A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 172: Heavy downpour

Chapter 172: Heavy downpour

"What shall we do? It had been two days since he had locked himself in the room. Not even Noworry was allowed to enter. I am worried Vlass" A panicked voice of a woman resounded in the room.

Desella was pacing the whole room because of her anxiety. At first, she thought Severus was sad, so she gave him space but now, two days have passed, and not even once Severus has initiated the contact. He even denied food and daily necessity. This was something no one was expecting.

On the other hand, Vlass was coolly sitting on the sofa. Lazily sipping on his tea, he didn't pay heed to what Desella was blabbering.

For him worrying was bothersome.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Desella's hurried footsteps disturbed his peace and he finally felt anger surging inside him.


He placed his cup heavily on the glass table. The table shook from the force while the sound startled Desella.


"Can you stop it?"

Tak! Tak! Tak!

"You have been doing it since morning and I am fed of it."  Vlass charged on Desella.

On the other hand, Desella finds out where to vent her anxiety. She finally was able to dump her panic onto someone and like this, they both started arguing.

"He isn't a child so stop worrying."

"Oh really? Are you an old man because you do talk like one of them?"


"Hey, miss. Who are you calling old? I am in my prime okay"


"Isn't it obvious? It's you."

And they both continued.

On the other side of the palace, A young man was feeding food to fish. He looked serene and worriless.

He was surrounded by a comfortable quietness which was reflecting in his aura.

[Everyone has been worrying for you and here you are. Feeding fishes.] Noworry was startled when he saw what Severus was doing. As far as he remembers, he had never seen such a calm Severus, and this surely doesn't suit him.

[Don't tell me you want to become an actual priest now?]


Severus laughed cunningly as he explained, "No I am not planning to become one, but I was putting up an act."

[What do you mean?] Noworry was confused.

"Ah! How can I forget that you still are a bird who needs an explanation for everything."


[You are humiliating me]

"I don't dare."

You don't dare but I can see it from your smile. Noworry cursed inside his mind.

"Okay let me explain it. I killed the man who practically raised me and then killed my sworn brother and if this was not enough, I even killed my sis in law. I killed everyone who was dear to me on the same day which was supposed to be an auspicious day for this land. No matter what reasons I give, people won't see eye to eye with me. For me, I killed evil people but for them, I killed their king, their crown prince as well as their future empress. The matter is very grave and will turn extremely hostile once it gets out."

[But why do you care about what people think about you? It's not like you ever cared so why these worries?] Noworry was perplexed with Severus.

Does it really matter?

He had no idea.

Severus' expressions turned serious again. "It's true that it doesn't matter to me but if I don't do anything to counterattack those rumors and hatred then I'm sure, the tragedy is bound to repeat in the near future. Without a king, Rivera will come to shambles as well as its people. Everyone will get a hit of poverty and soon despair will consume it. I don't want such things to happen to this kingdom. I know you know that I was not the one who actually killed their crown prince and their future empress but what about rest? Do you think they will believe me just because I said so?"

This time Noworry remained quiet. Whatever Severus said made sense, but he still doesn't understand how locking himself inside the room is going to help.

As usual, Severus understood Noworry's confusion. He laughed at how dense Noworry was, but he forgot that he himself was a dense person when it came to certain aspects.

"You see people tend to believe what they see rather than hearing about it. Even if I say that I am saddened by their death, people are hardly going to believe it. Even if they all hated Marquis to their core, the fact that he was the king of this kingdom can't be changed. There were people who worshipped him. Who believed in him? Who was looking forward to this wedding and just like that, the list goes on? Humans are vile creatures who can't be satisfied in any case. No matter how much good you do for there, it's useless if the others don't understand it. People's biases are strong and even after I leave, they will continue to grow and prosper. It won't hinder me, but it will hinder the one who will rule ahead."

Now Noworry understood what Severus was talking about. He needs to praise Severus for his intelligence but before he could praise him, he was struck with a foreboding idea. [Don't tell me you want to rule Rivera?] It was not that Noworry was against Severus to rule it, but he knew there was something far more important that Severus needed to do. To rule was not something meant for Severus. However, despite his reluctance, Noworry remained quiet. Severus had always lived his life for others and now Noworry wanted him to live his life for himself. Do what his heart desires and live life to its fullest. He didn't want to bind him even at the cost of endangering humanity. Call him selfish, but he wanted nothing else than Severus' happiness.


"Stop thinking about my dum bird and don't worry. I have sorted everything out and soon you will get to know everything" Severus zipped his mouth and didn't say a word after it.

[He again went into a mode]

Noworry couldn't bear to see Severus like this so he instantly flew away.

[ Idiot]

Days passed and just like that 15 days had been passed and Severus had still not come out from his room. Rumors were inevitable and thus they spread like wildfire. Everyone in the kingdom got to know that the royal family was assassinated. All the wrongdoings and corrupted deeds of Marquis were brought into the daylight and everyone finally started believing it. There were some groups of rebels present who did not like this assassination and were against this tyranny, but they were taken under control. Vlass did a good job in arranging everything.

A heavy downpour was showering from the sky. Just like the weather outside, the weather inside the palace was the same. Gloom and sadness were present everywhere. Today was the day when a proper funeral was arranged for the royal family.

Three new graves were unearthed for the royal family. Severus was the only one standing in the heavy downpour whereas the rest of them were covered with big umbrellas. Even after Desella's insistence, Severus denied the umbrella. A small bird was also perched on her shoulders but unlike him, noworry was covered with a small cardigan made from water-resistance material.

People from all over the kingdom came to pay their respects.

[What an ironic day Severus]

"Ironic what?"

[The last time we came to the garden of seven seasons we attended your funeral and this time it is there's]

"True" Severus whispered.

Severus stood under the shower for a long time. Even when everyone left the garden Severus did not budge from his place.

"Severus let's head back" Desella came and slowly whispered but it did not look like Severus heard it.

Desella didn't know what to do. Severus had been behaving strangely since that day. It broke Desella's heart to see Severus in this condition but there was nothing she could do to help him. Some scars ran deep. Even after they had faded and pain had left, the memories of them still haunts them.

Desella too left after getting no response from Severus.

When all the footsteps faded, Noworry finally said a word.

[Don't you think you are acting a little too much?]

"Do you really think I am acting currently?"

[Are you not?]


"Forget it"

[Hey tell.] Noworry didn't felt good after being criticized by Severus like this.

"I am not acting Noworry. You know what noworry, I remember every single thing they all did to me. Every punishment, every insult, and the betrayal they gave me. I thought that after I took my revenge, I would feel good. I would finally feel peace, but nothing happened. I can't find happiness or the peace of my world. Do I even have a world now? When I reincarnated, I had a reason to live and that was my revenge but now I have nothing. I don't know what I should do. Where do I belong? Is this how I am going to spend my rest of the life?"

Severus laughed sadly.

The smile was too painful even for Noworry when he saw it.

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