A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 133: Old building

Chapter 133: Old building

[I don't care but we are not going back there to sleep. You understand me?] Noworry declared.

"Are you kid that you want someone to play with you?" He asked while sighing. This bird was giving him a headache early in the morning. 

This was an offense.

Noworry just stared at him with his sharp gaze and Severus felt intimidated under that stare. At the last, he just agreed with him and they both walked around the vicinity of the main palace. Severus told Noworry about his childhood and how every palace had its own importance for him. For example, the horse stable was the first place where he met with his horses. His pets were his greatest assets. As long as one takes care of his pet the pet will take care of his master. Building trust was the foundation of any relationship. He later introduced the bird with his archery ground, swimming pool, and some old helpers. Although he wanted to hug them as he used to in his previous life but for the sake of his revenge, he needed to restrain himself. It took them a long time to cover the area around the main palace and still a lot was left behind for introduction. Although he wasn't a chatty man, he still said a lot when he described his past self and when they reached inside the palace the dishes were laid on the table. 

No need to guess it was breakfast time. Since everyone was aware of Melanie's and crown prince's wedding so there were very few helpers currently present, most of them were busy with the arrangements. Even the king and Crown prince were doing their best to complete their work so they could enjoy the wedding without any worries. Severus saw Desella and Melanie sitting face to face on a long rectangular table. The tension was so visible that even the servants did not are to come to serve and the food was just cooling down on its own. When Severus entered, he saw the scene. A sulky-looking Desella sitting on her chair without any mood of conversing whereas Melanie who always looked drop-dead gorgeous looked different today. Her pale cheeks looked paper whereas her dark circles were looking deadly. She looked haggard and exhausted. With his keen eyes, he even noticed a bloody scratch on his arms which she tried hiding it, but nothing could ever remain hidden from his eyes. 

Severus had a sudden urge to ask about her injuries but on the second thought, he restrained himself from asking about it. He could guess it accurately so there was no need to ask. Given her anger, it was a miracle she did not confront him for her father's death. 

"Welcome back. Where did you run off too early in the morning?" Desella asked casually. She felt it was odd for Severus to go without informing her or leaving a note, but she did not harp over it. 

Severus briskly made his way to the start table and sat beside Desella as she gave him his cutlery. 

From afar Melanie noticed how harmonious both behaved. Like a sweet wife, Desella was concerned about him while plating food for him. Anger and jealousy gripped her heart and a cynical wave passed through her but before anyone could notice it the state died swiftly, and everything was brought back to normal. 

Every now and then Melanie was glaring towards Severus and this made him a little bit uncomfortable. Due to her threatening gaze even, the delicious food tasted bland and Severus just finished it off as he pulled Desella into her room.

Desella too went with the flow and gloated over Melanie's sour expression.

"What is happening?" Desella asked Severus when they were far away from the dining room, but Severus just made a sushi sign using his fingers and signaled her to remain quiet. Severus had observed that these days a black shadow was always following them from afar whenever they were out of their room. They were hidden guards who now were working as spies. If you were not keen enough you could never even sense their presence but Severus being Severus spotted them. He dragged her inside her room and inked some words on a piece of paper. He roughly wrote about everything that was going behind the scenes. 

Desella was shocked and was just on her verge of screaming when Severus reminded her to not say a word. After telling her. about everything he burned that piece of paper and cleared every evidence so that no one can suspect them. They later talked on some random topics and soon Severus left her room and went to his to pass the rest of the day.

And that is how they were fooled. Shadow spies went back to report their master.

The day passed at the same pace but for Severus, it was very slow today. Maybe because he was going to find answers and the wait was teasing him. 

Dilly- dallying evening came. Severus and Desella used the excuse of strolling in the market to leave the castle and went outside. Severus was aware that those hidden sites would surely follow him thus he purposely went to a crowded street. The market was huge and colorful. It was the peak time of businessmen's, so it was bustling with city life. The crowd was just huge. Under Severus tactics, those spies lost their trail. Severus used the opportunity and slipped from the crowd as he led Desella to an ancient place. 

Desella noticed that the place looked spooky. A complete contrast from where they came from. Not even a single life could be seen. In front of her was a graveyard and like that was not scary enough on the right side of the graveyard was a dilapidated monument. Rusted rails and old paint were smelling in sir. The building was surrounded by dry old trees which made it look like a scene directly from a horror drama.

"Severus. I am not going there"



Severus and Noworry don't know what to say. Severus noticed that Desella was scared genuinely.

He smacked his head.

Out of all the times why she needs to be sacred now.

"Look Desella. Do not fear. I am here with you and there is nothing spooky there. It is just a scary disguise. This building is a temple and is run by onyxes. A huge number of people live inside that building. Come one" 

As Severus said this even Noworry perched on her shoulder to give her some strengths.

[What a joke! A will is getting scared from otherworldly things] Noworry ranked sarcastically.


Severus just grabbed Desella's hand and took her to the temple. It was all true. Desella saw that the interior of the building was so different from the outside. No one can even imagine witnessing such a majestic scene from inside after seeing the outside.

Maybe that proverb is right. We should never judge a book by its cover.

Severus knocked on the big wooden gate. Soon a skinny man wearing a red gown with an attached hood that covered half of his face greeted them as he opened the door. The man's three-fourth face was covered so the only feature that Desella could see was his thin but malnourished lips. She inwardly snorted on him. The boy who opened the door was shocked himself. He earlier thought that maybe a royal messenger had arrived since not many were aware about the location of Onyx headquarters but here someone was. A stranger to say with a woman. The man composed himself after his shock as he opened his mouth to inquire. "Who are you? You know you could be executed if you did not tell us your reasons for coming here. Come on spit it out."

Desella was flabbergasted. 

Not like anyone would like to come here after seeing the outsides of their headquarters however Severus did not have any expression. It was an expected reaction from him. He just took out a paper as he handed it to the skinny guy. "Here take this to your leader and give it to him and I am sure after seeing it he would like to see me"

The skinny was stunned when he heard Severus' big talk. He suspiciously accepted the paper and asked them to wait. When the man left Desella quirked her brows to ask him about the paper, but Severus just smiled mysteriously. 


She knows that it was useless to ask now. Since he smiled then there was no way he was going to tell anything. They waited outside them for half an hour. As when Desella was going to burst from impatience the big wooden door opened again. The same skinny man greeted them but this time he was behaving very respectfully. She wondered what the hell happened for him to behave like this. It was useless for her, so she just tossed it out from her brain. Life should not be made complicated.

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