A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 77

Unedited chapter

77. Giving Birth to a Natural Enemy

Shu Shu had seen the videos and photos of Edgar in his egg days that Ian had shown him, and he was aware that the egg was able to move. However, it had been a while since he had given birth to the egg, and the egg had never moved before.

Now that the egg in his hands suddenly moved, it actually made Shu Shu have a feeling of not knowing what to do. His whole hands shook, nearly making the egg roll down from his hands.

"Be careful!" Jones immediately exclaimed. The surrounding fallen beasts also stared at Shu Shu, but they did not dare to make a sound, lest their voices were too loud and scared Shu Shu and made Shu Shu accidentally drop the egg in his hands.

This was currently the only egg in the entire Fallen Beast Planet! If these men had lived outside, many of them would have already had a whole bunch of children and grandchildren. Yet now, they had not seen any little beastman or sub-beastman for several years or maybe several decades . . . .

They were all waiting anxiously for the child in this egg to come out, okay!

Shu Shu did not really drop the egg after all and soon held it steady.

Seeing this scene, everyone simultaneously sighed with relief, and Jones even said, "Shu Shu, be more careful. The egg can move, which indicates that he can soon break the shell. During this period, you must be doubly careful." There were not many medical equipment in this place, and it would be bad if the child was born prematurely!

The fallen beasts, hearing Jones’ words, nodded in succession. At this moment, a huge snake head drilled out of the hole entrance.

Although Edgar had been staying inside the dugout, but he always paid attention to the sound of activity outside and naturally heard Jones’ words too.

The egg could move? His child could move? It went without saying that Edgar hurriedly stretched his head out, trying to take a look at the child without taking consideration of his wounds at all.

That was the child of him and Shu Shu!

Edgar suddenly appeared, and the fallen beasts outside, except Reynolds, all subconsciously stepped back.

In some respects, the fallen beasts were even more sensitive than the beastmen. In addition, Edgar had more or less still been able to keep himself under control in the capital star, but now his aura was clearly exposed . . . . Reynolds rapped the ground with his tail resentfully as he stared at Edgar somewhat gloomily—Chris, he was not afraid one bit; as a result, Chris' son actually made him feel threatened, which was truly upsetting to think about.

What made his mood even worse was that Chris’ son already had children, while he himself had never experienced a husband’s life at all . . . . Reynolds moved closer to Jones’ side and started licking Jones’ face—he could only satisfy his mouth addiction now.

"Are you a wolf or a dog, ah?! Slobbering my whole face all day long." Jones pushed the wolf's head away. When they had just been reunited, he indulged Reynolds' desire to get close to him, but now . . . he really couldn’t stand getting his face licked into a pool of saliva regularly.

"Edgar, you can move?" In the meantime, Shu Shu was pleasantly surprised when he saw Edgar. Edgar was able to move now, and he would definitely get better and better next.

Edgar nodded, staring at Shu Shu's face without blinking. He very much wanted to imitate Reynolds and licked Shu Shu’s face, but . . . . Edgar just flicked out his snake tongue, and Shu Shu already gave him a wide berth. Shu Shu was not afraid of Edgar's body, but he was still a bit unused to the snake tongue—he had always thought that the snakes were the most terrible when they flicked their tongues in and out because, more often than not, they would immediately pounce on the prey after doing this!

However, him avoiding Edgar looked pretty bad, so Shu Shu stroked Edgar's head, "You can rest assured that I’m already less and less afraid of you. Inevitably, there’ll be one day when I’ll be completely unafraid of you!"

Edgar: ". . . . . ." We already had two children together; was it really fine for you to be like this?

But soon, Edgar had no time to continue feeling mixed up over this because the egg in Shu Shu’s arms moved again.

Lying down beside Shu Shu and watching the egg in Shu Shu’s arms roll around, Edgar vividly felt that he was about to become a father and have a child.

The child came so suddenly, and a lot of things happened immediately after he came. The time Edgar spent with him was really not much, but now, seeing him move and smelling his scent, Edgar nevertheless felt nice and warm.

This was the continuation of his bloodline, his treasure.

Shu Shu, however, had already begun to think of those fish at this time. After placing the egg at Edgar's side, he tugged at Jones’ arms, "Jones, are we going to cook these fish for our meal?"

The prey on this planet was said to be quite unpalatable. So these days, what the fallen beasts gave them to eat was the food delivered by the Beastman Empire for the fallen beasts. The portion was very generous, but the taste was simply unspeakable.

If it was before, it was already good if Shu Shu could eat his fill, but having tasted all kinds of gourmet foods in the capital star, he then became more and more greedy.

