A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 918: Fleshfiends

Archer and Nyx savored the dozen different dishes laid out before them. It took the couple an hour to finish everything, and they sat back contentedly afterward. The waiter returned with a smile, clearing away the empty plates.

Following that, Archer looked at the beautiful woman and asked, "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Yes, my belly is hurting me because of all the food," Nyx commented.

After their meal, the duo left the restaurant and began strolling through the streets of Valoria. They observed numerous buildings under construction, bathed in the warm glow of the setting afternoon sun.

Archer couldn't help but wonder about the severity of the Swarm's attack on the city. Nyx stopped when they passed a certain building, and her tail stood straight. This caught his attention. "What's wrong?" he questioned.

"Somethings in that building waiting to attack someone," Nyx informed before approaching the entrance.

Some Everrose soldiers tried to stop them, but Archer spoke, "There's a monster in there unless you want to deal with it in the dark. Be my guest."

When he said that, the guards backed off. Afterward, the duo entered the building, and Archer used Aura Detector to find the creature but discovered it was a horde of them lurking in the basement.

"I think it's the Blightborn Arch," Nyx said before approaching a staircase led further down. As they approached, a humanoid launched itself out of the darkness, but Nyx reacted within a second and grabbed it by the throat. Archer spotted the creature and scanned it to see what rank it was.

[Blightborn Human]

[Rank: A+]

Then Nyx snapped its neck before throwing the corpse to the side as she spoke, "I hate these creatures; they sneak around like thieves in the night."

Archer chuckled, "Yeah, they're creepy; I've encountered them enough times that I've grown used to the monsters."

Following that, the couple walked down and continued to take out all the Blightborns that attacked them. They traveled into the darkness, but thanks to being dragons, they could see everything.

Archer spotted dozens of butchered corpses littering the floor, causing her to speak, "Are they hunting the citizens?"

"Most likely, they are always hungry and would prey upon the people above," Nyx answered as she burned a group of Blightborns.

'I wonder why they're lurking in the darkness. Maybe it's another attack?' Archer thought while casting Crown of Stars that lit up the basement with a violet glow.

The spell started targeting all the creatures and decimated every single one, which shocked Nyx, but she beamed, "Powerful spell, Arch! It's useful for feeling with these things."

He nodded while taking out a spell book, "Would you like to learn it?"

Nyx's eyes gleamed before she nodded while taking the book and storing it in her ring, "Yes, please."

After that, the two continued through the basement and soon spotted a tunnel on the lowest floor. Archer took out several Ratorges and Blightborns guarding the entrance, which caused his fascination to rise.

They stood at the top as Nyx commented, "Should we jump down there? It could be fun."'

Before Archer replied, he messaged Aisha and told her to get a legion to check all the basements on the island. This confused the dragonkin woman, but once he explained, she quickly agreed.

'I'll deal with this then we can move onto the pirate islands as Draconia needs a ring of defenses against the other continent,' he thought.

Archer turned to Nyx with an excited smile, "Let's go," he said before jumping into the dark hole.

As the duo descended, the dragon woman trailed behind until a faint light glowed below. Archer unfurled his wings, stretching them wide to ease his landing, reverberating with a heavy thud upon impact.

Close behind, Nyx landed gracefully just behind him, and horrifying screams rang out from all directions, causing Archer to cast Cosmic Shield around them as an army of zombie-like creatures slammed against their barrier.

He was confused, 'Are these the Swarms victims? There's so many.'

Archer recast Crown of Stars while speaking to Nyx, "Start learning the spell while I deal with the creatures."

Nyx nodded before sitting down and pulling out the book as she read. Archer smiled when she saw this and cast another shield around her so she wouldn't be disturbed before scanning the



[Rank G]

When Archer saw this, he dismissed the first shield and summoned his shadow creatures. He transformed into his Shadow Prince form, and his army appeared from every direction before tearing into the Fleshfiends.

A wave of shadow washed over the creatures, and claws and teeth quickly annihilated the enemy. Archer then noticed the tunnels were long, and even more Fleshfiends appeared, causing his curiosity to rise.

