A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 107: Old Soldier

Chapter 107: Old Soldier

***Arc 5 The One Who Obstructed, Chapter 107 Old Soldier***

A/N: 1 ken = 6 shaku = approx. 1,8 m

He shred the earth, causing a sandstorm――overwhelming everything with his strong arms.

The opponent was the Black Lion Gildanstein.

It was certain that Terrius was no match for him.

"...You're pretty good at dodging, aren't you?"

"Even though I can't win, I can't just die."

Even with a sword as a shield, it was impossible to receive a single blow from Gildanstein.

If he did that, Gildanstein's great war ax would easily bisect Terrius along with his sword.

All Terrius could do was dodge.

He had no chance of winning. But he cannot escape.

If he escaped, the left-wing would collapse, and the entire army led by Gildanstein would avalanche into Selene's position.

To prevent that from happening, Terrius had to buy as much time as possible.

He had to buy time for Kolkis to notice and come back.

――But that would no longer be possible.


Failing to dodge, his left arm was cut in two along with his sword, and flew through the air.

Severe pain that almost made him faint――he clenched his teeth to endure it and stood up.

There was no way to buy much time from this point on.

The men defending Terrius were reduced and whittled down before Gildenstein's blade――there was no leeway left.

"It is over. Surrender and your life will be spared, Terrius. This is the end of this war...If you think about what happens after the war, you are a piece I want to keep."

"Haha, thank you for your kind words...but"

Dripping blood and shaking his head, Terrius shouted to the heavens.

"My valiant Third Corps, without being perturbed by my death, continue to fight back! If you buy time, we will have a chance to win, do not give up, exert all your strength! The Royal Prince Gildanstein, the head of the enemy general is here!"

Terrius let out a howl and laughed.

He heard the roar of the soldiers as a response and looked at Gildanstein.

"This is the answer, Your Highness. Even if you kill me, the soldiers I have left will not disappear."

"...How troubling. That I have to kill a man like you."

He said boredly and readied himself again.

Terrius, too, readied himself with one arm.

This is the last one——He would be cut down without even scratching him.

But he must not die a vain death.

A soldier should avoid meaningless deaths.

"...Your Highness!!"

He stepped forward, ran, and a large single swing.

Gildanstein, who responded only after seeing it, was faster and quicker.

Skill, strength, talent――in none of them could he beat Gildanstein.



Entering the great war axe range Terrius threw his sword――even as his torso was split halfway.

The blade that was thrown shallowly cut through Guildenstein's thigh.

What appeared on Terrius’s face was a satisfied smile.

And that was the end.

Terrius' body that was bisected, flew through the air, scattering his organs.

The graceful armor of the fortress shattered.

"... Bogan, you have a good set of pieces."

He said, happily.

Gildanstein lightly pressed the wound on his thigh.

It was Gildanstein's great war axe that hit Terrius first.

Terrius' sword changed its trajectory because of it and only lightly cut his thigh.

There was pain and a fair amount of bleeding, but not so much that he couldn’t move.

"Your Highness! The wound――"

"No need, it's just a scratch."

There, Salva finally got through Terrius' guard.

He approached Gildanstein and exclaimed seeing his wound, but Gildanstein waved his hand, saying there was no need to treat it.

Time was too precious for that.

"They’re good soldiers. It may be meaningless but tell them about his death just in case."

"...Yes sir."

Salva turned his attention to the gruesome corpse of Terrius and offered a moment of silent prayer.

Then he raised his voice.

"Your Commander, Commander of the Third Corps of the Christand Army, Terrius Saza Rinea Melchikos has been slain by the Royal Prince, Gildanstein Alberan! There is no longer any need to resist, throw away your sword and surrender!! Know that it is the Kingdom that you pointed your swords at!!"

Gildanstein raised his voice as soon as he saw the situation.

"We will immediately continue. How many have slipped through?"

"It's probably around 1500."

