A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 110: One Who Obstructed

Chapter 110: One Who Obstructed

***Arc 5 The One Who Obstructed, Chapter 110 One Who Obstructed***

A/N: *1 shaku about 30 cm, 1 ken = 6 shaku (about 1.8 m)

Selene fled from the main camp, and Gildanstein chased after her.

However, Selene was still unable to join up with the Forth Corps.

Somehow some of the soldiers brought by Nakirus recognized them and moved ahead of them, even though they were in melee.

Three fast-footed magic possessors and fifteen cavalrymen.

Selene and the others changed direction heading to the right wing, but the soldiers of the Fourth Corps who were heading for the rescue here were also swung around by it.

The Fourth Corps archers were already in firing position and waiting, but Selene and Gildanstein were too close for them to provide cover.

"Hey, 10th Squad, you ready?"

"Anytime, Squad Leader."

The squad members answered.

Selene understood the meaning of the question and made a frown.

"…You guys."

"I don't feel comfortable with only the 10th squad, Kels, how about it?"

"Aah, okay."

1st squad, Kels answered Adol's voice.

Kalua and Bagu glared at them.

"It's a division of roles. I'm not going to die. We're just going to take that crazy son of a bitch’s head with us. The 3rd squad, who still have some physical strength left and Kalua, can just continue running around while watching us take the glory. ...Isn’t that so, Kienitz?"

"Ahh, of course. That's how it is, General. Your permission."

Selene clenched her fists as she ran.

Everyone listened to the proposal with the same face as Selene.

Although they were interrupted, it was almost a fifteen-to-one fight.

Even so, they were unable to finish off Wildenstein, and realizing their disadvantage, they were running away.

Just half of them were certainly no match, and death was inevitable.

"... Understood. Thank you."

She thanked them.

Selene couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Bagu, you know right, don't you dare steal a march on me!"

"Tch, bastard. I know!"

Bagu shouted, trying to hide his tears.

Kalua's eyes were downcast and she laughed.

"…If you come back alive, I'll at least give you a kiss on the cheek."

"You're a terrible woman until the end.... I leave General to you."


"…Let’s go"

Adol and Kels leave at the sound of Kienitz’s voice.

And immediately, Adol shouted.

"Fourth Corps Archers!! Don't worry about us――shoot!!"

Adol and his partner, Kels, followed the 10th Corps.

His heart was calmer than he had imagined.

He looked at Kels next to him. Kels was also looking at him with a somewhat calm look.

It seems like a long but also a short relationship.

They met by chance when they were escorting a merchant and hit it off at a bar.

For several years after that, they formed a pair and worked together.

Thinking that they could earn a living with their skills, they volunteered for the army,

‘Second and third from the front are black. It's nice to have a lot of black today.’

and joined the Black Century.

Directly under the command of the adjutant corps commander, the Special Century unti.

Laughing that this was a good start, they could see success in life.

But here was the ending.

Honor and just cause didn't matter.

Money. They should have laughed together saying that it would be fine if they could earn money, but why was this happening? He didn't understand himself.

It was a wonder that he was so calm.

"If you survive this situation, I’ll give you a kiss, she said. What a stingy woman!"

"I would have changed my mind if she had offered me a night, but that being the reward, right?"

Kels smiled and answered.

"I don't feel like going back, I'll go first, Adol."

"Ahh, I'll be right there."

Adol also laughed and nodded.

The close encounter――Gildanstein was in front of them.

Seven men directly in front of him. Even so, he didn't feel like they could win.

Running up from the right hand side were cavalrymen and magic possessors.

Both were elite and would get in the way.

"Hey Kienitz!"

"I know! Lando, Rakul, right!"


Two men from the 10th squad jumped out and headed that way.

Three magic possessors. Fifteen cavalrymen. The two of them were ordered to stall the enemies with the premise of their death.

However, it was the same for all of them.

Everyone here was a dead soldier.

Behind them――the 4th Corps archers were drawing their bows.

To buy a moment for it to be released――but they will collide with Gildanstein before it.

"....get out of the way.'

It was a voice that sounded like it echoed from the depths of the earth.

Gildanstein didn’t raise his voice, but it resounded well.

Command, execute, coerce.

The intimidating ambition of the king makes his voice resound in their gut.

In response to their side who stepped forward, Gildanstein held his great war ax with a big swing――


The next moment he felt this, he was swung out of the way.

