A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 78: Team #7

Chapter 78: Team #7

The internal clock, as always, woke me up two hours before the academy.

Then everything is as usual: soap and soap affairs, body warm-up, ninjutsu training, contrast shower and breakfast.

The beginning of a normal day, but it wasn't like that.

Today I will finally leave this boring institution called the Ninja Academy.

You may find my confidence in this strange, but I have my reasons.

The first and most important reason is that they cannot refuse me an early exam to graduate from the academy.

Of course they can try to dissuade me, but they definitely won't succeed.

The second reason is banal selfconfidence.

I am absolutely sure that I can easily pass this exam, even if they try to complicate it.

Therefore, when I went to the academy, I had no doubt that this was my last visit as a student.

Upon arrival, I immediately went to the teacher's room.

Having reached the goal, I knocked on the door and when I heard: "Come in", went inside.

The staff room was almost empty.

Only Nobu was sitting at his desk and writing something in a magazine.

It is worth noting that he looked much better than yesterday.

Ah, it's you Tetsuya. Come on in, I've got something for you. he said with a smile and reached into the locker that was next to the table.

After a few seconds, he pulled out the head protector

Here, wear it with pride. Now you're a genie. he said with a joyful smile, handing over the bandage.

I didn't understand, but where is the exam? It means that I am preparing for increased difficulties here, for the fact that they will dissuade me, keep me in every possible way ... I was even a little upset...

Well, okay, not upset, but discouraged that I didn't hide when I asked Nobu a question.

Sensei, what's going on? Is this some kind of joke? Or maybe the exam has already started and this is such a strange test? I said, examining the tread.

"Hahah, no, this isn't Tetsuya's test. It's just that Hokage, like me, understands that it's just pointless to conduct an exam for you. Your abilities are far ahead of your peers, and he knows it. In general, congratulations, now you are officially the shinobi of the hidden leaf. he said solemnly, patting me on the shoulder.

Yeah I thought it would be more difficult I wonder if I have to wear this protector? For some reason, it is not at all tempting to constantly carry it.

Sensei, do I have to wear it? I asked, shaking the tread.

In general, it is not necessary to wear it, but everyone tries to do it. It's a Tetsuya tradition. The protector is considered a symbol of honor of Shinobi and his homeland. You certainly have the right not to wear a protector, but it will be negatively perceived by other Shinobi. Therefore, it is better to wear it so as not to add to your problems.

Okay, it's really not worth the trouble... where would I attach it? On the forehead? Not... a hand? It's not bad... but why not wear it around your neck, like Hidan?

A second later, my protector was on my neck, which looked much better than if I wore it on my forehead.

Not bad Tetsuya, it suits you. Nobu appreciated, scratching his nonexistent beard.

Thank you, I like it too, and that's the main thing... I said, adjusting the tread. - and-and what's next? Will I have a team or will I work alone?

Thanks for reminding me. Of course you will have a team, there is no other way. Hokage asked me to tell you to come to him when you get the protector. He's going to introduce you to your team. I advise you to hurry up and go to him.

Okay, then I'll go to him right now. Thank you for everything, Sensei. I said, coming out of the staff room.

And thank you for this experience, Tetsuya. my ears heard when the door was closed.

As a teacher, Nobu wasn't bad, but still I don't feel anything when parting with him, and I shouldn't have. For me, he's a little more than just an acquaintance.

Okay, it's time for the Hokage.

A few minutes later I was already at the door of his office, yet the academy is quite close to the residence.

After knocking and hearing "Come in", I brought my carcass inside.

Hiruzen was sitting at the table, writing something. While he was busy with papers, I looked around his office.

Well, what can I say? Quite cozy, even a little luxurious. The quality, of course, is at the highest level.

I also feel eight chakra signatures at the top. Most likely these are ANBU guarding the kage.

Finally, he put the documents and the brush aside. Lifting his face, he looked at me carefully with a smile before saying.

"I've been waiting for you, Tetsuyakun. You're just in time, your team will be here any minute. he said kindly. And it's not like he's talking to me for the first time.

OK, Hokage-sama. I replied neutrally.

He looked at me for a few seconds with a thoughtful, distracted look.

Coming out of his thoughts, Hiruzen said with interest.

"Tetsuyakun, I heard that you sell seals

I wasn't surprised that he knew about it. It would be strange if he wasn't aware of my sensational seals.

Yes, sometimes I sell surplus Is it forbidden?

