A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 920: Two Hundred And Fifty

Archer and the four women continued to eat, and while doing that, he handed Aisha the list of ideas he created before they came, which shocked the dragonkin woman as she spoke, "When did you come up with these, darling?"

He pointed at the tiger woman and commented with a smile, "Ashoka helped me with more than half of them."

Following that, they finished the meal while chatting about their plans, but while the four women gossiped, Archer stood up while looking at his new guest, "Ashoka, it was lovely meeting you; I will talk to you as soon as I have to find Ella and speak to her about my company."

The tiger woman nodded with a beautiful smile, "Can we meet tonight? I want to go on a walk."

"Of course," Archer replied before kissing the other women, who beamed at his affection. He sought out the half-elf and found her in Halime's poison cave. Upon seeing him, Ella's face lit up with joy. She immediately embraced him, and the snake girl joined in the warm welcome.

Archer kissed both girls and asked, "How are you two?"

Halime responded first, her enchanting smile making his heart flutter. "I'm working on creating antidotes for poisons, with Ella's help. I saw you fighting with Ashoka earlier-you looked incredibly handsome in your dragon form."

He smiled at the beautiful snake girl, tenderly pampering her. Archer kissed her slender neck, and the gentle caress of his fingers down her black scales elicited delighted shivers from her.

Ella watched with a laugh, but Archer soon drew her into their embrace, showering her with affection as well. The trio's passion quickly ignited, leading them to make love in the peaceful seclusion of Halime's waterfall cave.

He cast Time Warp to ensure he had ample time to care for both girls thoroughly. Once the trio was finished, they sat around on some sofas. Halime stood up, catching her slender body on show in her blue underwear.

Archer wanted to jump her, but he shook his head before turning to Ella, "Would you like to run the Wyldheart Company while we're relaxing on Draconia? Aisha said you've been a massive help."

The half-elf nodded with a beaming smile, "That would be nice, Arch. I have a few ideas on increasing our earnings, but it will involve the navy."

"What's your plan?" he questioned with a curious expression.

Ella sat up and looked serious as she went on to explain that she wanted to build several mining platforms around Draconia so they could speed up their efforts. When they went over every part of the seafloor, they would expand.

But she was worried about pirates targeting them. Archer grinned before informing her of his Red Mist skill, which would allow him to cut off Draconia from the outside world, which shocked the half-elf.

"That would be perfect; we could build dozens and have them all working simultaneously," Ella announced with a beautiful smile. "When can you do it?"

Archer chuckled at her excitement and answered, "Now, if you want, what will we do about trade with the outside world?"

She thought for a second, but Halime returned with some tea and spoke, "We can close the kingdom off apart from a small section for refugees, but even then, those are slowing down now that peace has settled over the continents."

He nodded in agreement, then took a sip from the cup Halime had prepared. The tea, a blend of strong and sweet, provided a refreshing energy boost. After finishing the drink, Archer stood up and said, "I'll go ahead and seal off Draconia so we can remain undisturbed by the outside world."

The two girls agreed with a nod before he walked outside, summoned his wings, and took off. While flying, he sent a message to all the girls that he was securing the kingdom and the four surrounding islands.

Archer instructed Aisha to ready the 1st through 4th legions for departure upon his return. He asked the girls if they wanted to join him at the Dragon's Cove Naval Base. With that, he took to the skies, flying over the rugged mountains until he hovered above the turbulent sea.

"Another storm-makes my job easier," he muttered.

He activated Red Mist as he hovered, spreading it across a 500-mile radius around the kingdom to ensure ample space. To his surprise, the mist took on a violet hue instead of its usual red, but he found the change intriguing and pleasing.

Afterward, Archer circled the island, intensifying the violet mist to seal off the kingdom entirely. The fog thickened, creating a nearly impenetrable barrier to anyone attempting to enter or fly over the kingdom.

