A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 141: Meow Meow

Chapter 141: Meow Meow

***Arc 6 One Who Pierced Through, Chapter 141 Meow Meow***

There was no particular substance to the unveiling ceremony.

Congratulatory messages from various countries were read aloud for Queen Alberan's coronation, and appropriate gifts were received.

Flowery phrases――There was nothing more than a trivial exchange of rhetoric, and superficiality.

What was important was the conference that followed.

In the meeting room of the royal castle, Queen Kreschenta, High Priestess Zanalibea, Gulshan’s Vice-Chairman Orugan, Chancellor Krolus of the Kingdom of Elderant, and Archbishop of the western Empire, Elbebert were gathered around a rectangular desk.

From other countries, they were the country's number two or number three.

They were the ones who had the authority to decide the future of the country by their own will.

Elbebert, who had no authority and was several ranks lower than the others, wiped away cold sweat as his face turned blue.

It was as if he had been drawn the short end of stick line for the the upper echelons of the country’s face.

This was a place for discussions between countries.

Originally, a small item like Elbebert――not a high priest who governs the parish of the western region, but a chief high priest or a cardinal should have been the one sitting here.

Obviously, he would not have the right status to be present at such a place.

Elbebert as if he didn't feel comfortable and hoping for it to be over soon, behaved a little suspiciously and looked next to him.

A small country in the southwestern part of the Kingdom――Klauze, the Royal Prince of Kusulan Kingdom, which is far inferior to these four countries, was sitting there.

However, should it be said as expected of Royalty, he looked dignified even in this situation.

There were no Elbebert companions here.

"However, Your Majesty. You say peace and peace, but if you say that, first of all, shouldn't you settle the barbaric acts of the Kingdom so far?"

It was Gulshan’s Vice-Chairman, Orugan who opened his mouth.

Kreschenta looked at him.

A vulgar face full of beards that resembles the mighty general of the South, Dougleen Garhka.

He seemed more like a bandit than anything else.

However, even though he looked like this, he was originally a member of the royal family, so it was surprising.

Gulshan became a republic only about 20 years ago.

Until then, it was a monarchy like Alberan, but for some reason, this man, despite being a member of the royal family, started a rebellion to correct the corruption of the royal family.

As a result, the royal family was overthrown and a republic was established. Even after the republic was established, he took the position of vice-chairman, saying, ‘Me Sitting in the chair is no different from me just usurping the throne.’ ――He's a weird person who Kreschenta didn’t really understand what he wanted.

At any rate, for the time being Kreschenta disliked him because of his loud voice.

“Twenty years ago during the civil war――the northern territory that the kingdom plundered. The grief of the dispossessed people has not yet disappeared. What are your thoughts on that? "

Kreschenta tilted her head as if troubled.

"That war was a request from the Gulshan royal family at the time. It was certainly not an invasion... Besides, the talk about that should have ended fifteen years ago with your country's acknowledgement."

" acknowledgement. I see. Are you saying that was a legitimate discussion? A meeting that threatened military power against our weakened country?"

Orugan asked, as if challenging her.

This was before Kreschenta was born. How could she possibly know the details?

"Of course, it's about the generation before her. It's not like I have anything to say about it to the current Queen. However, as the heir to the Kingdom of Alberan, I think that before talking about peace, you should first settle the accounts that Alberan has done so far....that is if Her Majesty the Queen truly desires peace."

――Otherwise, even the people who were driven from their homes would not be able to be satisfied with it.

Orugan's words were a clear threat.

Kreschenta parried it with a smile.

“I see. So, if I pay you, it will be fine?”

Kreschenta continues, before the frowning Orugan could speak.

"No, right. The hatred and resentment that arises in battle is like that, they don't just disappear the next day that easily."

Once you show your weakness, it's over.

In diplomacy, you will only be preyed upon.

It was necessary to always take advantage of the atmosphere and words of the place.

“Gulshan and Alberan have fought many wars over the years...all the resentments that arise from such killings cannot be resolved with a temporary amount of money, can they?"

Kreschenta continued.

"If you go back a few decades further, that land belongs to the Kingdom of Alberan. The people who were forced to flee their homeland, as you say, were destroyed and ruled by Gulshan in the time of your grandfather. We are repeating such things. Don't you think it's unproductive?”

