A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 74

Unedited chapter

74. The Unlucky Lion

After the fallen beasts came to the Fallen Beast Planet, they never saw any sub-beastman again, and nor did they ever see any beastman—every year, the men who came to deliver things from the Beastman Empire would put the goods at a fixed area, but they would not have any interaction with these beastmen.

Needless to say, Bruno’s action of suddenly bringing back a sub-beastman was particularly conspicuous. Although this sub-beastman’s body was red from getting sunburned, and his face was so chapped and peeling you could not see what he looked like, but ultimately, it was a sub-beastman, ah!

Although many of the fallen beasts here were no longer beastmen, but they always had their hearts set on sub-beastmen. Today, seeing that there was a sub-beastman in front of themselves, they were instantly unable to endure anymore, so much so that one fallen beast directly went into estrus and rushed toward Bruno who was holding Jones with his mouth.

Though they still retained the memory of their time as beastmen, but they were already not much different from real beasts now. How crazy natural animals were in order to mate, they could also be that crazy. Some fallen beasts were even worse than animals.

Seeing a red-eyed fallen beast rush toward himself, Bruno was shocked. He knew this guy. During the past estrus cycle, this guy would go berserk and be frighteningly lethal. In order to feel a bit better, this guy would even rammed his head against stone until his head was full of blood . . . . Bruno could not deal with such a madman!

At this point, Bruno slightly regretted his rash decision to bring back the sub-beastman. Sub-beastmen were nothing but trouble!

Anyway, their boss could surely find a solution!

Bruno turned toward the stone where the white wolf was resting on, but he unexpectedly discovered that there was no one there. While he was still taken by surprise, he heard a very loud growl at his side, and then the fallen beast in sudden estrus who was running towards him was already knocked over by the white wolf! After the white wolf knocked the fallen beast over, he also pounced on the fallen beast and bit him.

These fallen beasts normally didn’t dare to provoke the white wolf. After all, this white wolf was really powerful, and his strength was astonishing even if he had no beast core. However, the minds of the fallen beasts in estrus usually weren’t very clear, so when this fallen beast was attacked by the white wolf, he actually fought back and bit into the white wolf.

The two fallen beasts immediately fought and became a tangled mass. On the side, Jones was already stupefied seeing this scene.

When that fallen beast rushed toward him, he had an ominous premonition.

He had been studying beastmen and fallen beasts all these years, and he was very familiar with the characteristics of the fallen beasts. He naturally saw that these beasts were actually not beastmen but fallen beasts.

When the beastmen were not required to fight, they generally wouldn’t turn into their beast forms. After all, the human form was more convenient. Here though, all the beastmen kept their beast forms . . . .

They . . . should not be beastmen anymore, but fallen beasts!

Coming to this conclusion, Jones was horrified no end. With so many fallen beasts, if he fell into their hands, could he still keep his life?

He did not dare to struggle for fear of attracting these guys’ attention, but unexpectedly, a white wolf suddenly jumped out from one side and rushed toward that ill-intentioned fallen beast at this moment.

A white wolf . . . .

Jones stared at the white wolf, dumbfounded. He had seen the beast forms of many beastmen, but the white wolf before his eyes was absolutely the one he was most familiar with.

Seeing Jones’ dumb expression, Bruno sneered and then threw Jones on the ground, tail lashing. Hahaha, this sub-beastman’s terrified now, right? Serve him right! This guy actually dared to pull his mane, so he had to scare him to death!

Thinking so, Bruno gave Jones’ body a lash of his tail.

Bruno's tail was actually not hard, but Jones’ skin was dry and cracked from the sun, so when he got that lashing, the skin on that area immediately broke, oozing blood.

But right now, Jones couldn't care less about his wound. He only knew to stare fixedly at the white wolf.

Was that Reynolds? Reynolds whom he had not seen for thirty years? Was he dreaming? No, this was not a dream . . . which meant that he really saw Reynolds as well as so many fallen beasts . . . . This place was the Fallen Beast Planet!

Jones had just thought of this point, and the fight between the white wolf and that fallen beast in estrus was already over. The white wolf once again growled and then rushed in his direction.

Jones certainly wasn’t one bit afraid this time. On the contrary, he was ready to welcome the white wolf rushing to his side and then rubbing his head against him. As a result . . . .

The white wolf went past him and directly pounced on Bruno on the side. He fell on Bruno with two forelegs and then bit him.

Just now, when Reynolds initially heard a man’s voice that sounded like Jones’ voice, he merely regarded it as his own auditory fantasy. After all, the Empire would not let a sub-beastman come here. But after he took a look . . . . He was not having an auditory fantasy; that was really Jones!