The 10th squad’s leader torso was split in two, and Gildanstein passed through the gap.

The reason they were able to even fight against this man was because they were in a 15 to 1 situation.

It was because they maintained their coordination without forcing themself to buy time.

In this situation where that situation had collapsed, he understood once again that there wasn’t even one in a million chance of winning.

1st squad, 3rd squad, 10th squad.

They were not chosen at random.

The top five of the 20 squads in the Black Century were chosen.

In addition, Kalua, who was even better than the rest, and Selene, who was on the same level as Kalua.

They thought they could kill him if they were lucky, but their calculation was naive.

Those who possessed magical power that crossed a certain line had a power that separated them from the rest.

They created an atmosphere in which they are at the top.

They alone can change the flow of the battlefield and pull those around them.

They create a raging storm on the spot.

He was aware that they had been stalling for time earlier, and his heart had been grinded all the while.

How many times had he almost died his heart was exhausted, leading his body to the easy road.

He thought that it would be easier if he just let that storm take him down and killed him.

If Selene had not decided to escape, it would not have taken him long to fall prey to that temptation.

——Anyway, he was relieved that he was able to avoid a vain death.

A little further away, he heard strings being plucked all at once, and countless wind noises echoed in his ears, and he yelled out.



Kels from Gildanstein's left hand.

And before his best friend's sword could reach Gildanstein, the great war axe roared.

A sound like a popping tomato――the body split in two.

He understood what the sound was. He also understood who had become it.

But he didn't pay attention to it. He'll be there soon.

Throwing the sword he was holding, he stepped in and headed straight ahead.

As Gildanstein swung his great war axe, the throne sword was dodged.

When he judged that it would work,


At that moment, a sharp pain ran down his leg.

The hilt of the great war axe had swept off both legs. His posture collapsed.

There was no strength in his legs. It was broken.

But still he reached out and grabbed Gildanstein's leg.

He held on with all his might and stopped his movement.

Now there was no way to avoid the hail of arrows.


He was gone from the waist down.

He didn’t even know what happened. Perhaps he was torn off by that great battle axe.

But even so, Adol clings on. Stopping his movement.

He was barely conscious anymore――and yet, ‘At least until these arrows rained down’.

The sound of strings being plucked all at once――the sound of wind.

Selene and the others turned their backs while listening to it.

Moments later, countless arrows pierce the earth and screams echoed.

They didn't know how many of it were theirs.

But thanks to them, they can keep their distance.


"Stop them!! His Highness is still alive!!"

Countless spears were thrown in front of Selene and the others.

Look ahead to their left. The one who shouted was a centurion of light infantry. Dozens of cavalrymen.

There was no doubt that they would collide before they could join up with the Fourth Corp.

"... Can't outrun them. I'll go through from the front on the left. It's better than being flanked."

"Roger. Leave the front to me."

Charge, move forward.

It was also physically exhausting.

But if she did not run, their earlier sacrifice would be in vain.

They couldn't afford to take too much time.

With a jerk, Kalua's head disappeared and went even deeper.

Kahlua, who was standing next to him, accelerated in a posture as if she was scraping her chin on the ground.

Bagu followed first, followed by Selene and the others.

The contact was instantaneous.

Kalua, charged in from a low posture at once, cuts the horseman's legs with her great curved sword.

Beyond that was a spear aimed at Kahlua——a knife fired by Bagu killed its wielder.

"Ha, I was worried about being thrown away, but you're doing fine, aren't you?"

"Of course. Who do you think I am?"

Kalua said, then swung the sword sideways.

First, the cavalry robbed them of their momentum.

Once she broke the lead and clumped up the ranks, the cavalry would cease to be a threat.

She turned her attention away from the men who had become the rear.

Cutting in and advancing. That was all she could do, and that was all she had to do.

Side cleave. Cutting off the horse's head.

Cutting off the soldier in front of her, she grabbed the neck of the man who was about to roll off the horse with her left hand.

Crushing is as it is. The flesh of his neck was crushed, and the resistance was lost.

She slammed the lump of flesh back down to the enemy in front of her, who was holding up his spear.

The corpse pierced the tip of the spear and the enemy stopped moving. Kalua let her body sink.

Before the corpse hits the ground, he dives under it and cuts up. Then return.

Kill them both and move forward.

She grabbed the enemy soldier's face and used it as a shield against sword.

