A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 139: Mad Innocence

Chapter 139: Mad Innocence

***Arc 6 One Who Pierced Through, Chapter 139 Mad Innocence***

The meeting, which also served as the unveiling of the new Queen, was soon to come.

Even the Holy Elsren Empire, which had not replied, eventually announced its participation, perhaps to keep pace with neighboring countries, and the royal capital was a bit hectic.

Vice Chancellor Orugan from Gulshan, High Priestess Zanalibea from the Arna Imperial State had already arrived in Royal’s territory, Prime Minister Krolus from the Elderant Kingdom, and Archbishop Elbebert from the Holy Elsren Empire had visited the nearby area.

While people of the second or third rank in each country were visiting, only the archbishop of Elsren was of a somewhat lower rank.

This was an expression from the Holy Empire that they were above the Kingdom.

This was the unveiling of the Queen who rules the Alberan Kingdom.

Normally, instead of sending an archbishop who oversees the bishops of the western region of the empire, it would have been logical to send the supreme archbishop who oversees all archbishops, or a cardinal, but the reason for not doing so was probably for the purpose of demonstrating.

From the empire's point of view, it's like saying that the Alberan Kingdom was no different from a small country on the western frontier or the inauguration of a single feudal lord.

Some of the nobles of the kingdom were dissatisfied with this, but Queen Kreschenta did not care in particular.

The only thing that mattered to Kreschenta was that the meeting took place.

The goal was to buy time to restore the kingdom's finances and reorganize its armed forces.

The conference purpose was to buy time for that, and it was not a big problem what kind of attitude other countries take toward the kingdom.

Once they chose to show up for this unveiling, the Kingdom managed to obtain another six months of time.

It's because a customary thing, while blessing the auspicious event like the inauguration of the new ruler like this, fundamentally such ill-mannered conduct like immediately sending their armies to that country wouldn’t be taken.

This was not explicitly stated in the Holy Spirit Covenant, but is a kind of diplomatic etiquette.

At the very least, with this, it means the Kingdom could rest assured that they won't be attacked until the next autumn――the harvest season.

It was especially important for the Kingdom to have a stable harvest next season from the breadbasket areas in the south and southeast region of the Kingdom.

"Welcome Zanalibea-sama, thank you for coming all the way from afar. I welcome you."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen. First of all, please let me congratulate Your Majesty from the bottom of my heart on this occasion."

"Thank you. I'm happy to hear that."

Shaking golden hair that glitters in red.

Kreschenta smiled with her queen's mask.

It was only natural to greet once before the conference, and such trivial groundwork around will be effective later on.

The meeting conference, any discussion, was all ultimately a mere farce.

90% of things have been decided through prior discussions.

"...that lady over there, perhaps?"

"As you can guess, she’s Krische Alberinea Christand my esteemed older sister (anegimi)."

Krische, who was politely standing behind Kreschenta, wore a white one-piece dress that was a little more elegant than usual, and bowed gracefully according to the etiquette.

She looked at Zanalibea with her purple eyes disinterestedly and then looked at Bery, who was standing next to her.

Bery quietly whispered, and Krische did as instructed and sat down next to Kreschenta, saying, ‘Excuse me’.

When Krische minded her manner, no matter how you look her manner was perfect.

Her tranquil beauty was just like that of a doll princess, and she was the complete opposite of the bright and lovely Kreschenta.

However, her fairy-like appearance and the atmosphere she wears seem to overlap with Kreschenta’s in every way, and if it was said that they are sisters, it would immediately make sense.

Although her rumors of being a matchless warrior and general were at odds with her appearance, Zanalibea, who knew Kreschenta’s intelligence and boldness did not match her appearance, had no desire to underestimate her.

"My, my, it's nice to meet you. My name is Zanalibea, Alberinea. It’s an honor to be able to meet the patriotic warrior who saved the Kingdom."

It was generally preferable to use their honorary peerage as a title of honor for those who do not have the title of Duke or Margrave, but have a unique honorary peerage.

As a courtesy, Zanalibea extended his hand, and Krische complied.

Zanalibea felt the hardness of a sword in her small, slender hand rather than its softness, and understood that this girl was unmistakably a warrior.

He thought that she shouldn't be taken lightly after all, but didn’t show it on his face.

"Yes, Krische is also hono...red?

Krische glanced at Bery pouring the tea beside her, met her eyes and smiled softly at each other.

He guessed it from the fact that she was on the Queen's side before, but she must be a very trusted servant. A servant who could attend to this kind an event calmly must have been born into a good family, or perhaps――

Zanalibea stroked his chin.

There have been many people in history who, while ostensibly serving as servants to the side, have acted as advisors to the government, manipulating and controlling it behind the scenes.

A person who can be trusted so much by the two Cursed Child――he returned his gaze to Kreschenta, thinking that if he had the chance, he might have to look into it.

