A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 136: The Sun

Chapter 136: The Sun

The seventh gate of the miracle... OPEN! Tetsuya shouted thunderously, instilling fear into the hearts of Shinobi with a simple phrase.

Following these words, an intangible wave of power burst out of his body and dispersed in all directions, raising dust and stones.

A blue aura enveloped the body. There was a musky smell mixed with a light peach scent. The skin turned red, the muscles swelled and the veins, like worms, showed out.

The eyes turned white, but the distinctive beastly pupil still stared steadily at Oonoki. Although no, perhaps it should be said that the pupil has narrowed even more, almost turning into a small slit.

All the Shinobi who were lucky enough to witness this transformation suddenly felt that a large and very dangerous beast was looking at them, which no one could cope with.

Suffocating feeling. It's like someone's foot is pressing on the chest.

"So that's what the second Tsuchikage experienced when fighting this monster," the Willow Shinobi thought at the same time, swallowing.

Their trembling hands clutched the kunai like the last and flimsy lifeline.

This pressure was so high that some Shinobi simply lost consciousness and fell to the ground, shaking their whole body.

Of course, this is not exactly natural pressure, Tetsuya slightly increased the intensity of this onslaught artificially with the help of the chakra and the release of his own "bloodlust".

That is why some weak-willed Shinobi began to experience visions of their own death.

Oonoki clenched his jaw when he felt this pressure "So that's how you felt back then, Muu-sama"

"The matter is taking a serious turn" Kakuzu tensed his whole body "You need to be very careful. While Oonoka's people will exhaust him, I will help a little, and at the crucial moment I will take the heart."

The fourtailed one inside Roshi frowned heavily, "I can feel the strength of this guy... be extremely careful."

"Don't worry, Yonbi. I will be very careful," Roshi exhaled heavily when he answered his bij.

What is it?!" the fourtailed one exclaimed, "Even at such a dangerous moment, you refuse to call me by my great name!"

Roshi chuckled, "I told you I wasn't worthy of saying your name."

"Only I decide here who is worthy and who is not!" shouted biju, "pouting."

Meanwhile, Tetsuya smiled and clenched his fists "There is almost no pain. Just a little more and my body will completely get used to the eight gate technique. Okay, to show them this, to completely demotivate"

"wll, let's start small and we will gain momentum..." he thought and, folding the seals, quietly said The Element of Fire: Great Fiery Destruction!

In the next instant, a jet of flame burst out of Tetsuya's mouth, which soon took the form of a huge fire wave.

Because of the open gate, he gave this technique an unheard-of power.

The fire wave was so big that it was able to hook absolutely all the Willow Shinobi. Moreover, Oonoki and his men couldn't dodge, because there was a village behind them.

Tsuchikage shouted in a hurry Owners of water techniques, quickly suppress it!

There are not very many people in Iwagakura who have the element of water, but in such a large crowd, at least a hundred people have gathered.

Element of Water: A Wall of Water! Shinobi shouted at the same time, joining forces.

Soon, a huge wall of water appeared that was slightly larger than Tetsui's fire wave.

After a while, fire and water were supposed to collide, but such a simple outcome was not included in the plans of one Uzumaki.

Under the noise of the two techniques, a quiet voice was heard The style of support: The Awakening of the Sun!

The next moment, a large wall of wind or something that resembles wind flew towards the fire wave from behind Tetsuya.

Kakuzu had a bad feeling when he saw his opponent using completely new and strange seals.

Soon this wind should catch up with the wave of fire. The closer the wind got to the fire, the more Kakuzu felt the danger.

Immediately strengthen the protection! Kakuzu shouted, simultaneously releasing the mask of water that rested on his back from his body. Three masks: Fire, Lightning and Wind remained in place.

Disconnecting the mask is quite an unpleasant sight. From Kakuzu's body, like from a rag doll, a bunch of gray threads with a water mask breaks out and takes the form of a swan or something similar to this bird.

Oonoki exclaimed, inwardly amazed at the release of the mask What's going on!? Why strengthen the defense!? Even if he amplifies this fire wave with the wind, we will still stand!

If that's the case, then good. But I feel the danger. Come on, command the reinforcement. I don't care, but your village is behind us! while Kakuzu was saying this, he was folding the seals The Element of the Earth: A Wall of Earth!

In addition to this wall, his Suiton Mask also began to strengthen the wall of water created by Shinobi.

Um, good. All forces on the defensive! Oonoki commanded, not without displeasure, and he himself folded the seal The element of the earth: A Wall of Earth!

