A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 132: On the Road

Chapter 132: On the Road

***Arc 6 One Who Pierced Through, Chapter 132 On the Road***

In the end, Aleha was only able to talk after dinner, which was not the case.

Krische muttered that the sky was a little suspicious, and told Aleha that she wanted to move quickly and arrive quickly at the planned location.

Certainly, the sky looked like it had changed, and Aleha agreed.

He watched Krische happily tidying up with Bery.

Then, as for during the trip, there was always the possibility that the one in a million chance may happen in the enclosed space of the carriage.

Krische did not want to welcome the two of them, but the thought of talking with them while walking in the cold outside was not an option for her.

She put it off saying that we should talk until we arrived at the scheduled place――

‘It's going to be windy today, and we need to finish our meal early.’

And just like that she put it off again.

The reason was certainly clear. However, around here, both Aleha and Waltza naturally understood that the girl wasn't interested in them at all.

Even though they knew she felt it was bothersome, it was impossible for them not to talk to her about it. How they will be treated in the future was a very serious matter for them at least――at the very least, it was necessary to have her to listen to their story.

Considering the appropriateness (randomness) of the situation, it seemed to be a declaration of intention that there was no intention to do anything wrong, but clear words are always important.

After finishing the meal, Krische yawned, and said ‘Let’s rest early today, see you tomorrow’――tried to postpone the story, Bery extended a helping hand, thinking that it was pitiful for the two of them.

‘Kri-Krische-sama, wouldn’t it be better to talk about the future of the two of them for the time being..’

Finally, in the evening, a place for discussion is finally created.

The fire glowed brightly in the tent, which was firmly roped to the trees and had a large ventilation opening. Sitting on top of Bery who was sitting on a box right next to the bonfire, Krische looked at them as she put her hand to the fire

Krische and the others slept in relatively well-insulated carriages, so this tent was for others. It was planned to be used by everyone, including the coachman, and although it was made spacious, it would be cramped for 14 people.

With the exception of Kilik, two others, and one of the injured people, who were on guard duty at night, they were asked to go outside for now.

From the front, Mia's voice could be heard whispering to Kalua, who has taken up a position by the fire.

"For now, It's not like your suspicions have been cleared for the time being, but you two will not be restrained. Krische and the others will keep the sword until we get confirmation, but we will take care of it and return it as soon as the suspicions are cleared up. Any questions?"

"No, it's a natural procedure."

Nodding as if satisfied with Aleha's answer, Krische continued.

"Krische and the others are just about to return to the Royal’s territory, so you will accompany Krische and the others there. Krische knows you have your own objectives for the trip, but the priority is to prove your innocence. Krische understands the inconvenience, but in the meantime, you will not be allowed to go alone. You must understand that you will be supervised at all times."

‘l"That's all", said Krische, looking up at Bery with satisfaction and trying to stand up.

As if to say that this was the end of the conversation――Krische was ready to go back to the carriage and go to bed.

Bery smiled wryly as she was troubled, and held Krische by the waist with both arms, preventing her from standing up.

The other side seemed to want to talk about something, and as expected she would feel sorry for them if they were being put off again, and again.

She looked at Aleha, who was looking exasperated, bowed lightly to Bery and opened his mouth.

"I heard that Christand’s mansion is in Gargain....If you don't mind, I would like to offer flowers in front of the grave of the former General Christand."

Krische, who was embraced by Berry, looked at him strangely, pondered over his words and told him.

"Christand’s grave is not Gargain, but the Royal Capital. Christand has moved from the north to the center. It would be best if the destination is the same. Shall Krische show you around when we get there?"

"...Is that so? Well then, thank you."

Krische, seeing Aleha thanking her, looked up at Bery again with satisfaction.

The conversation was over, and it was time for Chrissie to go to sleep.

She made an appeal to Bery to go back to the carriage, but Bery, understanding her appeal, put a cookie in her mouth to stop her from moving.

"Although he was an enemy, General Christand was a warrior I aspired to be and respected. Even though death on the battlefield is the fate of a warrior, I would like to express my deepest condolences."

"Mugu, um... Thank you...?"

"If it was possible, I would have liked to meet him once and talk to him directly, but…even if I regret it, it can’t be helped."

Krische was on Bery's lap, listening to him as she was having trouble figuring out what to do.

Aleha didn't care and continued.

"I crossed blades with General Christand several times before I became general. Each time I was defeated, and out of frustration I repeatedly read battle records of General Christand, learned from it, and developed countermeasures and tactics. ...Then I became a general and had my first confrontation with him――I had the superior force, and when I think about the efforts I've made for that, I don't think we can lose...but even so, we were defeated."

While looking at the girl with silver hair.

She was a girl who was held on the lap of a servant, wearing a woolen cap and tightly wrapped around a scarf.

Usually noble――even military personnel, are concerned about their appearance, but this girl didn’t seem to be bothered at all and was warming her hands over the fire in a fluffy outfit.

