A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 112: Tsundere

Chapter 112: Tsundere

Shall we talk? Tetsuya said, tilting his head slightly to the side.

The fox grinned even harder and said with a satisfied rumble in his voice Let's talk.

It should be noted here that Tetsuya did not really count on such a quick contact. According to his plan, he will have to listen to a long angry speech, then there is a visit to the cage and beating the animal, and only then a conversation.

Therefore, the hero, without hiding his surprise, raised an eyebrow.

"Ginger" also tilted his head to the side and grinned maliciously I thought I'd give you a long verbal diarrhea?

Yes, I expected something like that. the redhaired man shrugged his shoulders and also grinned. But it's even better, I admit, I underestimated you a little.

Hmm-hmm-hmm the fox laughed softly to himself The situation is conducive to conversation, right? Re-printing. A new cage has arrived for me. Hmm-hmm-hmm he laughed softly to himself again Tell me, how do you feel, knowing that you are condemning your mother to certain death?

Such a light injection could not affect the hero in any way, especially since he was sure that Mito would survive.

Tetsuya grinned and spoke with a narrowed gaze, in a kind tone And how do you feel, knowing that soon your quiet, lonely days will last for the next few decades?

The fox froze and squinted at Uzumaki with an evil look, but Tetsuya continued.

How do you feel knowing that you are being used as a soulless object to gain power?

The demon "frowned" even more, slightly grinning.

What do you feel

That's enough! the fox exclaimed, looking with anger at Tetsui's contented face Why did you come?! Speak!

"I've come to make a deal with you. the guy spread his hands.

Hmm! Why would I make a deal with you, idiot!? What makes you think that I would listen to such an inferior being as a human? Kurama said, closing his eyes, turning his head to the side.

Don't be a touchy-feely. You understand perfectly well that you will not get out of here, and even if you do, you will find yourself behind bars again, only the jailer will change.

The fox snorted with displeasure.

But it so happened that I am ready to make some concessions that will brighten up your stay here, in exchange for services... interested?

Long seconds passed.

Kurama, although he pretended that he did not accept this, but in fact he seriously thought about this proposal. There's nothing to lose.

At the moment when the tailed one was ready to "graciously" accept a deal with a lower form of life, Tetsuya, making a disappointed look, spoke Hmm, what did I expect from a stupid beast who, most likely, is not even able to keep his own word. It is not for nothing that they say that biju has neither pride nor honor.

Then Uzumaki calmly turned around and walked back towards the corridor from which he actually came out.

The fox fell into prostration for a few seconds, watching Tetsuya calmly leave. And then

Wait! Where did you go?! Am I the one who can't keep my word?! Hey! Turn around! I have no honor and pride?! Yes, I am the most honest and proud tailed in the world! Come back! The fox quickly shouted, his eyes wide open and rustling the chains wrapping around his body.

Halfway there, the redhaired man stopped and grinned to himself, turned with an innocent look to face the demon - Really?

Seeing that Tetsuya stopped, the fox relaxed and exhaled Just don't act like a good boy, I can see what kind of actor you are.

Okay. Uzumaki grinned as he walked back to the cage.

Okay, what's the deal? having brought his head as close to the cage as possible, the fox asked.

As you understand, it will be me who will carry out the re-printing, so I have the opportunity to make you feel the jailer's body as your own.

The fox frowned A little more detailed.

You will be able to feel and see everything that baby Kushina, your "vessel", feels and sees. Smells, sounds, tastes, tactile sensations... everything. Tetsuya "sang" with a smile like a professional "merchandiser".

This is What do you want in return? squinted at the end of biju.

I'm asking a little. Assistance from your side in reprinting and Kushine-chan's help in mastering your power.

Long seconds of silence flowed again.

Tetsuya's offer was very good, but for Kurama it is a blow to pride. What would he, yes, start helping them? What would he do, but start teaching his jailer? What would he do, but start groveling in front of them?

What kind of humiliation?!

I agree. with a "creak", said Kuby, shaking his head. The temptation was too strong.

Are you sure? Can I take your word for it? The hero asked with a grin.

The fox was alarmed again I am a nine-tailed demon fox! I never break my word once!

- OK. Let's seal the deal with a handshake. Tetsuya said with a smile as he walked between the bars of the cage.

"Ginger" was surprised by such a bold act, but remembering who he was dealing with, he immediately regained his calm.

Uzumaki stretched out his palm towards the fox, after which the hand acquired a woody hue and began to increase until it became the size of Kurama's paw.

The huge tree hand met the fox's paw in a firm handshake.

I advise you to take this chance seriously, fox, because there will be no other. Tetsuya said seriously, squinting, finishing this little "ritual".

Hmm! It's you people who are capable of lies and betrayal, but not me! the demon "zatsundered" again.

I hope so. the hero smiled at the end and went out of print.

And how? Mito asked Tetsuya when she felt that he had left the seal.

"I made a deal with the demon. the guy smiled slightly, removing his palm from the flat and soft tummy of his mother. Still, he had to touch the seal to enter.

Mito frowned slightly, bringing her eyebrows together slightly Are you sure you can trust him?