While Gildanstein was dealing with Terrius, Salva was expanding the breakthrough.

500――their military strength, which was about 600 combined with Gildanstein, has increased by another 1000 men.

From this point on, it was possible to further increase the number of men if they waited, but.

"――It's troublesome if the old man in the center comes after us. We'll go right away."

"Yes sir! Everyone, the target is the enemy general, Selene Christand!! Leave everything behind, and immediately head for the enemy headquarters!!"

It was hard to believe that Eluga Faren in the center would allow them such a leisurely action.

In the worst case, until Kolkis returned, they would be forced to waste their time stuck with the Third Corps.

The commanders of all the corps and even the battalion commanders in Christand were excellent.

The speed with which they were able to regroup was unmatched by ordinary armies, and there was no other way for them other than to aim for a momentary paralysis.

Luckily, the enemy main camp was short on men because of the reinforcements sent to Terrius.

It was possible to get through enough men.

Advance and overwhelm.

The road beyond Gildanstein had only been there since the beginning.

――Then they advanced to the enemy main camp,

"...So it really was you, Your Highness."

Confronting Selene Christand, the enemy general who would decide all victories and defeats.

'--Because the bigger the weapon, the bigger the opening. To kill someone, you only need to wound them a little, so a small one is better.’

When asked if she would really go into battle with such a small sword, Krische responded with those words.

‘Krische is confident that she can use a weapon that's as heavy as Krische’s body, but the weapon’s centrifugal force Krische wielding will pull around Krische's body, and Krische will end up being swept away. If Krische moves using centrifugal force to use it efficiently, this time Krische move will be more predictable... erm.’

Standing in front of a mirror, Krische pointed her blade at her reflection.

'When Krische confronts Krische, Krische thinks about which one is the strongest, Krische still thinks a sword like this one is just right. Deliberately deviating the center of gravity and wielding a large weapon gives it more power, but Krische thinks it's too much to kill people. A sword that fits Krische's body and is light enough to keep Krische’s center of gravity stable is the best.’

But even so, Krische using that sword was too anxious for her.

Selene was worried, but Krische did exactly what she said and did everything with just that sword.

Not with a spear or an axe, but with that sword she easily cut down soldiers wearing full armor.

Krische’s logic was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

A superhuman technique that allows her to aim at gaps in armored opponents using a single small sword――overwhelming power.

It was a logic that was based on that, and it was a realm that Selene couldn’t understand.

Even though she gave up understanding her logic, the words remain stuck in her head.

‘When surrounded by multiple people, Krische thinks that the gap created is greater than anything else. It's only when the opponents are fleeing enemies that you're strong by wielding a big weapon. The opponent who doesn't run away will definitely target that gap, so balance is important. When Krische deals with multiple opponents, Krische make sure not to be surrounded――’

And now she finally understood the logic she was talking about.

In front of Selene's eyes, there was the figure of Gildanstein surrounded by the Black Century.

The great war ax wielded caused a roaring sound——kept the skilled century at bay.

Its range and power are terrifying, and it's difficult to get close to it, as even just a scratch can cause fatal injuries.

Gildanstein was strong. At least compared to Selene, it was overwhelming.

"But...he’s not invincible."

The roar――the sound of the wind made by the great battle axe.

The power of the axe pulling your attention makes your body stiffen. Causing one to lose their composure.

However, if you look at it calmly, you can see something.

By skillfully shifting his center of gravity, Gildanstein aligned his body with the mass of the swung great battle axe.

But each time he swung, his body was swept away by the centrifugal force generated by the tip of the massive axe.

Gildanstein's body seemed to glide across the meadow――no, he actually did.

Gildanstein's great war axe. Its whole body was steel, and at the tip was a heavy axe.

If you just look at it in terms of weight, it would be heavier than Krische.

Therefore, to some extent, he leans on its centrifugal force and moves his legs without defying the inertia.

Gildanstein's body was physically unable to withstand the centrifugal force generated by the great war axe.

