhang's prowess at the Xu family's Charity Auction. It was truly an enlightening experience,” Chu Peng commented admiringly. “Who would have guessed that the mysterious buyer behind the acquisition of Strong Dragon Group would also be a master of such remarkable talents?”

“That makes things simpler. Chu Peng, you should be aware that being my adversary isn't dangerous, but if you try to harm my people, that's a different story—it becomes exceedingly perilous,” Zhang Xiaolong stated calmly. “You wouldn't want to find yourself in that kind of danger, believe me.”

Chu Peng's face flickered with a hint of concern, but he quickly recovered with a laugh. “Mr. Zhang, you have quite the sense of humor. As I've said, it was all a misunderstanding. Honestly, if I hadn't chanced upon the KTV and found Zhou Li there, we might have witnessed an unfortunate incident. It was I who saved her. If you're skeptical, feel free to ask her yourself once she regains consciousness.”

“Really?” inquired Zhang Xiaolong.

“I'll concede that I've taken a liking to her, but I, Chu Peng, would never coerce anyone, nor would I resort to such tactics to win a woman's affection. There's no pleasure in that,” Chu Peng said with a chuckle.

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