Jones’ cooking skills were pretty good. He killed the fish with a knife and cut some fat from the meat sent from the capital star. Using a pot that Reynolds provided, he rendered the fat and then put the fish in to pan fry them a little. After that, he added in some water to make it into a fish soup.

The fish soup carried a little fishy smell because of insufficient seasoning, but Shu Shu did not mind this little detail. Eating was a joy for him, and his appetite was extremely good. After drinking the fish soup, his whole person was comfortable.

The fallen beasts saw this scene, and their moods also became very good. Afterwards, they once again went to see Edgar and the egg, who was guarded by Edgar.

After the egg had moved once, he moved more and more. He seemed to like Edgar very much and had been knocking against Edgar’s body. Edgar did not dare to move randomly; he was afraid that his own strength was too much and would hurt the egg. So he simply coiled his own body to make a circle and let the egg roll around inside the circle.

The egg was really so cute; they also wanted their own eggs . . . . The fallen beasts were green with envy.

Even Bruno, who always disliked sub-beastmen very much, coveted the egg too. If it were not for Edgar’s aura that made him a little afraid, he would like to steal and play with the egg for a while.

Noticing the gaze of those fallen beasts, Edgar was extremely proud of himself but also had an urge to hide the egg. This was his egg. When the egg moved for the first time, these guys saw it, yet he did not. He simply couldn’t stand it!

It was a pity that regardless of how he felt now, he did not have enough energy left to do anything else . . . . Forming a circle with his own body to confine the egg in one area and prevent him from rolling everywhere, Edgar continued to immerse himself in doing cultivation.

There was abundant spiritual power on this planet, much more than on the Gass Planet, and Edgar soon gathered a lot of spiritual power. Although he had no way to absorb and condense it for the time being, but after it entered various parts of his body, it made his body better and healthier.

At the same time, the lively egg encircled by him also stopped moving and then snuggled up to his side, slowly absorbing the rich spiritual power that was drawn by him from the surroundings.

There seemed to be a spiritual power circulating between the snake and the egg.

Five days later.

Edgar often climbed out of the dugout and stayed outside since he had left the dugout five days ago. Not only that, but he also took responsibility for taking care of the egg. Every day, he placed the egg at his side and brought him to cultivate together.

After constantly taking care of the egg, Edgar liked him more and more and generally felt that it was the loveliest egg in the whole world.

"Rowr!" "Aowu!" Today, not far from the dugout, two fallen beasts once again started fighting. After they became fallen beasts, they often felt that they had too much energy in their bodies and nowhere to release it. It was at this moment that they would feel like fighting. Everyone had long kept their calm in the face of this shocking sight, and even Shu Shu, who could not help but get constantly afraid of such ferocious beasts, had become accustomed to it.

Ian and Jones were sunburned before, but now they had fully recovered. In fear of getting sunburned again, Ian put on a big straw hat and was now preparing a meal together with Jones.

Ian boiled a big pot of meat soup and put a kind of edible vegetable into it before giving it a stir. Once he saw that the vegetable was cooked, Ian extinguished the fire under the pot, dished out the soup, and then called Shu Shu to eat. Of course, he did not forget to leave a big bowl of soup, putting it aside to cool before giving it to Edgar to eat.

The taste of the meat and vegetable soup was not good at all. Shu Shu ate it while also taking out some snacks and shared them with Jones and Ian. Ian, smiling, accepted his share and then asked Shu Shu, "Shu Shu, have you made any progress in helping those fallen beasts restore their beast cores?"

Those fallen beasts were so good to them, and a large part of the reason was because they hoped Shu Shu could help them restore their beast cores . . . . Ian was now afraid that Shu Shu could not do it and thus provoked those fallen beasts’ anger.

Even though Reynolds was very friendly to them, but if all the fallen beasts under his control got angry at the same time, he alone would not be able to keep them off.

"My spiritual power has recovered a bit. Shall I let Reynolds come and give it a try?" Shu Shu said.

"Alright!" Jones nodded without hesitation. Although the last time Shu Shu taught him cultivation was unsuccessful, but he still had full confidence in Shu Shu and felt that Shu Shu would definitely succeed.

Reynolds was quickly called to Shu Shu’s side, and at the same time, other fallen beasts also knew about it. They had long hoped for Shu Shu to find a way to help them restore their beast cores, so now they all came up and surrounded Shu Shu, watching him impatiently.

Shu Shu had become accustomed to being watched attentively by so many beasts. After telling Reynolds to lie face down in front of him, he urged the red bead in his body to move and then let the red bead guide his spiritual power to flow and circulate inside Reynolds’ body.

