A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 93: Mom

Chapter 93: Mom

Tetsuya You're my son. Mito said with a sinking heart, and then stared intently at the hero, waiting for a reaction.

Hearing this, Tetsui's pulse skipped a beat. Still, no matter how ready a person is, this may not discourage.

Our hero himself was going to say this in the coming days, but the woman in front of him beat him to it. And he didn't expect to hear it, it seemed to him that Mito would hide it until the very end.

Unconsciously withstanding a dramatic pause, he exhaled and answered. I realized this three years ago Mom.

Mom.... It would seem an ordinary, simple word, but how much did Mito want to hear it? Her body trembled for a moment from an overabundance of emotions that were quickly suppressed by the woman herself.

She wanted to come up and grab the hero in a strong family embrace and never let go again, but ... but their relationship did not imply such actions until this moment. And now everything is completely confused.

"Does he see me as a mother? Does he hold a grudge against me? And what makes me think that he needs me at all?" thoughts of experiences flew quickly in her head. Calming down, she asked curiously. "How did you guess, Tetsuya?"

Still, Mito did everything to hide her connection with Tetsuya. And if he guessed, did anyone else guess? Of course, it doesn't make sense now, because Tetsuya has the power to protect himself, but still

During sensory training, I felt that our chakra is very, very similar. Well, then, I was just watching your attitude towards me. I noticed various details and finally came to the conclusion that you are my mother. Of course, I wasn't one hundred percent sure about it, but still ... with a sweet smile, the hero lied, not giving himself away in any way.

Mito mentally slapped her face. "How could I forget that the house, although protected from sensors, is protected only from the outside! Of course Tetsuya could easily feel our chakra in training, being inside the house! Is it old age or am I just concentrating too much on my son?!"

The woman did not worry about sensors because she rarely left the residence, which is completely protected from "spiritual vision". She had no need to get out of it, servants brought everything she needed, and the guests did not dare to "probe" her with a sensor, even Hiruzen did not dare to do it.

That's where I overlooked.... I see. Mito said quietly and calmly, not knowing how to behave now. As a result, the woman decided to leave it to Tetsuya. If he accepts her, she will gladly reciprocate, but if not, then this is a small price for her son's life.

Tetsuya saw and understood all this perfectly, so, under the accelerating pulse of Mito, he slowly approached and hugged her. The hero felt the woman's trembling hands hug him tightly in response.

Lifting his head, Tetsuya saw Mito's happy, sensual face, with moist eyes that did not dare to shed the approaching tears. Even the wrinkles that appeared magically smoothed out, as if the woman had become younger and looked like she did at their first meeting again.

The main character felt a lump rise in his throat, and his pulse began to run. Feeling that his eyes were ready to fill with water, Tetsuya activated "Arbitrary Meditation". He couldn't afford to cry like that.

"Is this magic?! With my experience, talents and characteristics, to take, but cry at such a moment?! The hell with it! It must be genjutsu! No! I'm sure that Shinobi are hiding somewhere nearby and cutting onions! Yes, exactly!" the hero shouted in his thoughts, it was worth "Arbitrary Meditation" to earn.

Having coped with the surging emotions, the hero, smiling, wiped a few tears that still ran out from his mother's cheeks with the words. Well, I made you cry. I hope these are all tears of happiness.

Grinning, the woman wiped her face with her sleeve, saying. The cases when I cried can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Is it really impossible for me to give up at such a moment?

I'm sorry, Mom, I can't stand women's tears, especially when I am their initiator. Tetsuya replied with a sweet, teasing smile.

Eh, with such "sweet words", cute looks, incredible charisma and immense charm, all the girls I meet have no choice but to become victims of my child. My God, my son grew up a heartthrob. she spoke with "sadness", but the expression on her face said that she was more than happy with this fact.

Okay, what are we going to do now? Do we continue to hide our connection? a little more serious, said the hero.

Yes and no. We will not openly declare this, but we will not hide it either. said jinchuriki, and then releasing the hero went to the tea table. Let's go have a heart-to-heart talk, I want to hear how you've been living all this time.

Sitting down opposite, Tetsuya took out a pastry from the "inventory". I don't think it can be interesting. Mostly ordinary, boring everyday life.

And I still want to hear this ordinary boring routine. passing a cup full of tea, Mito said.

Well, if you want it so much, I'll tell you.


Some time later.

Tetsuya tirelessly told everything about his past. I tried to tell only the truth, but still sometimes I had to mix it with lies. It was unpleasant, but comforting that it was for the good.

