A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 927: Forty-Two

Archer nodded at the white-haired maid before asking, "Do you want to make me breakfast, Edith? I'm starving."

The mature woman nodded, causing her chest to jiggle noticeably. "Follow me, Master. I will cook you the best food," she said before marching off.

He followed behind, but Edith continued, "I heard the Wildheart Company is creating many things that will improve the lives of the normal people."

''I have many plans to implement to help everyone from Universal Health Care to Sponsorships, schools, and colleges," Archer revealed. "This is the start, Edith; by the time I'm finished, the people will be living like kings."'

"Why do you want to give the people so much power in their lives? Aren't you scared they will rebel against you?" the older woman asked.

Archer shook his head. "No, because I will be seen as a god. Name one ruler in the history of Thrylos who has cared so much about their citizens or spent trillions in gold coins to ensure the people were looked after," he questioned.

As he finished speaking, Elara burst into the corridor, her face a mask of panic. Spotting him, she dashed over, breathless and urgent. "Arch! A general controlling a southern fortress has rebelled and taken prisoners. He demands to speak with you."

Archer's face darkened with fury. Without a word, he seized both women and, with a swift blink, transported them outside. Summoning his wings, he took to the sky. As they soared, he asked Elara, "Where's the fortress?"

"East of Newhaven Port, It's a large fortress with a few thousand Dragon Legionnaires and other units," she answered. "It's one of the many castles that guards the Silver Moon Cove."

He nodded before speeding up, but that's when Edith commented, "I love being in your manly arms, handsome, but why are you bringing me?"

"I don't know, maybe I want to spend more time with my beautiful maid?" Archer answered with a charming smile.

Edith beamed before asking something that caught him off guard, "Is it true that you claimed the Marshal and Admiral Anderson? Rumors say you ravaged them."

When Elara heard this, she squeaked in embarrassment, causing Archer to laugh before he answered, "Yes. They are mine now, and I don't think they understand what that means."

The dragonkin marshal lifted her shirt to show Edith the dragon tattoo on her abdomen, which caused the mature woman to gleam excited before speaking, "Will I get that if I become your lover?"

Archer nodded, "Yes, but there's more to it than a pretty tattoo. It allows me to talk to them while making sure they're safe. I can summon them once a day, and it ensures loyalty to me. If we ever die, we will find each other again."

Edith's smile grew even wider, but Archer pinched her behind, "Get those lewd thoughts out of that pretty head of yours. I won't lay a hand on you until you're ready."

She nodded before speaking in a quiet tone, "Thank you, Archer. But there's something I wanted to ask you to do?"

"What is that?" he questioned.

"Do you want to meet my children and grandchildren? Thanks to Aisha, they live in Dragonheart City," Edith answered hopefully.

Before Archer could answer, Elara spoke in a teasing tone: "Won't they hate you for bringing someone younger than Marcus, who is your youngest grandchild at the age of twenty?"

Edith's cheeks went red as she shook her head. "They knew there was a chance I would become his in some way, but my youngest daughter was the only one against it, as she believes Archer wouldn't be interested in a woman in her early forties," she explained in a voice full of insecurity.

When Archer heard this, he felt terrible for the older woman, but to cheer her up, he leaned forward and kissed her soft lips, which caused Edith's body to stiffen as she returned it while closing in on the blockade that the loyal soldiers and navy had set up.

The two stopped kissing as they touched down, and he let them down. That's when a radiant smile lit up the older woman's beautiful face as she spoke in shock, "Doesn't it bother you that I'm forty-two?"

Archer waved her away with a charming smile as he leaned into her delicate ear, "Once you're ready, I will show you how much it doesn't bother me when my tongue is invading your body, and I have my way with you."'

Edith's body trembled, but she nodded, "Now I understand, you truly do find me attractive," she replied before leaning in. "Deal with these rebels quickly, and I'll show you what my tongue can do."

When Archer heard this, his lust soared, but he had to control himself as he replied with a smirk, "You will come to regret that, my naughty maid."

Following that, he approached the nearby command tent, where he found the commander of the local Homeguards alongside a woman who was part of the Ninth Legion based in this part of Draconia.

When the group spotted Archer and the two women, they knelt in respect. A tall, well-built man spoke up first, "Your Majesty. The rebels have repelled one of our attacks due to using the hostages. Could you put an end to this, please?"

"Do it, and I will reward you, My Lord," Edith said with a smile, catching everyone off guard. Elara looked at her with a disgusted look before mumbling, "Shameless maid! I wonder if they all like it."

"Oh, we are. The women are preparing to present a proposal to the queens for creating a Maid Harem consisting of mature women like myself. Rumor has it that many noble ladies are eager to join," Edith said casually, though it surprised everyone.

Even Archer choked and looked at the maid, "You what? Why are you women making plans without my knowledge? Do you think I want to ravage all you lewd maids?"

Edith giggled before replying, "We know you're a picky dragon, but none of the women are against it. Once the queens give the green light, we shall organize a schedule so we all can

pamper you."

"'Shut up, you naughty maid; we're here to deal with the rebellious general and not shock the commanders about my private life," he said before leaving the tent.

Elara and Edith followed behind, and the white-haired woman commented, "Many are exotic Arch. There was a pair of fox grandmothers who were delightful and looked younger than me."

"'Shhhh Edith," Archer said. "Stop tempting me with such offers. I have enough women, including you and Meredith; I don't want anymore."

After he finished speaking, the two women laughed as Elara answered, "Your harem will be big and have queens, empresses, and others, Your Majesty. Half the women in your army want

to have your babies."

Archer gave up and ignored the silly women who kept laughing as they approached the castle gates. When the trio got close, Edith got serious and spoke, "They have fifty people held hostage in the gatehouse; there are five men inside keeping watch over them."

Confused, he looked at the maid with a raised eyebrow, "How do you know that?"

"I can see their mana," Edith answered. "Everything has it, but yours is out of this world and reminds me of a storm."

Archer nodded before turning to Elara. "I will Blink up there. You got after the hostages, and I will deal with the soldiers," he said.

The two women nodded as the dragonkin readied her sword. He then used Blink to appear on the fortress's wall, which shocked everyone. Elara and Edith rushed toward the gatehouse while taking out the confused soldiers.

When Archer saw the maid engaging in close combat with heavily armored Legionnaires who were getting knocked out. He went straight for the commander and grabbed him by the throat before lifting him into the air.

As this happened, the loyal soldiers outside broke into the fortress, but Archer shouted, "Don't kill anyone! Gather them all up in the courtyard while I find out who the ringleaders


The legions secured all the rebels and had them on their knees outside the fortress. Archer threw the commander into his group after using Soul Sunder only to eat his recent memories,

causing him to spasm.

Once Archer had gathered all the information he needed, he rounded up nearly one hundred traitorous soldiers. Turning to the remaining troops, he declared, "The Homeguards and Legionnaires still present will be assigned to clean the seawall as part of your punishment, in addition to any further penalties the government may impose. Now get out of my sight before I decide to incinerate you all."

At his command, a wave of soldiers hurriedly retreated, escorted by the loyal Legionnaires.

After they were gone, Archer turned to the commander and the other traitors and spoke, "Working for the Novgorodians, eh? You disappoint me, but now I will show you what happens to snakes."

Following that, Archer went to work crucifying all one hundred of the traitors, and when he was done, he shouted to the remaining soldiers, "This is the beginning! I want you to cover them in honey and milk while letting insects eat them from the inside out before healing


He looked at the commander, "Do not miss one day of it; otherwise, I'd do the same thing to you all, and I'll return after the Conference of Rulers."

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