The flesh shield screams and turns into a corpse. Blood splatters. Splattering on her face.

It didn’t matter. She slammed it down as it was. The sound of bones breaking, killing one more.

——The ironclad rule of the Black Hundred is coordination.

But she was more used to this way.

Risking one's own life to kill multiple opponents. She had been doing that for a long time.

"You’re too forward, idiot."

The enemy next to her died. The one that took his life was a small sword——Bagu's.

"I don't want to be called an idiot by an idiot!"

The large, curved sword swung sideways.

Heavy and sharp, it can cut through armor. It was easy to use to swing around.

"...Adol and Kels had gone ahead. What are we doing if we’re not going first?"

"Really, you make me fall in love with you"

"Like I said before, I won’t fall in love with you, you know? It's not my thing."


Bagu sighed in amazement and hunted down the enemy that approached Kalua.

Bagu was the man who tried to force himself on Kalua on the third day of his enlistment and was beaten up.

Bagu, who had just started working a dirty job, then changed his mind and set his sights on trying to win over Kalua——that was the running joke story of the Squad with half-truth.

"Well, you'll notice my charm eventually."

"I think you should look in the mirror before you say that."

"A man is what you look like on the inside."

Kalua snorted and stepped forward.

In 1st squad, Kalua and Bagu were the advance group, while Adol and Kels were Mia's guards.

It was Bagu’s role to support Kalua who was reckless, and if Kalua advances, Bagu will guard her side.

Bagu’s ability to skillfully wield two short swords was one of the best.

He has a wide field of vision, which was one of his greatest strengths.

Despite what she said, she trusted him.

Kalua stepped in and slashed down.

A slash that emphasized power and speed, specializing in killing even more than before.

Bagu’s blade thrusted into the neck of an enemy, who was aiming for that opening.

They were in harmony, intentionally creating a gap where the enemy's skill can be aimed at, let herself be targeted and let the Bagu take care of them.

The duo of the 1st squad could not be stopped by ordinary soldiers.

But even so, they had too much momentum this time.

The deaths of Adol and Kels.

Kahlua's sword was sharper than usual, and she took a half-step deeper, while maintaining a calm demeanor.

It was a bad acceleration.

Bug looked back, concerned about being isolated.

"You should watch your back a little――Kalua!"


Then Bagu pushed Kalua away.

Before she could complain, though, his body blew up.

The top and bottom of his torso split in two, and rolled.

And the enemy soldier in front of her was also shredded to death as collateral damage.

What went through was a steel great war axe.

The rolling Kalua paused for a moment and looked back.

There were countless arrows in his arms and legs as he breathed heavily.

Though he was bleeding profusely, he pulled out the great sword from his waist and killed one person on Selene's side.

She looked at Bagu’s corpse, who had been talking energetically earlier.

Understanding what's happening, she pushed all of her emotions to the back of her mind.

Fortunately, the great war axe killed Bagu along with the enemy soldiers.

Seeing that the enemy was also confused, Kalua took advantage of the situation and returned to the rear.

She went next to Selene, who had distanced herself from Gildanstein.

"――No matter how it plays out, this is where it's going to end up."

Gildanstein holds up the royal greatsword.

Without waiting for a response, the sword shook.

Before one more person had time to react, his torso was ripped open.

From the left shoulder to the right flank――cutting bone and leather armor like butter.

The sword that Gildanstein held in the middle was still the King’s Sword.

It was the fastest sword that could easily take the life of an opponent who held a sword without giving them a chance to swing it, and it was a violent sword technique that tore the opponent along with their armor.

He was wrapped in simple armor that was far removed from nobility, and his whole body was covered with wounds that were overflowing with blood.

Even so, he still had a spirit and a glint in his eye that awed the opponent before him.


Kalua yelled, everyone released from their shock and jumped, opening up the distance.

Gildanstein's sword was still alive.

They all take their trained positions around him.

Kahlua in front――but Gildanstein charged in anyway and wielded his sword without a care.

The sound of the wind roaring. The roar. The pressure of the sword.

How much power was put into the sword?

It could cut her in half from the head and the helmet and down to the groin, and still not stop.

It was a flash that she couldn't imagine coming from an injured person.

She quickly leapt backwards to avoid it――an impact was felt in the side of her body.


It was Selene who kicked Kalua——her body drifted sideways, and a shadow passed in its place.

