A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 96: Stuck

Chapter 96: Stuck

While indulging in his not very pleasant thoughts, watching Tsuna run away in tears, Orochimaru and Jiraya came out of the bushes.

The first one did not show any emotions, as always, only by his eyes you can see that he is sincerely worried.

The second one had an awkward smile on his face, which, in a compartment with a nervous scratching of his head, says that he is embarrassed.

When they came up, they hesitated for a few seconds, not knowing what to say.

In the end, Orochimaru was the first to speak, to my surprise.

"Don't blame yourself Tetsuya, you did everything right. It was the best possible outcome. he said consolingly, smiling encouragingly.

For the first time I see such a smile in his performance. So sweet and innocent It's strange to think that this is the same person who put inhumane experiments on men, women and even children for his own purposes. I hope in this world it will pass him by.

Jiraya also hurried to insert his "five kopecks".

He's right, it's not your fault in this situation, it's just... it's just that sometimes we're terribly unlucky. the white-headed man spoke with longing in his voice.

It is rare to see Jiraya without a smile, even rarer to see his dark-haired.

In theory, I should be pleased with this support, but the problem is that they are fundamentally wrong.

Canonical Tsunade would hardly cry here and would hardly try to convince me to choose her instead of the harem. I would rather get an angry fist in the scoreboard, but everything is going wrong, everything is going according to my plan.

I manipulate Tsunade by changing her for myself. More precisely, inclining to a harem, but it doesn't really change the essence.

Inconspicuous attentions, cooking, massage, training and enticing conversations quickly disposed her to me.

Then came falling in love, then love... a little more and it can turn into obsession.

Jiraya didn't fall in love with her, of course not without my help.

Tsunade didn't see any guys around her, because I concentrated her attention and thoughts on myself.

It would not be a lie to say that I literally raised her, raised her the way I wanted

And yes, of course I exaggerate because of a bad mood, or maybe it's the hormones that have "woken up" in my young, twelve-year-old body, but in general it's just like that.

I want Tsunade, I really like her.

Someone, of course, can say that if you love, then let go I can't do it, it's complete nonsense to me.

Okay, stop being sour.

Grinning and erasing the melancholic expression on his face, he confidently replied with a laugh in his voice Since when do I need the support of those who are not even able to defeat me together?

Jiraiya quickly switched back to his usual positive mode. What! Oh, you! Come here! with a shout, he jumped in an attempt to knock me to the ground.

Orochimaru just stood there with a satisfied face and watched us get mad.

As a result, Jiraya was exhausted, and as a sign of goodwill, I said Okay, let's go eat, there won't be a tournament today, so be it, today I'll just treat you to my cooking.

Overjoyed by my generosity, Jiraya quickly cheered up, in fact, as did Orochimaru.

And Tsunade?

Don't worry, she needs to be alone for a little while, I'll look in on her in the evening and then I'll treat her.

After that, we had a small picnic, during which no one remembered what had happened in order to avoid embarrassment.

Senju Residence

Slowly, the door to the house slid away, Tsunade entered joylessly, with tear-stained, swollen eyes.

Quietly taking off her shoes, the girl thought about what had happened, sometimes frowning brows.

Tsuna did not shout the usual "I'm home", but Mito did not need it. Tsunade, I'm in the living room!

The girl slowly wandered towards the voice.

When she entered the living room, she saw Mito calmly sitting and drinking tea.

The blonde still slowly approached the table, sat down and stared into a cup of tea prepared for her in advance.

Mito put her cup on the table and looked at her granddaughter and said calmly Apathetic face, tear-stained eyes He rejected you, didn't he?

In response, she only twitched at the mention of this event, clenching her fists.

But I said that it would be so. I told you he's serious about his dream.

Slightly parting her lips, Tsuna replied dejectedly in a low voice But she's stupid

Mito grinnedReally? Navaki is constantly shouting about his dream of becoming a Hokage, but you only support him. Tsuna lowered her head, and Mito continued Your grandfather, Hashirama Senju, dreamed of world peace Isn't that also stupid?

There was silence in the room for a while. Mito calmly sipped tea while looking at Tsuna, who was sitting and biting her lips thinking.

Mito spoke first again You have three choices. The first one will agree with his dream and take the most advantageous, convenient position next to him, until others have done it. The second is to keep fighting, to try to seduce him, to prove that you are worth a whole harem. And the third, the easiest, is to just give up and watch other girls "spud" him.

On the first option, the girl reluctantly exhaled, on the second she raised her head, and on the third she exclaimed indignantly with notes of anger The hell with it! I've been coming to this for years and I'm not going to give up, as well as give it to some chicken!

That's my girl. Mito said with a smile, stroking her granddaughter on the head.

Tsunade grinned at this boldly, confidently, clearly cheered up. I wasn't going to and I'm not going to give up, it's just that the rejection hit me harder than I expected. then she asked more seriously Ba... what should I do? More precisely, what would you do in my place?

Sighing, Mito answered, closing her eyes I don't know, Tsunade. You know I didn't feel that way, our marriage with your grandfather was for convenience.

This answer did not suit the girl Well, bah! Just imagine yourself in my place!

Okay, okay, now. Jinchuriki said quickly and, closing her eyes, tried to imagine herself.

At first everything was fine, Mito imagined how she spends every day with Tetsuya doing everyday things: training, missions, walks, wonderful goodies Everything was fine until she imagined him giving her a massage.

Her thoughts involuntarily flowed into an intimate channel. Unbeknownst to herself, she imagined him doing her sensual massage. His hands slid over her body, slowly approaching her ass. Then his hands rested on his buttocks and began to massage them possessively

Tsunade stared blankly at her grandmother, who was slowly blushing with her eyes closed, not knowing what to think.

Mito abruptly opened her eyes when she caught herself thinking that it would be nice to be in Tsuna's place.

The dry panties were moistened and unpleasantly stuck to the sensitive perineum. A telltale itch spread below.

- "What's going on! What am I even thinking about!?" she screamed in her thoughts, under the frantic pounding of her heart.

- "Aahahahahha! A perverted pedophile grandmother who longs for her own son!" the fox exclaimed laughing, not missing the opportunity to mock his jailer.

"Close your mouth" she exclaimed in embarrassment and anger, mentally pulling the chains on the fox

But the fox didn't care, he just continued to laugh mockingly "Ahaha! As expected from the princess of red-haired perverts! You're a match for them! Mmmmmm" at the end, Mito wrapped the mouth of this impudent fox and tightened it tightly.

- "Oh Kami, Uzumaki's fucking libido! Not only is the clan famous for its stamina and hyperactivity, Tetsuya has rejuvenated my body!"

Catching Tsuna's wary gaze, Mito coughed and replied Ahem, well, I probably would have tried to fight anyway, and then in a dangerous situation I would have agreed to a harem and become the first and most important.

Interested, the girl discarded her suspicions and asked That is?

Seeing that the blonde was interested, Mito mentally exhaled Everything is simple. I would try to fight, to force him to change his mind, but as soon as a rival appears on the horizon, I will agree to a harem at the first opportunity and take a leading position.

Tsuna's gaze became distracted as she pondered what she had heardIntelligently. Actually sounds like a plan. at the end she smiled energetically.

And so their conversation ended.

Tsunade went to her room thinking about the plan.

Mito also went to her room, but jinchuriki's thoughts were more... "restless".

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