I think so. closing his left eye, Tetsuya said - Don't worry, I have everything under control, even if the demon betrays, nothing will change, you know what I'm capable of.

For a few seconds, the woman calmly looked into the guy's eyes.

Okay, I trust you, myself. Mito said calmly in an ambiguous tone, looking the hero in the eyes.


Tetsuya, slightly squinting, looked into his mother's eyes, and she looked into his.

At the moment when the situation was about to become awkward, the redhaired guy smiled sweetly and reached out his hand, gently stroked his mother's cheek - Well, I agree to accept such responsibility.

Mito looked at the hero affectionately and at the same time tried to calm the raging ocean of feelings inside her chest. She didn't even notice how she pressed herself a little harder against Tetsuya's soft palm.

Okay, let's get started. the hero removed his hand from Mito's face.

I'm ready. she said, although she wanted those gentle touches to last a little longer.

Tetsuya left the seal and only the sleeping Kushina and Mito remained in it.

Having taken a position, he closed his eyes and began to re-print, at the same time connecting his thoughts with Kuby in order to cooperate with all actions.

Slowly, the chakra flowed from the hero's tenketsu into the seal, gradually accelerating.

Numerous small, intertwined seals began to rapidly "come to life" and shine with a crimson color.

The "operation" was short-lived, but very "subtle".

Now we can say what Tetsui's idea is.

Usually, when reprinting the biju, so to speak, they pull it out with the "roots" from the bodies of the jinchuriki. With "roots" that have already "sprouted" into their bodies.

That's why all the jinchuriki died after that. Only someone like Uzumaki will be able to live for another hour after that, but then death will follow.

Moreover, the longer the vessel was a jinchuriki, the deeper and stronger the roots fused with it.

Therefore, Tetsuya decided to simply "cut down" the tree and leave the "roots" in the woman's body.

Biju will recover extremely quickly anyway, but another problem pops up. Without the tailed, those very "roots" in the bodies of the jinchuriki will dissipate, "rot". In general, this way you can only delay the death of the vessel for a few years, no more.

The hero was naturally not interested in such an outcome, so he decided to use the seal to force Mito's body to assimilate these "roots", to make them part of the body.

Simply put: Tetsuya wanted to give his mother the power of the Kyubi. It will be similar to the situation of Ginkaku and Kinkaku, who ate Kurama from the inside, only Mito will get much more strength than two brothers and she will not have to stay in biju's stomach for two weeks for this.

Okay, now we can go back to the reprinting, which, by the way, has reached the final point.

All the seals in the room shone crimson, as if someone had scattered coals in the dark, in the form of signs.

A large bead of sweat gathered on Tetsuya's forehead and rolled down her nose and fell to the stone floor.

On Baby Ku's tummy there was already a seal similar to the one on the hero. Yes, Tetsuya remade his "Seal of Evil", making it ideal for the "content" of the Kyubi.

The seal will not only perfectly restrain the beast, but will also strengthen the baby's body as effectively as possible. For example, gradually her regeneration will be able to compete with that of Hashirama, and maybe even Tetsui, if he stops developing, which is completely unbelievable.

In addition to printing, the appearance of the girl has also changed slightly. The red hair has acquired a richer color, almost catching up with Tetsuya in this.

Fox "whiskers" formed on the cheeks, just like Naruto in the canon and Mito now.

Yes, this woman has also changed in appearance and continues to change. On her young face, too, cute fox "mustache" "cut through", hair like Kushina became even richer.

So much for the difference between the seal made during the battle "on the knee" and the seal of a person with divine talent who has been preparing for this for a long time.

Slowly the seals went out. Tetsuya opened his eyes, and Mito opened them after him and looked at her son.

Wiping a few drops of sweat from his forehead, the redhaired guy with a happy, cheerful smile asked - Well? How does it feel?

Incredible. She closed her eyes contentedly, like a wellfed cat in the sun - She had never felt so good Son, if you give me a massage now, then I will go to heaven. Mito smiled at the end.

"Never mind, I'll make God bring you back to earth. Tetsuya chuckled, staring intently at the woman's face.

For ten seconds he stared at her so silently and finally smiled even wider, slightly squinting, said Mom ... will you become my woman?

There was a pause... a long pause.

A pause, during which Mito's face acquired a satisfied expression, and Tetsuya's face became slightly discouraged.

Pressing his finger to his temple, the protagonist asked with a smile Why did it sound so strange?

Hmm. Mito chuckled, rolling her eyes Maybe because the son offers his mother to take a place in his harem?

Mito was clearly in high spirits now, as she did not hide her positive emotions.

Maybe. the hero caricaturally tapped his chin with his finger. So what? What's your answer?

I agree, son. she grinned at the end, highlighting "son" But I agree, only if it does not interfere with your relationship with Tsuna-chan.

Okay, Mom. Tetsuya also chuckled, "let's talk about this somewhere else.

Getting to her feet, the woman said, "You're right. Take Kushina to her room for now, then come to mine and we'll talk.

Tetsuya nodded at this with a satisfied smile on his face and picked up the girl and directed the "skis" towards her room.

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