A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 200: Prophecy

Chapter 200: Prophecy

Hesitation was all over his face. As he mulled over the offer, a tiny hand grabbed his sleeves. When he looked down, he saw two does-like eyes staring at him. It was so pure that Minya was tranced in them. 

"Big brother I feel scared. Where are mother and father? I miss them. I am hungry too let's have dinner" The little girl pouted adorably. 

Little Minya felt what is powerlessness and desperation for the first time in his life. Even if he escapes the clutches of this mysterious man, there was still no end to his problem. If people of his kingdom found out about his father's deeds then he was sure, they will execute him as well as his little sister. Those noble families were like hawks waiting for their prey. One wrong move and everything will come down tumbling. In this world, he was all by himself. 

He doesn't care what was right, what was wrong as long as he gets to survive as well as his sister. But who is to say this was his real deal and not a trap? How can he believe him?

His own father betrayed him.

His mother died.

His own sister who he loved to death was still a blind kid. 

His sufferings were endless, but he was okay with everything if he can save his sister.

As the little kid was in dilemma, the mysterious man didn't want to waste any more of his time. " If you want it to have it your own way then be my guest. I should take my leave" With this said, he picked his pace and was about to disappear from Minya's sight when he shouted. 

"Wait. Can I know the way to save my sister as well as my kingdom?" His voice shook. Of course, he was afraid. He was just a kid, not a grown-up. Even a grown-up would piss in their pants in such a situation. Minya's composure was commendable.

The mysterious man grinned. "Sure, if that's what you want. For the time being all, you need to do is to bind the guardian spirit in your sister's body. Since the spirit is matter less, it will absorb the life essence of your sisters' body and will produce a body of her own however there are some limitations to it as well as consequences. Since the spirit would be absorbing someone else life essence then the body products will be similar to the original host. In simpler terms, the body that the spirit will acquire will look exactly like your own sister. If you keep her close, then you can imagine her as your own sister."

This idea repelled Minya to no extent. You could see the disgust on his face clearly.

"My my no need to give me such horrible expression. It's up to you. Seriously"

"What will happen to my sister?"

"She will die."



Extreme silence....

"What do you mean?" Minya said with extreme anger.

However, the mysterious man remained unfazed. He coolly replied. "It is as what I said."

Minya didn't know how to react. He felt as if this man was toying with him.  To the man's surprise, Minya didn't lash out. Instead, he reminded deal silent.

"Interesting," The man said loudly.

"I can hear the loud beating of your heart as well as can understand the anxiety and pressure you are undergoing but believe me, this isn't one-tenth of the suffering which you are going to face in future so the only advice I would like to share with you is, .... Tread at your own risk"

Minya's face dimmed.

Isn't he simply washing away his hands from the responsibility?

No matter how many grievances little Minya had this time, the fact that he was powerless remained unfazed. No matter how much angry he was. Depressed he was, sad he was, defeated he was, he still wasn't a match for him.  So, he silently took everything.

The mysterious man didn't want to take it far, so he restrained himself. "I have no time for the idle chat so I will come straight to the point. I think you are aware of what will happen to the guardian spirit. Now let's talk about your little sister. It is what I said, she will die. But I understand that you still have no trust in me. It's kind of pains me but meh If it helps you then I guess I might do a little favor on you. I will use dark arts to preserve the soul essence of your sister. I am aware of how greedy a spirit can be and since we are dealing with a guardian spirit then we can't afford to lose our guards against her. Not even for a second."

"So, what shall be done?" Minya asked faintly. 

"We need to trick her."


Come on man.

They were talking about tricking a guardian spirit, not some 4-year-old kid. Minya felt like he was the one being tricked here.


He just couldn't grief out.

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but I got a plan. All you need to do is to kill your sister and then throw her dead body in the fire pit. Let it burn there for some time. After few minutes bring her body out and wrap the remaining of her in bandages and place her inside a coffin. Then find a place where no one visits and place her coffin there. Remember to nail her coffin and sprinkle spiritual water on it. In the next ten years, a man will come to the Znye Kingdom who will change the fate of this kingdom. He will the one who will bring back your sister from dead as well as defeat the guardian spirit. "

"But how will I know who is that person? Is there a specific day to it? Or can you tell me his name?" 

The man shook his head. "Unfortunately, I am not a fortune teller. I can't predict the day, but I can tell you his name. Although you will feel him when you find him. He will be different from anyone you ever met, a divine presence, a heart that pure than elixir. He would be known as Severus."

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