A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 941: Who's Attacking This Time

Chapter 941: Who's Attacking This Time

Archer removed his shirt and settled into the warm bed, getting comfortable while watching Edith prepare to join him. She closed the curtains, allowing the sound of the rain to hit the window before she fluttered around the room, ensuring the door was locked securely.

Once the room was prepared, Edith slipped out of her uniform, revealing only her pink underwear. Archer was shocked by how good she looked. The sight stirred his desire, but he managed to control himself, shaking his head to steady his emotions.

Edith noticed his reaction and giggled softly, which sounded like music to his ears. "So, you do want me," she said teasingly. "Your eyes don't lie. All I see is attraction and care when you look at me."

Archer smiled, but she continued speaking while approaching the bed with a coy smile, "Even when I questioned your methods back in the galley, you were annoyed for a split second, but it vanished as quick as it appeared; most men would have scolded me but you never."' After talking, Edith crawled into bed, only for Archer to pull her close. Now half of her body lay on him, one of her legs was draped over him, and her chest pressed against his. Once the two were comfortable, Nala suddenly contacted him and asked them to join.

Ten minutes later, a naked lioness lay peacefully on his left, softly snoring in her sleep as she looked happy. Edith, still giggling at the sight, soon drifted off herself. Archer gently brushed both women's hair from their faces and kissed them on the forehead before settling in beside them.

Soon after, Archer fell asleep peacefully and completely relaxed. The following day, as the rain storm outside worsened, he was jolted awake by a wet, slimy sensation moving around his lower half, causing him to groan.

At the same time, someone began nibbling on his ear, making him shiver as hands ran all over his body. His eyes opened only to see Nala's head bobbing up and down as she moved her hair to allow him to see her lips wrapped around his cock.

That's when Archer's head was moved to the right, only to see Edith's waist and wet pussy. The maid straddled his face, pressing her hips down as he eagerly used his tongue to explore her folds.

At the same time, he felt a warm, wet sensation around his cock, while his tongue continued to pleasure Edith. Archer was still groggy from sleep, but the intense stimulation quickly brought him to full alertness.

As he explored her body with practiced skill, he lavished attention on her sensitive areas, his movements rhythmic and focused. Edith's breaths grew heavier with each touch, her moans becoming increasingly emotional as he brought her closer to the edge.

That's when Nala's movements synchronized with Archer's actions rhythm. The dual sensations heightened his arousal, making it difficult to concentrate on anything but the overwhelming pleasure.

He finally reached his peak, his body tensed, and he released himself into Nala's eager mouth. She moaned around him, her pleasure evident as she tasted him. The combined intensity of Edith's pleasure and Nala's response brought Archer to the brink as he exploded in the lioness's eager mouth.

Following that, Archer started making love to the two women and swapped between them as he bent them over side by side, who moaned and screamed, which was heard by the passing sailors.

The three went on for hours until Edith was unconscious after falling into a pleasure-filled daze. Nala was sitting with her back against the wall as her boobs jiggled with every breath as she complained, "Arch! You shoot out too much seed; I can feel it filling me up even though it's leaking like a popped slime."'

Archer chuckled as she secured her wild sandy blonde hair into a ponytail. He gave her a quick kiss before heading to the baths. As the ship's cannons began firing, he quickly messaged Olivia.

[Who's attacking this time?]

[Pirates again. It seems like they're targeting us, but they've underestimated the First Fleet] Olivia responded.

[I'll deal with them and find out who is sending them]

After that, Archer went to the nearest stairwell to the deck. When he reached it, he summoned his wings before soaring into the sky and heading toward the enemy fleet.

When he stopped the one hundred or so pirate ships, he grinned before suddenly stopping and casting hundreds of Plasma missiles, causing violet projectiles to appear around.

He waved his hand toward the enemy vessels, and the missiles flew across the sky before slamming into the hulls and taking out the front row of pirate ships. Archer then started flying again and heading for the biggest one as it thought the leader must be on it.

