A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 183: Can you justify death?

Chapter 183: Can you justify death?

Severus swallowed his words.

Where could she have disappeared?

She was literally here a moment ago?

Doubts flickered in his mind.

[What? Why are you so quiet?] Noworry taunted him.

Severus did not feel offended. He leisurely turned around and went back to his room.

[This jerk. didn't he say he didn't know the way back to the room?]

[I guess it was on purpose]

Noworry followed Severus back to his room.

Severus inspected his room for any hidden spells but after finding none, he breathed in relief.

"Noworry from now on onwards just use the telepathic communication system with me. That Minya, crown prince somehow understands you and this is not good."

"No matter from where I see, this doesn't feel good."

Noworry nodded his head in understanding.

[So? I know you just did not go out for a stroll. Knowing you, you would better like rolling on beds than strolling out in the middle of the night]


"We don't know their motives. Basically, we are at their mercy. It is better if we make plans and leave this place before something major happens".

[I agree]

[So, the spirit outside? Is she the one?]

Severus did not reply but his silence was a silent agreement.

"She is the one who haunts men of Znye Island. Although it was my first time meeting her face to face, I saw how she did things. In that oracle, I saw how brutally she kills men. I don't want to go into details."

Noworry, I don't know where to start.

If Severus was aware of her sadist nature, then why did he even baited himself for her. He knew no matter how much he forced her; Severus would not listen to him.

"As far as I have heard about her, it all sums up in one word. ~Cold Blood~"


"Sadism is a form of emotional regression, a sort of emotional starvation analogous to and produced by malnutrition in infancy, or improper weaning. One might say that all eroticism insufficiently freed from the nutritive instincts constitutes sadistic love. Sadism is above all the expression of the desperate desire for possession and, since the instinct of hunger carries with it the element of cruelty, the sadist derives gratification by the suffering he inflicts on the object of his desire. Sadism manifests itself in both sexes, but in different ways, due to the biological and psychic contrasts between the two sexes."

[Can women be sadists? I mean I understand cruelty but sadism?] No matter what, it was hard for him to digest it.

Severus knew what Noworry was thinking but the truth was the truth.

"The masculine form of sadism is better known because masculine sexuality is more aggressive, domineering, possessive, and hence manifests itself more patently. As against this positive expression, there is the negative, or inverted form of sadism, which results in masochism, homosexuality, and the castration complex, all of which may be regarded as deformations of the original impulse created by the necessity for social adaptation. Thus, sadism is less obvious, less apparent in a woman because her sexuality is in general so passive as to develop into natural masochism or Freud, but behind this apparent passivity there lies a complex movement of contrary elements which, in a sense, are inseparable from the self-protective instincts. When her security has menaced this aggressiveness, heretofore concealed, asserts itself and ofttimes develops into sadism. "

"In short, the sadism of women is in no way less cruel than menit merely chooses another form of expression, a form in consonance with her anabolic nature."

[Why do you think she is sadistic?]

"I don't know."

"It is unknown whether such sadistic pleasure is fleeting or long-lived, and whether negative feelings may also come into play when people behave sadistically. It may be that sadists experience the pleasure of aggression only briefly and that, in the long term, these feelings are replaced by aversive emotions. To answer these questions, my collaborators and I decided to give participants with varying levels of sadistic tendencies the opportunity to harm other people and then see how they felt before, during, and after the act."

"I really don't know what she experienced to become a monster like that but whatever it is, I hope Minya is not behind all this," Severus said gravely.


[What do you mean? I mean why him?]

[ From where he came in in this picture?]

Severus again gave vague answers. "I am not sure"



Sure about?


"Most of the time, we try to avoid inflicting pain on others when we do hurt someone, we typically experience guilt, remorse, or other feelings of distress. But for some, cruelty can be pleasurable, even exciting. "

"You know why executioners are always insane?"



"I mean have you ever thought about the people who kill criminals legally?"

Noworry did not know how to answer this question.

Weren't they the same as the executioner?

Killing criminals for the sake of justice and humanity?

Even his master, Hades. The king of the underworld can be considered a master executioner for the sake of maintaining balance on the earth.

[Say it clearly]

Noworry, I did not want to have roundabout talks with him.


"I mean we are talking about sadism here so shouldn't the executioners and us be considered as Sadists?"

Severus again asked a question that exactly depicted him.


Noworry felt an incoming headache.

[ Oh, dear Severus~!]

[Executioners kill for the sake of justice and preserving peace. You can call us cold-blooded but not cruel]

[You can call as savage but not sadist]

Noworry explained it to him with complete seriousness however, Severus being Severus. He still had his self-doubts.

"Killing is killing and can't be justified. No worry."


Is this a time to debate about such things?

Is Severus serious?

From his expression, he does look serious.


[Listen here, lad. I agree killing makes you a killer no matter what your conditions are. Killing a life will have its consequences as it will directly affect the balance of wealth. But you do not need to think of yourself as some psychopath]

[There is a fine difference between a killer and an executioner]

"What is it?" Severus asked curiously.

"Are you trying to justify killing?" He asked sharply.

Noworry was startled but immediately denied it.


[Wait, lad. well, I hate such arguments, but I guess we need to have this]

[There are two types of people in this world.]

[A- supporter of execution and B Who do not support it]

[Supporters of the death penalty believe that those who commit murder because they have taken the life of another, have forfeited their own right to life. Furthermore, they believe, death punishment is a just form of retribution, expressing and reinforcing the moral indignation not only of the victim's relatives but of law-abiding citizens in general. By legitimizing the very behavior that the law seeks to represskillingcapital punishment is counterproductive in the moral message it conveys. Moreover, they urge, when it is used for lesser crimes, capital punishment is immoral because it is wholly disproportionate to the harm done.]

[There also are disputes about whether death punishment can be administered in a manner consistent with justice. Those who support death punishment believe that it is possible to fashion laws and procedures that ensure that only those who are really deserving of death are executed.]

"If you kill someone else, don't you deserve to die, too "an eye for an eye"?"

"No, Noworry, executing someone because they've taken someone's life is revenge, not justice. An execution or the threat of one inflicts terrible physical and psychological cruelty. Any society which executes offenders is committing the same violence it condemns."

Noworry was going mad now.

[Don't victims of violent crime and their families have a right to justice?]

"They do. Those who have lost loved ones in terrible crimes have a right to see the person responsible held to account in a fair trial without recourse to the death penalty. In opposing the death penalty, we are not trying to minimize or condone crime. But many families who have lost loved ones have say that the death penalty cannot genuinely relieve their suffering. It just extends that suffering to the family of the condemned person."

Revenge is not the answer. The answer lies in reducing violence, not causing more death.

[Seriously Severus?] No worry was now utterly mad.

"WHAT?" Severus said innocently.

[Who were you in your previous life?]


"Huh what do you mean?"

[Let me tell you. You were the general of Rivera kingdom who fought many wars, went on several undercover missions? Your hands are stained with blood.]

[You should be the last one asking all these stupid questions about death]

Noworry raged out.

After sustaining No worry's outburst Severus smiled as he mocked himself.

"There are several things that I don't dare imagine I did right in my previous life and killing is one of them. I actually know and understand each argument that you put forward."

[If you did then why bother?]

"I just thought to have a chat on it"

He said vaguely.

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