Sweet and childish.

She showed not a shred of interest in her enemies, Aleha and the others.

Her looks and her temperament, however, betrayed her ability, that made her look like a genius.

She was not an experienced soldier like Bogan, and her appearance was too far from the ideal of a soldier.

What this girl had was only a remarkable talent to the point of being distorted, and Aleha felt that this was why he had failed so miserably.

Even if he attacked her now, he would be cut down with a single swing.

Even though she was sitting there, her sword was by her side, and she was not the slightest bit careless or careless.

"The reason I set out on this journey like this is to reexamine my conceited self. I have learned many things as a soldier from my men and from General Christand. That is why I thought that the Kingdom was the right place for this journey, and here I am."

He never felt that his talents were inferior to others.

Despite his misgivings, he ultimately went ahead, overconfident in his own abilities and talent――the cause of his defeat was probably his conceit.

That was why Aleha lost when she had to lose.

She was defeated by this little girl.

"It could be said that I was most fortunate to have met Krische-sama along the way. ...First of all, thank you for saving Waltza without taking her life."

Aleha stood up, and so did Waltza.

The two bowed their heads deeply.

Formerly though they were, it was rare for a noble to bow his head like this.

Bery looked at it with a bit of surprise, and Krische groaned ‘Uuu’ looking troubled.

"The battle at that place was in a state where it could be said that it was over, and Krische was only complying with the Holy Spirit Covenant. Krische may have treated him, but it was also Krische who cut him down, and Selene was the one who decided to take him prisoner. If it's a thank you, Krische feels like it's better to say it to Selene..."

"Even so, there aren’t many people who can help someone with whom they have crossed swords without hesitation. ……Waltza was like a parent to me, so I am deeply grateful to Krische-sama for saving his life."

Aleha said that and raised his face.

"Perhaps it is God's arrangement that we meet in a place like this...to return the favor. I'm no longer bound by any ties――I'll return the favor in some form or another."

"Hmm...thank you..."

Since he said he's grateful, that's probably a personal problem.

While thinking that something was strange with Krische being thanked, she turned her gaze to Waltza.

The bearded old man's eyes squinted softly, and his gaze turned briefly to Bery, then to Krische again.

"To return to the mansion, cook and have a tea party――When I asked Krische-sama what you were fighting for, you said so."

Then, following his master's lead, he spoke in a somewhat more polite tone.

"……? yes"

"Since then, there has been a civil war, and there must have been some hardships… but now that wish seems to have come true, more than anything else I am glad Krische-sama is happy.".

Her appearance on the battlefield. He had never seen a warrior like that.

Even if the enemy he faced was the leader of the wolf pack, the famous Granmeld, he was confident that he would be able to compete, that’s just how much he had studied.

――No matter what kind of opponent comes out, he won’t just lose without doing anything.

Walzta, who had made up his mind to do so, was pushed down by force.

More than surprising, it was to the point that it was refreshing.

When he asked why the girl would do such a thing, Waltza was speechless at the answer he received.

But the way she was looking at him now, it made sense.

Her true nature must be here.

"Ehehe, yes. Krische is very happy right now. Right, Bery."

Krische said and pressed her face against Bery's chest, and Bery gave a wry smile.

And when Aleha saw Krische yawning a little, he said.

"I'm sorry for keeping you associated with us. This is the end of the talk, putting it in one word, I just wanted to say thank you."

"Is that so? Hmm..."

Krische got off of Bery and stretched, while holding Bery's hand as if to tug on it.

After pondering for a moment, she said.

"The kingdom has a lot of vacancies due to the civil war, and Aleha-san is a former general, so if you need a job after visiting the grave, it might be good to work for the royal army. Selene is also complaining about the lack of people, so it might be a good way to return the favor."

"Um... Haah?"

"Aleha-san lost to Gotoushu-sama, but Aleha-san was able to put up a good fight against Gotoushu-sama...Krische thinks Aleha-san is enough. Well, unless Aleha-san and the others have plans."

‘Then see you tomorrow,’ said Krische as she hurriedly pulling Bery's hand out of the tent.

The former general of the enemy country was at a loss at the very simple solicitation, and Kilik and the others who were listening to it also froze.

Three days passed.

They stopped at Gargain, loaded up their belongings, and headed home.

Mia was very happy after purchasing a sword at the Korze’s blacksmith shop.

She was so happy that Kalua had to confiscate it before she went to bed after she smashed the sheath on her head of who was sleeping right next to her.

Aleha and Waltza finally began to know them well, and the trip went without any particular problems.

"It seems Adjutant Mia has some strange habits."


Night――a snowfield glistening in the bonfire and moonlight.

Aleha, dressed in the same sandy colors as Waltza, was taking part in a light sword training session and giving instruction.

The lecture by Aleha, who had been trained in the fundamentals of swordsmanship from an early age, was easy for them to understand.

"You’re swinging my sword with all your strength too much. It’s like that your body was pulled away and so it lost its balance."

