A Legion Grows From My Smartphone

Chapter 43: Struggle for Survival (3)

Chapter 43: Struggle for Survival (3)


A hollow laugh slipped from his lips; the situation was absurd. Their defense seemed to only lead to a slow death by dehydration. They attempted a breakthrough with a bow, forcing the enemies to retreat once more. This time, the interval between their attacks was extended. He clung to the faint glimmer of hope that this might not be the end.

Sir Felix..."

But their hope was in vain. Outside their makeshift hive hideout, a multitude of black beasts lurked. These were the same creatures that had just massacred enough to pile up bodies like a mountain. They swarmed not only the ground but also the ceiling and walls.

Everyone, grab your weapons. This is the end."

Felix finally understood. His eyes sparked with realization.

'This is not a war.-

He had been momentarily deceived by their restrained behavior and appearance, unlike the infected. But this was not a grand war. It was merely a desperate struggle for survival they had been engaged in all along. Die if you lose, survive if you win.

If only we had a little more time."

He murmured softly, raising his chipped sword. At this point, everything was regrettable. If only the sacred tree had grown a little faster. If only they hadnt been discovered this time.


He charged towards the legionnaires, leading the way. The last warriors, inspired by his actions, followed suit. The moment they put everything on the line to deliver their final blow was exactly what the legion had been waiting for.

[Indeed, their combat power, steadily on the rise, had reached its peak. Their strength and numbers were dwindling, but it was this miracle that made survival possible. That was true power.]

Felix, in a frenzy, swung his sword beyond his own limits. A faint blue light radiated from his sword and body. The markings on his body shone brighter than ever before. His swordsmanship might have been inferior to the former knights who defended the city, but he possessed an explosive power they lacked.

[The legion has dispatched its most formidable all-purpose soldier.]

A newly created legionnaire emerged from the swarm. Its form was similar to the previous ones, a 2-meter-tall body based on orcs, humans, and the recently acquired Moonlight Elves. It had a flexible, slender body encased in black carapace. However, it also boasted a long, sturdy, and agile tail, a trait borrowed from the salamanders that once ruled the lowest floors.


Startled, Felix broke into a cold sweat as something brushed past his cheek. A tail that whipped like a lash, leaving a deep, long scar on the ground as it retracted after grazing his face.

What kind of creatures are these? Are they even living beings?"

He gritted his teeth and gathered his strength. He had never seen such monsters before. They were a different kind of horror from the terrifying destructive bacteria-infected creatures.

''But I must win.

With a swift thrust of his sword, he met the charging legionnaire head-on. His foot stomped the ground for leverage, metal clashed against metal, and a crack appeared in the carapace blade. In a split second, he ducked, narrowly avoiding the whip-like tail. He twisted his waist to evade another pair of arms that burst from the split back armor, all while locking swords. Having successfully deflected all attacks, he raised his sword high and cleaved the legionnaires body in two.

fI can...win!

He could feel his growth, his heart pounding with exhilaration.

What are you?"

However, a new enemy had appeared. A slender figure with curves accentuating its form and flowing black hair stood in stark contrast to the other monsters. Instinctively, Felix assumed a defensive stance and retreated a step. Through the gaps in the black mask that covered its face, a flash of red gleamed ominously from its eyes.


Its not brainwashing..."

As the Moonlight Elves launched their desperate final attack, Kang Do Yeon arrived swiftly at the scene. She touched her face, where the mask had fused with her skin. She understood her condition.

'The legion desires my voluntary actions.

She wasnt sure what effect the mask would have, but it was clear that it wouldnt control her actions, nor would it tolerate thoughts against the legions will.

[The newly created all-purpose legionnaire was defeated in one blow. The difference in wielding Formative Force is truly immense. Now, the legion has dispatched the most powerful being theyve created.]

She bit her lip, knowing it was her turn to act. However, battling an intelligent was not a task she could take lightly.