"…Have you lost your mind Faren?"

"Haha, this old man has a promise to keep, and thus I come before you."

Same as Gildanstein, he wore armor that even looked simple, and smiled with his wicked face that made his bones stand out.

Eluga Faren stood with a longsword in his hand.

"Do you think the like of you can buy time against me?"

"It's impossible, isn't it? My hands were shaking just after one exchange... Maybe it's been a long time since I ran, so my bones are starting to creak."

‘Kakaka’, He laughed and waved his arm.

Fast and sharp.

Although it was a surprise attack, it was a blow that Gildanstein had no choice but to receive.

It was a long time ago that he was able to swing it fully.

Eluga had no second chance.

Even knowing that, Eluga laughed.

"But His Highness, too, that injury——doesn't seem to see the situation. ...I had already bought us enough time."

And his finger points to the main camp. There were cheers in that direction.

Gildanstein turned his attention for a moment,


He leapt. From the exact opposite of the direction, he turned his attention to.

What came flying was a white soldier spear from the ranks of Eluga's Fourth Corp.

It pierced the earth where Gildanstein had been, and at the same time, a man of large stature broke out of the line of soldiers.

Blood-stained silver armor in the shape of a tiger.

What he held in his hand was a full-body steel great war spear that ordinary people cannot wield.

He dips his feet into the ground as he sprints and comes in front of them.

"My, it looks like I made it in time. If I couldn't make it, I wouldn't be able to face the General either."

Kolkis Agrand smiled broadly.

Selene breathes a sigh of relief and steps back.

"You're too slow, Kolkis."

"I'm not very good at running, I'm stuck in the ground because of my armor...well, but don't worry, Christand’s watchdog will drive away its master's danger."

"Fufu, That's reassuring."

Selene laughed and narrowed her eyes.

There was Gildanstein, still holding his sword and still ready to fight.

He was wounded by arrows, and his body was bleeding——reminding her of her father's corpse.

There were countless scars.

Probably her father too.

The hero Bogan Christand must have fought while being covered in wounds like this.

"...This is already over, Your Highness. Surrender. No matter how strong you are, Commander Agrand has appeared, and you are injured. There is no chance of winning in this situation."

Serene asked for a token surrender.

She knew that he would not nod.

Even as he spouted blood, he didn’t give up and picked up his sword.

Was the reason pride or something else――

"I would not be able to face your father if I surrendered with just this level of wounds and circumstances."

At least, in front of her was a warrior.

"That was a good fight. You can be proud, your father was a true hero——a warrior."

At the very least, her father must have fought this man as a warrior.

——That's why, in the end, those eyes looked like they were smiling without any regrets.

"Your Highness!!"

The one running toward them was the battered century who had blocked them before.

Kalua and the others quickly took up a position in that direction,

"... That's fine, Clarias."

Gildanstein held his hand toward them, stilling them.

"You guys are the witnesses. … I said that I would prepare a reward, enough for you to play around for the rest of your life if you survived, but I don't think I can fulfill that promise. Just think that you’re lucky to be able to keep your life"

"...Your Highness."

Gildanstein chuckled and carried the great sword on his shoulder.

Kolkis takes a step forward with a serious face.

"The General’s enemy——that man’s final moment was not unsightly, from the bottom of my heart I am glad for that. …I will be your opponent, Your Highness."

Gildanstein looked at Kolkis, and Kolkis thrust the tip of his spear at him.

Everyone on the spot held their breath, but.

"You're not a good enough actor for me, Agrand."


"On the battlefield, there is only one thing, victory... you are not the one who stopped me from achieving that goal. As my greatest enemy, you are not the one standing who obstructed me."

Gildanstein looked up at the sky and squinted at the sun approaching its zenith and continued.

In the wintery sky there was a heat, and the hot wind caressed his body.

"——The cheers I just heard. I wondered what it was like."

Gildanstein continued as he reached for that sun.

"If Nakirus succeeds in breaking through, the outcome of this situation is still unknown. I still have my eyes on victory. But that's your main camp. Nakirus brought a small group——his breakthrough won’t raise that much cheer. Even if that were the case, he should have already been here."

He clenched his fist, as if trying to catch the sun.

"That’s to say, Nakirus is dead."

Gildanstein said so.

"But Nakirus is a man I trust. At the very least, I don't think he'll be killed in that situation. He'll come crawling if he has to. …That is unless there is another reason."