"Are you bring up things a thousand years ago next?"

"Fufu, that's not it."

Kreschenta smiled happily.

"Orugan-sama's feelings for the people are wonderful. But I think it will take a long time to resolve it.”

Orugan crossed his arms and looked into Kreschenta’s eyes, wondering what she wanted to say.

“...If there are people who want to return to their homeland, and if that person is truly from the land, the Kingdom will do its utmost to accommodate them. The southern part of the country is a rich land, and there are many projects to be undertaken, places to live and jobs to be found. We may not be able to recover what we have lost, but we can make a new home for ourselves.”

Kreschenta looked back into his eyes and smiled more and more.

Somehow, she had an arrogant smile on her face.

"The only things that will be needed after this are the cooperation of the two countries, and the time it takes for the hatred to fade away and get used to a new life.... What do you think? If we put the people first, then this should not be a bad proposal for both countries. Of course, that is only with the proviso Orugan-sama genuinely wishes for peace."

The young Queen gleefully answered Orugan's words.

She then sipped the sweet tea brewed by the red-headed servant――Bery behind her.

The young Queen's words were half provocative, and the nobles present were startled, but what resounded was laughter that shook the room.

"Hahaha, my my, forgive me that was a rude question. Even though the Queen is young she isn’t disturbed and has dignity. Your Majesty seems to be a very intelligent person. I beg your pardon.."

“Don't mind it. I'm glad to hear you say so, Orugan-sama.”

Shaking her red glittering gold hair.

The queen, like a fairy, had a soft smile on her beautiful face.

Inwardly, she resisted the urge to cover her ears from the loud voice.

The question was probably intended to gauge Kreschenta.

If Kreschenta was merely an idealist――afraid of war and willing to do as she was told and give money, he was willing to squeeze her before the war.

It would be far more profitable than a costly war.

After reducing the power of the country, they could then invade and take the land.

“Against that black lion——I was surprised when I heard that Your Majesty had defeated the Alberan’s Grand Duke and assumed the throne, but I can understand. It looks like the future of the kingdom will be bright.”

As proof of that, Orugan ignored Kreschenta’s proposal by layering up flowery rhetoric.

He had no intention of doing anything other than making an arrangement that puts Gulshan in advantage——and attacking Alberan was probably already half fact.

Kreschenta was not particularly concerned, and went along with it.

"Thank you. If peace can be brought to the Kingdom in the future, I would like to make it reality.”

"I can’t let those word slide."

Krolus, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Elderant, intervened from the side.

The old man played with his long beard and glared at Kreschenta.

"It's as if anything that what disturbs the peace is from outside. Looking at history, it's clear which country will spread disaster to neighboring countries in any era."

"You mean Alberan?"

“Yes. The word peace that Alberan speaks of is nothing but a preparatory period for its next invasion. Just how many times have we been burned by their words?”

Kreschenta smiled, even as she thought what he said was absolutely correct.

Although the Kingdom of Elderant called itself a kingdom, unlike the absolute monarchy of Alberan, it was more like a barbarian clan alliance.

Rather than a feudal state, it was more of a confederation, with the powerful tribal chiefs serving as allies and calling themselves the kings of Elderant.

Once a king was decided, the chiefs of the tribes will be loyal to the king, but the relationship between the tribes is naturally not good, and civil wars were common.

Furthermore, every time a king died, powerful tribes would fight over the next king and reducing each other's power——and evetime Alberan would always have on reason or another to seize their territory.

"You may be reciprocating my words, but in the western part of the kingdom, not a day goes by without hearing provocative border crossings and looting by the Elderant army. If we heard such a report, we also have to deal with it——first of all, I would like to ask for your cooperation so as not to create a spark of war between our country."

“You are simply blaming our country for the raids of bandits.”

Of course, there is no way they would admit such a fact.

Elderant has a territory that is the same as the kingdom and extends to the mountains in the west, but it was probably due to such internal disputes that it fell one step behind the neighboring countries.

Technically and culturally, they are civilized in their own way, but in her head they were uncivilized race. Barbarians.

