A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 33: Surprise

Chapter 33: Surprise

Oh, it's worth praying to God that these "brothers" refuse to join us. But knowing "Him", he'd better specifically attach them to us in order to make it more interesting.

Returning to the team, I managed to hear part of Kiriko's past.

I keep wanting to ask, are you wearing this uniform, by any chance, not a police motorcycle squad? Hirano asked, looking at Kiriko.

Wow! Did you recognize this uniform? You're probably good at this? Yes, that's her. I took it when I was in the motorcycle unit. she said proudly, adjusting her uniform at the same time. It was back when I had to work in the patrol. I was the thunderstorm of all hooligans and was called "Precinct Kiriko". All this, of course, was before I met Ray's father. she spoke in a calm, serene voice, remembering the old days.

Oooh! Precinct Kiriko! Cool! excited, with stars in his eyes, said the Cat.

You're like a child. Saya said to the gun maniac, with annoyance.

Mom, have you heard anything about your father? Ray asked hopefully.

Kiriko shook her headNo, nothing. But I know him very well. He would rather die, but he would save everyone.

Yes, you're right. she smiled sadly, Ray.

The atmosphere threatened to become sad and melancholic. However, Hirano quickly dispelled it. I see you already have a weapon, but maybe you'd better take something like this? - he said, waving the gun.

Thanks, but no. That's enough for me. Kiriko replied, showing the spear.

And yet ... the Cat hesitated.

Don't do Hirano. Ray smiled My mom was once the leader of a women's gang, and believe me, a spear is the best weapon for her. she spoke with a hint of pride.

Yeah... the elder Miyamoto drawled. There were times...

Interesting. It turns out that Kiriko was a hooligan, after which she got into the police and began chasing criminals. That's funny.

Kiriko asked, pointing to the spear in her daughter's hands.

In general, she has been looking at him for quite a long time.

And Shiro gave me this. It's beautiful, isn't it? she said, happily bragging.

Actually, I didn't give it as a gift, I just borrowed it. Although... Okay. I did it for them in the end, after all.

Let me see. Kiriko said, pulling the weapon out of her daughter's pincer hands.

Hey! she was outraged by the loss of the weapon.

Picking up the spear, Kiriko was very surprised how much more convenient it was for her husband's yari.

Then she literally scanned him with her eyes from all sides and hit the air a couple of times.

Yes, she loves guns no worse than Hirano. The truth is only spears, probably

Incredible job... Truly A Divine Weapon. It's like an extension of the hand... I now understand why you value him so much, daughter. Kiriko said calmly, looking appraisingly at me, and insidiously at Ray.

Yeah, I know it's incredible. And this Will you return my weapon?

What kind of weapon? Kiriko asked naively, hiding the spear behind her back.

MOM! Don't joke like that! Give me back my spear! Ray exclaimed with resentment and indignation.

Do you really feel sorry for your mother? It would be a great gift for my birthday. the mother called sensually to her daughter.

I've already given you a gift! Ikebana!

This is for the next

It's only in six months! Give me my weapon, if you want the same Yari so much, then ask for Shiro! After all, it was he who bound them! Ray shouted, pointing at me with her finger.

God, she had just recently reproached her mother for attracting walkers by screaming. And she's no better...

Hearing that the spears were made by me, Kiriko was surprised. Apparently I thought that I inherited the weapon or bought it, and now it turns out that I am the creator of the "divine" weapon. And I am at arm's length from her ... there is no better chance to find.

Oh~oh! So you are the creator of these masterpieces Shirou-kun? Kiriko said in a kind and affectionate voice, pointing to the spears and blades. She quickly changed her behavior.

Yes, Miyamoto-san, it is. I shrugged my shoulders

"Oh, Shiroukun, just Kiriko, don't be so formal. she said in a silky voice when she came closer. Her shining eyes stare intently at my face, carefully trying to find something Most likely some clues known only to her.

"All right, Kiriko-san.

