A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 896: I Deeply Care For my People

"Yes, this will be useful," Archer said while approaching the treasure and holding his hand


He sucked everything into his Item Box until the chamber was empty, which shocked Nyx even more. Following that, Archer turned to the dragon woman with a big smile, "Now let's go hunt down the Swarm that is infesting Pluoria."

When the duo made it to the surface, they both transformed into their dragon forms, but he overshadowed her. He looked down at the black dragon with glowing scales, which reminded him of chaos.

"What kind of dragon are you?" Archer's deep, rumbling voice resonated through the valley as he stretched out his gigantic wings, casting long shadows over the landscape.

Instead of answering immediately, Nyx leaped onto his back, nuzzling her head against his. Confused but instinctively responsive, Archer returned the gesture with a gentle head bump, which made the dragon woman happy as she answered, "Tiamat said I'm a chaos dragon. I am the one who is meant to aid the White Dragon in his future wars."'

Following that, the two dragons flew around northern Pluoria, burning any Swarm hordes they found. Archer only returned to his humanoid form to fight the stronger Terravians that appeared to stop them.

Archer enjoyed the power boost because now he could stand toe-to-toe with any enemy against him. He quickly tore Terravians apart, forcing them to flee back into the Underrealm, trying to escape them.

While he watched Nyx battling with a Swarm Mutant Giant, he scanned the chaos dragon, which caught his interest.

[Nyx Drakebane]

[Race: Chaos Dragon]

[Level: Sovereign Mage]

[Rank: 781]

'Oh she's strong,' Archer thought when seeing her rank and level.

After that, he watched Nyx tear apart the Giant before fighting another who appeared. She was going wild and used her claws to render flesh from bone, covering the landscape in blood.

Archer looked around and noticed the Swarm's smaller creatures were fleeing into the distance. Without thinking, he cast Stone Warden, which summoned hundreds of constructs that started chasing after the monsters.

He watched this with a smile before taking a deep breath and releasing his dragon's breath in another direction that annihilated every Ratling, Blightborn, and Mutated creature in its path.

As the battle raged on, he watched the chaos dragon decimating every monster in her path until none remained. Together, they pressed on, relentlessly hunting down the Swarm and annihilating thousands, driving them deep underground.

This went on for over a week, and during that time, Archer spoke to the girls through the tattoos and bracelets. They said the attacks on Draconia had stopped, but the Novgorodians and other kingdoms sent scouting vessels to check out the island.

When Archer heard this news, he confidently reassured them that he had devised a foolproof defense plan and would implement it before returning home. They rested in their humanoid forms on a mountain ledge, patiently awaiting the arrival of the Terravians who had fled from Mediterra.

He had discovered an underground fortress where the Terravians were hiding. Despite his efforts, a group had slipped away because he had been messing around with a Demi-God, whom he ate after beating up.

Nyx's lack of impression didn't faze him as the being attempted to attack when his attention wavered. Following this, Archer watched the grasslands until a distant speck approached in their direction.

Reacting swiftly, Archer leaped up and triggered his Draconis form while Nyx shifted into her dragon form as the two started speeding toward the approaching group. When they came close, he launched a swarm of Plasma Missiles at the enemy.

The projectiles sliced through the air and struck the shocked Terravians, who scatted, but Nyx chased after them while Archer cast Blink. He reappeared before the leader and plunged his claws into the being's chest with an evil smile.

Archer pulled out the Terravians' heart before taking a bite that frightened the surrounding enemies, but he put his new strength to good use and charged at the fleeing beings, killing each one by tearing them apart using his claws.

They continued chasing the fleeing Terravians across Pluoria, and whenever they hid in one of their fortresses, Archer barrelled through them, decimating hundreds of the Swarms' leadership.

He spent days hunting any the Tressym's found lurking in the mountains and caverns of the continent. When the duo reached the Aquarian Kingdom, they slaughtered many monsters and Terravians, forcing the enemy back to the Underrealm to recover from the sudden defeats. Archer was getting reports that the attacks on the other continents had calmed down, so the duo flew toward the small island where the Terravians cast the teleportation blocker, which annoyed him.