After all, he was a former general――Kilik and the others told him that using a polite tone of voice would make him look more dignified, so he was now speaking as usual.

And if there was a possibility of becoming a superior officer in the future, it is good to avoid confusion.

Enemy General.

Moreover, less than a year has passed since the last battle.

Inviting such an opponent to join the kingdom's army was astonishing, but Krische’s position was the kingdom's second-ranked military officer, and she had a close relationship with the queen, Kreschenta, and the marshal, Selene.

They could easily imagine that if Krische wanted to, Aleha would eventually be judged according to her wishes, even if he did not suddenly become a general.

"...It's common when you're just starting out, the more you want your sword to be faster the more you will only swing with your arms, putting unnecessary force on your body. If the body and the sword move separately, the sword will slip. And a collapsed center of gravity will create a clear gap, inviting the opponent's sword."

Aleha borrowed Mia's thick sword and showed a sample.

He stepped in, swung, and thrusted.

The series of movements was solid and had a flowing beauty.

Kilik, Mia, and the others were impressed, while Kalua looked at him with a slightly pursed lip and a glare.

Kalua lost in a match the other day, after being pointed out that her sword was too rough, and she was now trying to somehow find a strategy against Aleha's swordsmanship.

Kalua has a certain amount of confidence in her sword.

Putting Krische aside, losing to other opponents was extremely frustrating.

"On the battlefield, you use a more practical, rough sword. I understand that's what Adjutant Mia was taught, but... it's also important to learn the basics."

Putting a hand to his chin as if in thought, Aleha continued.

"Right... how should I say it? The basics are just the basics. I don't think there will be many opportunities to wield a sword according to the basics in actual combat. However, by repeating these basics and soaking them into your body, your body will gradually remade itself into something that can be used to wield a sword."

"... remade, is it?"

"Yes. In any kind of swordsmanship, the basic stance is usually focused on keeping the body axis centered. So that the power of the sword you swing doesn't overwhelm your body, so that you can always swing the next swing with stability. "

Next, roughly with one hand.

The sword swinging up and down and left and right while scattering snow particles as it steps in was almost impossible to see.

The roar of the sword was so powerful and violent that it was hard to believe it was a sword, yet there was no stagnation, no pause.

"Maintain your own axis. If you let your body remember this, you will be able to unconsciously maintain your ideal balance no matter how tired you are."

"... That's amazing. I see, the basics."

"That's right, Mia. Mia should practice about a thousand times a day."


Krische, who finished washing the dishes, told Mia while trying to return to the carriage.

"Mia 's hands and feet are disconnected, and Mia’s sword cannot even bisect leather armor. Mia has to be more conscious of the ellipse and be able to use her whole body."

She was wearing a brown woolen hat and wrapped the scarf tightly.

The fluffy Alberinea, who only came out when she's cooking, put her hand on her waist and looked at Mia.

"At the very least, Krische'd like everyone the Black Flag Special Force to be able to bisect sheet metal armor, with the adjutant, Mia like this what are you doing? While investigate tactics, Mia should also do it seriously."

"E-even noe, I'm still working hard on various things, but..."

"Mia should work ten times as hard as she does now."


Mia looked at Kalua, Kilik, and the others as if asking for help, but everyone had a blank look on their faces.

Even though they were magic possessors that were several times stronger than normal humans, only Kalua and Kilik could say that they could cut through sheet metal armor even if it is stationary.

There are only a few that can be counted in the entire Black Flag Special Force that could do it.

Bery looked at Mia with a little pity, but for a soldier, training was directly linked to life.

Unable to interject, she watched the situation with a vague, troubled smile on her face.

Aleha opened his mouth.

"I heard that Cliche-sama’s swordsmanship is unique, but…I’m interested. If you don't mind, can I ask you for a light match? "

"A match?"

"Yes, a light exercise after meals."

Krische looked at her feet.

It was snowing. Chilly and cold. Cold. Snow on her clothes.

"Another time..."

"Ussa-chan! Take vengeance for your cute apprentice! I want you to show them Usa-chan's self-taught swordsmanship!"

Kalua hugged her from the side while she was about to say it.

Krische looked at Kalua with a sideways glare.

" Krische, doesn’t remember making Kalua Krische’s apprentice. Besides, it's true that Kalua's sword is unskillful and rough...even if it's not here."

"Usa-chan! I think there will be battles in bad conditions like this in the snow. Isn't it very fruitful for Usa-chan, the leader, to show an example directly? Look, Mia also wants to see how to move on the snow."

‘Uuu’, This time the cliché groaned.

Mia glared at Kalua.

"... I didn't say that."

"Mia doesn’t want to see it?"

"...A bit."

Kalua looked at Kilik and the others and asked for their consent with her eyes.

She gripped Krische’s weak point――the ability to manipulate the air at will and sophism.

And Krische was basically a girl who couldn’t say no.

With a pout of her lips, she stepped forward, and said ‘Just one time, okay.’

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