A Legion Grows From My Smartphone

Chapter 82: Invasion and Erosion (11)

Chapter 82: Invasion and Erosion (11)

"Ah, ah...

The sight of a beast with a black shell as large as a house charging towards them filled their vision. Its mere presence was overwhelming, and the ground shook with its approach. The sudden assault of such a massive creature instantly disrupted their formation.

"Everyone, hold your positions!

"What on earth is that? Even the degenerate dragons from Redrium we left behind weren't that big!

The commanders scrambled to control their troops, but it was a struggle. After driving out the destructive bacteria and taking over the surface, they had been at peace for a long time. The war manuals from the fierce battles before the migration remained, but those who could use them lacked war experience.

"Fire! Fire the magic direct-fire cannon!

The desperate commander-in-chief ordered from atop a golem, his robe fluttering. The hastily reformed mage artillery aimed their magic circles directly ahead.

"Fire! Fire!

The shot fired was a larger and more solid condensed magic bullet than when it was launched in a parabolic trajectory. It greatly reduced the range but maximized its power. It was powerful enough to shatter thick walls in one hit. Therefore, the commander-in-chief was confident that the direct-fire cannon just fired would inflict significant damage on the beasts.

Insignificant creatures...this...'

However, confidence was just confidence. Reality proved different from his expectations.

"How on earth...?

"What...what is that...?

He turned to look at the executive of the Stars Society standing next to him. But the Stars Society, shaking their heads in shock and horror, were no different.

"Then! What am I seeing right now!

In the end, the commander-in-chief lost his reason and shouted. The massive beasts that were charging fiercely were definitely hit by the cannon. He clearly saw it explode with a hot shockwave.

Yet, the beasts, now encased in a red magic shield that had taken the form of a spear, swung their massive, sturdy heads without sustaining any damage. This peculiar formation and magic were unmistakably the trademarks of the Stars Society.

"Ah, ah!

"Everyone, run!

The formation crumbled instantly, even before the collision. It was clear that at this level, nothing could stop the monstrous charge.


A faint sigh escaped the commander-in-chief. Amidst the chaos of people fleeing in panic, a gruesome sight erupted before him. Bright red blood and chunks of flesh, once human, sprayed out like a fountain, accompanied by a shockwave. Their formation was ripped apart instantly.


"Let go of me!

In the place swept by the unstoppable charge, those who survived the attack were immediately attacked by other beasts. These four-legged beasts with strong muscles indiscriminately slaughtered the people who couldn't regain their senses.

"Save, save me!

Some beasts, however, acted peculiarly. They attacked a handful of mages just enough to wound them without killing, causing them to bleed before dragging them away.

"Damn it! They're abducting mages!

Upon witnessing this, the commander-in-chief, a practitioner of earth-related magic, slammed his staff into the ground in fury. Stone pillars erupted from the earth, knocking back and impaling the beasts attempting to abduct the mages.

fThey must have stolen the magic of the Stars Society...!'

He scanned his surroundings, breaking out in a cold sweat. All he saw were his allies crying out in pain. Only then did he realize these monsters were more than just a simple pack of beasts. Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, the giant beasts that had previously charged were turning their heads back towards him. He gritted his teeth and locked eyes with the high-ranking beast that had dared to confront him directly.

"You look a bit special. Are you the leader?

He aimed his staff and stared at the high-ranking beast. The six eyes shining from the gaps in the armor blinked indifferently. The high-ranking beast pointed the red spear in its hand at him. Now its posture was sharp and keen. Among the prisoners they had eaten, there were also knights who had trained in spear techniques.


Then he felt something strange and flinched. Something strange had spread in the air.


One soldier, covered in black veins, had his eyes dyed black and charged at him.

There was no reason not to use the most efficient weapon when the legion was suppressing the majority.

"You're resorting to the same old tricks. Are you the remnants of The Destroyers after all?

He jabbed the end of his staff into the soldier's solar plexus, sending him flying. Then, he raised his staff and slammed it into the ground, gathering his magic. A powerful magical gust swept across the battlefield, obliterating the vulnerable infectious bacteria in its wake.