They were a group of bandits in the shape of a country, and a very annoying presence.

However, the rich plains bordering the west have been taken by the kingdom, and all that remains were forests.

Since most of Elderant was forest, it was difficult to attack and destroy them, and the return for it was small too.

That's why the country still exists, and Kreschenta resented the previous kings, thinking that it would have been better if they had destroyed it before it became her generation.

The current King was from the eastern part of the Elderant and was naturally not favorable to Alberan.

Looking at this prime minister's bullish appearance, it's certain that they would attack.

In the end, both the south and the west were the same, there was no reason not to attack the Kingdom.

Elsren in the east had also sent a completely meaningless messenger, and it seems that there were no other incompetent people in the region.

Thinking that it would be difficult to recover from this, Kreschenta quickly gave up trying to avoid war, and hoped that this meeting would end soon.

"That queen is quite a masterpiece."

"did you like it?"

"Oh, I like it. I'll prepare for the army when I get back."

“Are you going to attack because you like it… but still, starting the preparation from now?”

A white corridor made of transmuted rock――the tall and slender Military Chief Zalvag made an exasperated face at the words of Vice-Chairman Orugan in the middle of the passage.

A featureless face with nothing particularly worthy of note——Although he was in the position of Chief of Staff, Gulshan, the head of the military officer, Zalvag's face was lackluster.

Originally, he was not a noble, but a commoner and a shoemaker. He joined the rebel side during the civil war 20 years ago and rose through the ranks on the battlefield and become Orugan’s assistant, and he was Orugan’s most trusted military man.

He was also accompanying us on this visit as the Chief of the bodyguard.

Although Orugan himself has no interest in power, Gulshan's government was based on his popularity.

Putting aside his position as vice chairman, he was the de facto head of Gulshan, an existence that must never be lost.

It was only natural that Chief Military Officer Zalvag would guard him with rigor.

“If you're going to attack, that Garhka is the opponent. It would be good to prepare in term of several years.”

Dougleen Garhka

He was a fierce general who had defeated Gulshan many times.

That man was the only one who can fight against wild animals such as elephants that much.

Despite his impregnable formation, he did not lose his flexibility, For Gulshan, the first thing that comes to mind when speaking of the Kingdom's army was that man.

The reason why Orugan, end the battle in northwestern Elderant early after hearing of the recent civil war, was unable to move despite actively looking for an opportunity was because Garhka was watching the south without letting his guard down.

He was a dangerous opponent to challenge with Elderant's forces split.

The reason why he took up Kreschenta’s invitation this time was partly because he wanted to see Kreschenta once, but above all, it was to prepare the position of Gulshan.

A country will not fully recover from the civil war in a few months or a year.

Unlike mere warfare, all the wear and tear on both sides caused by a civil war puts a burden on the finances of the country.

It was only natural that Gulshan, which originally had more strength, would have the upper hand, even if it was only for a few months.

Before he left Gulshan, he was approached by the Empire.

Perhaps, unlike last time, this time it would be a joint operation.

The same request had been made at the time of the previous empire invasion, but he had turned it down at the time because he felt uncomfortable as it seemed like an attempt to aim for when Gharka was absent.

Orugan knew nothing more exciting than a battle of life, death, and pride.

He didn't want to resort to despicable mean as to strike Garka, whom he had chosen as a whorty opponent, from the back.

"...... hmm?"

Orugan turned his attention to the courtyard.

There was a large man and a beautiful silver-haired girl in a light blue dress.

"Hmm, this is..."

“Hahaha, isn't it beautifully crafted? This was made by the same craftsman who made Bogan’s, after being yelled at by the Corps Commander Melchikos a long time ago to at least pay attention to the armor......”

Kolkis was wearing his armor at the ceremony and happened to run into Krische, who was waiting for Bery who was attached to Kreschenta

They talked a little while they waited.

Krische showed an interest in the heroic helmet, which was modeled after a tiger.

Kolkis took off the helmet and showed it to her, explaining its history.

"As you can see, it’s a tig—"

"Meow Meow"

Krische looked up with a twinkle in her eye.

“Ehehe, it's a cat, isn't it? Bery likes it. Meow meow meow right. Does Kolkis like it too?"

