A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 53: Police Station (One)

Chapter 53: Police Station (One)


On behalf of Shiro

We drove slowly up to the police station.

Nothing happened during the trip. Zombies for some reason roam a little. And this is alarming. They're not going to be a huge crowd, are they? Although there is a worse option, they may well arrange some kind of lair and multiply there ... It sounds like nonsense, but fuck knows what this world can throw up.

I'm also sure now that something happened to Saya. Her "eloquent", passionate look makes me feel guilty. After this outing, we must definitely talk to her. This cannot be postponed.

Having "scanned" the area around with a glance, I realized that someone was already inside. And it's not necessarily the cops themselves.

The fact is that there were dead zombies lying everywhere. Looking at the causes of death of monsters, we can say that they were killed by blunt, stabbing and cutting objects. That is, not from firearms. So it's probably not the cops inside. Also, there is clearly not one person because the methods of killing are different.

Knowing all this, I do not dare to take the guys and Sayu with me, because the people inside could already have time to get to the gunshot. Yes, what can I say, even I have a chance to catch a bullet with my eye and recline. Although this chance is extremely small, it still exists.

And yes, I am always preparing that people in this apocalyptic world will be hostile towards me. And in my opinion, this is not paranoia, but sound caution, which many people lack.

Getting out of the car, he checked the weapon for readiness and turned around and looked at his subordinates.

I'll go in alone, you stay here and control the area. Protect Miss Takagi. You answer with your head. I said with a warm smile.

That's right! they answered, although it was obvious that they did not want to let me go alone.

Saya just stared stupidly at her feet, lowering her head... I'll definitely talk, things won't go that way.

I was slowly making my way to the entrance to the station. The skill "Stealth" worked perfectly, not a sound came from me, even the shadow faded, merging with the surroundings.

Prana strengthened my body and all my senses. Already now I hear that there are women inside and trying to open the arsenal.

My feet were briskly but quietly carrying me in the direction of these sounds. According to them, I can already say for sure that there are six people here.

After a couple of seconds, it was already possible to make out their chatter.

Well?! Is it Izumi? A young female voice asked anxiously, with interest.

It doesn't give in at all! However, no wonder, everything is new, just installed. In general, if we don't find the key, then shish us, not Kasumi's weapon. Izumi replied with annoyance.

Damn it! Everything is against us! Kasumi exclaimed in a fit of resentment, irritation.

Hush! What's going on?! Do you want to attract critters? grumbling, the owner of a more mature voice made a remark.

Also, by the sounds of footsteps, it is known that she did not come alone, but with three more people.

Excuse Masako-san! It just looks like we won't be able to get a weapon without a key. Kasumi replied more submissively, ashamed.

Nc. We can't just walk away with nothing. The monsters are getting stronger. We won't be able to survive without weapons..." stated Masako sadly.

It's sad to admit, but I did everything I could. Izumi replied sadly, realizing what awaits them without these guns.

From this conversation, you can already understand that you will have to open the warehouse without a key.

They also don't have firearms, which is a plus for me.

And these people need the contents of the warehouse, however, as well as me. I don't know what to do with these competitors, but I think it would be superfluous to shed blood.

A moment later I entered the room with these people and the door to the arsenal.

Six women of different ages and appearance appeared to my eyes. Glancing at them, I can already say... cute.

When I got quite close to them, I took a bead on them.

Don't move. Hands on top. I said in a quiet, calm, but firm tone, however, in the silence my voice was heard clearly.

The sudden voice clearly startled them, making even one girl jump.

Damn it! Masako said loudly, and turning in the direction of the voice, she already wanted to attack the enemy with a long staff. By the way, an artfully made staff.

The others were also ready to move and attack me.

I was not satisfied with such disobedience, so I shot a little to the left of this Masako's head.

There was no sound of a shot, but the noise of a shell piercing the wall behind them made them realize that there was a shot after all.

Now they froze in their seats and stared at me warily.

I won't repeat it. Next time the target will be your head. I said calmly, looking into the eyes of their supposed leader, Masako.

From the third person

I won't repeat it. Next time the target will be your head. The hero said calmly, looking into Masako's eyes.

The women, petrified, looked with fear at Shiro, who was aiming at them from some kind of silent wunderwafly.

More precisely, almost all women are petrified. Masako stood calmly but tensely and actively thought about what to do.

In general, they were all actively thinking about something now, but there was a thought that almost simultaneously visited each of them: "What is this?! A joke!? How could this tower get to us unnoticed!?" they shouted in their minds.

At this time, Shiro was actively thinking about what to do with these ladies. Murder wasn't even considered. It is impossible to take with you to the camp, there is no place. Let them go unless

While the hero was thinking about what to do, Masako decided to start negotiations.

Hey, man. We are not your enemies. Masako said with a smile, trying to "build bridges".

Shiro ignored her as he weighed the decisions in his head.

Masako, realizing that she was ignored, was a little offended, but more alarmed, because if the guy in front of her does not make contact, then their fate will be grim.

The other women also understood this and bit their lips and tried to come up with something.

For a moment, Masako trembled all over, clenching her fists, and then exhaling relaxed, as if resigned to something. If If you need a woman, then I'm willing to volunteer Just don't touch the others. with a lump in her throat, she said, resigned to her fate.

After that, all the girls at once looked at their leader and with watery eyes, whispered with anxiety and sadness: "Masako-san..."

At that moment, Shiro finally made a decision and said... Okay, you can leave. If you interfere with me, you will deeply regret it. he said in a calm tone and put the "Quiet" back over his shoulder.

From such a sharp turn of events, the women were left in shock. They were ready to die, go to feed zombies or become sex slaves... and in the end they were just released.

The women exhaled together, not believing in such luck.

"Does he not want me so much that he even let me go?" Masako thought with a blank face, not knowing whether to rejoice or be offended by her. She considered herself very sexy in her forties Such a blow to self-esteem And even from such a handsome man ... yes, what does this swarthy man allow himself?!

And it was already Masako who wanted to burst out with abuse and claims against Shiro, but was stopped by a shot And it wasn't Shiro who shot.

The sound came from the main entrance Where Shiro's people were.

Then there was a cascade of shots, clearly talking about a good shootout.

Realizing this, Shiro instantly activated prana and rushed like lightning to the sound of shots.

"Fast!" the ladies thought at the same time, seeing the speed of the hero.

A moment later, Shiro was at the entrance and, seeing the situation, froze.

From around the corner, a large group of people, about thirty carcasses, was advancing towards the police station and fired at his subordinates. By their tattooed bodies, you can immediately tell that they are Yakuza or just ordinary thugs.

But that's not why Shiro froze. The reason was much more... unpleasant.

Saya was sitting behind the hummer, leaning on the wheel and trying to gasp for air, which did not work because of a large hole in the heart area.

Saya saw Shiro and began to cry, realizing that she would soon die without fulfilling her dream. It was now that she realized that despite everything she wanted to love Shiro and be loved by him. Two wet tracks ran down her pale face...

Shiro saw how Saya looked at him with boundless love and devotion... before I stopped breathing

In a moment, the hero's mind was empty, the world turned into black and white, losing all colors.

But a strong mental pain did not allow him to withdraw into himself and brought him to his senses.

Anger, rage and anger bubbled inside Shiro like demons, demanding destruction, revenge

And may the gods help his enemies, because he is ready to unleash these demons.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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