Although the body was red from sunburn and also dirty, but that was Jones. It was impossible for him to not recognize Jones!

Jones did not wear clothes on his upper body and only wore a pair of pants. He was being held in Bruno’s mouth, and he also said that he had a partner. . . . Reynolds was momentarily stupid. At this moment, he discovered that a fallen beast in estrus was rushing toward Jones.

The brain had not managed to react yet, and Reynolds already rushed out and knocked that fallen beast down. After the fight, he looked at Jones out of the corner of his eye and then saw Bruno lashing Jones with his tail, which led to Jones bleeding.

This damn guy!

After Reynolds sorted the fallen beast out, he did not hesitate to rush toward Bruno.

"Boss! What are you doing?!" Bruno, who was inexplicably struck by Reynolds, started to bellow and struggle violently.

Reynolds did not care about him though and even bit deep into his skin directly.

"Rawr!" Bruno bellowed, screaming in pain unceasingly. "Boss, you’re crazy! What are you doing beating me up?!"

Reynolds still didn't talk. His mind was currently in turmoil; he simply didn't know what to say and only thought about thrashing Bruno. Bruno, seeing Reynolds' vicious appearance, realized that it was useless to beg forgiveness. He could only fight with Reynolds and then cried to his partner for help, "Jesse! Save me!"

Jesse, the darker-colored lion, turned a blind eye to Bruno.

If it was before, when his partner was beaten by the boss, even if it was his partner’s fault, and even if the two of them together were still no match for the boss, Jesse would nonetheless go up and lend a hand, at least helping to block the boss’ attack.

But now . . . . Hehehe, that Bruno guy actually came back with a sub-beastman, who only wore a pair of pants, in his mouth!

The sub-beastman had constantly struggled while in Bruno's mouth; his body was covered with Bruno’s scent, and Bruno’s body was also covered with that sub-beastman’s scent . . . . Bruno also looked very proud of himself when he came back with a sub-beastman in his mouth, ah.

Jesse did not go and see Bruno, directly turning his head away—in any case, the boss had a sense of propriety when putting his hand to someone, and he would not go so far as to bite Bruno to death.

Reynolds indeed had a sense of propriety when putting his hand to someone. After knocking Bruno down, he released Bruno and then turned toward Jones.

He really wanted to go up and talk to Jones, but at present, he was utterly unable to speak. Moreover, they had not seen each other for thirty years, and Jones might have had another partner . . . .

Sniffing, Reynolds smelled the scents of two beastmen on Jones’ body.

One scent smelled extremely intimidating. Just from this scent, he could judge that the man was stronger than him . . . . Jones was really remarkable; as expected, he could find a better other half after losing him.

And the other scent . . . was of course Bruno's scent. Bruno had put Jones in his mouth. His scent covered every part of Jones, and Jones' bare upper body also had bite marks from Bruno's teeth.

Reynolds stared at Jones for a while. He knew that Jones recognized him, but he somewhat didn’t dare to approach Jones . . . .

"Boss, why did you hit me too?" Bruno started to get up from the ground, feeling especially wronged, and at this moment, Reynolds, who had just given him a beating, suddenly turned his body around and pounced on him again.

"Boss!" Bruno looked at Reynolds in disbelief. Having already beaten him up, why would Reynolds come back for more?

Of course Reynolds would come back for more. This guy Bruno almost hurt Jones, which was simply unforgivable.

Jones, seeing Reynolds once again go and beat that lion up, suddenly began to laugh. Laughing and laughing, and then he cried.

Reynolds was actually still alive and unexpectedly still remembered him.

He was indescribably happy, but his tears kept flowing.

Reynolds once again knocked Bruno down. Then he turned his head and found that Jones was crying.

Jones had always been very strong. Reynolds had never seen him cry except for that time when he had become a fallen beast. Yet Jones actually cried now . . . . Reynolds was worried sick. He kicked Bruno away and then approached Jones very carefully.

He wanted to lick the tears and the bloodstain on Jones' face, and he wanted to protect Jones under his own belly, but if he did so, Jones' partner would surely get very angry, and maybe he would be angry with Jones.

Reynolds was now a fallen beast, and it was impossible for him to give Jones happiness. This being the case, he absolutely couldn’t go and destroy Jones’ happiness!

Reynolds ran around Jones anxiously. He looked like he wanted to approach Jones but didn't dare.

When had the surrounding fallen beasts ever seen their boss like this? For a moment, they even suspected that their eyesight was failing. After thinking it over, they suddenly had a sneaking suspicion—did their boss take a fancy to this sub-beastman?

