A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 144: Explosion

Chapter 144: Explosion

A suitable event has been detected You are given a task!

Task: "Tobirama Senju's Nightmare" added!

Goal: Uchiha Madara must become Hokage

Award: Talents "Cooking" and "Massage" rise in rank!

"And even later it was possible to issue this task!?" Tetsuya exclaimed mentally, looking at the task, then at Madara, who was rushing towards him on the statue of Gedo with madness in his eyes.

I'm coming! Madara shouted for the last time before the statue of Gedo made a sharp leap forward, delivering a vertical blow with a huge katana.

It was a very fast strike, carrying a huge force.

Unfortunately for Madara, Tetsuya is able to see the future ten seconds ahead, so this blow was received by the statue of Uzumaki, as perfectly as possible.

The vertical blow was gently, but at the same time harshly, taken by the naginata, which was previously positioned horizontally in the hands of the statue.

Sparks flew at the place of impact, and the sound of the explosion was so strong that the white Zetsu closest to the battle clutched their heads, feeling their eardrums explode.

And yet the forces of the giants were not equal. Tetsui's statue fell to one knee under the pressure.

You are strong, son of Hashirama! Madara shouted with a fighting grin on his face But you still need to trample through half a century to compete with me!

The earth cracked and parted at the seams, like an old shirt, under the feet of giants.

When Uchiha was about to say another taunt, Tetsuya and his statue suddenly disappeared

What the!?

But the next moment Uzumaki showed that he had not run away.

Tetsuya's statue teleported with hiraishin's help behind Gedo and hit naginata on the back of ten-tail's body.

The armor was pierced, and the statue of Gedo received a little damage, but Susanoo quickly recovered, and the body of the ten-tail regenerated.

Ah-ha-ha! Tobirama technique! That bastard's technique that he used to take my little brother away from me! Madara exclaimed with a mad sparkle in his eyes, turning to face Tetsuya

But Uzumaki was not going to scratch his tongue once again. Instantly, Tetsuya's statue shot forward and delivered a stabbing blow right into Gedo's face. Straight to the place where Madara was standing.

The giant did not have much mobility, and the time and place of the blow were ideally chosen so that the blow would hit the target accurately.


Naginata broke through the armor and almost managed to split Gedo's head.

It was close! Madara shouted, standing on the shoulder of the statue under the armor of Susanoo The perfect time! Perfectly calibrated movements! Uzumaki Tetsuya, you're good! I rarely recognize anyone, especially if it concerns the children of my rivals, but you are good.

While Uchiha was saying this, the Gedo statue grabbed naginata, intending to detain Tetsuya's statue in this way, but there was no struggle.

The owner of the statue saw that this struggle would not lead to anything good, so he simply retreated and scattered Susanoo, and then called him again.

As a result, the naginata in Gedo's hands dissipated and appeared in the hands of Tetsui's statue.

Madara narrowed his eyes angrily when he saw Uzumaki's retreat You can escape with this bastard using teleportation techniques, but know that if you do this, then I will move to Konoha in search of you and possibly destroy a couple of villages along the way!

Tetsuya smiled cheekily Escape? I do not know such a word! Besides, when an old man like you needs a dancing partner, how can I refuse!?

Great! Glad to hear it! Uchiha shouted, ignoring Uzumaki's cheeky words.

Gedo again made a sharp jerk towards Tetsuya and struck, this time, a horizontal blow.

Uzumaki, like last time, foresaw all this, and therefore perfectly caught this blow on the naginata.

Another explosion, more sparks.

The only difference is that the impact had a wide range, and therefore the tops of the mountains, behind Tetsui, were perfectly cut off, and people on them and under them died.

And yes, a huge number of Shinobi and ordinary civilians were watching the battle of the two colossi at this moment. Despite the great danger, they all continued to watch. Someone was too interested, and he watched, and someone was obliged by duty to do it.

For example, the Shinobi of Takigakure, the village of the hidden waterfall, watched with fear the battle of two giants near their hidden village.

This is crazy! Who or what are they?! This is an inhuman battle!



It was close At this rate, only one plowed soil will remain from the local neighborhood. Kami, don't let them destroy our village.

Minutes passed, but they dragged on for the eyewitnesses like hours.

Madara's Gedo and Tetsuya's statue crossed weapons again and again.

Uchiha only occasionally hit a nimble and agile wooden giant, which did not cause any damage. He didn't understand how Tetsuya managed to dodge constantly, because they both possessed rinnegan and sharingan, so it was strange.

No, not even that. Madara believed that the advantage should be on his side, because he is much, much more experienced both in battles and in using his clan dojutsu. So why did this Uzumaki manage to read his every move and even plans like an open book? Madara was perplexed.

Uzumaki had been tormenting Gedo in Susanoo's armor all this time. Naginata stung at all the weak points, but mostly everything was also to no avail. The regeneration of the body of the ten-tailed was amazing, as was the endurance of Madara, who was overwhelmed by the cells of Hashirama and the chakra of Hagoromo.

At this rate, this battle could drag on for days, or rather weeks, but someone decided to raise the stakes.

It's time to get serious! Madara shouted, overflowing with fighting excitement. It seemed that Uchiha had already forgotten about Kuro Zetsu and was fighting Tetsuya only because he was a worthy opponent.

Madara's eyes shone and he shouted The Way of the beast: A call!

After that, there were multiple pops and the whole neighborhood near Uchiha was covered with smoke, but not for long.

The smoke quickly dissipated and Gedo Madara appeared surrounded by various giant beasts. Bull, cancer, bird, panda, centipede, chameleon and dog with many heads.

The seven beasts, which were not much smaller in size than Gedo Maso, stared furiously at Tetsuya and Kuro Zetsu.