'I'll use Soul Sunder on the people in charge and then act from there,' he thought as he approached the pirate flagship.

Spells and mana shells flew in his direction, but the attacks were useless, thanks to his Anti- Magic and Cosmic Shield. While flying, the Archer cast dozens of Eldritch Blasts into the side of the vessels, causing damage as he passed.

Soon enough, he saw the deck of the main ship and used Blink to reappear there, only to shock the surrounding pirates. A panicked voice rang out, "Kill the boy!"

Archer smiled as his tail went to work, decimating half a dozen men before he used his claws and teeth. Blood soaked through the ship's wood as he approached the trembling pirate


He grabbed the large human by the neck and lifted him in the air with an evil smile before using Soul Sunder to rip the man's soul apart. Archer ate it and discarded all the pointless memories before seeing a face he never expected.

'Pop Jeremiah is hiring pirates to harass Draconian shipping,' he thought.

Without thinking, Archer threw the pirate captain into the ocean to be swallowed by the waves. He started spamming many spells that sunk every pirate ship before returning to the ship, where Edith met him on the balcony with a concerned expression.

Archer smiled when seeing the white-haired maid, "Hello, Edith. What's worrying you?"

The mature woman shook her head before answering, "A bad feeling overwhelmed me when I

woke up."

He was just about to reply when a roar rang out, and Demetra was flung into a Destroyer on the formation's edge. The ship exploded just as Teuila exploded out of the water half dead as she dragged her Titan form toward them.

Archer Blinked to her and spoke in a commanding tone, "Transform!"

Teuila listened, and a bright light appeared, allowing him to pick her up while she was covered in blood and one of her limbs hung lifeless. When Archer saw this, he cast Aurora

Healing on her.

The violet light washed over her and healed all the injuries. He cast Blink to appear on the Archer's Pride deck and gave Teuila to the waiting Brooke. Once he knew she was safe, he returned to the sea to find the monster who had hurt them.

Archer soon located the creature: a massive serpent. As soon as he spotted the beast, he leaped into action, transforming into his dragon form mid-air. He crashed into the sea, plowing straight into the monstrous serpent.

'Here we go!' Archer smiled as he bit into the snake's giant body.

He started fighting with the sea monster, who struck back and wrapped its body around Archer's before trying to break him, but it was useless as he scrapped his claws down the

creature's body.

Blood poured into the sea as the battle raged on. The monster struggled against the relentless assault, but the tide turned decisively when Demetra rejoined the fray. She clamped down on the serpent's body with her powerful jaws, tearing away chunks of flesh and tipping the scales

in their favor.

Soon enough, the couple ripped the monster apart, and Demetra started eating it while Archer surfaced to get some fresh air. He returned to his humanoid form and Blinked to the Flagship

where the others were waiting.

Demetra soon arrived, leaping from the water and landing with a heavy thud. Afterward,

everyone returned to Archer's room, where the two ladies recounted how they had been

ambushed by the sea serpent, which had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Following that, the journey to Mediterra was uneventful, and on the sixth day, Olivia announced that the mainland could be seen. The First Fleet sailed forward and started seeing

many other vessels from across Thrylos.

Archer stood on the bridge's balcony while scanning the other ships. While doing that,

Olivia's voice rang out, "Most continents have shown up. It seems like Avidia never showed

up, but they never do."

'I wonder if any trouble will break out during the conference,' he thought.

He watched as a Nightshade vessel approached the fleet and asked them to only dock with one

ship. Archer's Pride continued after Olivia ordered the others to await her orders. When the Flagship approached the shore, Archer noticed a massive harbor where several vessels had

already been docked.

Olivia ordered them to dock before they departed to meet the conference representatives. Still, Archer and six disembarked, and the white-haired admiral decided to stay with the ship as the Dragon Marine flooded from the inside to guard the dock and top deck. [Drop some powerstones, comments, and gifts to help the novel grow; I appreciate all the support you can give]

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