"... There is a gap"

Kolkis’s heavy armor also served as a weight.

It was not uncommon for magic possessors to prefer a combination of heavy armor and heavy weapons.

Magic possessors have the potential to wield weapons that ordinary people cannot handle, but their bodies were too light to wield them.

Many of them wear built up muscle and wear armor of steel to keep their center of gravity forcibly at the core.

Perhaps the same was true of the black lion armor that Gildanstein wore――but now Gildanstein was not wearing that armor.

Gildanstein was clearly not heavy enough to wield the great war axe.

Even so, the way he easily wielded the great battleaxe without losing his stance was magnificent.

He was not an opponent to be taken lightly――but if you look closely, you will see the law.

Gildanstein's opponent was the Black Century.

Most of them were moving to stop Gildanstein's guards, and they had only three squads, but they did not lose their cool in this situation, they were not in a hurry, and they did not take advantage of the invitation――they were the best of the best among the Century.

Thanks to this, they could afford to observe Gildanstein's movements for a long time.



Kalua charged in.

Gildanstein's reaction to it was sharp.

He twisted his entire body and performed a horizontal sweep toward Kahlua, who was approaching from directly behind him.

It was a move that made it seem as if he had eyes behind his back as well.

Though he probably didn’t actually see it.

By remembering the placement of all the enemies in his memory and predicting their movement, he was able to accurately handle attacks from behind which should have been defenseless.

Talent, experience on the battlefield, brains, and ability.

All of these things are combined to produce a super reflex. Even if Selene were to go head-on, she would be no match for him.

If it were simple power, Gildanstein was at a far higher level than Selene.

However, in this situation, she was not alone.

She had the strongest unit left by her little sister.

Kalua immediately leaps backward to avoid Gildenstein's great war axe.

However, Gildanstein cannot stop the propulsion of the great war ax being swung.

The direction in which the body flows――a point where a gap appeared.

Stepping in time to react, Selene aims her sword at that point.


Gildanstein clicked his tongue.

The chainmail on his shoulder was ripped shallowly with the tip of the sword.

But she didn’t stop there, she wouldn’t let it.

――She stepped in further.

Gildanstein lost his balance——she aimed for his flank.

It was the gap in his breastplate.

Gildanstein twisted his hip. Dodged.

Third slash. A side cleave to the thigh. Dodged.

Fourth slash. A thrust to the neck. Dodged.

Fifth flash. Slash to the upper arm. It cut the flesh shallowly.

No stagnation, without stopping.

Not as skillful as Krische. Not as fast. Not as observant.

Still, she learned the sword Krische.

Krische was never on the defensive.

If the opponent swings their sword, she swings it at the same time to finish them off first.

Dodging it, making the opponent miss.

If the distance was too far and she was at a disadvantage, she would rearrange them to create a pace and rhythm that was to her advantage.

When viewed as a magic possessor, the only thing that set Krische apart from the pack was her acceleration and stepping in.

There were many opponents who were stronger than her in terms of strength. There were many opponents who are faster than her in terms of maximum speed. Her reach would be counted from the bottom of the list.

There was a limit to her small body and physical ability.

Even so, the reason why she was so dominant was because she always thought only of maintaining her own advantage.

She abruptly closed the distance and in one breath the enemy was already within her range.

She minimized the time it took to cut the gap by taking advantage of her unusual stepping speed.

If there was danger, she would not step in and lure the opponent’s sword.

With her right hand, left hand, foot, fist, or projectile.

She changed her stance according to her opponent's movement and posture, and always attacked in a way that the enemy cannot respond.

Without allowing a counterattack, the opponent was forced into a defensive position.

Never letting the opponent attack her, she just attacked and kept attacking.

She admired the infinite variety (senpen banka) of Krische’s sword.

It was smooth, beautiful like a dance, and vibrant.

If she had such talent, she could have finished off Gildanstein in an instant.

Selene doesn't have that kind of talent, but it’s enough.