[From the start, the legion didnt expect much from you, an ordinary human girl.]


A faint thought sparked the masks materialization. Its purpose was to help her focus on her duties as a legionnaire.


As the mask enveloped her, it forcibly manipulated her bodys hormones, restoring calm to her mind. Now, the legions orders took precedence in her tranquil thoughts.

Kill and devour.

She unsheathed her sword. The bloodied and battered opponent before her gasped for breath, his gaze locked onto her. Under normal circumstances, the sight of a warrior teetering between life and death would have overwhelmed her. But not now, not with the mask on. Besides, she had already witnessed his skills multiple times through the battle data of fallen legionnaires.


The opponent swung his sword. She dodged it with a single step, causing his eyes to widen in surprise.

''Give them despair.

She twisted her waist to evade the second sword strike and kicked his leg, breaking it. The shattered shinbone tore through the flesh and protruded out. She sidestepped his clenched fist and sliced it off with the edge of her hand. Then, his final strike came with his remaining arm and leg. The faintly glowing sword would kill her if it hit, its deadly force indifferent to her strength.

Yet, she swung her own chitin sword against his relentless force. Embedded halfway into her forearm was a faintly glowing blue gemstone. Hot energy burst forth from around the gemstone.


He sighed at the sight.


[They tasted true despair. They realized that even if they gave their all, they could never overcome the insurmountable mountain before them. Now all thats left is to deal with those consumed by fear.]

The legionnaires surged forward, pressing the front line. Kang Do Yeon removed her mask, panting heavily. The gemstone embedded in her forearm dimmed and fell to the ground.

The legions resolve remained as cold and unyielding as ever.

fWe hold your soul and all your data. Even if you die, resurrecting you is a simple task. Youre something precious to him, something he cant afford to lose.

How could that be..."

The legion had shown her kindness and consideration, albeit in their own unique way. The issue was that their methods and direction adhered to their own standards, standards that were entirely alien to human common sense. Kang Do Yeon bit her lip. This was the cost she had to bear. The cost for her life and power.

fIf it becomes too much, don the mask whenever you wish.

Horrifying data of massacres streamed into her mind ceaselessly. She barely managed to withstand it. The legion, in their own way, showed consideration by not ordering her to clean up the aftermath. After receiving such treatment, she found herself unable to voice any further complaints.

Im not affected at all."

'A lie.

Yes, its a lie. But I have to say it, dont I?"

She stood tall on the battlefield, her mask firmly in place. It didnt transform her into another person. The sensation lingered in her fingertips, the sensation of killing. The sparkling eyes that had once gazed at her were unforgettable.

I need to become stronger."

Her words hung in the air, devoid of emotion. Despite her victory in battle, she felt defeated. Without the mask, she would have undoubtedly lost.

[We captured a prisoner for the purpose of extracting information.]

'You know what Im going to do, right?

Faced with the chilling reality, Kang Do Yeon clenched her eyes shut.

Let go of this...let go!"

In the survivors hideout, all living beings had been ruthlessly exterminated. Amid the massacre, a single survivor was seized and hauled away. The legion planned to extract crucial information from this captive.

[Our primary task is to understand their language. The legion possesses only one method for language acquisition.]

''Lets communicate. With us.

I refuse...cough...to yield my life to monsters like you..."

[We have devised a method to loosen the tongues of those who resist.]

The legionnaires administered a bacterial-type injection to the captive. Immediately, dark veins spread across their skin, and they let out a bone-chilling scream, convulsing in torment.

You can understand me now, cant you?"

The legion pervaded every part of their body, infecting and mutating their cells, leading to their disintegration. It was more than mere pain-it was a torturous agony that penetrated their nerves. The captives resistance collapsed instantly, and they began to act in accordance with the legions commands. Although they werent entirely cooperative and hadnt fully assimilated like Kang Do Yeon, they eventually managed to decipher one or two mysteries.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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