A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 150: Explanation

Chapter 150: Explanation

"That night it wasn't only you who was killed but several things vanished from the face of earth too. You, my heart, Maverick smile. I know you might think it sounds funny but after your death, happiness disappeared from our lives. For me, my heart died with you. Just like you, my heart also got pierced with the same dagger Maverick used on you. Forgive me Severus I was not able to save you. I came to you to confess my love, but things turned for worse and Maverick saw us in a suspicious position. Believe I never knew why he killed you. Your death has been tormenting me since you died but god blessed me. You are with me once again Severus. How happy I am I can't express it" She covered her face as she quietly sobbed. She looked extremely pitiful and grieved.

[Such a bitch]



"How did you manage to expose me?"

"What are you saying, Severus. I love you deeply. My heart can recognize you even if you disguise yourself as a pig. It is something I can't explain. You could say, I have a connection with you."



Heart-to-heart connection my foot!

"Melanie you see I have a lot weighing on my mind, so spare me, cut the crap, and directly come to the main point. I know you know something about my past. While I was unaware, grinding my ass off for you all and worked like a dutiful and loyal slave, you people thrashed me, used me, and made fun of me behind my back."

"No Severus"

"Oh! Please. I am not old naive Severus".

Melanie was shocked. The current Severus was far more troublesome than she ever imagined. "Fine if you want to know the truth then so be it."

"Severus you were not an ordinary child rather a special child. You were the child of Cynthia, who was known to be the profound leader of Frost Legion. The tribe that was insanely famous for their art in necromancy. I bet you know the rest of the story about the feud between Frost Legion and King Marquis. No one knows who your father is, however, you have a special bloodline. Your blood has immense power to heal anyone and this makes you prey for many. After the Late empress died, King Marquis turned suspicious about her death, so he discreetly investigated, only to find out that your mother was the one who instigated the murder. In his rage, he massacred Reseen and your tribe died while your mother escaped. He sent his troupes too, far off, in search of your mother, but he only found her corps. Your mother was suspected to die while she gave you birth. Rather unfortunate for you but even if she were alive, she would have been caught by King Marquis only to be changed for the death penalty. I guess it was a blessing in disguise. Later you were found near your mothers' corpse, crying, and wailing. An infant. News spread like a wildfire. Everyone suspected you to be the illegitimate child of King Marquis, but he declined all the accusations, however, you can kill people not the topic. Even after Marquis confessed that you and he are not related, there were people who didn't believe him. "

[Spineless bastard of the society]

"Later Marquis allowed you to live. This decision of his made a quiet uproar in the kingdom. There were people who opposed his decision since you were the child of a murder. Not a simple murder but the one, whose mother killed Empress of Rivera. Some kind-hearted people favored it. They said that a child bears no responsibility for the misdeeds of their parents. Several debates happened across the kingdom, but Marquis turned a blind eye to everything and made you the shadow knight of the Crown prince. Well, I didn't get to personally experience everything, but my father told me, that time the entire kingdom went into a state of chaos. People were pretty fine by letting you live but they weren't extremely dissatisfied with you. They didn't want you to become Crown prince shadow knight. They believed that blood was thicker than the water. They were afraid that the same tragedy might happen again. Several groups revolted; a lot happened but, in the end, Marquis officially declared you as Crown prince shadow knight. He even took a guarantee for your deeds and reassured everyone that nothing tragic will happen again. In the eyes of everyone Marquis became a legendary king. A benevolent ruler. His status increased by leaps and bound while people started worshipping him as an epitome of kindness. Well, that was all talks and we both know how cheap and fake it is. If not for your bloodline, Marquis would have killed you. Not to mention your fate. You were born under the Cepheus constellation. You were a hell unlucky kid for yourself but not for Crown prince. After the Onyx leader saw you, he was shocked. He did some calculations on paper and when the result came out, he was shocked. Well, let me just cut it out. The Crown Prince was not infected with any incurable disease but was affected by a curse. He was cursed by your mother, I guess. Your mother cursed the late empress when Maverick was still in her womb. Although Late Empress took the major hit, Maverick was still touched by the shadow of the curse. He was an extremely frail child who was weak from the beginning. Within Six- months several royal doctors were fired since they weren't able to find a cure for Maverick."

"Why was the king so stubborn on Maverick? He was the king, he could have married anyone and produced as many as heirs, still he chose to follow the path of celibacy?" Severus voiced out his question. It was just to check how deep Melanie was aware of the situation.

As predicted. Melanie just scratched her head in confusion. "Although I can't believe it, that is exactly what happened. I think Marquis might have found it hard to love any other woman or he may see Maverick as the only trace of his love. Well, whatever I do not know about this. When Marquis found out that you could bless Maverick as well as pro-longe his health, he chose you to be his son's shadow knight. Well, what great gameplay. So that is how you joined the royal family and also why you served as a shadow knight for several years".

When Melanie said the truth there was no fleeting emotion in her voice. It was as if she was just reciting a story that did not concern her.


Even No worry felt injustice for Severus but the woman who claimed to love him and have a heart to heart connection with him felt nothing. She felt nothing for his misery.

What a heartless woman!

Severus' heart felt a pang which made it difficult for him to breathe. He felt darkness swarming him as he was drowning in despair but still maintained the strong facade.


"Well, that's how everything turned out to be, and you lived twenty-six years of life serving the Crown prince and this Kingdom. Everyone who was doubting you initially kept their mum when they saw how loyal you were. I know no one liked you and it was hard for you, but you see people still held grudges against you. Several innocent people died in a massacre while ex-empress was cursed by your mother. Not only that but the crown prince was born weak because of it. Netizens were angrty on you so that explains why no one likes you"

"But you did" Severus interrupted her.


"You liked me. Didn't you?"

Melanie blushed. "Of course,"


Severus' next question made her speechless.


How would she know? 

Maybe because he was the only one who was true to her. No schemes, no dis-honesty, no politics just pure friendship. Ah Well! Not to forget he was drop-dead handsome.

"Because you are Severus. We were destined."



[Who is she even kidding. Severus, I tell you this bitch is so funny. I mean if not for me in my bird form, I would have slapped her hundreds of times till now]

As usual, Severus ignored Noworry.

"Okay I believe whatever you said but if I was so lucky for Maverick then why did he kill me? Did his curse got lifted up, so he wanted to throw me out of his life like we used to throw broken shoes? "


She screamed.

"Severus well, even I didn't know. Whatever happened that day was shocking for me too. As you know that I was betrothed to Maverick, but I fell for you. Maybe it was jealousy" She meekly replied.

[How ridiculous this girl can be?]

"Are you even listening to yourself? You say that Maverick, the epitome of calmness killed me over a fit of mere jealousy. Melanie, I agree that I had feelings for you, but have I ever made it obvious? Have I ever crossed any line?'



Severus was speechless.

[Such a lame excuse]

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