A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 936: Creatures Of The Night

Chapter 936: Creatures Of The Night

Following that, Archer and Meredith learned from the Long Night, during which creatures of darkness hunted people who wandered outside civilization. He ordered the legions to triple patrol across the kingdom when he heard this.

Once the fox woman had finished telling her story, Archer got into bed after he undressed. Meredith crawled beside him and became comfortable by touching his shoulder.

Haruka watched this with narrowed eyes before asking, in her Eastern accent, which awoke something in him: "You only want to cuddle and nothing else?"

Archer laughed when hearing the older maid's unsure voice and decided to reassure both women, "Look, I'm here to sleep and not get frisky. I know Meredith isn't ready, but we've just met Haruka. You may be a Wyldheart maid, but that doesn't mean I would take advantage of my power."

The fox woman looked confused, but Meredith giggled as she explained, "Master doesn't take advantage of us. If anything, Edith does of him and made her move. Now look, she is in the maid harem."

He rolled his eyes at the comment and pulled Haruka onto the bed, where the two women nestled close to him. Soon, the warmth and comfort enveloped them all, and they drifted off to sleep together.

The storm above Thrylos worsened, and an unusual snowstorm hit the world, causing the temperature to drop. A few hours later, Archer woke up and noticed the cold air and ice sticking to everything.

Archer used Blink to silently slip out of bed and approach the fireplace, where he breathed a stream of dragon fire into it. The flames roared to life, pushing back the cold. He observed the comforting blaze and thought, 'I'll check on the others before heading to my room.'

He tucked Haruka and Meredith in, ensuring they were cozy, before leaving the room to check on the other girls. They were all asleep except for Mary and Sia, who were nowhere to be found. Puzzled, he wondered, Where could those two be?

Soon, Archer spotted Mary and Sia standing outside his room. As he approached, a smile spread across his face. Sia turned to him with glowing blue eyes and said, "You're finally here. Mary said she sensed you checking up on the other girls."

Archer's grin widened at her words. Without replying, he wrapped his arms around Sia's waist and kissed her deeply. The kiss was returned with equal passion as the dragonkin woman melted into the embrace.

As they shared this intimate moment, Archer's hand subtly moved to rest on Mary's soft curves. Following that, the two women dragged him inside his room while demanding him cast Timewrap so they could have fun for hours,

He did as they asked and started making love to both of them. Mary was overwhelmed by the pleasure, and Sia passed out due to the intense orgasm she received. Archer filled both women up until they started to leak.

By the time Archer finished, he had already dismissed Timewarp and left Sia and Mary peacefully asleep. He then made his way to Brooke's room. That night, Archer shared intimate moments with each of the girls, and by the end, he found himself genuinely exhausted.

Now, as the moon remained high in the sky, Archer lay nestled between Ella and Sera, their warmth and presence providing a soothing end to his busy night. The following day, he woke up to the dragon girl nuzzling his neck and the half-elf on his chest.

Archer smiled as he watched the peaceful scene before gently moving the girls aside. He quietly slipped out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. As he walked, he cast Cleanse to refresh himself.

It took him about five minutes to reach the kitchen, where he began his early morning routine. Archer started making tea while watching the rain lash the window, which caused him to think, 'The Long Night? I wonder what causes this.'

A voice from a particular goddess reached his ear, "It happens every so often. The world turns to night, and the sun vanishes for two years. Creatures of the Night will roam the land and hunt travelers."

Archer glanced around, and a whisp of smoke floated into nothing, causing him to smile, 'Thank you, Tia.'

While he was preparing tea in the kitchen, Ella walked in with a tired smile and said, "Morning, Arch. You have that meeting today, remember."

He nodded, pouring more tea for her and stirring it gently before placing the cup in front of her. Ella's smile widened at the thoughtful gesture. Archer then asked, "Do you want to come with me?"

Ella shook her head, "Nala, Edith, Demetra, Teuila, and Brooke will be joining you as they're getting bored on the island," she said while sipping her tea.

Following that, the two of them continued chatting until Ella left to go to work at the Wyldheart Company after kissing him. Once Archer was done in the palace, he went to find the five women.

First, he found Nala and Teuila walking out of their rooms after getting dressed; the lioness beamed when spotting him. She dashed toward him and jumped into his arms as he caught her.

Nala wrapped her legs around Archer's waist, covering his face with affectionate kisses. With a radiant smile, she said, "Thank you for last night, Arch! It felt amazing," her tone was full of joy.

Archer chuckled and returned her kiss before setting her down. He then greeted Teuila with a warm kiss. After the happy exchanges, the group set out to find the others and soon discovered them in the palace courtyard.

Demetra and Brooke greeted Archer with smiles while Edith chatted with Meera, Jaya, and Olivia. Archer acknowledged everyone with warmth. He kissed Demetra and Brooke tenderly, then embraced Meera and Jaya in friendly hugs.

Following that, he told the women to wait while he said goodbyes to the other girls, who were happy with the gesture; this took him ten minutes. This pleased everyone who was getting ready to work around the kingdom.

Once Archer did that, he entered the carriage as Meera spoke, "Archer, Lady Aisha dispatched the First Legion to protect you alongside the White Dragon Knights. They are waiting at the Dragon Cove Naval Base."

Archer smiled as the women started chatting among themselves while he looked out the window. He saw farms with dozens of people tending to the fields as monsters assisted them

with the work.

At least three Homeguard patrols passed by them, with wooden forts set up outside every town and village, which made him think, 'Security needs to be increased again. I have a bad


Following that, though, Archer sent Aisha a message and ordered her to dispatch every available legion to guard every road, crossing, and farm, which baffled the dragonkin woman,

but she agreed.

'Now the kingdom will be prepared for any threat,' Archer thought. 'The legions will be able to defend the land while I'm at the meeting.'

It took half an hour to reach the Draconian Naval Base, which was busy with the First Legion piling onto the transport ships while the First Fleet sailed out of the harbor, as DRN Archer's

Pride was still docked.

Elara and Olivia approached the group with smiles as the redheaded dragonkin woman ordered her commanders to take the women to the royal quarters on the flagship. Once they were gone, the white-haired woman commented, "Scouts report pirates lurking past the mist wall, Arch. What are your orders?"

"Sink anything that comes close; use the Destroyers and Cruisers to chase them down if spotted," Archer answered.

Olivia's pink eyes gleamed with excitement before she nodded, "Good. The Navy has been training hard. Headquarters believe a war will break out in the next five years, according to reports that the Dragon Spies have been sending back to the kingdom."

Archer nodded, "Good. I have even more wealth now," he said. "Once we're back from the meeting, I will map out the plans. How many fleets do we have?"

"Six, my darling, but with the backlog of ships waiting in the ports for enough sailors to man them, we have ten full battlefleets," Olivia nodded.

When Archer heard this, he sent Aisha another message, [Ramp up naval recruitment. We need more sailors. How much do they get paid?]

[Sailors get two hundred and fifty gold annually with bonuses like land soldiers. Maybe we can increase it in the coming years if your plans are successful. We are swimming in gold coins at the moment, but the train track and construction are costing millions; I hope it is

worth it]

Archer chuckled when hearing this before replying. [We can make the wages three hundred and fifty, officers a little bit extra, but draw up some plans for it while I do the same thing]

He then shared everything he and Aisha had discussed with Olivia, which made the older woman beam with delight as she embraced him. Elara laughed at Olivia's reaction and, stepping forward, allowed Archer to wrap his arms around her.

[Apologies for the slow pace of chapters. This will only continue for another day or two while I work on the privilege for Level Up. Thank you for your understanding.]

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