Then his cheeks contorted.

"No way, I didn't think you were already here yesterday, but...did you already defeat my body double on the first day? I certainly never underestimated you, but..."

A shadow dances out from the main camp.

Without wearing any armor, the silver hair and cloak swayed.

It ran through the distance to here in a flash and stopped.

Gildanstein looked back.

——He was determined to win.

Once he had struck Bogan in the Dragon’s Maw, victory was his.

With the palace in his grasp and soldiers and generals in his hands, victory was already in sight.

But Kuraray Marcellus could not stall for time.

The undefeated general Aurugorn Hilkintos was defeated.

The Dragon’s Maw, which he had risked his life to obtain, was lost in a short time.

And today, he was slowed down by the centurions she made, eating up a deadly amount of time.

That's why this girl——Krische Christand stood here as the one who obstructed Gildanstein.

The girl, her skirt swinging, tilted her head slightly, frowned, and looked at Selene.

"Selene, is he surrendering?"

"...No. He wants a duel with you."


More and more incomprehensible and mysterious.

Krische narrowed her purple eyes coldly and fixed her gaze on Gildanstein.

"It's a bit surprising after running around for so long. Krische didn't think you were that kind of person who stuck to such puzzling aesthetics."

She spun the curved sword in her hand and smiled.

"But don't worry, Krische will properly keep her word. No matter what you planned, what kind of person you are——Krische will kill you."

Her inorganic eyes shone.

Even though she smiled, her eyes didn’t smile.

Only cold-blooded murderous intent oozed out.

"That's fine. … If you fight, you will win. Even so, you are the opponent I should bet my life on in this place."

Laughing, Gildanstein drew his sword.

Seichu (at the exact middle/center of body), Seigan (pointing sword to opponent’s eye; kendo’s stance). His hands on the hilt of the great sword.

A phantasmagoric sword trajectory.

――The right hand that manipulated it was heaven.

The hilt that becomes the axis and the foundation.

――The left hand, which brings harmony to the sword, was earth.

Seigan, which can respond to any attack, was the sword against all enemies.

The King's Sword was based on the concept of containing all of heaven and earth in its sword.

Gildanstein's stance was stunningly beautiful, and could be called the stance of a King.

"I see. If you don't run away, it's best. Krische is already tired of this fight."

Krische, on the other hand, held her sword in her right hand, but did not take a stance.

The heavens and earth that he creates, a natural stance against the world.

She was innocent and formless against the King’s Sword that rules the heavens and the earth.

Her sword was a sword that couldn’t be caught by anything.

It was outside the principle of the heaven and earth created by Gildanstein, the person called King.

She was void.

She was not mastering a technique.

She did not have power in her hands.

She transcends all swordsmanship and brings forth the best move in the moment.

Formlessness――that way of being itself is her principle.

"If Krische kills you, it's all over——and then all will be fine."

Her steps were smooth, as if she was sinking into the earth.

The space between the two was five ken (~9 m).

――It was already within Krische’s reach.

An ordinary swordsman would have had his head chopped off by the time he realized it.

Her steps were not wild, but simply tranquil.

The change from stillness to motion seemed nonexistent, and even though she was moving, she did not seem to be moving.

Slipping through the gap of his perception, it was as if the distance between him and her――the space itself was shrinking.

However, Gildanstein, on the other hand, could barely see it.

A feeling of time being stretched out. A body that feels heavy as if he was in water.

He had wounds all over his body, was exhausted, and was probably in the worst possible condition.

But that was why he was able to abandon the rest of his life and focus all his attention on this situation to the utmost limit.

No sound was heard, and his vision seemed to fade.

His body, all the abilities he had cultivated so far, were directed solely toward Krische’s movements.

His reaction to Krische’s smooth step was delayed, but he quickly realized.

It was not a fatal delay.

With one step, Krische closed the gap of 3 ken (~5.4 m).

If she had wanted to, he could have easily closed a distance of 5 ken.

The reason she stepped in until there was in order to be able to respond to any of Gildanstein’s attack.

That's how Gildanstein understood that she was always ahead of him.

She was directly in front of Gildanstein, and there, on the ground, was her left foot.

Gildanstein swung the tip of his sword to the right, and Krische instantly reacted.

The destination was the left side of Gildanstein.

――But it was a feint.

