A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 157: Wendigo

Chapter 157: Wendigo

"Severus, what is Wendigos?" Desella timidly asked.


"A noisy creature" He replied.


"The embodiment of selfishness and gluttony, this half-human, half-beast is never satisfied with its killings. It is said that people who are overly materialistic or egotistical can eventually turn into a wendigo, but the most common way for a person to become one is by resorting to cannibalism. Folklore says a person should choose to die of starvation over survival by eating human flesh. Classic anti-cannibalism propaganda, right? These creatures are tall, thin beings with gaunt skin but with each meal, they grow proportionally. That means a wendigo is never full! And if it is never full, it's never done hunting. " Old man described him.

"Not only this but, The Wendigo was gaunt to the point of emaciation, its desiccated skin pulled tautly over its bones. With its bones pushing out against its skin, its complexion the ash gray of death, and its eyes pushed back deep into their sockets, the Wendigo looked like a gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave. What lips it had been tattered and bloody. Its body was Unclean and suffering from suppurations of the flesh, giving off a strange and eerie odor of decay and decomposition, of death and corruption" Severus added.

"Okay I get it but why the heck does such a creature exist? '' Desella screamed in panic.



According to the legends, a Wendigo is created whenever a human resort to cannibalism to survive. In the past, this occurred more often when natives and settlers found themselves stranded in the bitter snows and ice of the north woods. Sometimes stranded for days, any survivors might have felt compelled to cannibalize the dead to survive. Other versions of the legend cite that humans who displayed extreme greed, gluttony, and excess might also be possessed by a Wendigo, thus the myth served as a method of encouraging cooperation and moderation. Native settlers' versions of the creature spoke of a gigantic spirit, over fifteen feet tall, that had once been human but had been transformed into a creature using magic. Though all the descriptions of the creature vary slightly, the Wendigo is generally said to have glowing eyes, long yellowed fangs, terrible claws, and overly long tongues. Sometimes they are described as having sallow, yellowish skin, and other times, depicted to be covered with matted hair. The creature is said to have several skills and powers including stealth, is a near-perfect hunter, knows and uses every inch of its territory, and can control the weather through the use of dark magic. They are also portrayed as simultaneously gluttonous and emaciated from starvation. Wendigos are said to be cursed to wander the land, eternally seeking to fulfill their voracious appetite for human flesh and if there is nothing left to eat, it starves to death."

"The legend lends its name to the disputed modern medical term Wendigo psychosis, which is considered by some medics to be a syndrome that creates an intense craving for human flesh and a fear of becoming a cannibal. Ironically, this psychosis is said to occur within people living around the Great Lakes of south forest and the mystic lake. Wendigo psychosis usually develops in the winter in individuals who are isolated by heavy snow for long periods. The initial symptoms are poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Subsequently, the individual develops a delusion of being transformed into a Wendigo monster. People who have Wendigo psychosis increasingly see others around them as being edible. At the same time, they have an exaggerated fear of becoming cannibals. The most common response when a person showed signs of Wendigo psychosis was a curing attempt by traditional native healers. In cases of the past, if these attempts failed and if the possessed person began either to threaten those around them or to act violently or anti-socially; they were executed. There have been reports regarding this psychosis dating back hundreds of years."

Desella gulped in fear.

"Another well-known case involving Wendigo psychosis was that of Seya, an Oji-Cree chief and medic man known for his powers at defeating wendigos. He claimed to have defeated 14 wendigos during his lifetime. Some of these creatures were said to have been sent by enemy shamans and others were members of his own band who had been taken with the insatiable, incurable desire to eat human flesh. In the latter case, he was usually asked by family members to kill a very sick loved one before they turned wendigo. His own brother, Fler, was killed after turning wendigo when the food ran out on a trading expedition. Hudi the Cree, and missionaries were aware of the Wendigo legend, though they often explained it as mental illness or superstition. Regardless, several incidents of people turning wendigo and eating human flesh are documented in the records of the company. Later he and his brother Fler was arrested by the Rivera authorities for murder. He committed suicide, but Fler was tried and sentenced to life in prison. In short, they are not real beasts but are special humans which cannot be categorized as human. The ones we have in Rivera are them. Their special circumstances made them like they are. They are a special breed of humans who survives human cannibalism. They survive eating their fellow humans. They are not beasts by choice, but it does not matter. The instant that will smell human blood, they will turn into frenzy mode. If I don't be careful then I might end up getting eaten by them"

"Severus" Desella called out.


Desella was shocked and it took her a while to utter, "Don't you dare die." 

Severus' heart melted when he saw her crying. Gently he patted her head. "Don't worry I won't die".

Severus' warm smile made Desella have a chaotic heart at peace. Severus had magic in his voice. Every time he says something it has a soothing effect on her.

"You better remember" As they both were engrossed in their conversation, a wild wendigo jumped in front of them. His smelly breath landed on them.


[so smelly]

"I might die from his smell Severe, KILL HIM" She hollered.


Severus chuckled.

"I can handle them on my own but now I have you and that old man to protect so I guess I need to play safe."

"What do you mean?"

"Desella since you aren't human then they wouldn't attack you, I bet they will just ignore you so please run and find a shelter for you where you can hide and please take that old man with you too" Severus walked in the opposite direction as he said what he wanted to say. He quickly sprinted, flipped in the air, and uncovered his shiny blade.

Wooe. time to use you dare. Severus instantly sliced one of them neatly with his sword.

[That's my boy]

Onlookers "..."

"It's kind of boring and tiring to fight by myself so here agist for you all" Severus lashed his palm with his sword. The smell of his blood soon sprayed inside the room, exciting those two monsters. Like a moth chasing toward the flame, those two followed Severus. 

Desella saw what was happening and facepalmed herself "What is he doing?"

"Protecting us?" The old man replied.

"Let's hide so that we don't create problems for Severus," Desella pleaded.

The old man kept quiet before he started walking. "I am going to die soon so it's futile but if you say so'' He whispered slowly.

"You said something?"

"No" The old man denied.

They quickly walked up to the stage where Maverick and Desella were hiding. Earlier one of the beasts tried attacking Melanie but Marquis punched him so hard that he flew away. Later Severus slashed his palm, so no one came to bother them. Desella smiled awkwardly but it was not to be awkward.

Marquis, who was protected because of his barrier around him, laughed hysterically. "What is that damn Bart trying to do?"

Severus was running from one corner to another like a human monkey. It was hilarious and annoying at the same time. Finally, he stopped. "I am done."



"What do you mean Severus?" This time it was Maverick who questioned him.

Severus scratched his head. "Uh...nothing. I just poured my blood everywhere. Now wendigos will attack everyone who is present here."


Chaos erupted inside the room. Severus who just breathed a sigh again dodged a track from one of the wendigos. Another went into a full rampage. He started shredding soldiers and guests. People started shivering. they cursed Severus millions of times inside their heart. Each one of them tried escaping and soon, a room filled with people became empty. The only people who remained were King Marquis and his loyal subordinates. Maverick, Melanie, Desella, and an old man. 

"Oh nice, it's just all of us. Let me finish this." In an instance, Severus stabbed the heart of one of wendigo while in the next, he sliced open the head of another. Blood splashed everywhere except on Severus. Not even a drop was on him. He was still all clean and fresh.



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