A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 156: Fear

Chapter 156: Fear

Tetsui's Hideout

After the incident in the garden, Tetsuya decided not to experiment with his power anywhere else except in his hideout.

A few minutes ago, he finished a tea party with Kushina, Mito and Tsunade, in general, telling about the new power that he had acquired.

In turn, the women were not particularly surprised, it seemed they were more attracted to the guy's cooking. Tetsuya has become stronger again, but what's the big deal? Their man is a Shinobi God, this happens all the time. You won't surprise them with this anymore.

Well, let's get started. Tetsuya said and started collecting the necessary seals for the summoning.

With the last seal, he disappeared, leaving behind a bit of smoke.

Somewhere far, far away...

The scorching sun heated the air of the savannah to a scorching state.

A ridiculously huge creature covered with fur was digging a hole with its clawed paws.

Suddenly, it abruptly lowered its muzzle into the dug hole, and a second later pulled out a scolopendra Mmm, mm, yummy. Oh, how chitin crunches, great. slurping, it rumbled to itself while snacking on a huge scolopendra

Suddenly, right in the air, there was a pop nearby and a red-haired guy appeared out of the smoke.

The creature froze, opening its mouth, from which the surviving half of the insect tried to escape. Huge black eyes stared at the guy in shock.

Tetsuya also raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw the creature "And this is my call? The eye is more than a thousand-handed Truth, and she is not small, since she is able to squeeze a nine-tailed with her palm... For the first time I see such a large living creature... Impressive. The white coat completely covers the back, the top of the tail, the top of the neck and head. The rest of the wool is black and gives off a shine, as if it is not hair, but iron needles. Giant claws and a mouth full of huge sharp teeth... My draft animal is a honeyeater, who would have thought... I thought there would be some kind of dragon... or a raccoon, judging by the mark on my mug in sage mode... But a honey badger is also suitable, especially if it is the size of a Thousand-armed Truth."

While the animal was silent, Tetsuya surveyed the surroundings with his own eyes and the Imperial Zone. - "Steppe in the desert. Savannah. It's so hot, I hate the heat... hmm, the local natural energy is very thick and powerful. It is easy to feel the natural energy in this place, but it is too dangerous to master the sage mode here. It is extremely easy to become a stone, but for me it is grace... This place is very far from home... More precisely, very deep in the ocean."

Suddenly, a huge honey badger uttered a shocked Man...

Half of the half-eaten scolopendra still fell out of the honey badger's mouth and fell to the ground with a crash, raising a column of dust. The insect was the size of a biju, and this muzzle fed on it...

Tetsuya chuckled inwardly and decided to play a little... Badger. he said, pointing his finger at the honey badger.

The reaction of the honey badger must be seen, since it is simply impossible to describe the entire spectrum of emotions that went through the animal's muzzle.

Badger!? he exclaimed, shaking the earth with his voice. It was so loud that even jonin could lose his hearing for a long time You're a badger yourself! Your sister is a badger! Your whole family are badgers, you half-finished flea! I'm a honey badger, you bastard! Call me a badger again, I'll bury you and shit on top!

The eyes filled with the purest indignation and anger stung the guy's body like swords, but he didn't care.

A smirk sparkled on Tetsuya's face. The honey badger's reaction surprised him... pleasantly surprised. "Oh, don't be so nervous. Badger and badger, it's okay. You should not be ashamed of your kind, and there is no sense in this, as well as in stupid lies. What's embarrassing about being a badger?

Stunned by such impudence and boldness of a small flea, a huge honey badger with an angry roar launched his paw at a red-haired man with an impudent and infuriating grin.

With a wide, joyful smile... or rather, with a grin, Tetsuya jumped to meet this paw and strengthened his hand with a chakra, hit it.

With a terrifying bang that was more like an explosion, their far from equal limbs met.



The strength was almost completely equal.

At the present time, Tetsui's blow, reinforced by the chakra, is able to throw off biju or break through Susanoo.

And if Uzumaki was pleasantly surprised by the strength of the animal, then the honey badger was amazed by the strength of a small flea.

What the hell... honey badger said in prostration... He even forgot that he had been in a frenzied state recently.

After landing back on the ground, Tetsuya said with a smile, "Not bad. Your strength suits me fine. It will do for the draft.

It will do for the draft... Honey badger repeated, still in shock

While Honey badger and Tetsuya exchanged glances, a new actor appeared on the stage How much noise. An old man 's voice rumbled calmly

Patriarch! Honey badger exclaimed

Be quiet. the older honeyeater said calmly and kindly. His size was much smaller than that of the honey badger Tetsuya had exchanged blows with, but Uzumaki clearly felt that this old man was much stronger than his younger brother. If only because his body was simply saturated with natural chakra. We haven't been visited by people for a long time... A long time ago. I am Kotetsu, but all my relatives call me Patriarch. As you can probably guess, I am the head of the honeyeater family. The guy you exchanged punches with is named Fuku. Now I hope to hear your name.