"Even if you win this battle, you'll never truly triumph, lust like we eradicated you in the past, you'll be driven from this earth once again.

His white beard fluttering, he pointed accusingly at the high-ranking legionnaire, his eyes gleaming with determination. It was as if he knew that behind the legionnaire's eyes,

Eve was watching. For the first time, Eve's lips twitched slightly at the provocation, not out of fear of death, but surprise.

"Come at me, monster. Do you really think my magic, honed over 80 years, will falter against the likes of you?

He swung his staff, casting a spell. The high-ranking legionnaire didn't miss a beat, swiftly lunging towards him, spear aimed at his throat. As if he had anticipated this, he

quickly cancelled his spell and dodged the spear by tilting his head. At the same time, he cast a quick protective shield spell. A triangular blue shield sprang forth, colliding

with the legionnaire's crimson barrier.

"Even if I die here, the Society and the Council are teeming with those stronger than me. And you, you're weaker than me. Don't underestimate magic.

He fired a condensed bullet of dark rock from the tip of his finger at the legionnaire's exposed chest, beyond the shattered shield. The lethal magic, focused on penetration, shattered the armor and destroyed the legionnaire's power engine in an instant.


He staggered as he looked at the fallen legionnaire's body. The mental exhaustion was too severe. If his judgment had been even a fraction slower, if his opponent had any knowledge of magic, he would have been impaled with the first strike.

"...But I had to take down at least one.

He mumbled to himself, turning his body. He had already given up on survival, especially with those massive beasts charging towards him. Even as a sage-level magician, he couldn't possibly face all those massive creatures, whose sheer mass was a weapon in itself, alone.

At least one.'

With that thought, he cast a spell. No matter how powerful a spell he used against the beast's body, it wouldn't have any effect. So, he targeted a different part. That was

his plan, and the spell to realize that plan sprang from the tip of his staff.

"That's right.

One of the massive bodies wobbled, then started to topple. He had used his magic to turn the ground where the giant creature was about to step into a deep swamp. The creature,

with its enormous weight, fell into the trap in an instant and began to sink into the ground, struggling.

"This should be... enough.

He collapsed, closing his eyes. He had only managed to take down one. The remaining survivors, including himself, would be trampled. Feeling the increasingly close vibrations of the massive creatures, he gritted his teeth.

"You can't!


lust then, someone rushed in and saved him from being crushed at the last moment.

"You can't! You have to reveal the truth! We need your power, Councilor!

"Cough... Cough...

Reina, who had seized the opportunity to rush in and save him, shook him excitedly.

"Stop... shaking...

"Vice President Rozes Leblanc of the Blackl Society! He's the cause of all this!

"Stop shaking me!

Finally, Austin, who had been coughing and clutching his chest after being headbutted by Reina, hit her head with his staff. Then, panting heavily, he got up from where Reina was holding her head and groaning.

"Say that again. What did Leblanc do... No, first we need to get out of here.

He cast a basic amplification spell and issued a retreat order. Reina put all her strength into helping him escape. Fortunately, the giant creatures were slow to change direction due to their momentum. Austin managed to rescue a small portion of the troops and led the survivors to safety. The legionnaires stood still, watching them.

"What a waste.

[...Why aren't they chasing? You could quickly create more troops using Rapid Growth.]

"No. They dared to insult me.

Eve, who had been watching, didn't chase them.

[Isn't that strange? If you're upset about being insulted, shouldn't you chase them?]

"No. If I do that, I can't fully retaliate. I'll fight them again when that bastard can use his full power. And it's not just about emotions. I'm going to provoke them more and squeeze out everything.

There were many ways to gain experience other than torturing prisoners. Eve had gained enough experience from this battle. She decided to push her opponents to their limits to extract information. After all, those in crisis squeeze out all their power. And with the techniques and tactics she learned from them, she planned to put an end to their lives.

[Aren't you being arrogant? Are you underestimating them?]

"It's not arrogance, it's calculation.

Although she occasionally showed emotional turbulence due to her immaturity, her foundation was rooted in careful calculation and foresight. She never entered a fight unless she had a high probability of winning from the get-go.

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