A Divine Farmer

Chapter 292

Chapter 292 - It's Not That I Don't Want To!

“Chair Chen, do you really think this will make a difference?” Dr. Liu challenged once more.

“Dr. Liu,” Zhang Xiaolong interjected before Chen Shi could respond, “I'm not sure why you harbor such a strong bias against traditional Chinese medicine. While the approaches differ, TCM has its strengths, just as Western medicine excels in certain areas. Our focus should be on what's most beneficial for the patient, not on using your theories to discredit TCM. It's as absurd as using the Equator's temperature to argue that the poles can't possibly be that cold. What's more, even if you were to win this argument, would that be more important than treating a patient?”

“I just don't want to waste time on ineffective treatments!” Dr. Liu countered immediately.

“Chair Chen mentioned that the vaccines from A Country haven't had a significant impact. Despite your busyness, what good has it done for the patients and those in the epidemic zone?” Zhang Xiaolong pressed on.

Dr. Liu grew even angrier. “Are you questioning our efforts?”

“Not at all. I'm suggesting that since we can't seem to stop it, why not try an untested method? If it doesn't work, it's simply one more unsuccessful attempt. But what if it does work?” Zhang Xiaolong posed the question.

Dr. Liu opened his mouth but offered no rebuttal this time.

Chen Shi sighed as well. “You're right. We've given it our all, yet we've accomplished so little in the face of this virus. We shouldn't give up on any glimmer of hope. I'll immediately arrange for someone to bring Dr. Wang Zhengyi from the epidemic area to assist us in combating this Ebola outbreak.”

“No, that won't do,” Zhang Xiaolong shook his head, “I should be the one to go.”

“Why?” This time, Liu didn't question him. It was a life-threatening situation, after all, but he was still curious about Zhang Xiaolong's confidence.

“Are you sure you'll be okay?” Su Mei grew anxious as she saw Zhang Xiaolong ready to take a risk by entering the village.

With a reassuring smile, Zhang Xiaolong said, “Don't worry, I won't get infected.”

Reassured by his confidence, Su Mei felt somewhat at ease.

After a brief moment of comforting her, Zhang Xiaolong got up and made his way outside.

Following Chen Shi's instructions, Zhang Xiaolong donned his protective suit and, accompanied by his colleague, stepped into Eternal Light Village.

He was aware that despite the protection of his divine powers, he was not immune to all poisons, particularly this exceptionally virulent virus. It posed a significant challenge to his powers, which explained why he hadn't immediately treated Su Mei.

Zhang Xiaolong had recently examined Su Mei and realized that eradicating the virus from her body would likely deplete all his divine energy, and even then, it might not be enough. Moreover, if he exhausted his divine power, he would be at immediate risk of contracting Ebola himself.

He could proceed incrementally, but Su Mei was only mildly infected. What about those suffering more severe infections? Endowed with Shennong Divine Power, Zhang Xiaolong felt a profound sense of helplessness against the virus.

This compelled him to venture into the epidemic zone, seeking the assistance of a doctor. He hoped that by combining his divine power with the doctor's acupuncture expertise, they might not cure Ebola completely but could certainly gain precious time for the afflicted.

Upon entering the epidemic zone, he was greeted by desolation. The village was even more isolated than Clear River Village, resembling a ghost town with no cell phone signal and dilapidated buildings.

Following Su Mei's directions, he located Dr. Wang Zhengyi's home to the west of the village. In contrast to the surrounding ruin, this house's door was relatively intact. After knocking twice to no response, Zhang Xiaolong pushed the door open and entered.

“Who are you? What brings you to my home?” a tall, sturdy man emerged from inside.

“Are you Dr. Wang Cheng?” Zhang Xiaolong inquired, assuming this was the man who had administered acupuncture to Su Mei.

The man paused, “How do you know me? I'm not a doctor, though.”

“I'm a friend of Su Mei. Without your acupuncture, she might be in grave danger by now,” Zhang Xiaolong earnestly explained. “Many are suffering from the disease outside. I understand it's a lot to ask, but could you please request Dr. Wang Zhengyi's assistance in managing the outbreak?”

“No way!” Wang Cheng immediately refused. “You should go back. My father hasn't treated anyone in a long time. Now, he can't even hold a needle, let alone go with you.”

“What about you?” Zhang Xiaolong asked, seeking an alternative. “Could you lend a hand? We really need a doctor with your exceptional skills right now. Even a little help could save many lives.”

“I can't. I have to take care of my father; he can't manage without me,” Wang Cheng stated resolutely.

Zhang Xiaolong hesitated, then made a seemingly excessive request, “In that case, could you share your acupuncture technique with me, so I can assist others outside…”

“Hmph, always the same tactic. Get out! Our family's acupuncture techniques will not be passed on to those with malicious intent, not even from beyond the grave… Cough, cough…” Wang Cheng's face reddened from the outburst.

Zhang Xiaolong, sensing something amiss, stepped forward and firmly grasped Wang Cheng's wrist.

“What are you doing?” Wang Cheng panicked, struggling to pull away, but it was futile against the other's vice-like grip.

“You've contracted Ebola too!” Zhang Xiaolong deduced.

Wang Cheng's face shifted with realization. As a doctor, he was acutely aware of his body's changes, but he hadn't expected Zhang Xiaolong to diagnose him so swiftly, indicating considerable medical expertise.

“Fortunately, it's only been two days!” Zhang Xiaolong quickly shed his protective suit and reached for Wang Cheng again.

“What on earth are you trying to do?” Wang Cheng asked, unable to escape.

The man before him, though not as robust, possessed remarkable strength.

“I'm going to treat you!”

With that, Zhang Xiaolong concentrated on performing the Hundred-grass Spring Coming Arts, channeling his divine power to cleanse Wang Cheng's meridians. After expending nearly all of his energy, he finally took a deep breath and collapsed to the ground.

“I…” Wang Cheng, seeing the other man's exhaustion, looked at his own hands in disbelief. Feeling the changes within himself, he asked incredulously, “Is it over? Is the Ebola virus gone?”

“Rest assured, I'm certain you're healed,” Zhang Xiaolong said, steadying his labored breath. “I have some treatments for the Ebola Virus when it's a recent infection, but for more severe cases, I'll need your assistance. Without it, these methods are essentially ineffective.”

“I understand what you're trying to say, but… it's not that my father doesn't want to help, it's just that…”

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