"Thanks to the Arna Imperial State, we were able to keep other countries in check...it was really helpful. It was thanks to the help of Princess Miko-sama that we were able to grasp peace for a while. Please convey our thanks."

"I understand. Princess Miko-sama will be pleased with Her Majesty's words."

With the decision of this conference, the Imperial Army had already pulled out.

At the same time as the end of the civil war――the role of the Arna Imperial State, which appeared as reinforcements, was extremely large, and that was probably the reason why Gulshan in the south, which was apparently showing some disturbing movements, gave up on the invasion.

She was right when she said that it was only with Arna's help that they were able to hold conferences like this, and their achievements were very significant.

Kreschenta thought that she would have them carry the kingdom for the time being and use them conveniently.

"However, there may be times when I will ask the Arne Imperial State for help again soon. Perhaps next year, this peace will crumble."

"I guess, unfortunately. A five-year armistice was also signed between Elderant and Gulshan."

A truce was recently concluded between the Kingdom of Elderant and the Republic of Gulshan, which were at war.

Gulshan was dominant in the beginning, but gradually showed a stalemate. They probably thought that it would be more disadvantageous for both of them if they continued.

Besides, above all else, the delicious prey, the Alberan Kingdom was lying right next to them.

It is more beneficial for both countries to aim for this than to fight in a stalemate.

"Considering that Elsren came here, it's possible that the three countries will attack at the same time."

"It will probably come to that. If that happens, it will be difficult."

Kreschenta showed agreement with his words.

The conference was, in effect, a truce.

If there was no merit to comply with it, they would not participate in such a ridiculous event as the Queen's unveiling. If you're aiming for the kingdom, there's no better chance than now.

If they were abandoning that choice that and agreed to the conference, the possibility that could be thought of become clearer

"Regardless of whether or not they form an alliance, at least the two countries of Elsren and Gulshan will move, and it seems will be...difficult to defend the whole country."

Simultaneous invasion by coordinating with other countries――it was very clear that it was for that preparation.

The problem in attacking the kingdom was the Arna Imperial State. As long as it is intact, the other countries will always be forced into a two-on-one situation against the Kingdom.

The only way to deal with this is to invade with a large force, as Elsren did the other day, or to invade simultaneously.

For Elsren, the defeat the other day couldn't have been painless, and seeing that they hadn't attacked during the civil war, they shouldn't have been in a state where they could make another solo invasion.

The same went for Gulshan, who had skirmishes with Elderant――In that case, it was more than likely that these two countries would communicate behind the scenes and plan a simultaneous invasion.

"It would be great if we were to hold each other's hands and celebrate peace, but ...... that's not the case, is it?"

Kreschenta said with a troubled expression, and Zanalibea gave a wry smile.

"Things certainly won't go that convenient. War will be inevitable. We are also preparing for the expedition, assuming every possible situation."

"Thank goodness. How about a joint military exercise in the north during the next harvest season?"

"... it's not bad as a restraint."

Zanalibea narrowed his eyes.

The distance between the kingdom and the empire means that in the event of an emergency, they would still be one step behind no matter what.

Under the guise of exercises, it can be considered as an option to keep the army in the kingdom ahead of other countries as a check.

The most important problem for the defense of the kingdom was the loss of the northern Christand army, which was the key to the defense of the kingdom.

The armies of the North are the cornerstones of defense against attacks from the east and west, as well as Elderant and Elsren.

It is only because of such northern movements that the territory of the kingdom has been protected, and in the kingdom, the northern generals are considered more important than the generals of the east and west, just like the generals of the south, who are in charge of the longest front line.

As a result of the loss of soldiers in the civil war, the Imperial State was also concerned about the northern part of the kingdom, which was left blank, and was thinking about some countermeasures――then, Zanalibea suddenly frowned.

Why was the important north region still vacant?

Thinking about it again, he began to understand Queen Kreschenta’s intentions.

"No... was that Your Majesty’s intention from the beginning?"

"... what are you talking about?"

With her red glittering golden hair swaying, Kreschenta deliberately tilted her head.

Even if the ability was insufficient, the Kingdom will have a problem if someone was not appointed as the northern general.

Otherwise, the army would not be able to take action when the time came.

However, to the north of the Kingdom is Arna Imperial State.

If Arna moved to defend the Kingdom, there was no doubt that they would inevitably stay in the north and send reinforcements to the east and west.

This Queen was completely relying on that and was completely neglecting the north.

There may be a reason that there was no suitable person to be appointed as the northern general.

However, her primary goal was to cut military spending――by operating the Arna Imperial State as a temporary "Northern Army", she was trying to save the northern region's enormous military spending.

It was a half-dumbfounded idea for one nation to completely entrust the key to its national defense to another nation.