"... Huh? Ah, no, it's not a cat..."

"......It would certainly be nice to call Kolkis instead of Corps Commander Agrand,...... but, as a matter of fact, among the soldiers of the army, nicknames that convey a sense of familiarity is popular right now.”

“N-nickname is it?”

"Yes, look, like a skeleton. Hehe, Krische nicknamed Skeleton. His face look like a skeleton right."


The only person who called Eluga by that horrible and unmentionable nickname was Krische, and the nickname is only popular within Krische, not the military.

Kolkis took an extremely mature approach.

“Krische wanted to give Kolkis, who was going to work under Krische, a nickname instead of calling by first name. Krische couldn't quite think of it, but now it suddenly come to Krische. From now on, Krische will call Kolkis Meow Meow."


“Corps Commander Varkas is a Woof Woof, the atmosphere is a bit similar right. It's very nice to call both Woof Woof and Meow Meow together, besides it’s easy to say.”

*hop hop* While making a small jump. Krische was in a very good mood.

Krische’s overflowing smile, which had never been seen since their first encounter——had the power to make Kolki, who was known for his bravery, flinch.

"Here, Krische'll return Meow Meow’s helmet."

Krische stretched out, took a small leap, and placed the "heroic helmet in the shape of a tiger" on Colchis's head, and Krische nodded repeatedly, as if satisfied.

Kolkis glanced at the pond on his side, and saw the reflection of the giant man in armor.

The body of a warrior, covered in muscle and steel armor.

That's Meow Meow.

It was insanity.

‘――I see, so this is how Assistant Marshal Faren and Granmeld were done in by this.’

‘I won't make the same mistake.’

Kolkis uttered as if he was in a hurry.

"N-no, please wait Krische-sana, th-that nickname is as expected..."

"...Huh, is someone coming? Is it an acquaintance of Meow Meow?"

But Krische’s interest was already elsewhere.

The sound of a sweet voice calling out him, Meow Meow——that naturalness seemed to Kolkis as if to indicate that it was irreversible.

"Nn... the person who came to the conference just now, right? Gulshan's Vice-Chairman Orugan?"

As expected, his physique was inferior to that of Kolkis, but it could be said that he is still a sufficiently large man.

A middle-aged man with a beard walked in a dress that looks like as if his muscles were going to burst.

"Oh, this is a face I've seen before. Christand’s..."

“It’s Corps Commander Agrand, Vice-Chairman.”

Kolkis immediately straightened and clicked his heels.

He folded his hands behind his waist to indicate that he meant no harm when addressing foreign dignitaries.

"That's right, Christand’s corps commander. It's been a long time ago, so my memory is vague. But then, people like you are not so easily forgotten at a glance."

While watching Kolkis, Krische slightly lifted her skirt and bowed.

She looked like a princess and had a graceful appearance.

You wouldn’t think that it's the devil who had just tried to force her subordinate to be called Meow Meow until just now.

“...If I’m not wrong, you were the on next to Her Majesty the Queen"

"It's Krische Alberinea Christand-sama."

Kolkis answered without hesitation.

Krische did not mind, but it is a rule that royalty do not name themselves.

In this way, it was natural for someone by her side to introduce her, and for the time being Kolkis was treating Krische as a member of the royal family.

He was also a little uneasy about letting the VIPs of other countries speak to Krische.

"... Alberinea"

Who was the woman standing next to Queen Crescenta——there was no introduction, and everyone was wondering about it.

The Queen had an older sister, and rumor had it that she was the hero who had defeated the generals who had sided with Gildanstein in the civil war, and had cut him down.

Everyone thinks that ‘could it be?’, but no one could openly ask anyone about it.

It was the height of rudeness and impoliteness in any country to ask for the names of royalty.

Basically, they had no choice but to find out the name beforehand or wait for the other side to introduce it to them, as they are doing now.

It was usual for the other party to took care to avoid embarrassing the guest.

Rinea was an honorary title that indicates a knight of the kingdom, and Alberinea, an unfamiliar title that was probably taken from the name of the kingdom.

This was exactly what this girl was.

She had a doll-like expressionless face, and only the purple eyes that were observing him were shining inorganically.