At the moment when the wave of fire was supposed to collide with the wall of water, Tetsui's support technique caught up with the first technique and then, in front of Shinobi Willow, the incredible happened.

The already hot and immense crimson flame exploded with a new force. The color of the flame took on a dazzling bright yellow hue, which was almost impossible to look at.

Kami-sama... Oonoki said , squinting

In the next instant, an amplified fire wave hit the water wall and began to violently vaporize it.

A very hot steam was formed, which began to burn the Willow Shinobi very much. Cries of pain resounded here and there, striking fear into the hearts of the weak-willed.

Move away! Oonoki commanded, grinding his teeth.

The Shinobi, hearing the long-awaited order, quickly retreated, grabbing burned comrades who could not retreat on their own.

Bloody burns, blisters... one was lucky more than one less. Especially the "unlucky" got pieces of flesh off their hands.

Tetsui's "Awakening of the Sun" technique had a principle of support and, as the name already says, should support fire jutsu. The technique itself consisted of two other jutsu. The first technique had the element of water and was the collection of hydrogen from water. The second technique had the element of wind, and represented the collection of pure oxygen from the atmosphere.

Combining techniques allowed Tetsuya to fuel his fire technique with a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. It should be clarified right away that he weakened the power of the supporting equipment by reducing the hydrogen content in it. Still, he didn't want to kill anyone.

The last drops of the water wall evaporated and the weakened fire wave hit the wall from the ground.

A small explosion shook the neighborhood, but the wall withstood. More precisely, half of the wall that remained standing. The other half literally glowed forming a small lava lake.

Kakuzu gave Oonoki an appraising look If it wasn't for me, the Willow Shinobi definitely wouldn't have gotten off lightly.

Iwagakure does not forget his "friends". - said Tsuchikage, gritting his teeth After the victory, I will pay you extra.

That's good.

How funny. a deep male voice rang out. Tetsuya was standing on a wall of earth. Hot steam curled around his body because of the open seventh gate. You just backed off. We've just taken a lot of damage. And you still have the courage to think that this fight will be crowned with your victory. shaking his head, he continued You are more stupid than animals, because they know when to run away and when to submit.

Shut up, brat. - shouted Oonoki and folded the seal, began to prepare the technique of the element of dust.

Unfortunately, Oonoki needs quite a lot of time and effort to activate these techniques, and therefore they are easy to knock down.

Kunai flew out of the fog behind Tetsuya, powered to the top by the element of wind, and flew at high speed into Oonoka's head.

The old man had to drop the equipment and urgently evade.

What the... said Oonoki in surprise, dodging kunai.

Man army. Kakuzu spoke seriously when he saw the outlines of hundreds of people in the fog.

- "This can't be," thought the Willow shinobi, when hundreds of wooden Tetsui clones came out of the fog.

Give up. at the same time, the clones led by the original said Give up and get off easy.

However, instead of capitulating, Oonoki shouted Attack, Shinobi Willow!

RAAAAAAA! shouted the Shinobi, trying to drive the fear out of their hearts and ran towards the army of wooden clones.

In turn, each of the clones threw two kunai towards the crowd and applied the shadow kunai technique to them additionally. As a result, a whole iron swarm flew into the crowd of Shinobi.

Someone successfully fought off kunai, someone was wounded. Basically everyone was unharmed, but they were just flowers.

All kunai had the seal of the "Flying Thunder God", and therefore the clones began to teleport and beat Willow Shinobi with incredible speed. Moreover, each of the clones additionally used, in combination with the thunder god technique, the technique of bodily flickering, increasing the overall speed to unimaginable stages.

The legendary Tobirama Senju technique! Oonoki exclaimed, watching his people being beaten up like children at an incredible speed.

Suddenly, Oonoki felt a whole mountain crashing into his back. Kha! He shouted, spitting out blood as he flew towards the wall from the ground.

"You're too slow, Oonoki. Tetsuya, who teleported to the kunai that was recently abandoned in Tsuchikage, said, "How are you going to stop me?"

Oonoki didn't answer in any way, because he was literally vomiting blood.

While Tsuchikage was incapacitated, Tetsuya, using the bodily flicker and the seventh gate, appeared in front of Kakuzu with amazing speed, like a ghost, and hit nukenin's body four times.

With each blow, a large amount of chakra was released, and therefore, the four hearts inside Kakuzu simply exploded, leaving only one intact. Four holes gaped on Nukenin's body, showing the interior of the body.