The beasts were much larger than was shown in the canon. Perhaps because it was Madara who called them with his Hagoromo chakra, or because the dojutsu with which the summoning was carried out belonged to the true owner. Now all this is not important, what is important is that Madara has a good reinforcement.

Uchiha was in no hurry to attack, no. He stood and looked expectantly at the opponent. He wanted the battle to continue. I wanted the battle to become more heated. He wanted the Shinigami to start breathing down their backs.

Kuro folded his arms on his chest and asked with interest Do we have a problem?

Tetsuya shook his head and the statue he was controlling plunged the naginata into the ground nearby.

What the... Zetsu became alert and continued loudly What are you passing

But the humanoid was not destined to finish.

Kuro shut up and stared at the wooden giant's hands in disbelief Is that...? The seal?

Tetsui's wooden sculpture began very quickly sorting through the seals with its huge hands.

Madara's Rinnegan frantically followed all the movements of the statue. A crazy smile stretched across the face of Uchiha Uzumaki Tetsuya! You're incredible!

The next moment, under Tetsuya's incredibly loud cry, a searing flame burst out of the statue's mouth Cato: Great Fiery Destruction!

As soon as the name of the technique left Tetsui's mouth, a real fiery hell unfolded on the battlefield.

Such a powerful technique as the Great Fiery Destruction was used by Tetsui's statue, and strangely enough, the power of the technique increased enormously.

A huge wave... no, a huge tsunami of crimson flames instantly rushed at Madara and his call.

This tsunami was so great that most of it rose above the clouds. The width made it possible to completely cover the area of the cemetery of the mountains.

A lot of fools who decided to watch the battle from afar, rather than run away, died when they were consumed by the flames.

"I can't absorb this jutsu and I can't push the tsunami away by tendo!" Madara shouted in his head

But that was just the beginning.

The wooden giant was folding the seals again.

Support style: The Awakening of the Sun! Tetsuya shouted and a huge airflow rushed to catch up with the tsunami of flames

But it wasn't the end either

At the moment when the tsunami was supposed to engulf Madara and the beasts.

At the moment when the tsunami was about to be overtaken by the air flow, Tetsuya, eyes wide open, shouted AMATERASU!

Instantly, the crimson tsunami turned black, and then an air wave entered the flame, feeding the flame with oxygen and hydrogen.

There was an explosion.

The blinding white light deprived some Shinobi of their sight for a while, who still dared to watch the battle.

Incredible sound and shock waves plowed the earth, destroyed mountains, and dispersed all clouds within a radius of a hundred kilometers.

Another part of the people and weak Shinobi died. This time, even those who were not watching the battle died. Those who were just unlucky enough to be within a radius of ten kilometers from the place of battle died.

Every great village has seen and felt this explosion.

A crater half a kilometer in diameter and a hundred meters deep that's what was now in the center of the cemetery of the mountains.

At the very bottom of this crater was Madara.

The statue of Gedo was nowhere to be seen, as were the summoned beasts.

Susanoo, or rather what was left of him, was still protecting Uchiha, but it seemed that he could crumble at any moment.

Susanoo's naked skeleton was covered with a huge number of cracks. The head and arms were gone, as were the legs. There was only the chest in which Madara hid.

Uchiha looked unimportant. The body was shaking. Sweat streamed down his face. Broken deep breathing with terrible wheezing.

As for Tetsui and Zetsu, they also got a good one, even though they were not in the epicenter of the explosion.

But Susanoo, which Tetsuya and Kuro Zetsu had used to cover himself at the last moment, was too weak for such a thing, so he almost immediately crumbled as soon as the danger was gone.

Drops of sweat covered Uzumaki's face. Shortness of breath. And that's it.

This was Tetsui's hottest battle, but it didn't force him to reveal all his cards.

It was grandiose ... said the impressed Kuro Let's go see what's up with Uchiha.

Slowly Kuro Zetsu and Tetsuya descended to the very bottom of the crater.

Meanwhile, Madara's Susanoo had already disintegrated, and Uchiha himself was on one knee. After catching his breath, the old man began to look better, but it was clear that he had reached his limit.

And here you are... Madara said calmly, looking up at the culprit of his present condition he was sweating slightly. Hah. If I were a dozen years younger

Madara. We can become allies. Tetsuya said seriously .

Now that the task has appeared, it has become much more profitable to make Uchiha an ally and Hokage, and not a battery.

You're at it again... Madara shook his head Are you blind? I'm dying, but even if I had more time in this world, I wouldn't agree to your proposal. Now that I have no one left. Now that my dreams and ideals have been pulverized I have nothing else to do in this world.

Tetsuya sighed and wanted to start persuading again, but Uchiha suddenly said It was a great battle. Now it's not a pity to die... but I don't want to die while you bastard is still alive.

Madara looked at the smiling Kuro Zetsu with hatred. Suddenly, one of his eyes was replaced by mangekye sharingan Izanami!

What the hell! Kuro Zetsu exclaimed when Tetsuya's gaze clouded and became empty What did you do? "what's going on?" he asked, actually knowing exactly what was going on. Kuro wanted to stall for time.

The highest genjutsu of the Uchiha clan. Madara replied in a matteroffact tone, as if he was a sensei at a lecture - Usually the price for the technique is the loss of sharingan, but thanks to Hashirama's cells and rinnegan, this can be avoided. I need to use this technique ten times to go blind in one eye and then it will recover pretty quickly soon, but that's all the lyrics. Now Uzumaki Tetsuya is reliving our battle again and again, and so it will be until he comes to terms and accepts his new fate.

What fate? Kuro backed away from Uchiha

"Oh~oh, Tetsuya will be trapped in time until he wholeheartedly wants to destroy you. So even if you run away now, your former ally will still be like a hound furiously looking for you to destroy, thereby continuing my work.

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