Oh, no! Well, it's not forbidden. I'm just surprised by your talent. At this age, to make seals, the effectiveness of which wipes the nose even of fuinjutsu masters from Uzushiogakure. he was saying, clearly leading me to something. I wonder just what.

Thank you for the praise, Hokage-sama.

Suddenly he spoke again, after ten seconds of silence.

"Tetsuyakun, I have a suggestion for you. If you sell your seals only to me, then I will offer a higher price for them than others.

That's how it is. An interesting suggestion. Most likely, he wants only ANBU fighters and ninjas close to him to have my seals.

I personally don't care what happens to my seals later, but I don't mind getting a little more benefit.

I'm not against Hokage-sama, but only on one condition. with a business smile, I replied.

He was surprised by this statement, but accepted it positively.

- Yes? Well, I am ready to fulfill your request, if it is not too "big".

I do not know if this is a big request or not, but I want to get a "B" rank jutsu called Shadow Cloning Technique.

In general, it's a rather risky idea to ask Hiruzen for this technique, because it is prohibited. However, the attempt is not torture, the main thing is that I have an "alibi".

Hmm. Interesting. How do you know about this technique? "What's the matter?" he asked with interest, clearly surprised.

"I read about her from a book in the library. I answered innocently.

And it's true, there was a book in the library that described all the techniques that the village was famous for.

- Yes? And what was the name of this book? He asked with even greater interest.

He is clearly amazed that such a book has got into the general library.

Mmm... I think it's called. "Konoha and her famous techniques". It seemed to be lying on the top shelf, in the fifth department.

The Falcon. Hiruzen said, after which one of the ANBU appeared next to him, wearing a mask with, as you might guess, a falcon.

He silently knelt down, waiting for orders.

"Did you hear him?" Bring me this book. Hiruzen was saying, filling his pipe with tobacco.

Received the order ANBU immediately disappeared, as silently as he appeared.

Thirty seconds later, the Falcon returned with the book in his hands and handed it to Sarutobi.

After leafing through it a little, he said with a bitter smile.

And how my subordinates only work... This book describes almost everything..." he said, puffing.

In theory, this book is of little use, since people still know about these techniques, because they are famous.

The only problem is that the book describes the strengths and weaknesses of the technique.

It literally describes how to fight against users of these techniques.

- OK. Thank you for telling us about this book, Tetsuya. Finally, I want to ask you ... why do you need this technique?

Well, this technique is great for exploration, but most importantly it will allow me to do many things at the same time. For example, I can do a lot more seals. I also know that the technique is dangerous, since it divides the chakra in half with clones, but for me this is not a problem, I have a lot of chakra. I "sang" convincingly.

"Hmm... okay, I'll teach you this technique. he said with a smile, after a short thought.

This alerted me. Something he agreed too easily... No, of course I'm glad, but I feel that there is a catch here.

Suddenly, my ears heard voices that were rapidly approaching the office.

Hiruzen heard them too and smiled...

Suddenly, the door was abruptly opened by a flying body with white hair.

The carcass, almost without losing speed, flew into the wall from the right of the Hokage.

Tsunade! I really didn't know you'd be at this hot spring! a pitiful, pleading voice rang out.

Next, a pretty little girl came in, stomping loudly, her face clearly showing rage, anger and anger.

I don't care about Jiraya! If it wasn't for Sensei, I would have broken every bone in your pathetic, perverted body right now! cracking her fists, she said.

Then a pale-skinned guy with interesting, snake-like eyes calmly entered the office.

Good afternoon, Sensei.

Good afternoon. Orochimaru-kun. I see your team, as always, is full of energy. Haha

I'm already almost completely sure who my teammates will be

While Jiraya was recovering, Tsunade, occasionally glancing in my direction, asked with interest.

Sensei, why did you call us? Do you have a special mission for us?

No, Tsunade-chan. No special missions. Today I invited you to meet Tetsuya. he said with a smile, pointing at me with his eyes.

The three of them looked at me with an interested look

Is he our customer? Orochimaru asked calmly, putting his head on one side.

No, from today he joins team number seven, that is, yours.

What?! Jiraya and Tsunade shouted at the same time.

Orochimaru, after what was said, only began to study me more attentively with his eyes, unlike his loud comrades.

Hiruzen only laughed at the reaction of his students, with a pipe in his mouth.

And I knew that no one would have given me "Shadow Clones" just like that

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