She wasn’t alone, she had the Black Century with her

Three slashes swung aiming for an opening.

Gildanstein barely avoided it.

But behind him,

"――the end."

Kalua swung a divine-speed slash.

A curved sword like an ax approached his body as if licking the earth.

‘I got him’――the moment she thought so,


Gildanstein, who had let go of the great axe, grabbed Kalua's arm just in time.

Unexpected movement. Selene's sword was also mistimed and swung through the empty air, and Gildanstein swung Kalua's body around and slammed her into Selene.

――Shock ran through her body.

The human body that was swung around was itself a lethal weapon.

Selene's body is blown away by Kahlua for more than three ken (~5.5 m), and she coughed without being able to ukemi (technique how to take a fall safely, eg. rolling, etc).

Before she had time to regain her footing, she saw Gildanstein in front of her.

He was raising his fist, which was encased in a gauntlet.

"...it’s the end"


Gildanstein had no intention of killing Selene.

His purpose was to take Selene hostage.

But that one blow was enough to knock Selene unconscious.

The sword she swung at once was in a bad position and was caught by the blade――but.

"Tch, getting in my way...!"

Gildanstein took a big leap backward.

The place where his body had been was pierced by the sound of the wind.

It was an arrow fired by Gallen.

"Selene, retreat!"

"Y-yes! Kalua!"

Selene leapt, grabbing Kahlua by the waist, who wobbled, perhaps with a concussion.

Gildanstein couldn’t close in.

Arrows were shot one after another to restrain his movement.

"Salva! Kill that old man over there!!"

"Yes sir! Willits, lead some of the fast guys! The opponent is the general's adjutant!"

A voice responded――the price of making Gildanstein go back to square one.

There was a gap in front of Gallen's watchtower, which was disturbed to make the line of fire.

Five magic possessors headed there in response to Salva’s voice.

At this rate, they would reach Gallen without colliding with his guards.

Selene immediately tried to run to him,

"Selene, go! Leave this to me!!"

"! …Yes!"

Gallen's voice stopped her.

――And Gallen knocked the next arrow.

He was old. His instincts have not dulled.

Faster than a cavalry assault――the five people heading his way seem to be skilled magic possessors.

However, without being frightened, his heart was calm as if it was frozen.

The bow that was being drawn felt endlessly heavy.

A strong bow that should have been easy to draw in the past.

His eyes, which once boasted that he was as strong as a hawk, were blurred and distorted.

But he had not lost the sense that had become ingrained in him.

His arm, which could even shoot down a bird flying in the sky, was still alive.

The strings sounded, and the arrow was released into the opponent's neck as if they were sucked in.

Shoot and kill the first person, then start again.

The opponents were five magic possessors.

The distance between them was 20 ken (~36 m).

And in his hand was a bow.

――In that case, it would be natural to win against all five of them.

What was the purpose of him being here?

If he thought about it, he wouldn’t miss it.

‘――Commander, I truly believe that being able to fight under the Commander’s side is the greatest honor.’

‘You will soon overtake me. You can even become a general.’

‘Haha, as for me, I would like Commander to be the general, and me working under Commander…as your assistant. Commander is the one who fits the title of General.’

Bogan had gone first.

Leaving behind many.

‘Geez, father, why don't you leave your job in Gorka soon and do some field work? You’re already old, and if you get hurt then Krische will be sad.’

‘Gorka is still a greenhorn if you ask me. It's dangerous, I'm worried so I want to continue watching after him for another five years at least. …It would be a problem if Gorka were to do something stupid and make Krische sad.’

‘Haah…though father said that, father will just continue working right?’

Both his beloved daughter and her husband, who he put his hope on.

Both died young.

‘Ehehe, Krische got some pumpkins from oba-san, so Krische made pumpkin soup today! Also, oba-san taught Krische how to make pie…’

――Leaving the young Krische.

Not the already old Gallen, but the one who had to live, died.