When the two dragons got closer, a powerful aura slammed into them, forcing the duo to stop flying. Archer shook his head while looking at the island, only to spot a being hovering above it and staring at him.

An army of Terravians was floating around him, along with a massive fleet surrounding the island. When Nyx saw this, she gulped before speaking, "This looks like a last stand. That being is stronger than you. I can feel its aura from here."

Archer nodded but did not attempt to move forward, contemplating, 'Maybe if me, Brooke, Lucrezia, and Agrippina attack him, we could win.'

Following that, he scanned the powerful figure in the distance, but it was blocked, causing him to recoil. Archer shook his head and spoke, "Let's return to Draconia and prepare to attack the island and destroy that spell."

Nyx agreed with a smile of approval. Before the two flew south, Archer showed the chaos dragon around Pluoria, which they didn't get a chance to do while hunting the Swarm. She was amazed by the beautiful landscapes and towns they encountered.

By the time they reached Mediterra, Nyx was silently glancing everywhere. The duo flew so fast that they spotted Draconia in the distance. As they got closer, Archer noticed a dozen ships circling the island, patrolling against any enemies.

While flying, Archer saw a massive platform floating in the middle of the sea with two battleships stationed on either side. Deep Sea Mining was underway. "I hope Wyldheart Industries is doing well," he mused.

After that, they flew over the mountains, and Archer was shocked to see the number of towns and cities littering the island. 'Wow, the people have been busy,' he thought.

Nyx was amazed as she pointed at something below, "What are those buildings? There are so many people going in and out."

Archer looked in the direction she was pointing and saw one of the waystations he designed for travelers. With a smile, he explained, "That's a Draconia Waystation. I created them as

rest points across the kingdom."

He turned to the black-and-white-haired woman and asked, "Do you want to see it? We can get a carriage to Dragonheart City."

Nyx's red and yellow eyes glowed with fascination before she nodded, "Yes, please."

He smiled before the duo descended to the road just outside the Waystation. When the guards spotted him, they all knelt, but he waved them away, "Can you guys organize a carriage to the capital? I want to see the new palace."

One of the guards jumped up and rushed through the opened gate while the other stepped forward, "It is a glorious building, Your Majesty. I heard all the queens are either there or working across the kingdom," he reported respectfully.

Archer nodded, "Thank you, soldier. How has the kingdom been overall?"

"We have many refugees flooding into the port cities, but thanks to the Kingdom Oath and the strict security, the newcomers have assimilated and adopted the Fireheart Faith as their own," the guard revealed. "Your company, Wyldheart Industries, has been recruiting as many people as they can and has started mining in the mountains."

'Aisha's done brilliantly,' Archer thought to himself. 'Maybe one of the girls will be good at running a company. I can't ask Hecate as she runs The Dragonheart Company, I'll speak to them when I see


Following that, Archer gave Nyx a tour of the Waystation, which amazed her. When she saw all the stores and the hotel, she asked what the point of this place was, and he said they were for traders and merchants to rest instead of camping along the road.

He also told her that the government-controlled them and earned coins through them, which went back into the kingdom to improve everyone's lives. By the time the tour finished, the soldiers had a royal carriage ready for travel.

Archer led Nyx on board and they traveled through the kingdom which shocked the dragon woman. When they passed through a small town, she witnessed the citizens, which surprised

her because they were all smiling.

She had never seen people so joyous, and he couldn't help but smile warmly at her reaction. Archer sincerely explained, "I deeply care for my people. I want them to thrive until their past hardships are mere memories."

"I want them to embrace their dreams and live their lives to the fullest, Nyx. In this unpredictable world, what else could truly matter? I live by my principles and follow my heart. If that means lifting millions out of poverty, then that's my mission. I've spared no expense, spending billions of gold coins to ensure no one goes hungry or lacks essentials." Nyx looked at him with a curious gaze, "Do you need bodyguards when you walk the streets of

a city?" Archer shook his head, stood up, and banged on the carriage roof before turning to her. "Come. I'll show you the Draconians' loyalty to their royal family."

The dragon woman joined Archer outside as he signaled to the man on the carriage, "We'll

walk driver," he said, tossing him a gold coin.

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