But they were fallen beasts, and their builds did not match with the sub-beastmen’s. It was useless to take a fancy to a sub-beastman, ah. Moreover, it was totally impossible for a sub-beastman to take a fancy to a fallen beast. Didn't you see that he was so scared to the point of crying?

These guys looked at Reynolds with some sympathy, and then they saw the sub-beastman wipe his tears and turn toward their boss.

Their boss . . . . The huge white wolf completely froze when the sub-beastman looked at his direction, but for some reason, the tail behind suddenly began to wag, and that wagging white tail was especially good-looking.

The fallen beasts around were practically going crazy. Boss, wake up! You’re not a dog, ah! We’ve followed you for so many years, but we’ve never seen you wag your tail. Yet now, seeing a sub-beastman, you would wag your tail so happily. Are you really all right?

"The boss is in heat?" Bruno crept toward his partner, Jesse, and glanced at the white wolf in the center in amazement. "The tail’s shaking, and the chrysanthemum’s all exposed."

Jesse swatted his own partner over the head—could this guy not court death?

Bruno’s luck was pretty good this time. Reynolds did not hear his words because Jones suddenly hugged Reynolds.

Reynolds' tail immediately wagged even more joyfully, and the surrounding fallen beasts were shocked again. What did they see? They saw a sub-beastman throw himself at their boss, a fallen beast!

Their boss’ charm was so strong that he could still attract a sub-beastman even after becoming a fallen beast? Could they ask for advice?

These fallen beasts were in awe. Then they saw their boss lie on his stomach on the ground to make things easy for the sub-beastman to hug him while watching the sub-beastman intently, eyes full of love.

This was . . . love at first sight? Did their boss forget that sub-beastman whom he kept thinking about for so many years? Although said sub-beastman had not sent anything this year, but the fact that their boss could keep thinking about him for so many years meant that their feelings had been deep and their relationship serious.

"Reynolds . . ." Jones grabbed the white wolf's ears and wiped all his tears on the white wolf's fur.

It could be said that Reynolds treasured his white fur very much. Yet at this moment, he let Jones mess up the fur on his head before he buried his head in Jones' waist, sniffing Jones’ scent.

Unfortunately, the scents of the other two beastmen strongly interfered with this. Bruno's scent was tolerable, but the other beastman's scent simply made Reynolds wish he could find the other party straightway and beat him up.

This scent seemed to be a little familiar though . . . . As a matter of fact, wasn't it similar to the scent of that guy Chris?

The scent of such a powerful snake-type beastman . . . . There was no such beastman except the imperial family. But this was not Chris’ scent, and Chris already had a sub-beastman . . . .

Reynolds sniffed again and suddenly found that the place where this scent was the heaviest was on Jones' waist pocket . . . . He took advantage of Jones crying his heart out to tear that pocket with his claws.

The spectating fallen beasts: What did the boss want to do? Could it be that he wanted to rip the sub-beastman’s remaining pants off? This kind of thing was not very good, right?

Also, this sub-beastman called out the boss’ name. Did he know their boss? These fallen beasts suddenly thought of something.

Under these circumstances in which Jones was unaware, but the surrounding fallen beasts all saw it, Reynolds fished out several fruits as well as Edgar's scales that Jones put inside the pocket.

So it was only scales!

Reynolds was so excited at the moment that he swatted the scales and the fruits onto the sandy ground and then started to lick Jones' body from head to toe, practically wishing he could swallow Jones down into his stomach.

"You let me go and listen to me!" Jones was very uncomfortable being licked and immediately ordered.

Reynolds obediently sat next to him, tail wagging and eyes watching Jones attentively.

"I accidentally fell here this time, but I did plan to come find you initially. It’s really great that you’re fine. It’s been so many years, and I thought you’ve . . ." Jones stared at Reynolds excitedly, looking Reynolds up and down several times. Then he suddenly found that next to Reynolds' feet, several fruits that he could not bear to eat were actually trodden into a mush . . . .

"My fruits!" Jones was angry. Even when he was so thirsty, he was not willing to eat those fruits!

"That . . . that sub-beastman is the one whom the boss has been keeping in mind the entire time?" Bruno and the other fallen beasts suddenly reacted.

Recalling that this sub-beastman had once said that his partner was very powerful and that bullying him would make him end up badly, Bruno could not wait to dig a hole to bury himself.

He even wanted the boss to help him fix this sub-beastman’s partner . . . . This sub-beastman’s partner was his boss, ah!

He was screwed!

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