No affection, no cheerful smile.

She looked like Crescenta but was nothing like her, with a somewhat chilling beauty――the magical power she wore could be described as serene.

An extension of the body――imaginary muscles with magical power.

He frowned when he noticed that it was already deployed.

He wondered if she was wary of him, and intuitively sensed that was not it.

There was no tension in her stance, no muscle tension or strain.

She must have always been that way on a daily basis.

It was a frightening concentration and stability.

It is very difficult to handle magic on a daily basis.

A force that was too strong compared to that of the body――Putting aside if it was on the battlefield, it was difficult to make even the slightest adjustments.

Orugan was half skeptical when he heard rumors of another Alberan princess.

The sword princess who had defeated the ever-victorious and undefeated Aurugorn Hilkintos and the black lion Gildanstein Alberan all while losing Bogan Christand, the kingdom's hero whose name had made its mark even in Gulshan.

When he looked, it was a girl who was less than fifteen.

A battlefield is not sweet enough for such a girl to dance on it.

Because he knew the battlefield better than anyone else, Orugan doubted it.

He thought that she was most likely trying to take the credit for the victory.

However, when he saw the girl in front of him, he felt that it was not impossible.

The girl's appearance was so strange that it gave Orugan an indescribable sense of uneasiness.

She was different from any warrior he had ever seen.

Nor was she oppressive like Kolkis.

A tingling sensation down his spine――It was the same feeling that he had felt as a child when he was up close and personal with a captured magical beast.

The fear that came from instinct.

“... I see, Alberinea――if one look closely, one'll understand. It seems like the rumors are true."

Orugan held out his right hand.

Krische looked at it curiously and held out her hand a little reluctantly.

Like his face, the back of his hand was hairy. It looked filthy.

“As a fellow warrior, I am honored to be able to meet you like this. We may meet again someday in the not too distant future."

“Haa……thank you very much.”

With her right hand being help, Krische bowed lightly while thinking about how to kill him if he attacked.

Fundamentally, she didn’t like handshakes that take away the freedom of one hand, and his hands were also hairy and slightly sweaty. It was filthier than normal.

Already inside Krische, Orugan’s evaluation was leaning towards dislike.

As soon as he let go of her hand, Krische immediately pick up a handkerchief and gently wiped her hand.

Orugan didn't care, but the faces of Colchis and Military Chief Zalvag were perturbed.

It was so rude and extremely disrespectful.

In some cases, it was a rudeness that could develop into an international problem.

Nonetheless, Krische was a self-proclaimed good-natured girl――in her mind, it was a logical etiquette to wash your hands after touching something dirty, and it was rather a clean and sensible manner..

Rudeness that was not in her knowledge did not count for her.

Without questioning anything, she carefully cleanses every corner of her right hand that she shook hands with.

Kolkis and Zalvag looked at her dumbfounded.

"Gulshan has a variety of beasts that cannot be seen in the kingdom. In that case, by all means, I would like to show it to Alberinea.”

"Um... Thank you...?"

It was a declaration of war of some sort, but Krische tilted her head, simply wondering if it was that kind of greeting.

He said he'll show her all sorts of beasts, so she should say thank you for now.

That was the extent of his understanding.

He did not understand that he was saying, 'See you on the battlefield’ in a roundabout way.

"Well then, see you later. Let's go Zalvag."

However, unaware that Krische did not understand his meaning at all, Orugan walked briskly, flipping his cloak as if to say that he had already declared war.

Zalvag soon followed.

"Look, Salvag. That's a monster to be reckoned with."

"... That's certainly amazing. Something like shaking hands and suddenly wiping it with a handkerchief."


“No, it’s nothing. … Did you like that one too?”

"I like it. Kuku, isn't the kingdom interesting? ……This sure is getting exciting.”

Laughing like a beast, Orugan smiled like a beast.

"What's wrong? Meow Meow"

"No, no, it's the same as the name... but that's bad. Wiping your hands suddenly after shaking hands."

"...? Krische, want to keep Krische’s hands clean."

"N-no, it’s not like that..."

It took him half a koku to convince Krische that it was rude to wipe your hands after shaking hands.

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