Even though she didn’t have even a shred of pride, this Queen probably doesn't even feel ashamed of it.

She just goes to great lengths to pursue her own interests――she was that kind of creature.

For Arna national defense, cooperation with the kingdom is essential, and they had no choice but to send out their army to protect the kingdom, no matter what. Even if they felt dissatisfied with this blatant use of convenience, there was nothing they could do about it.

If the Kingdom sinks, the Imperial State will sink with it, and she was taking advantage of it.

Kreschenta looked at Zanalibea, who was thinking what to do, had a sour look on her face, and let out a giggle.

"Fufu, it's just a joke. Of course, the kingdom will not forget this favor. We are willing to make the necessary concessions regarding tariff relief that you have been proposing for some time.."

"...Really, I'd like to ask for your forgiveness for such heart-breaking teasing."

Zanalibea sipped sweet tea and took a sip, thinking that in exchange for the relaxation of tariffs it might not be a bad idea.

The Arna Imperial State is a major producer of magic crystals and other ores, and it also puts a lot of effort into the crafting and processing of these ores. The largest proportion of the country's exports was such processed ore products, but since there were also a good number of mines in the northern part of the kingdom, they competed with each other and there were problems with exporting to the kingdom.

The ones from the Imperial State were of better quality, the craftsmanship was better, and the prices were even cheaper――it could be said that it was inevitable that a high tariff would be imposed from the perspective of protecting the mining and processing industries within the Kingdom.

Although exports were carried out by sea too, the sea route was not as profitable as expected due to the risk of sinking, and the domestic market was already saturated and prices were falling.

In this circumstance, the tariff relaxation from the Kingdom was a very big deal.

Although they had been sounding it out for a long time, the kingdom had shown reluctance about the tariff relaxation.

Looking at the long-term benefits that would come from the temporary burden of the imperial army's expedition, it wasn't a bad deal.

"It's just a bit of mischief."

Kreschenta said, gazing happily at Zanalibea's relief.

If research using magic crystals continues to develop, centered around Krische, including Jarea Gashea, the value of magic crystals would skyrocket, especially within the Kingdom.

Under the pretense of deregulation of tariffs, she was planning to buy a large amount of cheap and high-quality magic crystals from the Imperial State now, though she wouldn’t say it.

"In exchange, I would like to receive military assistance from the Imperial State for the next few years with appropriate reasons such as cultural exchanges. It is a good opportunity for me to enact various policies in the country, but I’m not in a position to do so at present. And there are only a limited number of people in the center who can be trusted at the moment..."

Kreschenta looks up at him with a troubled puppy eyes look in her eyes.

The price for the dispatch of troops was a good pretext for easing tariffs, as if it was too sudden it might raise suspicions.

The Kingdom's profits, including the military expenses that would be saved, would be enormous since the Imperial State would dispatch troops to the kingdom, not only free of charge, but also come with a bonus.

Kreschenta had a big smile on her face.

"Well, it can't be helped. I understand the situation in the kingdom very well."

"It's really helpful to hear that. It's much safer to entrust the north to the Imperial State than to leave it to someone who doesn't know if you can trust. It's not like I'm using it for convenience, okay?"

Zanalibea couldn't say anything and smiled wryly.

In truth, they were being used as a handyman.

But Zanalibea also had some understanding of the situation in the kingdom.

The terrible thing about civil wars was that, more than anything else, they cause discord within the country. It would create further sparks, and if one misjudged the personnel to be placed in the position of northern general, it would become a great fire that would destroy the kingdom in the worst possible way.

It is a reasonable and rational thing to want to move cautiously at this time.

Not realizing that they were being preyed on instead of being used as a convenience, Zanalibea looked at her situation sensibly and was convinced that there was nothing to be done about it.

"We will talk about tariffs later, but for now let’s talk about national defense. Onee-sama"

Kreschenta turned her attention to the cookie cracker――her older sister Krische.

Krische tilted her head as she ate the cookie.

Kreschenta’s cheeks puffed out in exasperation with a ‘Geez’.

"We are talking about the military situation in the north. Zanalibea-sama is also very knowledgeable in that area, so Onee-sama can talk about it with him."

"...Krische thinks Selene would have been better after all."

Krische said a little dissatisfied and turned to Zanalibea.

Selene was better suited for this kind of discussion. Krische’s presence here was half because of Kreschenta's selfishness.

"Umm, is Zanalibea-sama, okay?"

"Yes, Alberinea. Nice to meet you. First of all, I would like to ask you how many troops you have in mind."

A sweet voice that echoes quietly.

Unlike Kreschenta’s somewhat dignified voice, there was no vigor.

What comes out of Krische’s mouth is the voice of a girl, just as she looked.

It's probably a matter of temperament. As sisters, the two looked alike, but they also seemed to be opposites.