What role did he have left to play?

He quit the army and returned to his village.

If he hadn’t let his skill rust, neither the bandits nor Gildanstein would be able to take it away from me.

When he was young, he joined the army because he wanted the power to protect what was important to him.

The reason he returned to the military even after he was old was to never let anything be stolen again.

If so, what he had to do here had already been decided.

‘...I won't miss even one shot, you little bastards.’

Shoot, then knocked the next arrow.

He did not even turn his awareness to the fact that he had killed one more person, he indifferently aimed at his next prey.

A distance of 20 ken——he killed three people advancing toward him, and pierced the leg of a man holding a shield.

Once the distance was closed, he threw away his bow.

His body still remembered everything on the battlefield.

He had not forgotten all the humiliation and regret.

His long white hair shook, he drew his small sword without hesitation and stepped forward.

――Magic possessors.

What they possess was overwhelming physical ability――their body was fundamentally different from the old Gallen.

When they charged in, their athletic ability was several times greater than his own, just like the galloping beast.

But even after factoring that in, he was convinced that he could still do it.

The soldier whose leg pierced was knocked down, and the remaining one brandished his longsword in fury.

The speed of the man was probably three times his own――but that said, not many could use that speed at will.

Acceleration that exceeded the human range disturbs their posture and created an opening.

The opponent's swing was slightly large, and his torso was open.

"……Do not get in my way!"

He dropped to his hip and stepped into the swinging blade.

The sword hit Gallen's back――the leather armor. A sword that missed its trajectory has no power.

Just like that, he grabbed the man's waist and got up, and flipped the body far behind.

Against those who possess magical power, use their power to crush them.

This was the fighting style of the have-nots.

Without looking at the opponent who had been blasted backward, he turned toward the man who had been knocked out of his stance.

The blade that was swung panicked had no power, and when the blade passed right in front of his eyes, he kicked the man in the jaw.

To Gallen it was like taking candy from a baby.

Most magic possessors were not good at and were not accustomed to unrefined fights.

To avoid losing their athleticism and dominance in a battle where both sides had magic possessors.

Aside from being a genius like Krische, just because someone possessed magical power didn't mean they can always use that magical power in a stable manner.

Strengthening the body required a certain level of composure and concentration.

There were not many people who can fully handle their magical power in the midst of a tangle of battles and chaos.

That was why everyone feared and disliked losing their advantage, and naturally insisted on a ‘clean fight’ that maintained a certain distance.

――A clear difference in awareness.

Inevitably, their reactions to the sudden attacks would slow down.

What he had was an old body.

Gallen would have been killed if the man had chosen to grapple with him.

But the man chose to keep his distance with his sword.

He subconsciously chose to keep his distance, avoiding the entangled melee.

Therefore, the man died.

He thrust his small sword into the neck of the man who had rolled and struggled and looked behind him again.

The man, who had braced himself with ukemi, immediately turned to Gallen.

His face showed confusion at being thrown and having everyone else being killed abruptly.

However, he didn't even have time to recover his disturbed mind and was heading toward Gallen.

He was still young and probably lacked experience.

Gallen pulled a sword from the corpse, threw it at it, and charged toward him.

The man's legs stopped as it was hit by the sword, and Gallen stabbed him through the body with his small sword as if to slam him.

The seam of the armor――going through the gap between the ribs from the side.

"Don't underestimate me just because I'm an old soldier, little bastard. ……Did you think I couldn’t get past this level of fight?"

Spitting out with a voice that seemed to crawl from the bottom of the earth, Gallen took up the bow again.

If his life was to end here, what did he have to survive for?

Why was he still here even after so many young and promising lives were lost?

Not one to be easily killed, Gallen returned his prime, even as he breathed unevenly.

――Though he was old, his soul has not dulled.

"If you want to kill me, then send ten times the men! This life isn't cheap!!"

An old soldier with no magical powers――Gallen roared.