It's better to just Kiriko, of course, but it will do. So that's Shiro-kun... Can you create another spear like this just for me? she said, slyly squinting like a fox.

I would be surprised if she asked for something else. Seriously, her intentions couldn't be more obvious.

I can, as soon as the necessary materials and tools are found.

Great... and... what is the price of the question? she asked with interest, expectantly.

None, that is, for free. It's not difficult for me

It really wasn't difficult for me.

How is it free!? Such work must be paid for! Do you really think that I, Miyamoto Kiriko, will not be grateful for such a job?! She flared up in mock anger.

"No, of course I don't think so, Kiriko-san. It's just that in the times that have come, money is only good for kindling a fire, no more. And I have nothing to repay you with.

How is there nothing! she exclaimed, and then after a little thought, she added uncertainly There will be something... Let's say... What do you think of my daughter, Shiro? And? What a beauty! Sportswoman! And the figure is what a good one! pointing to Ray, she spoke like a merchandiser advertising a product.

MOM! What are you saying! You're going to sell your daughter for a piece of iron on a stick! What am I to you!? The product?! Ray shouted furiously in embarrassment and indignation.

But, but, but! Not just a piece of iron on a stick, but an incredible weapon! Besides, who was talking about selling. So. Rent. Kiriko said simply and innocently.


Yes, everything, everything... That it's already impossible to joke? Kiriko grinned, then, turning to me, added in a low tone that everyone could hear anyway. But if you're interested, I think we'll agree. she said in a serious tone with laughter in her eyes.

MOM! Please stop embarrassing me already! Ray shouted in an almost tearful voice. Actually, tears were already standing in her eyes and waiting for the command...

Okay, let's help Ray a little, otherwise I already feel sorry for her.

I am very touched by your offer, Kiriko-san, but I have to refuse you, since I have a companion in life. And Ray clearly doesn't like the idea.

Very well... Then how about...

And there were long minutes of negotiations. I refused, but Kiriko offered...

As a result, we agreed that they would simply be in my debt, and the question of Ray's "lease" remained open. However, the daughter did not appreciate her mother's efforts. I also lent her my glaive, I don't need it now, but I think it will definitely come in handy.

A dozen minutes later, the convoy approached, as expected, Soichiro suggested that this camp unite.

To my relief, they refused. This was logical, because the Yakuza did not want to lose their existing power, and the so-called "unification" was just the absorption of their people. The absorption of their power. It is better to command small "forces" than none.

And so our campaign continued. Suspiciously quiet hike.

Not a single clash with zombies, but in the shadows of buildings, nimble zombies were visible, looking at people with cold in their eyes. Three such scouts were easily removed from the "Tihar".

That's just the assholes quickly sensed danger from me and now, as soon as I twitch, they will immediately get scared.

All these events could not but alarm me. Bad thoughts began to get into my head

And yet I was hoping for a good outcome and that everything just seems to me, but you know... Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

And it's even better to always hope for the worst. So you are unlikely to be caught by surprise. And the disappointments will decrease, and a successful development of events will be a pleasant surprise.

Therefore, having borrowed the second Tihar from the Cat, I got ready for surprises. Having loaded full magazines, he began to look around intently.

As a result, we reached the port so calmly. The fanatics said it was God helping us. The whiners said that the self-defense forces had already begun to act.

But before I could exhale, a surprise came.

Walkers began to gather from all sides at the noise of the crowd. And the problem is not the zombies in the port. There aren't many of them. A hundred, maybe two, at most.

The main problem is the streams of undead from behind and on the sides, depriving us of a way to retreat. Apparently right behind us on our heels, a whole river of them flowed, as well as two crowds from the side streets, too, stomped here.

And the most interesting thing is that they seem to have been led by nimble zombies. Those who possessed animal-level intelligence. It is difficult to say how many of these dodgers, because as soon as I looked at them, they immediately hid in the crowd.

About a little more than a thousand walkers quickly surrounded us.

Here's a surprise for you.

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