From her, it seemed as if she lacked everything needed to run an army, which made Zanalibea a little uneasy,

"Krische hoped for about 1,000 or 2,000 men. However, Krische would like you to select some personnel above the centurion so that one command army can be deployed on two fronts."

The words that follow were even more incomprehensible.

"... 1,000 or 2,000?"

"Yes. As for the soldiers, they are available, and that amount is enough for the personnel from the Imperial State Army. In the north, there is only a lack of commanders, not a lack of soldiers itself."

"I feel there will be many problems with using the kingdom’s soldiers. Besides, that number wouldn't be a restraint on other countries, would it? "

Krische nodded at Zanalibea, who wrinkled his brows more and more wondering what she meant.

Kreschenta, who was listening beside her, was also drinking lukewarm tea and glancing at her older sister.

"That's fine. It's more convenient to be attacked without it being a check. Besides, if the Imperial State dispatches a large army, there is the problem of maintenance costs, so we won’t be able to maintain it for a long time. All the enemy has to do is wait a bit, and if it's Krische, Krische will either attack after the Imperial State withdraws or after the financial burden hits the kingdom."

"...Certainly, that may be so but"

In peacetime, the Kingdom's army is reduced and maintained by a fraction of its size, in some cases it’s even less than a tenth.

Fundamentally, the constant employment in the kingdom is for officers above the rank of centurion, and the amount deposited by the center of the kingdom to each region in the name of military maintenance costs is only enough to feed a captain or above at best.

Of course, the amount would vary greatly depending on the importance of the region and the level of tension, but regardless of the situation, the financial burden of supporting a 20,000-strong army was significant, and the kingdom did not have the strength to maintain a standing army of 20,000 troops for a region.

If the imperial army were to bring a large army here, food and maintenance costs——everything except wages would be borne by the kingdom, but being a soldier of the empire would be a big problem.

Since it is an expedition from the Imperial State, it is impossible to downsize the army there, no matter how heavy the burden may be.

Putting aside if it’s a temporary reinforcements, but if it was a long-term expedition, the financial burden was sure to be too much to ignore, and if the enemy chose to wait, that would be a situation where they cannot send back the army.

If they pulled out their forces, they would be attacked.

However, if left unattended, the finances will collapse.

They need to avoid being forced into such a situation.

Therefore, the number of personnel should be kept to a minimum. We will use the soldiers of the Kingdom for training under the guise of military exchange, and have their generals and officers fill in the gaps during their stay in the Kingdom. We don't think too much about actual warfare; a certain amount is enough. It's a mock army."

"...a mock army"

"Yes. There is no way to invade the north from either the east or the west. Just with the Imperial State dispatching an army to the Kingdom, the enemy's possible actions will be narrowed down."

"I see...if they target the north, the enemy will have to fight the Imperial State itself."

"That’s how it is."

If the enemy were to target the north, even if the Imperial expeditionary force deployed in the northern area were defeated, it would be the main body of the Imperial State that would be waiting behind it.

No one would be foolish enough to aim there.

Therefore, it did not matter if the imperial expeditionary force was vulnerable, that was the implication.

The anxiety and bewilderment he had earlier had disappeared from Zanalibea.

Already more than enough, this girl has future battles in her mind.

"The important thing is that the Imperial State is leading the army. It's enough if that is fulfilled. Besides, if other countries are frightened by the empire's large army, the tension will continue and it will be difficult... if they want to attack, it's easier if they come early."

"Wouldn’t it be more convenient for the kingdom to buy more time?"

"In that case, the Imperial Army's maintenance costs will be heavy, and in the end they will attack in a few years, so the result will not change anyway."

Krische continued, ‘They won't miss a great opportunity to attack the kingdom.’

No matter what, there was no doubt that the enemy would attack before the kingdom was completely stabilized.

It was a decisive decision that there was no point in delaying it a little.

"... Alberinea seems to have a lot of confidence. The current complicated situation of the kingdom being targeted by the three countries... If I were in the kingdom's position, for example, in your position, I would have a stomach ache from anxiety and I wouldn't be able to eat."

And she could be said to be a very confident type.

The situation was dangerous, even if it is understated, the three surrounding countries could attack.

Even in the Imperial State, tensions were rising about the future of the Kingdom.

Even so, the silver-haired girl tilted her head curiously, picked up a cookie, and swallowed it..

"Nmu, if all three countries are going to attack, all we have to do is crush them one by one. Then there will be peace... nothing complicated, right?"

"Rather, I think it's a very simple thing though", she replied with the face of an adorable little girl..

She never hypothesized that she would lose.

She had no doubts that she would win.

――If she didn't feel that it was natural from the bottom of her heart, she wouldn't say such words.

"...I see. I can understand why Her Majesty the Queen trusts Alberinea."

Precisely because it was such a perfectly natural word, she seemed completely insane.

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