As she positions herself to step onto Gildanstein's left side, then reversed.

Gildanstein tilted his sword to the left.

She was on her left foot.

In that state, her center of gravity was tilted to the right.

There was no more escape to the left.

Gildanstein put all his might and soul into horizontal slash.

It was the shortest and fastest, putting everything he has cultivated up to this point into it.

A blow she should not be able to avoid.

She had no choice but to receive it with her sword――but then she leapt.

Without touching the ground with her right foot, she jumped with her left foot.

And she used Gildanstein's greatsword, which was swinging toward her, as her foothold.

The belly of the sword, which was slashed horizontally, was pointed upward.

She stepped down as if to slam her right foot there.


Gildanstein tried to endure with his superhuman strength.

Krische’s weight was light. He should be able to hold on.

But Krische had always learned how to use everything to the maximum.

The force applied to the leap was minimal, just enough to bring her to a height where she could step on the sword.

She concentrated all of her weight on one point on her right foot――Gildanstein's sword dug into the earth.

――And she stepped on her sword with her left foot.

She saw the King’s Sword as the earth, as a foothold.

To convey the full power to the curved sword she held.

Before he knew it, there was no sword in her right hand.

The sword in her left hand was sharp and ran its blade through Gildanstein.

The twist of her waist, the spiral of the blade drawn by it.

The beautiful trajectory of death was drawn on the blade without any loss in the blade.

Their gazes met.

The inorganic purple color of her eyes widened and captured all of Gildanstein.

As if she could see through it all.

The blade touched his neck, cutting through it.

The far away Kingdom’s banner was reflected in his eyes.

――The crest of a sword thrusting toward the heavens.

However Gildanstein's sword was not in the heavens, it was in the earth.

The girl in front of him stood on his sword, as if to trample it.

For the first and last time since his birth. It was a moment of such defeat.

Before his head was cut and his consciousness faded away.

He looked at everything in the world and laughed.

What should be, just as it was.

Everything he believed in, everything he was betrayed by, everything, everything, fades from his mind.

Only in the midst of it all, he looked at the one who killed him.

She was precisely the Child of God——the Cursed Child named Alberan.

——The founder of the distorted and mad royal family, its rightful heir.

The girl cut hishead and jumped.

Gildanstein kneeled down, and just smiled silently.

The figure of the girl who tilts her head looking at his smiling self, was infinitely beautiful.

She was enchanting, innocent and devilish.

Since he met her in the Dragon’s Maw, he had risked everything to challenge her.

To win against this girl, he had to give up everything else.

But even that wasn't enough.

For the sake of her own desire, she would overthrow everything that stood in her way.

A king is power.

If it's this girl, she'll even thrust her sword into the heavens.

He just laughed at himself that was a mere imitation——and then let go of his consciousness.

——Selene saw the momentary fight that took place in front of her, and closed her eyelids.

Silence filled the place.

The ending that seemed obvious.

Much too abrupt, too easily――the enemy who had tormented Selene fell to the ground.

"Ehehe, it's over, Selene."

Krische jumped on Selene, not caring about the corpse.

She pinched Krische’s cheeks as if to scold her, and looked around.

Kahlua stared blankly at Gildanstein's corpse, clenching her fists.

Her mouth tightens and her face down. One person patted her on the trembling shoulder.

Kolkis picked up Gildanstein's sword.

Even in this situation, Gildanstein is the Archduke of the Kingdom. He is the Royal Prince.

He was a member of the royal family, and it was not permissible for members of the same Kingdom to expose his neck.

Eluga was quietly urging the dejected surrounding enemy soldiers to lay down their weapons

Thinking of her father, she closed her eyes.

Selene called out to Kolkis while stroking Cliché's head.


"Yes ma’am!"

When she called out to him, Krische instantly stopped hugging her and covered her ears.

Kolkis voice echoed through the air.

"After a legitimate duel, the head of the Royal Prince was taken by the daughter of the hero Bogan Christand――the First Corps Commander of the Christand army, Krische Christand, took revenge with her own hands!! Know t any subsequent battles will be an insult to the two of them who have decided the battle in a dignified duel!! From now on, all further fighting is forbidden, both sides are to put down their swords and cease fighting immediately!"

Then, after a short pause, he shouted,

"This battle is a victory for Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Alberan and us――the Christand Army!!"

――At that voice, cheers shook the earth.

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