A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 165: Smoke-5

Chapter 165: Smoke-5

Two shirtless men gazed at each other with such intensity as if to completely swallow the other one. If not for the sword, one would mistake their expression of extreme passion for each other. Severus was fair with eight packs on his abdomen that defined his body meticulously while Maverick had a frail built but the veins that were covering his body made him look scary but handsome. Severus noticed that's part of his chest turned black from those bulgy veins that were protruding. 

[.... corrupted heart]

Yes. It was exactly at the same position where a human's heart belongs. Severus saw tiny moments in that black part and came to a horrific realization. Probably because of Marquis's taboo art, Maverick's heart got corrupted and these black lines were his actual veins, and that tiny black part was probably his heart. But the thing that confused him was the density of veins on his chest. It looked like it wanted to protect that tiny little black thing. But why? That was the question that bugged him.

Without wasting time Severus continued his fight with him. There was no way to gain information if he did not continue his fight but even fighting was turning useless. They both were at the same level, so it was just a long defense attack for Severus. 

[This will not do Severus. You need to end this tom and jerry game. You see the corrupted core there. Just stab it and it will be the end of the game.]


'You really think Maverick will die if I stay? I don't know why but I am getting a feeling that if I did stab that core, I am going to lose this battle'?


'Intuition is the word I guess.'

[Hell with your intuition. If not stabbing, then what else plan do you have] Noworry was really on his wits end. First, he got to know that this mortal was his lord's son, and secondly, he was tied with the curse that he couldn't counter. Dammit! It was a sealing spell made from the maiden's blood. How cruel to use such a thing but then again thinking about it was futile. He needs to come up with something.

Severus was aware that even if he won against Maverick, Marquis would not allow it. The moment he will try to kill Maverick, Marquis will order to kill Selena and all. At this moment, the top priority was to safeguard them.

"My dear Severus. What happened? Can't you just kill that man? What is taking you so long? Or are you still an emotional fool? Huh?" Marquis taunted him. 

Severus knew he was doing it intentionally, but he can't take it just like this. He needs to do something but what?

Severus finally thought something, but it was rather risky but alas! When was ever his life easy? As he finally made the decision, Severus pushed Maverick hard with his sword. Maverick who was suddenly hit by extreme force was sent back flying and collided on the wall. A big crack appeared on the wall where Maverick was hit. It showed how much brute strength Severus had used. 

Maverick coughed a mouthful of blood as he groaned in pain. On the other hand, Severus used this opportunity and started creating black smoke from his sword. Soon the entire hall was filled with black smoke. It was very easy for Severus to create dense black smoke since the hall was filled with malicious and greedy persons who had committed numerous sins in their life. The negative energy inside the hall was bursting. The smoke was not injurious to health but the one who came in contact with the smoke would experience a realization. He would see every single sin that he committed and how it affected the victim's life. This was a good way to teach people a lesson that how vastly their actions can have consequences leading to a dreadful end of their own life. However, the smoke only worked for living hence, Desella and Noworry remained unaffected. 

Maverick just slashed anything and everything randomly since he couldn't see anything because of thick smoke. Slowly the smoke started affecting Maverick as his pupils started dilating but no one was able to see it because of thick smoke. Marquis' expression on the other hand turned tense. He did not know what trick Severus had on his sleeve, nevertheless, he waited to see what he would do.

Severus was the only one who could see in that thick smoke and he did manage to witness Maverick dilated pupil but ignored it since he had his priorities. He ran towards the cage and managed to open it but when he did, he saw Selena was weeping her heart out. She was loudly banging her head on the railings of the cage, asking for forgiveness for who knows what crime. The old man was calm compared to her. He was just sitting there in a daze as tears were constantly coming out of his eyes. When Desella felt someone's presence, she became vigilant. She was ready to attack when a warm had stopped her and engulfed her in a familiar warm embrace. 

"It's me," Severus slowly whispered in her ear.

Desella was tuned on the spot. Soon tears welled in her eyes and she poured it all on Severus chest. She sobbed for a long time.

"Severus...what is this? You do not allow me to fight neither you allow me to help you. I feel worthless standing here and being incapable. Why don't you allow me?" She grieved.

Severus chuckled innocently. "What kind of man would I be if I can't protect a woman and that too who is my dear friend. I am relieved you are okay. For a moment I wondered whether you are under the spell of smoke but thank goodness you're not"

"You seem happy?" Desella pointed out.

Severus laughed bitterly. 

How could he be okay?

The women who he used to love died today. The man who was his sworn brother was after his life and the man who he considered his father, now wanted his blood. He finally found out his real father's identity, but it was useless. There was nothing to be happy about. He did not even have the luxury to lament on his sorry life. How pitiful can he be?

"No. I am not happy and stop complaining. I do need your help" Severus spoke slowly.

As he did, Desella's face brightened up. "Really? What do you want me to do? Kill that son or his father? Or maybe both. Sounds cool. Isn't it?" Desella spoke so enthusiastically as if it was nothing more than eating candy.

Severus' spine stiffened when he heard her thoughts. He immediately shook his head. "No. You will not fight alongside me, but you will go out to a safe place with them" Severus pointed at Selena and that old man.

"Creating smoke is easy since this place is filled with negative energy but to continue creating such a thick smog. It is taking a toll on my body. I do not know how much longer it will last so I need you to go out somewhere safe. You understand" Severus asked.

Desella's face turned sour when she got to know what Servers wanted her to do. Reluctance was written on her forehead. Severus knew it would be hard for him to convince her. "Pretty please Desella. I want you to remain safe. I still have not fulfilled my promise to you. Remember I told you that I would turn you into a mortal, come what may. So, for my sake, for my promise sake. Please leave the hall as soon as you can"

Desella wanted to argue but Severus had never spoken so earnestly before. She could hear the anxiety and tremors in his voice. His expressions were so honest, she could see how troubled he was. She knew she would never be able to deny Severus's request but now facing such a concerned Severus, it was practically a game over for her. She reluctantly nodded her head. 

Severus was exhilarated so he patted her tiny head. "Good". Before Severus could remove his hands from her head Desella grabbed it tightly. "Promise me that you will come back alive," She said with tears in her eyes. Only she knew how important Severus was for her. If not for him, she would have remained imprisoned in that prison and one day would have ceased to exist. 

"Of course," He said with a smile and Dsella let go of his hand.

"What about them? They are under your spell?" Desella asked after wiping her tears.

"Ummm...Let me see'' Severus turned around and used the end of his sword to tap on Selena head. The moment he tapped on her head; the curse ended. She was lost as to what happened. 


"Severus. You finally came. I knew that you would not abandon us" Selina hugged him the moment he said her name.

Desella [....]

Severus laughed as he patted her head lightly. "I am busy right now Selena so for the time being just follow what Desella says. Okay?"

"Okay" She chirped happily.

Severus continued the same ritual with the old man and told him the same. Unlike Selena, the old man did not say anything. Severus took his silence as a yes.

"Severus. Won't we be affected by the smoke again?" Desella asked.

"It will and that's why I am personally dropping you guys out but after I managed to get you out from the hall, you guys are on your own. I beg you to not create any more havoc. Do you all understand?"

Desella and Selena nodded their head while the old man was silent like a rock.

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