Reynolds closed his eyes and sensed that there was a strange yet incomparably comforting energy flowing in his body. Since being with Jones these days, his whole person was inevitably a little agitated, but after this energy flowed through him, his agitated state was fully calmed down. And the internal injuries which he had never noticed existing slowly healed with the help of this energy.

This kind of feeling was really too cozy. Reynolds was almost completely immersed in it, but Shu Shu retracted his hands and actually frowned.

At that time, he voluntarily demonstrated once, and Edgar was able to start cultivating right away, and his cultivation speed was also very, very fast. But Reynolds now . . . . Although Reynolds’ cultivation speed was faster than his, but it was much slower than Edgar’s. According to this cultivating speed, Reynolds might need several decades to be able to cultivate into the jīndān period and changed into a human form.

Could it be that this was the difference between a beast with a mythological animal bloodline and a beast without a mythological animal bloodline? Because this speed was really too slow!

It was indeed not easy for an animal that wished to cultivate into a human shape. If he did not have the red bead, this gold finger, perhaps he would have died halfway through cultivating or had to cultivate for a millennium to succeed. And these fallen beasts before his eyes were all without gold fingers.

Even if the spiritual power here was abundant, they might have to cultivate for a few hundred years to be able to reach the jīndān period.

How should he deal with this?

Shu Shu had a complicated expression across his whole face, but Reynolds was completely ignorant of it. After circulating the spiritual power in his body a few times according to Shu Shu's instructions, the spiritual power dispersed into his body and dissipated.

Completely unaware that this was not a good thing, he howled loudly, feeling carefree from head to foot.

The surrounding fallen beasts also sensed the feeling of excitement in Reynolds’ howl. Thinking that he had made progress, they immediately started to howl and roar too. For a moment, this piece of land was thoroughly enveloped by the beasts’ cries that rose and fell in succession.

As cries of all kinds and sorts were getting louder and louder, a snake tail came to attack Reynolds.

Reynolds was very experienced; once he saw the snake tail coming, he immediately snapped at it. But unexpectedly, that snake tail abruptly changed direction when it was about to hit him. Not only it was not bitten by him, but it also hit back and struck him on the neck.

The whizzing snake tail carried tremendous force and drove Reynolds to stagger a few steps. Reynolds was very much not reconciled to it, snarling and trying to pounce on the snake, but then Jones yelled, "Reynolds, stop!"

Reynolds stopped his action and stared at Edgar resentfully—that’s right, the snake tail was Edgar's.

Edgar did not go and take care of Reynolds, though. He merely fixed his gaze on the egg that was encircled by himself.

"The egg cracked!" Jones shouted—there was a crack on the egg surface!

"Isn't it said that after moving, it’ll take at least a month for him to break the shell?" Reynolds made a few low growls. It had only been five days now!

Every fallen beast basically knew this kind of general knowledge, so when they heard Reynolds’ words, they all looked at Edgar nervously—it should not be because their voices had been too loud they shattered the egg, right?

When they first came to the Fallen Beast Planet, why didn't they bring an incubator? Such an egg was scorched by the sun during the day and was frozen in the evening . . . .

As those fallen beasts distressedly stared at the egg that was encircled by Edgar, the egg moved again, and the crack got a little bigger.

Everyone felt his heart clenched, and they all quieted down, silently watching the egg.

"He, he is . . ." Shu Shu was very excited. He was not as alarmed as those fallen beasts; after all, he always knew that his child grew extremely fast. As for shattering and so on—his egg was very firm and would not shatter from being dropped by ordinary people, and Edgar would not let others hurt him in any case.

"He’s going to break the shell." Jones said and could not help but sigh ruefully—this child grew really fast!

How could Shu Shu still care about Reynolds once he learned that his own child was going to come out? He ran to the egg’s side and gave all his remaining spiritual power to the egg without the slightest hesitation.

With a cracking sound, the crack on the egg became a little bigger and then got bigger and bigger. After a while, a small hole appeared.

The child was going to come out! The surrounding fallen beasts all had this thought, and they were both happy and worried—this child seemed to be born prematurely; was he all right?

The child was of course all right; even his speed of breaking the shell was incomparably fast. Not long after, a little snake with a pair of claws poked his head out of the eggshell.

The little snake’s two short claws clutched at the eggshell, and there was a small piece of eggshell on his head. After poking his head out, he looked in Shu Shu’s direction and flicked his snake tongue out . . . .

Shu Shu subconsciously froze.

He, a hamster, gave birth to a snake!

He gave birth to his natural enemy!

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