A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 906: At Least They're Proactive

"Why is the Pope's Granddaughter here?" Archer questioned with a confused expression.

"She helped my group get the Holy Leaf," Nefertiti replied, smiling while staring into his eyes. "She's a lovely girl but strange in some ways."

Archer grew curious and commented, "Where is she?"

"Studying in the library with Leira and Hecate," Talila answered.

'I wonder what they're studying,' Archer internally mused. 'I'll have to ask whenever I see them.'

He nodded before the five started eating when the maids brought out dozens of plates that shocked him. Archer's expression was one of shock, and it made the girls giggle when they saw it.

"I love food, sweetheart; I'm always hungry," Sera said while picking up some bacon. "The chefs are skilled; I've seen the boss-lady teaching them to cook even better."

"Boss-lady?" Archer questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Sera beamed before answering, "Ella, she's taken a leading role since we arrived at the palace, which is good because she can organize everything."

Nefertiti, Hemera, and Talila agreed as everyone started eating. Archer enjoyed the food while he chatted about the girls' days and learned that Talila was training the archers from the Homeguard.

'Very useful, they could be effective when used correctly,' Archer thought.

This shocked him, but he thanked the silver-haired elf, who replied with a smile while eating some mash. Next, Hemera and Nefertiti said they have been researching ways to use the stupid amount of Manaheart Crystals the kingdom has.

Archer was curious because he didn't know how to benefit from there, but Nefertiti explained, "I think we can use them to power Manaships and your warships along with many things in the kingdom. Especially the heating you want in the apartments."

'Oh, their already busy,' he thought. 'I wonder what the others are doing.'

After that, they finished their breakfast and were about to leave, but Archer spoke with a knowing smile as his eyes glowed with lust, "Where do you four think you're going? I said I was making time to tend to all your needs before truly spending time with each one."

Sera and Nefertiti's eyes widened as the other two replied with smiles. Following that, Hemera grabbed his hand and dragged him to his bedroom, which earned her a smack on the behind that caused the sun elf to yelp.

When the group reached the room, they entered just before Archer cast a Time Warp around the room to give him more than enough time to pleasure them all and be satisfied. Once inside, he told them all to strip and bend over the bed, which they happily did.

Hours passed in the time bubble, though only twenty minutes had gone by outside. When Archer finally finished with the four girls, they were all peacefully asleep, contented smiles on their faces as they lay entwined, the evidence of their passionate sex glistening on their skin.

"The bed is ruined now,' he thought while scratching his head. 'I'll use Cleanse on everything in the


Archer dismissed the Time Warp spell and then cast Cleanse on everyone, ensuring they were refreshed and tidy. He cast Mana Manipulation to create separate beds for each girl, gently placing them on their respective beds and tucking them in with care.

After that, he told each of them he loved them before leaving the room and scanning the palace to find the other girls to spend time with. Soon, he sensed Aisha, Sia, Nala, and Teuila not far from where he was and made his toward them.

'I only feel a little tired, but it's going away thanks to the Regeneration,' he mused with a smile.

It took him a few minutes to reach their room, and he realized it was a meeting room. Archer was just about to enter when her Aisha's voice, "Nala, if you can recruit enough demi-human soldiers, I'm sure husband will allow you to create a unit to train yourself, which I think is a brilliant idea."'

'Have they read my mind? At least they're proactive.'

There was a pause in the talking until the redheaded dragonkin continued, "Sia, I'm sure Arch will give you a legion to command. If you accept, you'll have to leave the Avalon Empire and the Dawnbreakers unless they want to join."

"I'll take a ship to the mainland along with Nala to see my old soldiers; most of them would love the pay increase compared to the Avalon army," Sia's voice rang out.

After that, Archer would enter until Teuila spoke, "We need more weapons on the sea wall due to all the monsters attacking. Me, Demetra, Lucrezia, and Mary can hold them back, but what if their numbers increase again?"

Hearing this annoyed him, and he wondered, 'Is the Swarm messing with the kingdom again?'

Archer shook his head and entered the room, catching the four women by surprise. Nala beamed with joy, leaping up and lunging into his arms. He grabbed her effortlessly, wrapping his arms around the blonde.