Mito listened attentively to everything, sometimes commenting.

Finally, at the end of the story, Mito said with a grin. "You don't look like your father at all.


Yes, it doesn't look like it at all. Both externally and in character, you completely took after me, which is incredibly pleasing. jinchuriki said with satisfaction, sipping tea.

And why are you happy about it? Was the legendary "Shinobi God" not loved by you?

This question made Mito think a little. Hmm... and yes and no. You see, son, our marriage was for convenience, purely out of political interests. For the sake of the village, I married Hashirama, although I saw him for the first time.

Tetsuya listened attentively, not daring to interrupt.

And although I was not very happy with this development of events, I still regularly fulfilled my role as a wife. Gradually, your father and I got closer, because we were united by children, and we spent more than enough time. In the end, I even managed to fall in love with this village, for which I then sealed a nine-tailed demon in myself. she spoke with nostalgia in her voice, closing her eyes.

I see, and yet why are you happy that I don't look like him?

"Well, your appearance helped me hide you. And my female beauty, which has been passed on to you, perfectly harmonizes with her male half. As for the character ... Hashirama was unnecessarily pacifical, rather even an infantile person, that the benefit of old age slightly decreased. He was ready to kill a person close to him, a brother, or even himself for the sake of peace in the village. For me, as Uzumaki, this is unheard of, because our family comes first. A real Uzumaki, even before suicide, will think about how this will affect his family. And for the sake of protecting the family, we are ready not only to get our hands dirty in blood, but also to completely bathe in it. Still, it's not for nothing that we were nicknamed the red-haired demons. I see it all in you, as well as calmness with restraint. Everything is like mine. not without satisfaction she finished.

The only thing Mito didn't say was that she had been upset for a long time that all of their children, with Hashirama, were like their father, not their mother.

Squinting like a "fox" and smiling the same way, Tetsuya said. "You're right. Pacifism is not in my nature. Of course I don't like to resort to violence, but if it's necessary, I'm more than ready to get my hands dirty. You can say that I am an adherent of "strength", I believe that as long as you are strong, then you can do anything, even world peace.

Grinning, Mito said with irony in her voice. It's pretty funny. You are absolutely not like your father in your thinking, but you are very similar to his friend and enemy, Uchiha Madaru. Okay, enough about your character, let's talk about Tsunade.

Tetsuya asked innocently, pouring himself and Mito tea again.

Don't need all this, son. We both understand that she loves you very much, and we also both understand that you are imperceptibly manipulating her, albeit for her good. Mito said with a grin, carefully looking at the hero.

And he did not answer a bit, not confused. Do you see a problem in all this?

no. If I saw this as a problem, I would have intervened long ago. she calmly declared, closing her eyes and sipping tea.

That's weird, Mom. Tsunade is your granddaughter and....

I have my own point of view on this. she interrupted the hero. I know the character of Tsunade even better than her deceased parents, and therefore I understand that it is impossible to do without small manipulations with her. In fact, all your little manipulations are similar to parenting, even better. It's true that you manipulate Tsunade, but I see and understand that you truly love her and do all this just for her sake. I am calm for Tsuna.

Okay, it's a little weird, but okay. Phew, I feel a little better now. said the hero, caricaturally wiping sweat from his forehead.

So what?

- what?

"You haven't fully answered my questions. What are you going to do with Tsunade? Or rather, when will you take the first step?

This is not expected in the near future. I'm waiting for a more appropriate moment.

Looking at Tetsuya with laughter in her eyes, Mito said. I understand, but don't "pickle" her for too long, otherwise don't complain later that she kidnapped you.

Grinning, the hero replied, "Okay, I won't," and then, becoming more serious, he said, "Mom, I have the opportunity to return your lost vitality.

How abruptly you changed the subject... I won't ask how you found out about it, it's better to show how you want to do it.

Then the hero spent ten minutes explaining how his seal works, under the mesmerized gaze of Mito.

It's amazing, in fact you have created a rejuvenating technique. And only you can use it. If the world found out about this, women would be queuing for kilometers to get to know you.

Yeah, but this queue will be mostly of grandmothers, I'll pass. Tetsuya waved away, with a wry smile, and then continued. So what? Ready to get younger?

I'm ready, but not now. You need to prepare for this. Let's do it in a week, okay?

No problem, but it's better to hurry up.

For the rest of the evening, the mother and son continued to chat nonstop about all sorts of things.

When Tsunade returned, she noticed that the atmosphere between the teacher and the student was too harmonious today.

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