He continued to produce the fog until it was dense enough to ensure the safety of everyone within. Ascending high into the sky, Archer ventured into outer space, creating a protective shield from above.

It took him over two hours to complete the process. Finally, he landed on a clock tower in Wyrmwood, a town on the northern shore behind the seawall. Wyrmwood was home to the Homeguard and their families.

Archer gazed at the distant expanse of the violet mist, a visible testament to his work. As he stood on the clock tower, he received a message from Aisha:

[Was that wall you're doing, husband? Naval Command is sending messages to the government for answers, and the merchants are scared.]

He chuckled and reassured her with a reply. [Yes, it's my work. I'll inform everyone shortly] With that, Archer took to the sky once more. He activated Mana Manipulation, amplifying his voice to carry across the kingdom. His voice echoed through the air, "People of Draconia! The world outside is recovering, but there are forces at work trying to bring our kingdom down. I have locked the kingdom away so no one can bother us until we're ready to reveal ourselves to the world."

When speaking, Archer felt the whole kingdom stand still as he continued, "We have everything we need on the island, and the stream of refugees has stopped. Draconia will flourish in our isolation."

Ascending into the sky, Archer soared towards Dragonheart City and proclaimed, "The Pirate War is upon us, and our legions need brave souls. By enlisting, you'll join our ranks and serve across the vast and wondrous lands while fighting unknown enemies. If you're over sixteen, now is the time to step forward. We offer a generous salary of 250 gold per year and exceptional benefits for those who dedicate themselves to me."

Following that, he flew toward the city and noticed people rushing around in the streets below. Archer put on a disguise ring before descending, and he landed just outside the main

gate and waited in line.

The streets buzzed excitedly as the people celebrated the long-awaited peace from the pirate raids that had plagued the seas. Conversations were filled with pride and anticipation as many spoke of their children joining the army or navy.

Archer was shocked by the sheer number of people enlisting, their morale and sense of belonging swelling as they joined the ranks of the Draconia Empire. He overheard one family from Orientia, their voices filled with gratitude, expressing their happiness at finding a new

home in Draconia.

They marveled at how well they were cared for, no longer burdened by worries of winter or starvation. The community's dedication and pride in their unique kingdom were palpable, and it filled Archer with a deep sense of accomplishment.

Following that, the queue died down as the Homeguard hurried everyone in. The closer he got to the city gates, the more he heard cheering and celebrating. After ten more minutes, he was inside and started walking down the main street.

Archer was headed for the recruitment station Aisha had told him about. He soon found the

large building in the city's eastern part. He saw hundreds of young men and women lining up


They looked excited, which caused him to message Aisha, [Should we raise the soldier's

wages after a year?]

[No, two hundred and fifty is more than enough husband. Other kingdoms don't even pay them half of that; then there's your benefits in case the person dies, which no other realm

has ever had]

Archer glanced around with a satisfied nod, his eyes landing on a nearby stall offering spicy noodles. He quickly made his way over, purchasing a generous bowl, and then settled onto a

nearby bench to enjoy his meal.

Dozens of people came to the recruitment office, causing Archer to smile before admiring the surroundings: the border of a shopping district and the housing part of the city that towered

above him.

Archer was surrounded by a patchwork of apartments and small parks throughout the district. He had strategically divided the city into distinct districts to streamline security for the Homeguard and Legions.

The concept of these districts had been well-received by both Aisha and the government. Each district featured a small shopping area, residential housing, and two forts flanking its


Dragonheart was meticulously organized into thirty distinct districts, each designed to optimize the city's efficiency and safety. As Archer observed, families strolled by with

cheerful expressions and neatly kept clothing.

In Draconia, homelessness and poverty were nonexistent. The government had ensured that those capable of working were employed, preventing idleness. There were many jobs to be

found, and no one went without.

Women, particularly mothers, were not pressured into the workforce, while younger girls were encouraged to develop loving marriages and build families. This approach fostered a thriving community where personal and societal well-being were prioritized.

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