She nuzzled her head against his chest, tail swaying with happiness. Archer smiled, lifted Nala's chin, and kissed her soft lips, causing a delightful shudder to run through her body. The two passionately kissed before separating as he spoke, "It's good to feel your lips again, my lioness."

Nala beamed, "I missed you, Archie, but say hello to the others. They also feel the same way,' she said happily before leaning in and whispering. "I love you, Mr Wyldheart, never forget that."

He felt his heart jump for a second before responding after kissing her button nose, ''I love you too, Nala."'

Following that, he approached Teuila, who was smiling. "Look who finally turns up, the lust- filled dragon who's been ravaging girls all over the palace," she teased. "We heard some screaming, which turned the old woman on."

"'Shut up, you stupid fish!" Sia barked out, making everyone laugh.

He looked at the blue-haired aquarian and spoke with a voice laced with love, "I missed and love you, Teuila."

Once Archer finished speaking, he noticed her brown skin growing darker. 'She's adorable when blushing,' he thought.

The Aquarian Princess leaned forward to kiss him quickly, and he reciprocated without thinking while holding her close. Teuila was becoming more passionate as her tongue slipped into his mouth and batted with his one.

This amused Archer, but seconds later, they separated as her cheeks were red, making him kiss her forehead. She replied with a bright smile, "I love you too, Arch, even if you're a


Archer feigned offense before he started laughing as Sia approached, "Look who finally shows his handsome face, my naughty nephew that seems to love finding trouble wherever he

goes," she said with a grin.

"Details, Aunty, no need to worry about such things as I'm much stronger than before now that I've become a Demi-God," he responded while grabbing Sia's thick waist, causing her

smile to grow wider.

He quickly kissed the older woman's plump lips, savoring their sweetness in a passionate embrace. Sia melted into him while wrapping her arms around his shoulders, causing the

other girls to giggle.

Archer heard Nala comment, "I always love how passionate si is with her husband."'

''I agree. When they reunited, the look in her blue eyes said it all," Teuila replied to the lioness. "That's why we accepted her; she truly does love the playboy." 'Damn Teuila!' Archer thought while returning his attention to the dragonkin woman.

They continued to kiss before separating as Sia smirked, "When do I get my pampering Arch?" she said while leaning in to whisper. "I need you inside me, nephew."

Archer shivered but nodded, "Soon, Aunty," he replied.

Following that, he turned to Aisha, who was smiling at him. Archer approached her and

hugged the redhead, who returned the embrace warmly. Soon, the dragonkin woman kissed him, but it was short compared to the others.

"Sorry, Arch, but I prefer a more private setting; I'll explain later if that's okay?" she said with

a worried smile.

He waved her away reassuringly as he sat down, "Don't worry about it, Aisha."

Everyone sat down and got comfortable as Archer spoke, "I heard what you ladies were

talking about, and I agree with all of it."

''Nala, you can start a unit that you like," he revealed before looking at Sia, "You will given a legion to command, Aunty; I know you're a skilled general and warrior who can do a lot of

good for the kingdom."

Sia and Nala beamed. The lioness exclaimed as she jumped up, "Thank you, Archie!" She dashed out of the room.

With a smile, Archer quickly grabbed her hand and said, "You're not going anywhere, Nala."

When the lioness heard the tone in his voice, she shivered but nodded as her blue eyes gleamed with lust. Archer then turned to Teuila and said, "I will go explore the seafloor to find out where the monsters are coming from and take care of them."

Teuila smiled, "Thank you, Arch, but I want to come with you while the others guard the first and second mining platforms set up," she said.

'Oh yeah, they're operating now,' Archer thought before turning his attention to Aisha, "How is Wyldheart Industries doing?'

Aisha sighed, "It's doing brilliantly, Arch, but I don't have the time to run it anymore as the kingdom grows," she revealed in a tired voice.

He nodded, "I will talk to the girls. Two of them can take over as we will be on Draconia for a while apart from when I go exploring, which won't be much as I have to deal with the Swarms

worldwide spell."

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