My name is Uzumaki Tetsuya. he said with a carefree smile And I got here when I was trying to find my call.

"Oh, I know that. Still, it is almost impossible to get to this place in the usual ways. Only a handful of people got here and they were all looking for their call. Let's go to our shelter, I don't have a scroll with me.

Slowly Kotetsu moved towards the huge mountain, followed by Fuku.

Tetsuya was surprised and using shunshin, he quickly found himself on Fuku's head, which he was dissatisfied with, but the arrogant Uzumaki did not let him insert a word Just like that?

It's that simple. Kotetsu smiled, although Tetsuya still found it quite difficult to distinguish a slight smile from a grin from honeyeaters

No checks, tests and other things?

The fact that you were able to get to us makes you already special. Besides, I saw your exchange of blows with Fuku, and he's the biggest and physically strongest honey badger in my memory.

The Patriarch. Fuku looked away in embarrassment You exaggerate.

The patriarch chuckled Ha, look how this big guy is embarrassed.

Suddenly Kotetsu added, "Besides, I feel your chakra, your power. It is the same as that of a man who, fighting a monster, almost destroyed the world.

"Hagoromo." Tetsui immediately popped up in his head Can I have a few questions? he asked under the indignant puffing of Fuku, who was clearly not enthusiastic about Uzumaki

- of course.

Where are we?

We are on an island that is far from your home. I called this island "Lonely" because the nearest pieces of land are hundreds of kilometers away from it.

It is worth noting that this part of the land was called an island by a creature the size of half a thousand-handed Truth.

Tetsuya tilted his head to the side It turns out that you have always been here, since my house is so far from here?

Not really.

That is?

Once this island was a peninsula and was connected by a long "corridor" of land with the continent on which you, Shinobi, live. But a thousand years ago, when Rikudo Senin and his brother were fighting a monster, their strongest combined attack converged on this corridor that connected us to the mainland. As a result, this corridor was completely destroyed, and our family was cut off from the continent and the civilization of that time.

Tetsuya frowned It's hard to believe in such a thing.

"But it's true. Although of course after the attack itself there were also its consequences in the form of tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but basically everything is as I said.

Amazing. And you've been living here quietly all this time?

- Yes. In fact, our way of life has not changed much. We've always lived apart. That is why my family settled once on the peninsula of that time, which went far into the ocean. Although I should note that we shared this island with a genus of badgers, but hundreds of years ago there was a war between us that ended with the extermination of their kind.

"That's why this Fuku reacted so violently..." Hmm. I see. By the way, you don't know why the local natural energy is so... gusta?

So you are already skilled in using natural energy? Amazing... As for your question, this is the first time I've heard about it. Isn't your natural energy at home the same?


- hm. I don't know anything about it. If you hadn't noticed, I wouldn't even have known about it.

The people who were here before me, did not master the sage mode?

Usually they didn't have time. Kotetsu shook his head

That is? Tetsuya 's brows drew together

- hm. Since you have come to us, it means that you have a number of certain qualities that are inherent in our kind. This also applies to people who were before you... The most important such quality is the fear of death. Our family does not know him and the people who come to us are also devoid of fear of death. Therefore, all our few summoners died very early. And not to know the fear of death, among the human race, can, like, only madmen. This is also the main reason why very few people come to us here in search of their call.

Amazing. "I am immortal. Naturally, I lost this feeling... as long as I have a system."

After a while, they came to a shelter that was located in a huge mountain.

Hundreds of interested eyes peeked out of the holes to look at the person who got to this island.

Having reached a certain hole, Kotetsu left for a few seconds, going into it.

When the elderly honey badger returned, a tiny scroll could be seen on his head, which, nevertheless, was the size of Tetsuya himself.

Unfolding the scroll, Uzumaki wrote his name there in blood, and also left a handprint. I thought it would be much more difficult.

Perhaps someone has a harder time with this, but not with us. the patriarch grinned

I understand. Well, I'm going back home now, but maybe I'll stop by again today.

See you later.

Nodding, Tetsuya disappeared with a pop and appeared in his own garden, next to hiraishin's seal.

He didn't even have time to take a step when a calm, but at the same time with nervous notes, a female voice rang out I was looking for you, Tetsuya.

Uzumaki froze and turned to face the woman Oh, Orochi, why were you looking for me?

I have something to tell you... The girl said calmly, but Tetsuya knew her pretty well and therefore saw that Orochi was very nervous. Her tense body radiated embarrassment and determination at the same time.

"Oh~e" Tetsuya thought, clearly feeling the problems coming like a tsunami, which would soon overwhelm him.

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