He melted into the shadows while killing as many creepy monsters as possible. Archer darted through the tunnel until coming to a chamber where a massive mountain of bodies towered


'Oh shit, that is so many dead people, thousands,' Archer thought.

A sudden noise caused him to turn his head as a Terravian appeared before unleashing a powerful punch on his chin. When Archer felt the attack, it didn't affect him as much as he heard dozens of bones snapping.

Archer started laughing as he commented, "Too weak, Terravian."

He quickly plunged his tail through the creature's heart before tossing his body to the side as

a dozen spells headed in his direction. Archer turned his head and noticed Nyx fighting with

spider monsters, confusing him, 'Where did they come from?'

s the enemy's spells struck him, they fizzled against his Anti-Magic barrier, stunning his opponents. Archer swiftly closed the distance, effortlessly tearing through the Terravians with his razor-sharp claws, catching them off guard.

Meanwhile, the relentless onslaught continued as another wave of Fleshfiends emerged from the mountainous corpses. Archer stepped back, gathering his focus before releasing a torrent of violet fire that engulfed the creatures, reducing them to smoldering ash. The intense battle raged on for another grueling hour, the duo tirelessly fending off the relentless assaults of the Swarm. With the enemies finally ceasing their attacks, Nyx moved decisively, incinerating the morbid mound of corpses left behind by the fallen foes.

Following that, the duo headed back to the surface, and while flying through the tunnels, Nyx spoke, "What was the Swarm doing down here?"

Archer shrugged nonchalantly. "Probably building another army to attack the surface again. Let's head back to Draconia. We're preparing to invade the pirate islands surrounding the


Nyx beamed with excitement as they ascended to the surface. Archer landed gracefully on the ground, then focused his mana, closing the hole with Mana Manipulation. Afterward, the two left the building only to be met with the Everrose soldiers.

An older man approached them, eyeing Archer with suspicion. "White Prince. What were you

doing in there?" he asked cautiously.

Archer chuckled at the soldier's wariness before responding, "There was an army of Fleshfiends down there, preparing to climb up from the Underrealm."

The soldier's eyes widened in alarm at this revelation. Nyx, sensing the tension, interjected, "They've been kidnapping citizens. You should check the missing persons list now that the

invasion has been halted."

Everyone exchanged nervous glances, clearly unsettled by Nyx's statement's implications. Afterward, the couple took to the skies and flew back to Draconia, where Archer wanted to


Archer sped up, and the chaos dragon kept up with him. It took them a little while to spot Draconia in the distance. The duo flew over the mountains and headed for the palace, where

they landed in the garden.

When he dismissed his wings, Nyx spoke, "I'm going to wash. Can we meet up again?"

"Of course, I will see you soon and enjoy your bath," Archer replied as the woman walked toward the palace's entrance.

Once Nyx was gone, Archer wandered through the lush garden. The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm golden shade across the horizon. His gaze lifted to the sky, where streaks of orange and pink painted the heavens, a canvas of colors that seemed to swirl with

the promise of twilight.

Spotting a secluded bench nestled under an oak tree, Archer made his way towards it. The bench was weathered yet sturdy. He settled onto the bench, feeling the smooth wood beneath him as he leaned back, hands resting casually on his knees.

From his vantage point, he could see the palace rising majestically in the background, its

towering spires catching the last rays of sunlight. The garden around him seemed to come alive with the gentle breeze, leaves rustling in a whispering chorus.

The air cooled slightly as the sun dipped lower. Archer closed his eyes briefly, letting the moment's serenity wash over him. It was a rare chance to pause away from battles and strategies and appreciate the beauty surrounding him.

As Archer sat on the bench, he sensed someone approaching. Opening his eyes, he was taken aback by a striking tiger woman standing before him. Her chocolate brown skin glowed under the sun, complemented by mesmerizing brown eyes.

Her figure was elegantly curved, drawing his gaze naturally, and a tiger's tail swayed gracefully behind her. She wore a stunning red sari draped gracefully around her, the vibrant color contrasting beautifully with the verdant garden backdrop.

Archer noticed her sandals highlighted her pretty toes and feet, adorned with polished nails that caught the last rays of daylight.

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