The sight of the old soldier who killed five people in a blink of an eye caused the surroundings to roar and cheered.

"Naklais, turn your squad around from the left! The Third Corps has not crumbled. Cut off the rest and isolate His Highness!"

"Yes! Gallen-dono!"

Salva looked back at Gallen, who was holding up his bow as if chewing something bitter.

Surrounding Salva mixed with regular soldiers Krische’s soldiers——the Black Century.

The one that he was able to send at that timing was the best he could do.

The opponent was a single old soldier who could not even handle magic.

Five magic possessors were sent there.

He had thought there was no chance of failing.

Bogan Christand, Nozan Verreich.

And Kolkis Agrand, Granmeld Varkas.

The old soldier, Gallen, was originally a centurion who led such monsters.

He knew he was smart and strong, and he had heard of his former fame.

However, that was in the past, during his golden days as a centurion, and his war record was that of leading a group of talented men who could be called monsters.

He had never imagined that even in his old age, he would have the ability to defeat multiple magic possessors.

Bogan Christand was an absolute meritocrat, and he did not give position or status to those who were not capable.

He had no intention of underestimating nor did he think that the old soldier was stationed as an adjutant because of connection.

However, even while aware of that, Salva must have underestimated him.

Despite having no magical powers, the old soldier, Gallen, was an existence that those monsters looked up to.

His arrows were accurate and unmatched――Salva dodged. The soldier behind him was pierced.

From a distance of 20 ken, Gallen's arrow easily pierced the life of a soldier who was in disorder.

On top of that, he took control of the surrounding soldiers and masterfully manipulated everything in this turbulent field.

He was never outspoken in strategy meetings and never interrupted any strategy or tactics.

He was not a man who stood out, and he had no glamor.

Yet, Gallen's presence in this place felt like a more powerful adversary than anyone else.

Gallen, the old soldier who led the heroes―― the forgotten hero.

Salva felt an unpleasant sweat on his back in the presence of this unexpected foe.

He shouldn't be left alone.

This chaotic melee was exactly where the centurion would be able to demonstrate his true abilities.

But with ordinary soldiers, it would only be a repeat of the previous battle.

If he was to go, Slava had no choice but to go himself, and since Gildanstein was aiming for Selene, Salva had to do his utmost to command the situation.

"Squads 4 to 7! Circle around from the right! 12 to 15 to the left! The rest are in the current vanguard and retreat!"


Krische’s century that he was dealing with was very strong.

A unit composed entirely of magic possessors.

They were not mere soldiers, but their mobility and strength were far beyond the standard of ordinary soldiers.

Despite that, the female commander was using their abilities to perfection.

For a commander, there was nothing more difficult than leading a melee.

Instructions were drowned out by the surrounding noise.

In the midst of a mix of friend and foe, it was difficult to grasp the position of the enemy.

On top of that, her outstanding ability that could make use of the superhumans, the magic possessors, at will.

He had seen her face before.

She was an inexperienced girl from a village. She was the century’s adjutant chosen by Krische.

He had been puzzled by the appointment of such a girl, but here she was, as a front-line commander that was not lacking anything.

He knew that was not directly related to ability.

But even knowing this, he was still amazed by her appearance.

Kuraray Marcellus. Aurugorn Hilkintos. Gertz Wirling.

He thought about the three armies that were crushed by Krische.

From the Dragon’s Maw, they must have been on the front line with Krische.

The rich experience can turn even a village girl into a warrior.

In this case, he had no choice but to exert himself to the utmost of my strength.

From the looks of it, her skill with the sword was inexperienced.

He looked from a distance for an opportunity, looking around――


"Looks like I made it in time, Salva-dono!"

And then, a giant appeared on the scene, his whole body wet with blood and holding a great axe in both hands.

Raising his cheek like a wild beast and carrying his right-hand great axe upon his shoulder.

"... I'm glad you're safe. Now, give me instructions!"

It was the Strong Armed――Nakirus Felizar.

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