A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 912: Strongest On Thrylos

Archer spent hours making love to Halime, Nala, and Llyniel. By the time he finished, all three girls were deeply asleep, making him smile. He then cast Cleanse on himself before leaving the room and stepping into the palace's corridors.

He realized it was still nighttime and was hungry, so he made his way toward the kitchen while sending Ella a message about the three sleeping girls. The half-elf told him that she would get a check-up on them shortly.

When Archer received this, he smiled before continuing with his walk through the palace. 'This place is beautiful,' he thought while admiring the corridors. 'Aisha listened to everything and didn't overdo it.'

It was decorated with a blue carpet and finely painted white walls. Archer noticed dozens of paintings of the girls line this corridor and wondered where they came from but shrugged it off before entering the kitchen.

Once inside, Archer spotted a woman with short platinum blonde hair and striking green eyes, dressed in a maid's uniform, enjoying a meal of soup and bread. 'Perhaps one of the cooks?' he pondered silently.

The two palace staff went to jump up and kneel, but Archer waved them off with a question that shocked them both, "Can I have some soup, please? I'm starving and haven't eaten yet."


[Meredith's POV]

Meredith was hired by the Head Maid, Edith, to work in the Dragonheart Palace. She was shocked to get the job as she had only been in Draconia for a year when she fled the Frostwood Continent when her empire was wiped out.

Now, life consisted of working with Edith around the central part of the palace, where she interacted with the many queens. Meredith found it strange that one boy had so many girls all to himself. 'How does he see to their needs? What about quality time?'

She shook her head and continued cleaning the library some of the queens used. They left cups, food, and other things behind for the maids to clean, which meant Edith sent her to sort it out.

When Meredith saw the library for the first time, she was shocked. It was as big, but most of the shelves were empty. Following that, she cleaned the place and threw away the rubbish, which made the place look clean.

Happy with her work, she continued cleaning the corridors before moving on to the queen's rooms. They were clean, which surprised her, but she was shocked by how different each one was; some had weapons, while others had books, clothes, and other girly things,

Meredith felt a pang of jealousy as she reflected on her life. Forced by her parents into working as a maid, it was the only life she had known for her thirty-six years on Thrylos. She had long given up on love, believing herself too old.

However, seeing Brooke, Sia, and Mary gave her pause. 'Is the king into older women?' she wondered, noting that they were hundreds of years old while he was only seventeen.

While watching the three women who smiled at her, she heard a sonic boom that shook the windows. The palace went into lockdown as the White Dragon Guards rushed around shouting orders as the queens gathered outside with the staff,

Meredith arrived only to hear one of the gardeners speak, "The knights are saying the king is fighting a group of Demi-Gods! How strong is he? He's only a boy; my sons are older than him."

"You stupid human!" a cat woman replied. "King Archer is the White Dragon; I've seen him smite down armies and slaughter monsters as big as mountains! Even if he's a boy, he's the strongest on Thrylos."

Everyone nodded while Meredith asked, "How can he fight knowing they might kill him? And why do we always see him wandering around? Isn't he scared of the Church of Light?"

The surrounding staff laughed, but a man said, "He liberated us from the church and robbed their banks with immunity. Our king was the one who put a stop to the Swarm's invasion. I don't think he's scared of anyone."

Meredith grew curious, as she had never seen the king. She had heard he was handsome but knew how rumors could be exaggerated. But when she first spotted the queens, her curiosity about the young man grew even more.

Following that, Edith and the head butler, Roberto, ushered all the staff back inside to resume work. The older woman approached Meredith with a smile. "Mere, please go to guest room five to check on Queens Nala, Halime, and Llyniel? Queen Ella asked me to send you as the king left them in a mess."

She nodded with a smile before heading for the guest wing. "Why doesn't he use his own bedroom? This is the third room he messed up," she muttered.

"Because he's a playboy and loves women too much," a voice rang out beside her.

Meredith spun around only to see Queen Seraphina, causing her to bow, but the young- looking girl spoke again, "Don't worry about bowing, human. I'm not one for all that stuff."'

She nodded before asking, "How can I help you?"

"I'm joining you to check on those lewd girls," Seraphina replied with a smile. "They get all his unfair attention while I have to wait for loving, I miss the feeling."

Meredith's cheeks went red as his mind started racing, 'Why is she talking about sex? I've never had, so it's not like I know the feeling.'

Following that, she followed Seraphina through the corridors while chatting about everyday life, and Meredith found out that the dragon girl was down to earth and very friendly, causing her to speak, "You're not like other queens I've seen; it's like you're a normal girl." That's when Seraphina turned around with a smile, "I am a normal girl? Being a queen is nothing to me, and I prefer being with my sweetheart."

Meredith was shocked, but the two continued walking until reaching the room where the three girls were lying on the bed while sleeping. She was confused as the room smelled like sweat and sex, which she experienced during her long career as a maid.

She noticed Seraphina shaking her head. "Look at them, Mere. They're so lucky to have the sweetheart's attention."

"Won't he come to see you, my lady?" Meredith asked.

The redheaded queen nodded. "He will, but there are so many of us that he uses Time Warp to make time for everyone."

When Meredith heard this, she grew even more curious about the king. She remembered the rumors about him liking mature women like herself and asked, "Is it true that he likes older


Seraphina turned to her with a knowing smile and said, "He does. Just look at Mary, Sia, or even his grandmother, Brooke. Now that you mention it, only a few of the girls are actually his age; most of us are older than him."

"Why are there only a few girls the same age?" she asked in a curious voice.

The queen didn't answer and approached the three sleeping girls, checking on them and giggling, which made her think, 'She cares about the three.'

Following that, Seraphina led her out of the room while responding to her question, "I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's the boobs that catch his attention, and if he ends up liking the woman, he will make her his as he's done with Maeve, Fianna, and Brooke."

Meredith nodded as the queen said she would bathe and left her alone. With her duties complete, she headed toward the kitchen to make something to eat before settling down for

the night.

While walking away down the corridor, she spotted some of the other maids standing at the windows, looking at something. Meredith was curious, so she approached and saw someone

landing outside the garden.

'Is that the king?'

The young man had striking short white hair, glowing violet eyes, and a handsome face that seemed chiseled by the gods. He was tall and lean, but what caught Meredith's attention was his simple, standard clothing that anyone his age might wear rather than the fancy garments one would expect of royalty.

'Does he not care about looking like a king?' she wondered, watching him enter the palace and walk toward the room where she and Queen Seraphina were.

After he disappeared, Meredith continued her stroll toward the kitchen and noticed the cooks leaving for the staff building just outside the palace. They greeted her with smiles as she


Meredith set about preparing soup from her homeland, deftly tossing the ingredients into the

pot while she started on the bread. It took her nearly an hour to complete the cooking. When the aroma wafted up and reached her nostrils, her stomach rumbled, evoking her childhood


She sat down and started eating while looking out of the nearby window to see the moon hanging high above Draconina. 'It's so beautiful; it's a shame that the world is chaotic.'

While Meredith was lost in her memories, a voice jolted her back to reality, "Can I have some soup, please? I'm starving and haven't eaten yet."

Startled, she jumped a bit and then noticed the king smiling warmly at her. Meredith suddenly felt a wave of nervousness wash over her. She quickly jumped up to bow, but his following words caught her off guard, "Don't bow; there's no need for formalities in the middle of the night when I've invaded your space."

Meredith was shocked and didn't know how to react but quickly filled a bowl with soup before sorting out a few pieces of bread.

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