Before Kakuzu could recover from the shock, Tetsuya sealed him in his evil seal and put him into an artificial comma.

If you think I forgot about you..." Tetsuya said, turning to the jinchuriki of the fourtailed one, who had already merged with the tailed one, then you are mistaken.

Bijudama! Roshi shouted in an animal voice, launching a huge bomb of the tailed one. Yonbi at this time mentally shouted "He's finished!"

"You've seen my techniques, but you still dared to throw this thing at me. Let me show you how dumb you are..." Tetsuya said, throwing two kunai in different directions.

One flew in the direction of the tailed bomb, the other in the direction of the village.

A moment later, bijudama disappeared, appearing behind Tetsuya, already continuing her flight towards the village. I hope the residents of Iwagakure will not be very saddened by the fact that they were destroyed by their own jinchuriki.

Damn you! Oonoki shouted, watching as bijudamaRoshi was approaching his village. Stop her! Stop her no matter what it takes!

The four-tailed Jinchuriki didn't need to hear this, because as soon as he saw the consequences of his stupidity, he immediately rushed towards the village.

Roshi had no choice, Biju's body would have to stop the bomb.

- "Yonbi..."

"I'm ready!" the fourtailed man belligerently exclaimed

Finally, halfway to the village, they caught up with the bomb.

RAAAAA! shouted biju loudly, taking on his own bomb.


A pillar of dust rose to the skies. The shock wave knocked down the civilians inside the village, and they didn't know what had just been flying in their direction.

The dust quickly flew away, driven by the local winds, and biju appeared to everyone. Yonbi was standing there, swaying on his paws, at the very bottom of a huge crater.

"We did it, Yonbi!" Roshi exclaimed not without joy, but in response from his biju he heard only a cry full of pain.

AAAAA shouted biju when Tetsuya appeared behind at great speed and with the help of the "Chakra Scalpel" technique completely cut off all four tails of the beast and sealed them in a separate seal.

That was the last straw. The merger of biju and jinchuriki is over.

Now Roshi lay panting at the bottom of the crater and watched Tetsuya approach him.

Bastard. Roshi said through his teeth, but he couldn't do anything. The body did not obey.

I've heard worse things about myself. Tetsuya said and dragged Roshi by the collar to Oonoki.

Tsuchikage himself finally got unsteadily to his feet. It may seem that Oonoki broke down too quickly, but it is worth taking into account that Tetsuya attacked the old man under the seventh gate and using techniques such as: "Bodily Flicker" and "Increasing Physical Strength by Chakra". Tetsuya mastered the bodily Shimmer perfectly, as well as his favorite technique of Tsunade.

Catch it. A calm voice sounded and Oonoki was knocked down by Roshi's body.

Kha! - the old man vomited blood again.

Give up. Tetsuya said, looking down at Tsuchikage.

I~I... drawled Oonoki, breathing heavily.

Give up! The wooden clones shouted at the same time.

Shinobi lay in heaps everywhere, beaten into meat, when the wooden clones were only slightly battered. Two hundred wooden clones with only a few losses, "kicked off" the two thousandth army of Shinobi.

Tetsuya said softly, "How long has this battle been going on, Oonoki?" A minute? Maybe two? No, it can't be called a battle. This can and should be called beating children... And that's all after your arrogant words.

"You're not human. Oonoki said, slightly confused, lowering his head.

Old man, have you forgotten who I am? Tetsuya said, and when Oonoki raised his head and looked into the wild eyes of this monster, he continued I am the "God of Shinobi", Oonoki. Are you so old that you've forgotten that?

I see... really, how could I forget such a small thing. Tsuchikage said with a bitter smile, "Iwagakure gives up. You can tell the Hokage.

That's good. Tetsuya smiled and bowed and said goodbye, Tsuchikage.

Soon the news spread around the world that Uzumaki Tetsuya single-handedly defeated Iwagakure and thus ended the Second World War Shinobi.

This war was the shortest in the history of the world and the least bloody, and everyone knew whose merit it was.

The news reached Konoha very quickly and everyone was ready ... no, everyone was waiting with trepidation for the return of the "Shinobi God", but a day passed, a second passed, and he was not there. Soon news reached the village that Uzumaki Tetsuya appeared at one end of the land of Fire, then at the other.

Eyewitnesses said that wherever Uzumaki Tetsuya passed at that time, forests flourished there. Deserts became tropics, and crops with unimaginable harvests grew on arable lands right before our eyes.

In one week, the reputation and popularity of the Shinobi God reached its peak.

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